void OnDrawGizmos( )
        UpdateSplineNodes( );

        if( splineNodes == null )

        DrawSplineGizmo( new Color( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f ) );

        Plane screen = new Plane( );
        Gizmos.color = new Color( 1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f );

        screen.SetNormalAndPosition( Camera.current.transform.forward, Camera.current.transform.position );

        foreach( SplineNode node in splineNodes )
            float sizeMultiplier = 0f;

            if( Camera.current.orthographic )
                sizeMultiplier = Camera.current.orthographicSize * 2.5f;
                screen.Raycast( new Ray( node.Position, Camera.current.transform.forward ), out sizeMultiplier );

            Gizmos.DrawSphere( node.Position, sizeMultiplier * 0.015f );
Exemple #2
    static bool Plane_SetNormalAndPosition__Vector3__Vector3(JSVCall vc, int argc)
        int len = argc;

        if (len == 2)
            UnityEngine.Vector3 arg0    = (UnityEngine.Vector3)JSApi.getVector3S((int)JSApi.GetType.Arg);
            UnityEngine.Vector3 arg1    = (UnityEngine.Vector3)JSApi.getVector3S((int)JSApi.GetType.Arg);
            UnityEngine.Plane   argThis = (UnityEngine.Plane)vc.csObj;        argThis.SetNormalAndPosition(arg0, arg1);
            JSMgr.changeJSObj(vc.jsObjID, argThis);

	static public int SetNormalAndPosition(IntPtr l) {
			UnityEngine.Plane self=(UnityEngine.Plane)checkSelf(l);
			UnityEngine.Vector3 a1;
			checkType(l,2,out a1);
			UnityEngine.Vector3 a2;
			checkType(l,3,out a2);
			return 0;
		catch(Exception e) {
			LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, e.ToString());
			return 0;
	void OnDrawGizmos( )
		UpdateSpline( );
		if( !HasNodes )
		DrawSplineGizmo( new Color( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f ) );
		Plane screen = new Plane( );
		Gizmos.color = new Color( 1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f );
		screen.SetNormalAndPosition( Camera.current.transform.forward, Camera.current.transform.position );
		foreach( SplineNode node in splineNodesInternal )
			Gizmos.DrawSphere( node.Position, GetSizeMultiplier( node ) * 2 );
Exemple #5
    void Start()
        UnityEngine.Plane worldPlane = new UnityEngine.Plane();
        worldPlane.SetNormalAndPosition(Vector3.back, Vector3.zero);

        Ray   ray;
        float distance;

        ray = followCam.ViewportPointToRay(Vector3.zero);
        worldPlane.Raycast(ray, out distance);
        Vector3 viewMin = ray.GetPoint(distance);

        ray = followCam.ViewportPointToRay(Vector3.one);
        worldPlane.Raycast(ray, out distance);
        Vector3 viewMax = ray.GetPoint(distance);

        cameraBounds.min = viewBounds.min - viewMin;
        cameraBounds.max = viewBounds.max - viewMax;
		public override void OnBrushApply(z_BrushTarget target, z_BrushSettings settings)
			Vector3[] vertices = target.editableObject.vertices;
			Vector3 v, t, avg, dirVec = direction.ToVector3();
			Plane plane = new Plane(Vector3.up, Vector3.zero);

			foreach(KeyValuePair<int, float> weight in target.weights)
				if(weight.Value < .0001f || (ignoreNonManifoldIndices && nonManifoldIndices.Contains(weight.Key)))

				v = vertices[weight.Key];

				if(direction == z_Direction.Normal && relax)
					avg = z_Math.Average(cached_vertices, neighborLookup[weight.Key]);
					avg = z_Math.WeightedAverage(cached_vertices, neighborLookup[weight.Key], target.weights);

				if(direction != z_Direction.Normal || !relax)
					if(direction == z_Direction.Normal)
						dirVec = z_Math.WeightedAverage(cached_normals, neighborLookup[weight.Key], target.weights).normalized;

					plane.SetNormalAndPosition(dirVec, avg);
					avg = v - dirVec * plane.GetDistanceToPoint(v);

				t = Vector3.Lerp(v, avg, weight.Value);

				vertices[weight.Key] = v + (t-v) * settings.strength * SMOOTH_STRENGTH_MODIFIER;

			target.editableObject.mesh.vertices = vertices;

			if(tempComponent != null)

			base.OnBrushApply(target, settings);
    /// <summary>
    /// Create a plane from a list of points at random.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>A random plane.</returns>
    /// <param name="cam">The Unity camera so we can make sure the plane orientation is correct.</param>
    /// <param name="points">The points to compute a random plane from.</param>
    private Plane MakeRandomPlane(Camera cam, List<int> points)
        if (points.Count < 3)
            return new Plane();

        // Choose 3 points randomly.
        int r0 = m_rand.Next(points.Count);
        int r1 = m_rand.Next(points.Count - 1);

        // Make sure we handle collisions.
        if (r1 == r0)
        else if (r1 < r0)
            // We'll make sure to keep r0 and r1 in sorted order.
            int temp = r0;
            r0 = r1;
            r1 = temp;

        int r2 = m_rand.Next(points.Count - 2);

        // Handle collisions.
        if (r2 == r0)
        if (r2 == r1)

        int idx0 = points[r0];
        int idx1 = points[r1];
        int idx2 = points[r2];

        Vector3 p0 = m_points[idx0];
        Vector3 p1 = m_points[idx1];
        Vector3 p2 = m_points[idx2];

        // Define the plane
        Plane plane = new Plane(p0, p1, p2);

        // Make sure that the normal of the plane points towards the camera.
        if (Vector3.Dot(cam.transform.forward, plane.normal) > 0)
            plane.SetNormalAndPosition(plane.normal * -1.0f, p0);
        return plane;
Exemple #8
    void UpdateParticles2()
        Plane movePlane = new Plane();

        for (int i = 1; i < m_Particles.Count; ++i)
            Particle p = m_Particles[i];
            Particle p0 = m_Particles[p.m_ParentIndex];

            float restLen;
            if (p.m_Transform != null)
                restLen = (p0.m_Transform.position - p.m_Transform.position).magnitude;
                restLen = p0.m_Transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(p.m_EndOffset).magnitude;

            // keep shape
            float stiffness = Mathf.Lerp(1.0f, p.m_Stiffness, m_Weight);
            if (stiffness > 0 || p.m_Elasticity > 0)
                Matrix4x4 m0 = p0.m_Transform.localToWorldMatrix;
                m0.SetColumn(3, p0.m_Position);
                Vector3 restPos;
                if (p.m_Transform != null)
                    restPos = m0.MultiplyPoint3x4(p.m_Transform.localPosition);
                    restPos = m0.MultiplyPoint3x4(p.m_EndOffset);

                Vector3 d = restPos - p.m_Position;
                p.m_Position += d * p.m_Elasticity;

                if (stiffness > 0)
                    d = restPos - p.m_Position;
                    float len = d.magnitude;
                    float maxlen = restLen * (1 - stiffness) * 2;
                    if (len > maxlen)
                        p.m_Position += d * ((len - maxlen) / len);

            // collide
            if (m_Colliders != null)
                float particleRadius = p.m_Radius * m_ObjectScale;
                foreach (DynamicBoneCollider c in m_Colliders)
                    if (c != null && c.enabled)
                        c.Collide(ref p.m_Position, particleRadius);

            // freeze axis, project to plane
            if (m_FreezeAxis != FreezeAxis.None)
                switch (m_FreezeAxis)
                    case FreezeAxis.X:
                        movePlane.SetNormalAndPosition(p0.m_Transform.right, p0.m_Position);
                    case FreezeAxis.Y:
                        movePlane.SetNormalAndPosition(p0.m_Transform.up, p0.m_Position);
                    case FreezeAxis.Z:
                        movePlane.SetNormalAndPosition(p0.m_Transform.forward, p0.m_Position);
                p.m_Position -= movePlane.normal * movePlane.GetDistanceToPoint(p.m_Position);

            // keep length
            Vector3 dd = p0.m_Position - p.m_Position;
            float leng = dd.magnitude;
            if (leng > 0)
                p.m_Position += dd * ((leng - restLen) / leng);
Exemple #9
    private void Split(Plane worldPlane, Vector3 lineStart, Vector3 lineEnd, int casts)
        if (!splitting)

        // Sometimes there is null here
        // Too lazy to find real reason right now
        if (transform == null)

        float distance = worldPlane.GetDistanceToPoint(transform.position);

        Plane plane = new Plane();
        Vector3 newNormal = transform.InverseTransformDirection(worldPlane.normal);
        //Vector3 newNormal = Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation) * worldPlane.normal;
        plane.SetNormalAndPosition(newNormal, newNormal * -distance);


        for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i += 3)
            int i1 = triangles[i];//index 1, 2 and 3 of vertices
            int i2 = triangles[i + 1];
            int i3 = triangles[i + 2];
            bool side1 = plane.GetSide(vertices[i1]);
            bool side2 = plane.GetSide(vertices[i2]);
            bool side3 = plane.GetSide(vertices[i3]);

            if (side1 == true && side2 == true && side3 == true)
                posTriangles.Add(i1 + 1); //first index is reserved for interior face middle vertex so every index is incremented by 1
                posTriangles.Add(i2 + 1);
                posTriangles.Add(i3 + 1);
            else if (side1 == false && side2 == false && side3 == false)
                negTriangles.Add(i1 + 1);
                negTriangles.Add(i2 + 1);
                negTriangles.Add(i3 + 1);
                //find odd boolean value(expression found using karnaugh map)
                bool odd = (!side1 && !side2) || (!side1 && !side3) || (!side2 && !side3);

                //find vertex with odd boolean value
                int vertex1, vertex2;
                if (side1 == odd)
                    vertex1 = findNewVertex(i1, i2, plane);
                    vertex2 = findNewVertex(i1, i3, plane);
                    if (side1 == true)
                    {                                          //               i1 /\                  Positive Side
                        posTriangles.Add(i1 + 1);              //                 /  \
                        posTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 1);         //         vertex1/____\vertex2
                        posTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);         //               /   _-'\
                                                               //            i2/_.-'____\i3            Negative Side
                        negTriangles.Add(i2 + 1);
                        negTriangles.Add(i3 + 1);
                        negTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);

                        negTriangles.Add(i2 + 1);
                        negTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);
                        negTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 1);
                    {                                           //               i1 /\                  Negative Side
                        negTriangles.Add(i1 + 1);               //                 /  \
                        negTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 1);          //         vertex1/____\vertex2
                        negTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);          //               /   _-'\
                                                                //            i2/_.-'____\i3            Positive Side
                        posTriangles.Add(i2 + 1);
                        posTriangles.Add(i3 + 1);
                        posTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);

                        posTriangles.Add(i2 + 1);
                        posTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);
                        posTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 1);
                else if (side2 == odd)
                    vertex1 = findNewVertex(i2, i3, plane);
                    vertex2 = findNewVertex(i2, i1, plane);
                    if (side2 == true)
                    {                                           //               i2 /\                  Positive Side
                        posTriangles.Add(i2 + 1);               //                 /  \
                        posTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 1);          //         vertex1/____\vertex2
                        posTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);          //               /   _-'\
                                                                //            i3/_.-'____\i1            Negative Side
                        negTriangles.Add(i3 + 1);
                        negTriangles.Add(i1 + 1);
                        negTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);

                        negTriangles.Add(i3 + 1);
                        negTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);
                        negTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 1);
                    {                                           //               i2 /\                  Negative Side
                        negTriangles.Add(i2 + 1);               //                 /  \
                        negTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 1);          //         vertex1/____\vertex2
                        negTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);          //               /   _-'\
                                                                //            i3/_.-'____\i1            Positive Side
                        posTriangles.Add(i3 + 1);
                        posTriangles.Add(i1 + 1);
                        posTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);

                        posTriangles.Add(i3 + 1);
                        posTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);
                        posTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 1);
                    vertex1 = findNewVertex(i3, i1, plane);
                    vertex2 = findNewVertex(i3, i2, plane);
                    if (side3 == true)
                    {                                           //               i3 /\                  Positive Side
                        posTriangles.Add(i3 + 1);               //                 /  \
                        posTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 1);          //         vertex1/____\vertex2
                        posTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);          //               /   _-'\
                                                                //            i1/_.-'____\i2            Negative Side
                        negTriangles.Add(i1 + 1);
                        negTriangles.Add(i2 + 1);
                        negTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);

                        negTriangles.Add(i1 + 1);
                        negTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);
                        negTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 1);
                    {                                           //               i3 /\                  Negative Side
                        negTriangles.Add(i3 + 1);               //                 /  \
                        negTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 1);          //         vertex1/____\vertex2
                        negTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);          //               /   _-'\
                                                                //            i1/_.-'____\i2            Positive Side
                        posTriangles.Add(i1 + 1);
                        posTriangles.Add(i2 + 1);
                        posTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);

                        posTriangles.Add(i1 + 1);
                        posTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);
                        posTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 1);

                if (odd == true)
                    //add inner triangles
                    posInnerTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 2);
                    posInnerTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 2);

                    negInnerTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 2);
                    negInnerTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 2);
                    negInnerTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 2);
                    negInnerTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 2);

                    posInnerTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 2);
                    posInnerTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 2);

                /*if (odd == true)
                    //add inner triangles
                    posTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 1);
                    posTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);

                    negTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 1);
                    negTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);
                    negTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 1);
                    negTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);

                    posTriangles.Add(vertex1 + 1);
                    posTriangles.Add(vertex2 + 1);
        //now average all seam vertices to find center of inner face
        float x = 0;
        float y = 0;
        float z = 0;
        int n = seamVertices.Count;
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            Vector3 current = seamVertices[j];
            x += current.x;
            y += current.y;
            z += current.z;
        Vector3 center = new Vector3(x / n, y / n, z / n);

        var newVertices = new List<Vector3>();
        newVertices.Add(center); // at index 0
        newVertices.AddRange(vertices); // index 1 to vertices.length
        newVertices.AddRange(seamVertices); // then add the new seam vertices
        Vector3[] doneVertices = newVertices.ToArray();
        Vector2[] uvs = uv.ToArray();

        if (posTriangles.Count != 0 && negTriangles.Count != 0)//dont bother creating a gameobject if there are no triangles
            Vector3 force = plane.normal * 50f;
            CreateNewSplit(doneVertices, posTriangles.ToArray(), posInnerTriangles.ToArray(), uvs, posNormals.ToArray(), force);
            CreateNewSplit(doneVertices, negTriangles.ToArray(), negInnerTriangles.ToArray(), uvs, negNormals.ToArray(), -force);
            if (OnSplit != null)

        splitting = false;
        PlaneGenerator.OnGeneration -= Split;
Exemple #10
 private Vector3 GetScreenPointInWorldPlane(Vector3 screenPoint, float height)
     var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(screenPoint);
     var worldPlane = new Plane();
     var dist = 0f;
     worldPlane.SetNormalAndPosition(Vector3.up, new Vector3(0, height, 0));
     worldPlane.Raycast(ray, out dist);
     return ray.GetPoint(dist);
Exemple #11
	public void OnSceneGUI() 
		// We can only build or do anything if we can link to our libraries.
		#pragma warning disable 0162

		if ( myCurve == null )

		// Enable point size on OpenGL.

		// First Remake and Draw Guide Geometry if necessary.
		if ( mySelectionMeshColours == null )
		if ( !myTempCamera && Camera.current )
			myTempCamera = Camera.current;

		Event current_event 		= Event.current;
		Vector3 mouse_position		= getMousePosition( ref current_event );

		// Set appropriate handles matrix.
		// TODO: Fix.
		Vector3 handle_pos = HAPI_AssetUtility.getPosition( myCurve.transform.localToWorldMatrix );
		Quaternion handle_rot = HAPI_AssetUtility.getQuaternion( myCurve.transform.localToWorldMatrix );
		Matrix4x4 handle_matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
		handle_matrix.SetTRS( handle_pos, handle_rot, new Vector3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );
		//Debug.Log( handle_pos );
		//Debug.Log( handle_rot );
		//Debug.Log( handle_matrix );
		Handles.matrix = handle_matrix;
		Handles.matrix = myCurve.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

		// Determine key state.
		getKeyState( current_event );

		// Decide modes.
		if ( current_event.type == EventType.Layout && mySceneWindowHasFocus )
			decideModes( ref current_event );

		// Draw scene UI.

		// Add points.
		if ( !current_event.alt && !( current_event.type == EventType.MouseDown && current_event.button == 1 ) )
			if ( myCurve.prIsAddingPoints )
				Vector3 position	= Vector3.zero;
				float handle_size 	= HandleUtility.GetHandleSize( position ) * myBigButtonHandleSizeMultiplier;
				Quaternion rotation = HoudiniAssetUtility.getQuaternion( myTempCamera.transform.localToWorldMatrix );
				bool button_press 	= Handles.Button( 	position, 
														Handles.RectangleCap );

				Ray ray = myTempCamera.ScreenPointToRay( mouse_position );
#if UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_4 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6
				if ( !myTempCamera.isOrthoGraphic )
				if ( !myTempCamera.orthographic )
#endif // UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_4 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6
					ray.origin = myTempCamera.transform.position;

				Vector3 intersection = new Vector3();

				if ( myTarget != null && myTarget.GetComponent< Collider >() )
					Collider collider = myTarget.GetComponent< Collider >();
					RaycastHit hit_info;
					collider.Raycast( ray, out hit_info, myIntersectionRayLength );
					intersection = hit_info.point;
					Plane plane = new Plane();
					plane.SetNormalAndPosition( Vector3.up, Vector3.zero );
					float enter = 0.0f;
					plane.Raycast( ray, out enter );
					enter = Mathf.Clamp( enter, myTempCamera.nearClipPlane, myTempCamera.farClipPlane );
 					intersection = ray.origin + ray.direction * enter;

				bool is_mid_point			= false;
				int insert_index			= -1;
				Vector3 new_point_location	= intersection;
				// Draw guide line.
				if ( myCurve.prPoints.Count > 0 )
					Vector3 anchor1 = myCurve.transform.TransformPoint(
						myCurve.prPoints[ myCurve.prPoints.Count - 1 ] );
					Vector3 anchor2 = Vector3.zero;
					insert_index = myCurve.prPoints.Count;

					// See if we're close to another segment.
					for ( int i = 1; i < myCurve.prPoints.Count; ++i )
						Vector3 p0 = myCurve.transform.TransformPoint( myCurve.prPoints[ i - 1 ] );
						Vector3 p1 = myCurve.transform.TransformPoint( myCurve.prPoints[ i ] );

						Vector3 closest_point = new Vector3();
						float distance = HoudiniGUIUtility.closestDistanceBetweenLineAndLineSegment(
							p0, p1,
							ray, out closest_point );
						if ( distance < 
								HandleUtility.GetHandleSize( closest_point ) / 
								HoudiniHost.prGuideMinDistanceForMidPointInsertion )
							anchor1 = p0;
							anchor2 = p1;
							new_point_location = closest_point;
							insert_index = i;
							is_mid_point = true;

					int point_count = ( is_mid_point ? 3 : 2 );

					Vector3[] line_vertices = new Vector3[ point_count ];
					int[] line_indices = new int[ point_count ];
					Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[ point_count ];

					line_vertices[ 0 ]	= HoudiniGUIUtility.getCameraNearPlanePoint( anchor1, myTempCamera );
					line_vertices[ 1 ]	= HoudiniGUIUtility.getCameraNearPlanePoint( new_point_location, myTempCamera );
					float length		= Vector3.Distance( line_vertices[ 0 ], line_vertices[ 1 ] ) * 
					line_indices[ 0 ]	= 0; 
					line_indices[ 1 ]	= 1;
					uvs[ 0 ]			= new Vector2(); 
					uvs[ 1 ]			= new Vector2( length, length );

					if ( is_mid_point )
						line_vertices[ 2 ]	= HoudiniGUIUtility.getCameraNearPlanePoint( anchor2, myTempCamera );
						line_indices[ 2 ]	= 2;
						length				+= Vector3.Distance( line_vertices[ 1 ], line_vertices[ 2 ] ) * 
						uvs[ 2 ]			= new Vector2( length, length );

					myGuideLinesMesh.vertices = line_vertices;
					myGuideLinesMesh.uv = uvs;
					myGuideLinesMesh.SetIndices( line_indices, MeshTopology.LineStrip, 0 );

					myGuideLinesMaterial.SetPass( 0 );
					myGuideLinesMaterial.SetColor( "_Color", HoudiniHost.prGuideWireframeColour );
					myGuideLinesMaterial.SetTextureScale( "_MainTex", new Vector2( 1.0f, 1.0f ) );
					Graphics.DrawMeshNow( myGuideLinesMesh, Matrix4x4.identity );

				// Add points on click.
				if ( button_press )
					// Once we add a point we are no longer bound to the user holding down the add points key.
					// Add points mode is now fully activated.
					myCurve.prModeChangeWait = false;

					// Need to inverse transform the new point because it is in world space
					// and we want it to stay in the same location as it is in world space
					// when it is parented to the curve's transform.
					new_point_location = myCurve.transform.InverseTransformPoint( new_point_location );

					if ( is_mid_point )
						myCurve.insertPoint( insert_index, new_point_location );
						myCurve.addPoint( new_point_location );

					// Remake and Draw Guide Geometry

				// Delete last point on backspace.
				if ( current_event.isKey && current_event.type == EventType.KeyUp &&
					 ( current_event.keyCode == KeyCode.Delete || current_event.keyCode == KeyCode.Backspace ) )
					// Once we add a point we are no longer bound to the user holding down the add points key.
					// Add points mode is now fully activated.
					myCurve.prModeChangeWait = false;


					// Remake and Draw Guide Geometry
				if ( current_event.isKey && current_event.keyCode == KeyCode.Delete 
					 || current_event.keyCode == KeyCode.Backspace )

			} // Add mode.
			else if ( myCurve.prIsEditingPoints )
				// Track mouse dragging.
				if ( current_event.type == EventType.MouseDown && current_event.button == 0 && !myIsMouseDown )
					myIsMouseDown = true;
					myFirstMousePosition = mouse_position;
				// I have to also interpret the Ignore event as the mouse up event because that's all I
				// get if the use lets go of the mouse button while over a different Unity window...
				else if ( ( ( current_event.type == EventType.MouseUp && current_event.button == 0 ) ||
							( current_event.type == EventType.Ignore ) ) 
						  && myIsMouseDown )
					myIsMouseDown = false;
					// Deselect all.
					if ( !current_event.control )

					Ray ray					= myTempCamera.ScreenPointToRay( mouse_position );
					ray.origin				= myTempCamera.transform.position;

					Vector3 mouse_delta		= myFirstMousePosition - mouse_position;
					Vector3 max_bounds		= mouse_position;
					Vector3 min_bounds		= mouse_position;
					max_bounds.x			= Mathf.Max( max_bounds.x, myFirstMousePosition.x );
					max_bounds.y			= Mathf.Max( max_bounds.y, myFirstMousePosition.y );
					min_bounds.x			= Mathf.Min( min_bounds.x, myFirstMousePosition.x );
					min_bounds.y			= Mathf.Min( min_bounds.y, myFirstMousePosition.y );

					// Get Picking Information
					Vector3[] points = myCurve.prPoints.ToArray();
					for ( int i = 0; points != null && i < points.Length; ++i )
						Vector3 transformed_point = myCurve.transform.TransformPoint( points[ i ] );
						Vector3 proj_pos = myTempCamera.WorldToScreenPoint( transformed_point );
						proj_pos.z = 0.0f;

						if ( Mathf.Abs( mouse_delta.x ) > 1.5f || Mathf.Abs( mouse_delta.y ) > 1.5f )
							if ( proj_pos.x >= min_bounds.x && proj_pos.x <= max_bounds.x &&
								 proj_pos.y >= min_bounds.y && proj_pos.y <= max_bounds.y )
								// Once we modify a point we are no longer bound to the user holding down 
								// the point edit key. Edit point mode is now fully activated.
								myCurve.prModeChangeWait = false;
								togglePointSelection( i );
						} // drag
							float distance = Vector3.Distance( mouse_position, proj_pos );
							if ( distance < HoudiniHost.prMinDistanceForPointSelection )
								// Once we modify a point we are no longer bound to the user holding down 
								// the point edit key. Edit point mode is now fully activated.
								myCurve.prModeChangeWait = false;
								togglePointSelection( i );
							} // if point hit
						} // single click
					} // for all points
				} // mouse up
				// Prevent click from being passed lower (this is so stupid!).
				Vector3 position	= Vector3.zero;
				float handle_size 	= HandleUtility.GetHandleSize( position ) * myBigButtonHandleSizeMultiplier;
				Quaternion rotation = HoudiniAssetUtility.getQuaternion( myTempCamera.transform.localToWorldMatrix );
				Handles.Button(	position, rotation, handle_size, handle_size, Handles.RectangleCap );

				// Prevent the delete key from deleting the curve in this mode.
				if ( current_event.isKey && current_event.keyCode == KeyCode.Delete )

			} // Edit mode.
		} // Not currently pressing alt.
		if ( myForceInspectorRedraw )
			myForceInspectorRedraw = false;

		// Create selection area.
		if ( myCurve.prIsEditingPoints && myIsMouseDown )
			float sel_left			= Mathf.Min( myFirstMousePosition.x, mouse_position.x );
			float sel_top			= myTempCamera.pixelHeight - Mathf.Max( myFirstMousePosition.y, mouse_position.y );
			float sel_width			= Mathf.Abs( myFirstMousePosition.x - mouse_position.x );
			float sel_height		= Mathf.Abs( myFirstMousePosition.y - mouse_position.y );
			mySelectionArea			= new Rect( sel_left, sel_top, sel_width, sel_height );
			mySelectionArea			= new Rect();

		// Hide default transform handles.
		myIsTransformHandleHidden = myCurve.prIsEditingPoints;

		// Update active control point.
		if ( mySelectedPoints.Count > 0 ) 
			if ( myCurrentlyPressedKey == KeyCode.Delete )
			{ // Handle deletions.
				myCurve.deletePoints( mySelectedPoints.ToArray() );
			{ // Create midpoint for the handle.
				Vector3 max_bounds = myCurve.prPoints[ mySelectedPoints[ 0 ] ];
				Vector3 min_bounds = myCurve.prPoints[ mySelectedPoints[ 0 ] ];
				for ( int i = 1; i < mySelectedPoints.Count; ++i )
					Vector3 current_pos = myCurve.prPoints[ mySelectedPoints[ i ] ];
					max_bounds.x = Mathf.Max( max_bounds.x, current_pos.x );
					max_bounds.y = Mathf.Max( max_bounds.y, current_pos.y );
					max_bounds.z = Mathf.Max( max_bounds.z, current_pos.z );
					min_bounds.x = Mathf.Min( min_bounds.x, current_pos.x );
					min_bounds.y = Mathf.Min( min_bounds.y, current_pos.y );
					min_bounds.z = Mathf.Min( min_bounds.z, current_pos.z );
				Vector3 mid_pos = ( max_bounds + min_bounds ) / 2.0f;

				Vector3 new_mid_pos = Handles.PositionHandle( mid_pos, 
															  Quaternion.identity );
				if ( new_mid_pos != mid_pos )
					myIsMouseDown = false;
					Vector3 delta = new_mid_pos - mid_pos;
					for ( int i = 0; i < mySelectedPoints.Count; ++i )
						int point_index = mySelectedPoints[ i ];
						Vector3 old_pos = myCurve.prPoints[ point_index ];
						Vector3 new_pos = old_pos + delta;
						myCurve.updatePoint( point_index, new_pos );

					// Remake and Draw Guide Geometry
			} // Delete?

		// Connection Mesh Draws
		if ( myConnectionMaterial != null && myConnectionMesh != null )
			myConnectionMaterial.SetPass( 0 );
			Graphics.DrawMeshNow( myConnectionMesh, myCurve.transform.localToWorldMatrix );

		// Selection Mesh Draws
		if ( mySelectionMaterial != null )
			mySelectionMaterial.SetFloat( "_PointSize", HoudiniHost.prGuidePointSize );
			mySelectionMaterial.SetColor( "_Color", HoudiniHost.prGuideWireframeColour );
			if ( mySelectionMaterial.SetPass( 0 ) )
				// TODO: Clean this up!
				Camera tempCamera = Camera.current;
				float s = HoudiniHost.prGuidePointSize / 2.0f;
				float w = tempCamera.pixelWidth;
				float h = tempCamera.pixelHeight;

				GL.Begin( GL.QUADS );

				for ( int i = 0; i < myCurve.prPoints.Count; ++i )
					Vector3 p = myCurve.prPoints[ i ];
					p = myCurve.transform.TransformPoint( p );

					p = tempCamera.WorldToScreenPoint( p );

					if ( p.x < 0.0f || p.x > w )
					if ( p.y < 0.0f || p.y > h )
					if ( p.z < 0.0f )

					p.z = 0.0f;

					GL.Color( mySelectionMeshColours[ i ] );
					GL.Vertex3( ( p.x + s ) / w, ( p.y + s ) / h, p.z );
					GL.Vertex3( ( p.x + s ) / w, ( p.y - s ) / h, p.z );
					GL.Vertex3( ( p.x - s ) / w, ( p.y - s ) / h, p.z );
					GL.Vertex3( ( p.x - s ) / w, ( p.y + s ) / h, p.z );


			mySelectionMaterial.SetFloat( "_PointSize", HoudiniHost.prGuidePointSize - myGuideBorderSize );
			mySelectionMaterial.SetColor( "_Color", Color.white );
			if ( mySelectionMaterial.SetPass( 1 ) )
				// TODO: Clean this up!

				Camera tempCamera = Camera.current;
				float s = ( HoudiniHost.prGuidePointSize - myGuideBorderSize ) / 2.0f;
				float w = tempCamera.pixelWidth;
				float h = tempCamera.pixelHeight;

				GL.Begin( GL.QUADS );

				for ( int i = 0; i < myCurve.prPoints.Count; ++i )
					Vector3 p = myCurve.prPoints[ i ];
					p = myCurve.transform.TransformPoint( p );

					p = tempCamera.WorldToScreenPoint( p );

					if ( p.x < 0.0f || p.x > w )
					if ( p.y < 0.0f || p.y > h )
					if ( p.z < 0.0f )

					p.z = 0.0f;

					GL.Color( mySelectionMeshColours[ i ] );
					GL.Vertex3( ( p.x + s ) / w, ( p.y + s ) / h, p.z );
					GL.Vertex3( ( p.x + s ) / w, ( p.y - s ) / h, p.z );
					GL.Vertex3( ( p.x - s ) / w, ( p.y - s ) / h, p.z );
					GL.Vertex3( ( p.x - s ) / w, ( p.y + s ) / h, p.z );


		#pragma warning restore 0162
Exemple #12
	public void SliceMyMesh() {
		if (MyMesh) {
			//GameObject SlicedMesh = (GameObject) Instantiate (gameObject, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);	// off set the positions after the meshes are created, by finding out the releative bounds difference
			SlicedCustomMesh1 = (CustomMesh) gameObject.GetComponent("CustomMesh");
			//SlicedCustomMesh2 = (CustomMesh) SlicedMesh.GetComponent("CustomMesh");

			//SlicedCustomMesh2.IsSingleCube = false;

			//MyPlaneNormal = MyPlaneRotation.transform.position;
			MySlicePlane = new Plane(MyPlaneNormal, PlaneDistance);
			MySlicePlane.SetNormalAndPosition(MyPlaneNormal, new Vector3(0,0.5f,0));
			 SlicedPoints1 = new List<Vector3>();
			SlicedIndicies1 = new List<int>();
			SlicedPoints2 = new List<Vector3>();
			SlicedIndicies2 = new List<int>();
			// Where the plane intersects
			SlicedIndicies3 = new List<int>();
			SlicedIndicies4 = new List<int>();
			SlicedPoints4 = new List<Vector3>();

			// Add all the indicies that intersect with the plane
			for (int i = 0; i < SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Indicies.Count; i += 3) {	// for all the meshes triangles
				Vector3 Vertex1 = SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Verticies[SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Indicies[i]];
				Vector3 Vertex2 = SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Verticies[SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Indicies[i+1]];
				Vector3 Vertex3 = SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Verticies[SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Indicies[i+2]];
				if (MySlicePlane.GetSide(Vertex1+MyPlanePosition) && MySlicePlane.GetSide(Vertex2+MyPlanePosition) && MySlicePlane.GetSide(Vertex3+MyPlanePosition)) {	// if all 3 verticies are on the same side

				} else if (!MySlicePlane.GetSide(Vertex1+MyPlanePosition) && !MySlicePlane.GetSide(Vertex2+MyPlanePosition) && !MySlicePlane.GetSide(Vertex3+MyPlanePosition)) { // if they are not on same side, they are intersected by the plane

				} else {
					SlicedPoints3.Add (Vertex1);
					SlicedPoints3.Add (Vertex2);
					SlicedPoints3.Add (Vertex3);

			// Now create slices in these triangles
			for (int i = 0; i < SlicedIndicies3.Count; i += 3) {	// for all the meshes triangles
				Vector3 Vertex1 = SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Verticies[SlicedIndicies3[i]];
				Vector3 Vertex2 = SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Verticies[SlicedIndicies3[i+1]];
				Vector3 Vertex3 = SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Verticies[SlicedIndicies3[i+2]];
				// from a slice through a triangle
				// we can get a maximum of 5 points
				// break down 5 points into 3 triangles
				// test this by chose random points along the triangle lines and adding them vertexes

				//RaycastHit hit1;
				Ray Ray1 = new Ray(Vertex1, Vertex1-Vertex2);
				float RayDistance1 = Vector3.Distance (Vertex1, Vertex2);
				if (MySlicePlane.Raycast(Ray1, out RayDistance1)) {
					Debug.Log(" Triangles are sliced 1" );
					DebugVector3 (SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Verticies[SlicedIndicies3[i]]);
				} else  {
					Debug.Log(i + " Triangles Not Sliced Vertex 1 - ");
					Debug.Log ("    Distance: " + RayDistance1);
					DebugVector3 (Vertex1);
					DebugVector3 (Vertex1 + Ray1.direction*RayDistance1);

					if (RayDistance1 != 0) {
						SlicedIndicies4.Add (i);
						SlicedPoints4.Add (Vertex1 + Ray1.direction*RayDistance1);
						//SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Verticies[SlicedIndicies3[i]] = Vertex1 + Ray1.direction*RayDistance1;
				Ray Ray2 = new Ray(Vertex2, Vertex2-Vertex3);
				float RayDistance2 = Vector3.Distance (Vertex1, Vertex2);
				if (MySlicePlane.Raycast(Ray2, out RayDistance2)) {
					Debug.Log(" Triangles are sliced 2" );
					SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Verticies[SlicedIndicies3[i]] = Vertex2 + Ray2.direction*RayDistance2;
				} else  {
					Debug.Log(i + " Triangles Not Sliced 2 - ");
					Debug.Log ("    Distance: " + RayDistance2);
					DebugVector3 (Vertex2);
					DebugVector3 (Vertex2 + Ray2.direction*RayDistance2);
					if (RayDistance2 != 0) {
						SlicedIndicies4.Add (i+1);
						SlicedPoints4.Add (Vertex2 + Ray2.direction*RayDistance2);
						//SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Verticies[SlicedIndicies3[i]] = Vertex2 + Ray2.direction*RayDistance2;
				Ray Ray3 = new Ray(Vertex3, Vertex3-Vertex1);
				float RayDistance3 = Vector3.Distance (Vertex3, Vertex1);
				if (MySlicePlane.Raycast(Ray3, out RayDistance3)) {
					Debug.Log(" Triangles are sliced 3" );
					DebugVector3 (Vertex2);
					SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Verticies[SlicedIndicies3[i]] = Vertex3 + Ray3.direction*RayDistance3;
				} else  {
					Debug.Log(i + " Triangles a Not Sliced 3 -");
					Debug.Log ("    Distance: " + RayDistance3);
					DebugVector3 (Vertex3);
					DebugVector3 (Vertex3 + Ray3.direction*RayDistance3);
					if (RayDistance3 != 0) {
						SlicedIndicies4.Add (i+2);
						SlicedPoints4.Add (Vertex3 + Ray3.direction*RayDistance3);
						//SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Verticies[SlicedIndicies3[i]] = Vertex3 + Ray3.direction*RayDistance3;
			// test slice through the middle, where the plane is .5, .5 ,.5
			// Concieve a 2d plane that is the slice (sword action pewpew)
			// find all the intersecting points with the mesh
			for (int i = 0; i < SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Indicies.Count; i += 3) {	// for all the meshes triangles
				//SlicedCustomMesh2.MyCustomMesh.Indicies[i] = 0;
				Vector3 Vertex1 = SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Verticies[SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Indicies[i]];
				Vector3 Vertex2 = SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Verticies[SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Indicies[i+1]];
				Vector3 Vertex3 = SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Verticies[SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Indicies[i+2]];
				// if our vertexes are on the positive side of the plane, add to mesh 1
				//if (Vertex1.y > 0.5f) {
				if (MySlicePlane.GetSide(Vertex1) && MySlicePlane.GetSide(Vertex2) && MySlicePlane.GetSide(Vertex3)) {	// if all 3 verticies are on the same side
				//} else {
				} else if (!MySlicePlane.GetSide(Vertex1) && !MySlicePlane.GetSide(Vertex2) && !MySlicePlane.GetSide(Vertex3)){ // if they are not on same side, they are intersected by the plane

			//for (int i = 0; i < 0
			// Add all the points onto 2 new meshes

			// Add the rest of the meshes points onto the 2 created ones

			// Instantiate the new objects in the points it was cut

			// test this with non moving objects for positioning
			//SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Verticies = SlicedPoints1;
			if (IsSlice) {
				SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Indicies.Clear ();
				//SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Indicies = SlicedIndicies1;
				SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Indicies = SlicedIndicies3;
				//SlicedCustomMesh2.MyCustomMesh.Indicies.Clear ();
				//SlicedCustomMesh2.MyCustomMesh.Indicies = SlicedIndicies2;

			//SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.Refresh(SlicedPoints1, SlicedIndicies1, SlicedCustomMesh1.MyCustomMesh.TextureCoordinates);
			//SlicedCustomMesh2.MyCustomMesh.Refresh(SlicedPoints2, SlicedIndicies2, SlicedCustomMesh2.MyCustomMesh.TextureCoordinates);

Exemple #13
        void PreUpdate()
            List<VREvent> inputEvents = new List<VREvent> ();

            // TODO: Add input events generated in Unity to the list of inputEvents to sync them across all clients

            if (fakeTrackersForDebugging) {
                float x = Input.mousePosition.x;
                float y = Input.mousePosition.y;
                // first time through
                if (lastx == -9999) {
                    lastx = x;
                    lasty = y;

                if (Input.GetKeyDown ("1")) {
                    curTracker = 0;
                } else if (Input.GetKeyDown ("2")) {
                    curTracker = 1;

                if (Input.GetKey ("x")) {
                    float angle = 0.1f * (x - lastx);
                    if (curTracker == 0) {
                        tracker1Rot = Quaternion.AngleAxis (angle, new Vector3 (1f, 0f, 0f)) * tracker1Rot;
                    } else if (curTracker == 1) {
                        tracker2Rot = Quaternion.AngleAxis (angle, new Vector3 (1f, 0f, 0f)) * tracker2Rot;
                } else if (Input.GetKey ("y")) {
                    float angle = 0.1f * (x - lastx);
                    if (curTracker == 0) {
                        tracker1Rot = Quaternion.AngleAxis (angle, new Vector3 (0f, 1f, 0f)) * tracker1Rot;
                    } else if (curTracker == 1) {
                        tracker2Rot = Quaternion.AngleAxis (angle, new Vector3 (0f, 1f, 0f)) * tracker2Rot;
                } else if (Input.GetKey ("z")) {
                    float angle = 0.1f * (x - lastx);
                    if (curTracker == 0) {
                        tracker1Rot = Quaternion.AngleAxis (angle, new Vector3 (0f, 0f, 1f)) * tracker1Rot;
                    } else if (curTracker == 1) {
                        tracker2Rot = Quaternion.AngleAxis (angle, new Vector3 (0f, 0f, 1f)) * tracker2Rot;
                } else if (Input.GetKey ("left shift")) {
                    float depth = 0.005f * (y - lasty);
                    if (curTracker == 0) {
                        tracker1Pos += depth * Camera.main.transform.forward;
                    } else if (curTracker == 1) {
                        tracker2Pos += depth * Camera.main.transform.forward;
                } else {
                    Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (new Vector3 (x, y, 0f));
                    Plane p = new Plane ();
                    float dist = 0.0f;
                    if (curTracker == 0) {
                        p.SetNormalAndPosition (-Camera.main.transform.forward, tracker1Pos);
                        if (p.Raycast (ray, out dist)) {
                            tracker1Pos = ray.GetPoint (dist);
                    } else if (curTracker == 1) {
                        p.SetNormalAndPosition (-Camera.main.transform.forward, tracker2Pos);
                        if (p.Raycast (ray, out dist)) {
                            tracker2Pos = ray.GetPoint (dist);

                Matrix4x4 m1 = Matrix4x4.TRS (tracker1Pos, tracker1Rot, Vector3.one);
                double[] d1 = VRConvert.ToDoubleArray (m1);
                VRDataIndex data1 = new VRDataIndex ();
                data1.AddData ("Transform", d1);
                inputEvents.Add (new VREvent (fakeTracker1Event, data1));
                Matrix4x4 m2 = Matrix4x4.TRS (tracker2Pos, tracker2Rot, Vector3.one);
                double[] d2 = VRConvert.ToDoubleArray (m2);
                VRDataIndex data2 = new VRDataIndex ();
                data2.AddData ("Transform", d2);
                inputEvents.Add (new VREvent (fakeTracker2Event, data2));
                lastx = x;
                lasty = y;
            if (fakeHeadTracking) {
                if (Input.GetKey("up")) {
                    headTrackerPos += 0.1f * Camera.main.transform.forward;
                else if (Input.GetKey("down")) {
                    headTrackerPos -= 0.1f * Camera.main.transform.forward;
                else if (Input.GetKey("left")) {
                    headTrackerRot *= Quaternion.AngleAxis (-1.0f, new Vector3 (0f, 1f, 0f));
                else if (Input.GetKey("right")) {
                    headTrackerRot *= Quaternion.AngleAxis (1.0f, new Vector3 (0f, 1f, 0f));
                Matrix4x4 m3 = Matrix4x4.TRS (headTrackerPos, headTrackerRot, Vector3.one);
                double[] d3 = VRConvert.ToDoubleArray (m3);
                VRDataIndex data3 = new VRDataIndex ();
                data3.AddData ("Transform", d3);
                inputEvents.Add (new VREvent (fakeHeadTrackerEvent, data3));
            // ----- END FAKE TRACKER INPUT -----

            // Synchronize with the server
            if (_netClient != null) {
                _netClient.SynchronizeInputEventsAcrossAllNodes(ref inputEvents);

            // Call any event callback functions that have been registered with the VREventHandler
            for (int i=0; i<inputEvents.Count; i++) {
                if (VREventHandler != null) {
            _state = NetState.PostRenderNext;
	float GetSizeMultiplier( SplineNode node )
		if( !Camera.current.orthographic )
			Plane screen = new Plane( );
			float sizeMultiplier = 0f;
			screen.SetNormalAndPosition( Camera.current.transform.forward, Camera.current.transform.position );
			screen.Raycast( new Ray( node.Position, Camera.current.transform.forward ), out sizeMultiplier );
			return sizeMultiplier * .0075f;
		return Camera.current.orthographicSize * 0.01875f;