Exemple #1
        internal virtual void CreateSelectCommandForReadOne <T>(IDbCommand cmd, object id, string columns)
            TableAttribute tableInfo = EntityCache.Get(typeof(T));

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

            if (tableInfo.PkColumnList.Count > 1)
                if (!(id is T))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Entity has multiple primary keys. Pass entity setting Primary Key attributes.");

                StringBuilder cmdText = new StringBuilder($"SELECT {columns} FROM {tableInfo.FullName} WHERE ");

                int index = 0;
                foreach (ColumnAttribute pkCol in tableInfo.PkColumnList)
                    cmdText.Append($" {(index > 0 ? " AND " : "")} {pkCol.Name}=@{pkCol.Name}");
                    cmd.AddInParameter("@" + pkCol.Name, pkCol.ColumnDbType, tableInfo.GetKeyId(id, pkCol));
                cmd.CommandText = cmdText.ToString();
                cmd.CommandText = $"SELECT {columns} FROM {tableInfo.FullName} WHERE {tableInfo.PkColumn.Name}=@{tableInfo.PkColumn.Name}";
                cmd.AddInParameter(tableInfo.PkColumn.Name, tableInfo.PkColumn.ColumnDbType, id);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add record to AuditTrail. Insert or Update action on a Table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">Entity which was modified</param>
        /// <param name="operation">Insert or Update operation</param>
        /// <param name="audit">Audit Trail object of type IAuditTrail</param>
        /// <returns>true if success, False if fail</returns>
        public bool Add(Entity entity, RecordOperationEnum operation, IAuditTrail audit)

            audit.OperationType = operation;
            audit.RecordId      = entityTableInfo.GetKeyId(entity).ToString();
            if (!entityTableInfo.NoVersionNo)
                audit.RecordVersionNo = (operation == RecordOperationEnum.Insert ? 1 : entityTableInfo.GetVersionNo(entity)); //always 1 for new insert
            audit.TableName = entityTableInfo.Name;

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Add record to AuditTrail. Insert or Update action on a Table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">Entity which was modified</param>
        /// <param name="operation">Insert or Update operation</param>
        /// <param name="audit">Audit Trail object of type IAuditTrail</param>
        /// <returns>true if success, False if fail</returns>
        public bool Add(Entity entity, RecordOperationEnum operation, IAuditTrail audit)

            AuditTrail auditTrail = (AuditTrail)audit;

            auditTrail.OperationType = operation;
            //Remove EntityBase 12-Apr-19
            auditTrail.RecordId = entityTableInfo.GetKeyId(entity).ToString();
            //Remove EntityBase 12-Apr-19
            if (!entityTableInfo.NoVersionNo)
                auditTrail.RecordVersionNo = (operation == RecordOperationEnum.Insert ? 1 : entityTableInfo.GetVersionNo(entity)); //always 1 for new insert
            auditTrail.TableName    = entityTableInfo.Name;
            auditTrail.Details      = auditTrail.GenerateString();
            auditTrail.AuditTrailId = (long)Add(auditTrail);

Exemple #4
        internal virtual void CreateReadAllPagedNoOffsetCommand <T>(IDbCommand cmd, string query, string orderBy, int pageSize, PageNavigationEnum navigation, object[] lastOrderByColumnValues = null, object lastKeyId = null, object parameters = null)
            string[] orderByColumns   = orderBy.Split(',');
            string[] orderByDirection = new string[orderByColumns.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < orderByColumns.Length; i++)
                if (orderByColumns[i].ToLowerInvariant().Contains("desc"))
                    orderByDirection[i] = "DESC";
                    orderByColumns[i]   = orderByColumns[i].ToLowerInvariant().Replace("desc", "").Trim();
                    orderByDirection[i] = "ASC";
                    orderByColumns[i]   = orderByColumns[i].ToLowerInvariant().Replace("asc", "").Trim();
            if (orderByColumns.Length == 0)
                throw new MissingMemberException("Orderby column(s) is missing");
            if ((navigation == PageNavigationEnum.Next || navigation == PageNavigationEnum.Previous) && lastOrderByColumnValues.Length != orderByColumns.Length)
                throw new MissingMemberException("For Next and Previous Navigation Length of Last Values must be equal to orderby columns length");
            if ((navigation == PageNavigationEnum.Next || navigation == PageNavigationEnum.Previous) && lastKeyId == null)
                throw new MissingMemberException("For Next and Previous Navigation Last KeyId is required");

            TableAttribute tableInfo = EntityCache.Get(typeof(T));
            bool           hasWhere  = query.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("where");

            StringBuilder pagedCriteria = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder pagedOrderBy  = new StringBuilder();

            if (!hasWhere)
                pagedCriteria.Append(" WHERE 1=1");

            for (int i = 0; i < orderByColumns.Length; i++)
                string applyEquals = (i <= orderByColumns.Length - 2 ? "=" : "");

                if (navigation == PageNavigationEnum.Next)
                    //when multiple orderbycolumn - apply '>=' or '<=' till second last column
                    if (orderByDirection[i] == "ASC")
                        pagedCriteria.Append($" AND (({orderByColumns[i]} = @p_{orderByColumns[i]} {GetPrimaryColumnCriteriaForPagedQuery(tableInfo,">")}) OR {orderByColumns[i]} >{applyEquals} @p_{orderByColumns[i]})");
                        pagedCriteria.Append($" AND (({orderByColumns[i]} = @p_{orderByColumns[i]} {GetPrimaryColumnCriteriaForPagedQuery(tableInfo, "<")}) OR ({orderByColumns[i]} IS NULL OR {orderByColumns[i]} <{applyEquals} @p_{orderByColumns[i]}))");
                else if (navigation == PageNavigationEnum.Previous)
                    if (orderByDirection[i] == "ASC")
                        pagedCriteria.Append($" AND (({orderByColumns[i]} = @p_{orderByColumns[i]} {GetPrimaryColumnCriteriaForPagedQuery(tableInfo, "<")}) OR ({orderByColumns[i]} IS NULL OR {orderByColumns[i]} <{applyEquals} @p_{orderByColumns[i]}))");
                        pagedCriteria.Append($" AND (({orderByColumns[i]} = @p_{orderByColumns[i]} {GetPrimaryColumnCriteriaForPagedQuery(tableInfo, ">")}) OR {orderByColumns[i]} >{applyEquals} @p_{orderByColumns[i]})");

                if (navigation == PageNavigationEnum.Next || navigation == PageNavigationEnum.Previous)
                    //add Parameter for Last value of ordered column
                    DbType dbType;
                    //see if column exists in TableInfo
                    tableInfo.Columns.TryGetValue(orderByColumns[i], out ColumnAttribute orderByColumn);
                    if (orderByColumn != null)
                        dbType = orderByColumn.ColumnDbType;
                        TypeCache.TypeToDbType.TryGetValue(lastOrderByColumnValues[i].GetType(), out dbType);

                    cmd.AddInParameter("@p_" + orderByColumns[i], dbType, lastOrderByColumnValues[i]);

                if (i > 0)

                if (navigation == PageNavigationEnum.Last || navigation == PageNavigationEnum.Previous)
                    //reverse sort as we are going backward
                    pagedOrderBy.Append($"{orderByColumns[i]} {(orderByDirection[i] == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC")}");
                    pagedOrderBy.Append($"{orderByColumns[i]} {orderByDirection[i]}");

            //add keyfield parameter for Next and Previous navigation
            if (navigation == PageNavigationEnum.Next || navigation == PageNavigationEnum.Previous)
                //add LastKeyId Parameter

                if (tableInfo.PkColumnList.Count > 1)
                    if (!(lastKeyId is T))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Entity has multiple primary keys. Pass entity setting Primary Key attributes.");

                    int index = 0;
                    foreach (ColumnAttribute pkCol in tableInfo.PkColumnList)
                        cmd.AddInParameter("@p_" + pkCol.Name, pkCol.ColumnDbType, tableInfo.GetKeyId(lastKeyId, pkCol));
                    cmd.AddInParameter("@p_" + tableInfo.PkColumn.Name, tableInfo.PkColumn.ColumnDbType, lastKeyId);

            //add keyfield in orderby clause. Direction will be taken from 1st orderby column
            if (navigation == PageNavigationEnum.Last || navigation == PageNavigationEnum.Previous)
                //reverse sort as we are going backward
                if (tableInfo.PkColumnList.Count > 1)
                    foreach (ColumnAttribute pkCol in tableInfo.PkColumnList)
                        pagedOrderBy.Append($",{pkCol.Name} {(orderByDirection[0] == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC")}");
                    pagedOrderBy.Append($",{tableInfo.PkColumn.Name} {(orderByDirection[0] == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC")}");
                if (tableInfo.PkColumnList.Count > 1)
                    foreach (ColumnAttribute pkCol in tableInfo.PkColumnList)
                        pagedOrderBy.Append($",{pkCol.Name} {orderByDirection[0]}");
                    pagedOrderBy.Append($",{tableInfo.PkColumn.Name} {orderByDirection[0]}");

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

            if (this is MsSqlDatabase)
                cmd.CommandText = $"SELECT * FROM (SELECT TOP {pageSize} * FROM ({query} {pagedCriteria.ToString()}) AS r1 ORDER BY {pagedOrderBy}) AS r2 ORDER BY {orderBy}";
                cmd.CommandText = $"SELECT * FROM ({query} {pagedCriteria.ToString()} ORDER BY {pagedOrderBy} LIMIT {pageSize}) AS r ORDER BY {orderBy}";

            ParameterCache.AddParameters(parameters, cmd); //ParameterCache.GetFromCache(parameters, cmd).Invoke(parameters, cmd);
Exemple #5
        internal virtual bool CreateUpdateCommand(IDbCommand cmd, object entity, object oldEntity, IAuditTrail audit = null, string columnNames = null, bool doNotAppendCommonFields = false, bool overrideCreatedUpdatedOn = false)
            bool isUpdateNeeded = false;

            TableAttribute tableInfo = EntityCache.Get(entity.GetType());

            if (!tableInfo.NoUpdatedBy && tableInfo.IsUpdatedByEmpty(entity))
                throw new MissingFieldException("Updated By is required");

            List <string> columns = new List <string>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnNames))
                columns.AddRange(tableInfo.DefaultUpdateColumns); //Get columns from Entity attributes loaded in TableInfo
            StringBuilder cmdText = new StringBuilder();

            cmdText.Append($"UPDATE {tableInfo.FullName} SET ");

            //add default columns if doesn't exists
            if (!doNotAppendCommonFields)
                if (!tableInfo.NoVersionNo && !columns.Contains(Config.VERSIONNO_COLUMN.Name))

                if (!tableInfo.NoUpdatedBy && !columns.Contains(Config.UPDATEDBY_COLUMN.Name))

                if (!tableInfo.NoUpdatedOn && !columns.Contains(Config.UPDATEDON_COLUMN.Name))

            //remove primarykey, createdon and createdby columns if exists
            columns.RemoveAll(c => tableInfo.PkColumnList.Select(p => p.Name).Contains(c));
            columns.RemoveAll(c => c == Config.CREATEDON_COLUMN.Name ||
                              c == Config.CREATEDBY_COLUMN.Name);

            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count(); i++)
                if (columns[i].Equals(Config.VERSIONNO_COLUMN.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    cmdText.Append($"{columns[i]} = {columns[i]}+1");
                else if (columns[i].Equals(Config.UPDATEDBY_COLUMN.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    cmdText.Append($"{columns[i]} = @{columns[i]}");
                    cmd.AddInParameter("@" + columns[i], Config.UPDATEDBY_COLUMN.ColumnDbType, tableInfo.GetUpdatedBy(entity));
                else if (columns[i].Equals(Config.UPDATEDON_COLUMN.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    var updatedOn = Helper.GetDateTimeOrDatabaseDateTimeSQL(tableInfo.GetUpdatedOn(entity), this, overrideCreatedUpdatedOn);
                    if (updatedOn is string)
                        cmdText.Append($"{columns[i]} = {CURRENTDATETIMESQL}");
                        cmdText.Append($"{columns[i]} = @{columns[i]}");
                        cmd.AddInParameter("@" + columns[i], Config.UPDATEDON_COLUMN.ColumnDbType, updatedOn);
                    bool includeInUpdate = true;
                    tableInfo.Columns.TryGetValue(columns[i], out ColumnAttribute columnInfo); //find column attribute

                    DbType dbType      = DbType.Object;
                    object columnValue = null;

                    if (columnInfo != null && columnInfo.GetMethod != null)
                        dbType      = columnInfo.ColumnDbType;
                        columnValue = columnInfo.GetAction(entity);

                        includeInUpdate = oldEntity == null; //include in update when oldEntity not available

                        //compare with old object to check whether update is needed or not
                        object oldColumnValue = null;
                        if (oldEntity != null)
                            oldColumnValue = columnInfo.GetAction(oldEntity);

                            if (oldColumnValue != null && columnValue != null)
                                if (!oldColumnValue.Equals(columnValue)) //add to history only if property is modified
                                    includeInUpdate = true;
                            else if (oldColumnValue == null && columnValue != null)
                                includeInUpdate = true;
                            else if (oldColumnValue != null)
                                includeInUpdate = true;

                        if (tableInfo.NeedsHistory && includeInUpdate)
                            audit.AppendDetail(columns[i], columnValue, dbType, oldColumnValue);

                    if (includeInUpdate)
                        isUpdateNeeded = true;

                        cmdText.Append($"{columns[i]} = @{columns[i]}");
                        cmd.AddInParameter("@" + columns[i], dbType, columnValue);
            cmdText.RemoveLastComma(); //Remove last comma if exists

            cmdText.Append(" WHERE ");
            if (tableInfo.PkColumnList.Count > 1)
                int index = 0;
                foreach (ColumnAttribute pkCol in tableInfo.PkColumnList)
                    cmdText.Append($" {(index > 0 ? " AND " : "")} {pkCol.Name}=@{pkCol.Name}");
                    cmd.AddInParameter("@" + pkCol.Name, pkCol.ColumnDbType, tableInfo.GetKeyId(entity, pkCol));
                cmdText.Append($" {tableInfo.PkColumn.Name}=@{tableInfo.PkColumn.Name}");
                cmd.AddInParameter("@" + tableInfo.PkColumn.Name, tableInfo.PkColumn.ColumnDbType, tableInfo.GetKeyId(entity));

            if (Config.DbConcurrencyCheck && !tableInfo.NoVersionNo)
                cmdText.Append($" AND {Config.VERSIONNO_COLUMN.Name}=@{Config.VERSIONNO_COLUMN.Name}");
                cmd.AddInParameter("@" + Config.VERSIONNO_COLUMN.Name, Config.VERSIONNO_COLUMN.ColumnDbType, tableInfo.GetVersionNo(entity));

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = cmdText.ToString();
