Exemple #1
        static void DragSource_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            // Ignore the click if the user has clicked on a scrollbar.
            if (HitTestScrollBar(sender, e) || e.ClickCount > 1)
                m_DragInfo = null;

            m_DragInfo = new DragInfo(sender, e);

            // If the sender is a list box that allows multiple selections, ensure that clicking on an
            // already selected item does not change the selection, otherwise dragging multiple items
            // is made impossible.
            ItemsControl itemsControl = sender as ItemsControl;

            if (m_DragInfo.VisualSourceItem != null && itemsControl != null && itemsControl.CanSelectMultipleItems())
                IEnumerable selectedItems = itemsControl.GetSelectedItems();

                if (selectedItems.Cast <object>().Contains(m_DragInfo.SourceItem))
                    // TODO: Re-raise the supressed event if the user didn't initiate a drag.
                    e.Handled = true;
        public virtual void StartDrag(DragInfo dragInfo)
            int itemCount = dragInfo.SourceItems.Cast <object>().Count();

            if (itemCount == 1)
                dragInfo.Data = dragInfo.SourceItems.Cast <object>().First();
            else if (itemCount > 1)
                dragInfo.Data = TypeUtilities.CreateDynamicallyTypedList(dragInfo.SourceItems);

            dragInfo.Effects = (dragInfo.Data != null) ?
                               DragDropEffects.Copy | DragDropEffects.Move :
        public virtual void StartDrag(DragInfo dragInfo)
            int itemCount = dragInfo.SourceItems.Cast<object>().Count();

            if (itemCount == 1)
                dragInfo.Data = dragInfo.SourceItems.Cast<object>().First();
            else if (itemCount > 1)
                dragInfo.Data = TypeUtilities.CreateDynamicallyTypedList(dragInfo.SourceItems);

            dragInfo.Effects = (dragInfo.Data != null) ? 
                DragDropEffects.Copy | DragDropEffects.Move : 
        public DropInfo(object sender, DragEventArgs e, DragInfo dragInfo, string dataFormat)
            Data     = (e.Data.GetDataPresent(dataFormat)) ? e.Data.GetData(dataFormat) : e.Data;
            DragInfo = dragInfo;

            VisualTarget = sender as UIElement;

            if (sender is ItemsControl)
                ItemsControl itemsControl = (ItemsControl)sender;
                UIElement    item         = itemsControl.GetItemContainerAt(e.GetPosition(itemsControl));

                VisualTargetOrientation = itemsControl.GetItemsPanelOrientation();

                if (item != null)
                    ItemsControl itemParent = ItemsControl.ItemsControlFromItemContainer(item);

                    InsertIndex      = itemParent.ItemContainerGenerator.IndexFromContainer(item);
                    TargetCollection = itemParent.ItemsSource ?? itemParent.Items;
                    TargetItem       = itemParent.ItemContainerGenerator.ItemFromContainer(item);
                    VisualTargetItem = item;

                    if (VisualTargetOrientation == Orientation.Vertical)
                        if (e.GetPosition(item).Y > item.RenderSize.Height / 2)
                        if (e.GetPosition(item).X > item.RenderSize.Width / 2)
                    TargetCollection = itemsControl.ItemsSource ?? itemsControl.Items;
                    InsertIndex      = itemsControl.Items.Count;
Exemple #5
        public DropInfo(object sender, DragEventArgs e, DragInfo dragInfo, string dataFormat)
            Data = (e.Data.GetDataPresent(dataFormat)) ? e.Data.GetData(dataFormat) : e.Data;
            DragInfo = dragInfo;

            VisualTarget = sender as UIElement;

            if (sender is ItemsControl)
                ItemsControl itemsControl = (ItemsControl)sender;
                UIElement item = itemsControl.GetItemContainerAt(e.GetPosition(itemsControl));

                VisualTargetOrientation = itemsControl.GetItemsPanelOrientation();

                if (item != null)
                    ItemsControl itemParent = ItemsControl.ItemsControlFromItemContainer(item);

                    InsertIndex = itemParent.ItemContainerGenerator.IndexFromContainer(item);
                    TargetCollection = itemParent.ItemsSource ?? itemParent.Items;
                    TargetItem = itemParent.ItemContainerGenerator.ItemFromContainer(item);
                    VisualTargetItem = item;

                    if (VisualTargetOrientation == Orientation.Vertical)
                        if (e.GetPosition(item).Y > item.RenderSize.Height / 2) InsertIndex++;
                        if (e.GetPosition(item).X > item.RenderSize.Width / 2) InsertIndex++;
                    TargetCollection = itemsControl.ItemsSource ?? itemsControl.Items;
                    InsertIndex = itemsControl.Items.Count;
        static void DragSource_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            // Ignore the click if the user has clicked on a scrollbar.
            if (HitTestScrollBar(sender, e) || e.ClickCount > 1)
                m_DragInfo = null;

            m_DragInfo = new DragInfo(sender, e);

            // If the sender is a list box that allows multiple selections, ensure that clicking on an 
            // already selected item does not change the selection, otherwise dragging multiple items 
            // is made impossible.
            ItemsControl itemsControl = sender as ItemsControl;

            if (m_DragInfo.VisualSourceItem != null && itemsControl != null && itemsControl.CanSelectMultipleItems())
                IEnumerable selectedItems = itemsControl.GetSelectedItems();

                if (selectedItems.Cast<object>().Contains(m_DragInfo.SourceItem))
                    // TODO: Re-raise the supressed event if the user didn't initiate a drag.
                    e.Handled = true;