public void flush(uiPicture picture) { this._reset(); this._resetRenderTextureId(); this._drawUIPicture(picture, false); D.assert(this._layers.Count == 1); D.assert(this._layers[0].states.Count == 1); var layer = this._currentLayer; using (var cmdBuf = new CommandBuffer()) { = "CommandBufferCanvas"; this._lastRtID = -1; this._drawLayer(layer, cmdBuf); // this is necessary for webgl2. not sure why... just to be safe to disable the scissor. cmdBuf.DisableScissorRect(); Graphics.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmdBuf); } D.assert(this._layers.Count == 0 || (this._layers.Count == 1 && this._layers[0] == this._currentLayer)); if (this._currentLayer != null) { this._clearLayer(this._currentLayer); ObjectPool <RenderLayer> .release(this._currentLayer); this._currentLayer = null; this._lastScissor = null; this._layers.Clear(); } }
void _drawUIPicture(uiPicture picture, bool needsSave = true) { if (needsSave) { this._save(); } int saveCount = 0; var drawCmds = picture.drawCmds; foreach (var drawCmd in drawCmds) { switch (drawCmd) { case uiDrawSave _: saveCount++; this._save(); break; case uiDrawSaveLayer cmd: { saveCount++; this._saveLayer(cmd.rect.Value, cmd.paint); break; } case uiDrawRestore _: { saveCount--; if (saveCount < 0) { throw new Exception("unmatched save/restore in picture"); } this._restore(); break; } case uiDrawTranslate cmd: { this._translate(cmd.dx, cmd.dy); break; } case uiDrawScale cmd: { this._scale(,; break; } case uiDrawRotate cmd: { this._rotate(cmd.radians, cmd.offset); break; } case uiDrawSkew cmd: { this._skew(,; break; } case uiDrawConcat cmd: { this._concat(cmd.matrix.Value); break; } case uiDrawResetMatrix _: this._resetMatrix(); break; case uiDrawSetMatrix cmd: { this._setMatrix(cmd.matrix.Value); break; } case uiDrawClipRect cmd: { this._clipUIRect(cmd.rect.Value); break; } case uiDrawClipRRect cmd: { this._clipRRect(cmd.rrect); break; } case uiDrawClipPath cmd: { this._clipPath(cmd.path); break; } case uiDrawPath cmd: { this._drawPath(cmd.path, cmd.paint); break; } case uiDrawImage cmd: { this._drawImage(cmd.image, cmd.offset.Value, cmd.paint); break; } case uiDrawImageRect cmd: { this._drawImageRect(cmd.image, cmd.src, cmd.dst.Value, cmd.paint); break; } case uiDrawImageNine cmd: { this._drawImageNine(cmd.image, cmd.src,, cmd.dst.Value, cmd.paint); break; } case uiDrawPicture cmd: { this._drawPicture(cmd.picture); break; } case uiDrawTextBlob cmd: { this._drawTextBlob(cmd.textBlob, cmd.offset.Value, cmd.paint); break; } default: throw new Exception("unknown drawCmd: " + drawCmd); } } if (saveCount != 0) { throw new Exception("unmatched save/restore in picture"); } if (needsSave) { this._restore(); } }