Exemple #1
        public static void ClosestPointOnPolygon(RenderVertex3D[] rgv, Vertex2D pvin, bool fClosed, out Vertex2D pvOut, out int piSeg)
            var count   = rgv.Length;
            var minDist = Constants.FloatMax;

            piSeg = -1;             // in case we are not next to the line
            pvOut = new Vertex2D();
            var loopCount = count;

            if (!fClosed)
                --loopCount;                 // Don"t check segment running from the end point to the beginning point

            // Go through line segment, calculate distance from point to the line
            // then pick the shortest distance
            for (var i = 0; i < loopCount; ++i)
                var p2 = i < count - 1 ? i + 1 : 0;

                var rgvi = new RenderVertex3D();
                rgvi.Set(rgv[i].X, rgv[i].Y, rgv[i].Z);
                var rgvp2 = new RenderVertex3D();
                rgvp2.Set(rgv[p2].X, rgv[p2].Y, rgv[p2].Z);
                var a = rgvi.Y - rgvp2.Y;
                var b = rgvp2.X - rgvi.X;
                var c = -(a * rgvi.X + b * rgvi.Y);

                var dist = MathF.Abs(a * pvin.X + b * pvin.Y + c) / MathF.Sqrt(a * a + b * b);

                if (dist < minDist)
                    // Assuming we got a segment that we are closet to, calculate the intersection
                    // of the line with the perpendicular line projected from the point,
                    // to find the closest point on the line
                    var d = -b;
                    var f = -(d * pvin.X + a * pvin.Y);

                    var det        = a * a - b * d;
                    var invDet     = det != 0.0f ? 1.0f / det : 0.0f;
                    var intersectX = (b * f - a * c) * invDet;
                    var intersectY = (c * d - a * f) * invDet;

                    // If the intersect point lies on the polygon segment
                    // (not out in space), then make this the closest known point
                    if (intersectX >= MathF.Min(rgvi.X, rgvp2.X) - 0.1 &&
                        intersectX <= MathF.Max(rgvi.X, rgvp2.X) + 0.1 &&
                        intersectY >= MathF.Min(rgvi.Y, rgvp2.Y) - 0.1 &&
                        intersectY <= MathF.Max(rgvi.Y, rgvp2.Y) + 0.1)
                        minDist = dist;
                        var seg = i;

                        pvOut.X = intersectX;
                        pvOut.Y = intersectY;
                        piSeg   = seg;
Exemple #2
        public static void ComputeNormals(Vertex3DNoTex2[] vertices, int numVertices, int[] indices, int numIndices)
            for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                vertices[i].Nx = vertices[i].Ny = vertices[i].Nz = 0.0f;

            for (var i = 0; i < numIndices; i += 3)
                var a = vertices[indices[i]];
                var b = vertices[indices[i + 1]];
                var c = vertices[indices[i + 2]];

                var e0     = new Vertex3D(b.X - a.X, b.Y - a.Y, b.Z - a.Z);
                var e1     = new Vertex3D(c.X - a.X, c.Y - a.Y, c.Z - a.Z);
                var normal = Vertex3D.CrossProduct(e0, e1);

                a.Nx += normal.X; a.Ny += normal.Y; a.Nz += normal.Z;
                b.Nx += normal.X; b.Ny += normal.Y; b.Nz += normal.Z;
                c.Nx += normal.X; c.Ny += normal.Y; c.Nz += normal.Z;

                vertices[indices[i]]     = a;
                vertices[indices[i + 1]] = b;
                vertices[indices[i + 2]] = c;

            for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                var v    = vertices[i];
                var l    = v.Nx * v.Nx + v.Ny * v.Ny + v.Nz * v.Nz;
                var invL = l >= Constants.FloatMin ? 1.0f / MathF.Sqrt(l) : 0.0f;
                v.Nx *= invL;
                v.Ny *= invL;
                v.Nz *= invL;

                vertices[i] = v;
        public static float[] GetTextureCoords(DragPointData[] dragPoints, IRenderVertex[] vv)
            var texPoints    = new List <int>();
            var renderPoints = new List <int>();
            var noCoords     = false;

            var numPoints    = vv.Length;
            var controlPoint = 0;

            var coords = new float[numPoints];

            for (var i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
                var prv = vv[i];
                if (prv.IsControlPoint)
                    if (!dragPoints[controlPoint].HasAutoTexture)


            if (texPoints.Count == 0)
                // Special case - no texture coordinates were specified
                // Make them up starting at point 0

                noCoords = true;

            // Wrap the array around so we cover the last section
            texPoints.Add(texPoints[0] + dragPoints.Length);
            renderPoints.Add(renderPoints[0] + numPoints);

            for (var i = 0; i < texPoints.Count - 1; ++i)
                var startRenderPoint = renderPoints[i] % numPoints;
                var endRenderPoint   = renderPoints[i < numPoints - 1 ? i + 1 : 0] % numPoints;

                float startTexCoord;
                float endTexCoord;
                if (noCoords)
                    startTexCoord = 0.0f;
                    endTexCoord   = 1.0f;
                    startTexCoord = dragPoints[texPoints[i] % dragPoints.Length].TextureCoord;
                    endTexCoord   = dragPoints[texPoints[i + 1] % dragPoints.Length].TextureCoord;

                var deltacoord = endTexCoord - startTexCoord;

                if (endRenderPoint <= startRenderPoint)
                    endRenderPoint += numPoints;

                var totalLength = 0.0f;
                for (var l = startRenderPoint; l < endRenderPoint; ++l)
                    var pv1 = vv[l % numPoints];
                    var pv2 = vv[(l + 1) % numPoints];

                    var dx     = pv1.GetX() - pv2.GetX();
                    var dy     = pv1.GetY() - pv2.GetY();
                    var length = MathF.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

                    totalLength += length;

                var partialLength = 0.0f;
                for (var l = startRenderPoint; l < endRenderPoint; ++l)
                    var pv1 = vv[l % numPoints];
                    var pv2 = vv[(l + 1) % numPoints];

                    var dx     = pv1.GetX() - pv2.GetX();
                    var dy     = pv1.GetY() - pv2.GetY();
                    var length = MathF.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                    if (totalLength == 0.0)
                        totalLength = 1.0f;

                    var texCoord = partialLength / totalLength;

                    coords[l % numPoints] = texCoord * deltacoord + startTexCoord;
                    partialLength        += length;

Exemple #4
 public float Length()
     return(MathF.Sqrt(X * X + Y * Y));
 public new float Length()
     return(MathF.Sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z));
 public float Magnitude() => MathF.Sqrt(this.Dot(this));
Exemple #7
        public RampVertex GetRampVertex(float tableHeight, float accuracy, bool incWidth)
            var result = new RampVertex();

            // vvertex are the 2D vertices forming the central curve of the ramp as seen from above
            var vertex = GetCentralCurve(accuracy);

            var numVertices = vertex.Length;

            result.VertexCount  = numVertices;
            result.PointHeights = new float[numVertices];
            result.Cross        = new bool[numVertices];
            result.PointRatios  = new float[numVertices];
            result.MiddlePoints = new Vertex2D[numVertices];
            result.RgvLocal     = new Vertex2D[_data.Type != RampType.RampTypeFlat ? (numVertices + 1) * 2 : numVertices * 2];

            // Compute an approximation to the length of the central curve
            // by adding up the lengths of the line segments.
            var totalLength  = 0f;
            var bottomHeight = _data.HeightBottom + tableHeight;
            var topHeight    = _data.HeightTop + tableHeight;

            for (var i = 0; i < numVertices - 1; i++)
                var v1 = vertex[i];
                var v2 = vertex[i + 1];

                var dx     = v1.X - v2.X;
                var dy     = v1.Y - v2.Y;
                var length = MathF.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

                totalLength += length;

            var currentLength = 0f;

            for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                // clamp next and prev as ramps do not loop
                var prev   = vertex[i > 0 ? i - 1 : i];
                var next   = vertex[i < numVertices - 1 ? i + 1 : i];
                var middle = vertex[i];

                result.Cross[i] = middle.IsControlPoint;

                var normal = new Vertex2D();
                // Get normal at this point
                // Notice that these values equal the ones in the line
                // equation and could probably be substituted by them.
                var v1Normal = new Vertex2D(prev.Y - middle.Y, middle.X - prev.X);                 // vector vmiddle-vprev rotated RIGHT
                var v2Normal = new Vertex2D(middle.Y - next.Y, next.X - middle.X);                 // vector vnext-vmiddle rotated RIGHT

                // special handling for beginning and end of the ramp, as ramps do not loop
                if (i == numVertices - 1)
                    normal = v1Normal;
                else if (i == 0)
                    normal = v2Normal;

                    if (MathF.Abs(v1Normal.X - v2Normal.X) < 0.0001 && MathF.Abs(v1Normal.Y - v2Normal.Y) < 0.0001)
                        // Two parallel segments
                        normal = v1Normal;
                        // Find intersection of the two edges meeting this points, but
                        // shift those lines outwards along their normals

                        // First line
                        var a = prev.Y - middle.Y;
                        var b = middle.X - prev.X;

                        // Shift line along the normal
                        var c = -(a * (prev.X - v1Normal.X) + b * (prev.Y - v1Normal.Y));

                        // Second line
                        var d = next.Y - middle.Y;
                        var e = middle.X - next.X;

                        // Shift line along the normal
                        var f = -(d * (next.X - v2Normal.X) + e * (next.Y - v2Normal.Y));

                        var det    = a * e - b * d;
                        var invDet = det != 0.0 ? 1.0f / det : 0.0f;

                        var intersectX = (b * f - e * c) * invDet;
                        var intersectY = (c * d - a * f) * invDet;

                        normal.X = middle.X - intersectX;
                        normal.Y = middle.Y - intersectY;

                // Update current length along the ramp.
                var dx     = prev.X - middle.X;
                var dy     = prev.Y - middle.Y;
                var length = MathF.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

                currentLength += length;

                var percentage   = currentLength / totalLength;
                var currentWidth = percentage * (_data.WidthTop - _data.WidthBottom) + _data.WidthBottom;
                result.PointHeights[i] = middle.Z + percentage * (topHeight - bottomHeight) + bottomHeight;

                AssignHeightToControlPoint(new Vertex2D(vertex[i].X, vertex[i].Y), middle.Z + percentage * (topHeight - bottomHeight) + bottomHeight);
                result.PointRatios[i] = 1.0f - percentage;

                // only change the width if we want to create vertices for rendering or for the editor
                // the collision engine uses flat type ramps
                if (IsHabitrail() && _data.Type != RampType.RampType1Wire)
                    currentWidth = _data.WireDistanceX;
                    if (incWidth)
                        currentWidth += 20.0f;
                else if (_data.Type == RampType.RampType1Wire)
                    currentWidth = _data.WireDiameter;

                result.MiddlePoints[i] = new Vertex2D(middle.X, middle.Y) + normal;
                result.RgvLocal[i]     = new Vertex2D(middle.X, middle.Y) + currentWidth * 0.5f * normal;
                result.RgvLocal[numVertices * 2 - i - 1] = new Vertex2D(middle.X, middle.Y) - currentWidth * 0.5f * normal;

Exemple #8
        private Vertex3DNoTex2[] CreateWire(int numRings, int numSegments, IReadOnlyList <Vertex2D> midPoints, IReadOnlyList <float> initialHeights)
            var vertices = new Vertex3DNoTex2[numRings * numSegments];
            var prev     = new Vertex3D();
            var index    = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < numRings; i++)
                var i2     = i == numRings - 1 ? i : i + 1;
                var height = initialHeights[i];

                var tangent = new Vertex3D(
                    midPoints[i2].X - midPoints[i].X,
                    midPoints[i2].Y - midPoints[i].Y,
                    initialHeights[i2] - initialHeights[i]
                if (i == numRings - 1)
                    // for the last spline point use the previous tangent again, otherwise we won't see the complete wire (it stops one control point too early)
                    tangent.X = midPoints[i].X - midPoints[i - 1].X;
                    tangent.Y = midPoints[i].Y - midPoints[i - 1].Y;

                Vertex3D biNormal;
                Vertex3D normal;
                if (i == 0)
                    var up = new Vertex3D(
                        midPoints[i2].X + midPoints[i].X,
                        midPoints[i2].Y + midPoints[i].Y,
                        initialHeights[i2] - height
                    normal   = Vertex3D.CrossProduct(tangent, up);                       //normal
                    biNormal = Vertex3D.CrossProduct(tangent, normal);
                    normal   = Vertex3D.CrossProduct(prev, tangent);
                    biNormal = Vertex3D.CrossProduct(tangent, normal);

                prev = biNormal;

                var invNumRings    = 1.0f / numRings;
                var invNumSegments = 1.0f / numSegments;
                var u = i * invNumRings;
                for (var j = 0; j < numSegments; j++, index++)
                    var v   = (j + u) * invNumSegments;
                    var tmp = Vertex3D.GetRotatedAxis(j * (360.0f * invNumSegments), tangent, normal) * (_data.WireDiameter * 0.5f);

                    vertices[index] = new Vertex3DNoTex2 {
                        X  = midPoints[i].X + tmp.X,
                        Y  = midPoints[i].Y + tmp.Y,
                        Z  = height + tmp.Z,
                        Tu = u,
                        Tv = v

                    // normals
                    var n = new Vertex3D(
                        vertices[index].X - midPoints[i].X,
                        vertices[index].Y - midPoints[i].Y,
                        vertices[index].Z - height
                    var len = 1.0f / MathF.Sqrt(n.X * n.X + n.Y * n.Y + n.Z * n.Z);
                    vertices[index].Nx = n.X * len;
                    vertices[index].Ny = n.Y * len;
                    vertices[index].Nz = n.Z * len;

        private Mesh GenerateTopMesh(float tableWidth, float tableHeight, float zHeight)
            var topMesh = new Mesh("Top");
            var vVertex = DragPoint.GetRgVertex <RenderVertex2D, CatmullCurve2DCatmullCurveFactory>(_data.DragPoints);

            var numVertices = vVertex.Length;
            var rgNormal    = new Vertex2D[numVertices];

            for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                var pv1 = vVertex[i];
                var pv2 = vVertex[i < numVertices - 1 ? i + 1 : 0];
                var dx  = pv1.X - pv2.X;
                var dy  = pv1.Y - pv2.Y;

                if (dx != 0.0f || dy != 0.0f)
                    var invLen = 1.0f / MathF.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                    rgNormal[i] = new Vertex2D {
                        X = dy * invLen, Y = dx * invLen
                    rgNormal[i] = new Vertex2D {
                        X = 0.0f, Y = 0.0f

            // draw top
            var vPoly = new List <int>(new int[numVertices]);

            for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                vPoly[i] = i;

            topMesh.Indices = Mesh.PolygonToTriangles(vVertex, vPoly);
            var numPolys = topMesh.Indices.Length / 3;

            if (numPolys == 0)
                // no polys to render leave vertex buffer undefined

            var heightNotDropped = _data.HeightTop;
            var heightDropped    = _data.HeightBottom + 0.1;

            var invTableWidth  = 1.0f / tableWidth;
            var invTableHeight = 1.0f / tableHeight;

            Vertex3DNoTex2[][] vertsTop = { new Vertex3DNoTex2[numVertices], new Vertex3DNoTex2[numVertices], new Vertex3DNoTex2[numVertices] };
            for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                var pv0 = vVertex[i];

                vertsTop[0][i] = new Vertex3DNoTex2 {
                    X  = pv0.X,
                    Y  = pv0.Y,
                    Z  = heightNotDropped + zHeight,
                    Tu = pv0.X * invTableWidth,
                    Tv = pv0.Y * invTableHeight,
                    Nx = 0,
                    Ny = 0,
                    Nz = 1.0f

                vertsTop[1][i] = new Vertex3DNoTex2 {
                    X  = pv0.X,
                    Y  = pv0.Y,
                    Z  = (float)heightDropped,
                    Tu = pv0.X * invTableWidth,
                    Tv = pv0.Y * invTableHeight,
                    Nx = 0,
                    Ny = 0,
                    Nz = 1.0f

                vertsTop[2][i] = new Vertex3DNoTex2 {
                    X  = pv0.X,
                    Y  = pv0.Y,
                    Z  = _data.HeightBottom,
                    Tu = pv0.X * invTableWidth,
                    Tv = pv0.Y * invTableHeight,
                    Nx = 0,
                    Ny = 0,
                    Nz = -1.0f
            topMesh.Vertices = vertsTop[0];

        private Mesh GenerateSideMesh(float playfieldHeight)
            var sideMesh = new Mesh("Side");

            var vVertex    = DragPoint.GetRgVertex <RenderVertex2D, CatmullCurve2DCatmullCurveFactory>(_data.DragPoints);
            var rgTexCoord = DragPoint.GetTextureCoords(_data.DragPoints, vVertex);

            var numVertices = vVertex.Length;
            var rgNormal    = new Vertex2D[numVertices];

            for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                var pv1 = vVertex[i];
                var pv2 = vVertex[i < numVertices - 1 ? i + 1 : 0];
                var dx  = pv1.X - pv2.X;
                var dy  = pv1.Y - pv2.Y;

                if (dx != 0.0f || dy != 0.0f)
                    var invLen = 1.0f / MathF.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                    rgNormal[i] = new Vertex2D {
                        X = dy * invLen, Y = dx * invLen
                    rgNormal[i] = new Vertex2D {
                        X = 0.0f, Y = 0.0f

            var bottom = _data.HeightBottom + playfieldHeight;
            var top    = _data.HeightTop + playfieldHeight;

            var offset = 0;

            // Render side
            sideMesh.Vertices = new Vertex3DNoTex2[numVertices * 4];
            for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                var pv1 = vVertex[i];
                var pv2 = vVertex[i < numVertices - 1 ? i + 1 : 0];

                var a = i == 0 ? numVertices - 1 : i - 1;
                var c = i < numVertices - 1 ? i + 1 : 0;

                var vNormal = new [] { new Vertex2D(), new Vertex2D() };
                if (pv1.Smooth)
                    vNormal[0].X = (rgNormal[a].X + rgNormal[i].X) * 0.5f;
                    vNormal[0].Y = (rgNormal[a].Y + rgNormal[i].Y) * 0.5f;
                    vNormal[0].X = rgNormal[i].X;
                    vNormal[0].Y = rgNormal[i].Y;

                if (pv2.Smooth)
                    vNormal[1].X = (rgNormal[i].X + rgNormal[c].X) * 0.5f;
                    vNormal[1].Y = (rgNormal[i].Y + rgNormal[c].Y) * 0.5f;
                    vNormal[1].X = rgNormal[i].X;
                    vNormal[1].Y = rgNormal[i].Y;


                sideMesh.Vertices[offset]     = new Vertex3DNoTex2();
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 1] = new Vertex3DNoTex2();
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 2] = new Vertex3DNoTex2();
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 3] = new Vertex3DNoTex2();

                sideMesh.Vertices[offset].X     = pv1.X;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset].Y     = pv1.Y;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset].Z     = bottom;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 1].X = pv1.X;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 1].Y = pv1.Y;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 1].Z = top;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 2].X = pv2.X;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 2].Y = pv2.Y;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 2].Z = top;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 3].X = pv2.X;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 3].Y = pv2.Y;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 3].Z = bottom;

                sideMesh.Vertices[offset].Tu = rgTexCoord[i];
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset].Tv = 1.0f;

                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 1].Tu = rgTexCoord[i];
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 1].Tv = 0f;

                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 2].Tu = rgTexCoord[c];
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 2].Tv = 0f;

                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 3].Tu = rgTexCoord[c];
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 3].Tv = 1.0f;

                sideMesh.Vertices[offset].Nx = vNormal[0].X;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset].Ny = -vNormal[0].Y;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset].Nz = 0f;

                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 1].Nx = vNormal[0].X;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 1].Ny = -vNormal[0].Y;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 1].Nz = 0f;

                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 2].Nx = vNormal[1].X;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 2].Ny = -vNormal[1].Y;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 2].Nz = 0f;

                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 3].Nx = vNormal[1].X;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 3].Ny = -vNormal[1].Y;
                sideMesh.Vertices[offset + 3].Nz = 0f;

                offset += 4;

            // prepare index buffer for sides
            var offset2 = 0;

            sideMesh.Indices = new int[numVertices * 6];
            for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                sideMesh.Indices[i * 6]     = offset2;
                sideMesh.Indices[i * 6 + 1] = offset2 + 1;
                sideMesh.Indices[i * 6 + 2] = offset2 + 2;
                sideMesh.Indices[i * 6 + 3] = offset2;
                sideMesh.Indices[i * 6 + 4] = offset2 + 2;
                sideMesh.Indices[i * 6 + 5] = offset2 + 3;

                offset2 += 4;
