Exemple #1
        public void RemoveComponents(ArchetypeChunk *chunks, int chunkCount, ComponentTypes componentTypes)
            Archetype *prevArchetype = null;
            Archetype *dstArchetype  = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++)
                var chunk        = chunks[i].m_Chunk;
                var srcArchetype = chunk->Archetype;

                if (prevArchetype != chunk->Archetype)
                    dstArchetype  = GetArchetypeWithRemovedComponents(srcArchetype, componentTypes);
                    prevArchetype = chunk->Archetype;

                if (dstArchetype == srcArchetype)

                var archetypeChunkFilter = GetArchetypeChunkFilterWithRemovedComponents(chunk, dstArchetype);

                Move(chunk, ref archetypeChunkFilter);
 public void AssertCanAddComponents(Entity entity, ComponentTypes types)
     for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i)
         AssertCanAddComponent(entity, types.GetComponentType(i));
        public void AssertCanAddComponents(Archetype *archetype, ComponentTypes componentTypes)
            int totalComponentInstanceSize = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < componentTypes.Length; i++)
                var type = componentTypes.GetComponentType(i);

                if (type == m_EntityComponentType)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Cannot add Entity as a component.");

                if (type.IsSharedComponent && (archetype->NumSharedComponents == kMaxSharedComponentCount))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add more than {kMaxSharedComponentCount} SharedComponent to a single Archetype");

                var componentTypeInfo = GetTypeInfo(type.TypeIndex);
                totalComponentInstanceSize += GetComponentArraySize(componentTypeInfo.SizeInChunk, 1);
            var archetypeInstanceSize = archetype->InstanceSizeWithOverhead + totalComponentInstanceSize;
            var chunkDataSize         = Chunk.GetChunkBufferSize();

            if (archetypeInstanceSize > chunkDataSize)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Entity archetype component data is too large. Previous archetype size per instance {archetype->InstanceSizeWithOverhead}  bytes. Attempting to add component size {totalComponentInstanceSize} bytes. Maximum chunk size {chunkDataSize}.");
Exemple #4
 public void AssertCanRemoveComponents(Entity entity, ComponentTypes types)
     for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i)
         AssertCanRemoveComponent(entity, ComponentType.FromTypeIndex(types.GetTypeIndex(i)));
Exemple #5
        public void RemoveComponents(UnsafeList *sortedEntityBatchList, ref ComponentTypes types)
            Assert.IsFalse(types.ChunkComponentCount > 0);

            // Reverse order so that batch indices do not change while iterating.
            for (int i = sortedEntityBatchList->Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                RemoveComponents(((EntityBatchInChunk *)sortedEntityBatchList->Ptr)[i], types);
Exemple #6
        public void AddComponents(Entity entity, ComponentTypes types)
            var archetypeChunkFilter = GetArchetypeChunkFilterWithAddedComponents(GetChunk(entity), types);

            if (archetypeChunkFilter.Archetype == null)

            Move(entity, ref archetypeChunkFilter);
 public void AssertCanAddComponents(NativeArray <Entity> entities, ComponentTypes types)
     for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; ++i)
         var entity = entities[i];
         for (int j = 0; j < types.Length; ++j)
             AssertCanAddComponent(entity, types.GetComponentType(j));
Exemple #8
        public void RemoveComponents(Entity entity, ComponentTypes types)
            var archetypeChunkFilter = GetArchetypeChunkFilterWithRemovedComponents(GetChunk(entity), types);

            if (archetypeChunkFilter.Archetype == null)  // none were removed

            Move(entity, ref archetypeChunkFilter);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a set of component to an entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Adding components changes the entity's archetype and results in the entity being moved to a different
        /// chunk.
        /// The added components have the default values for the type.
        /// If the <see cref="Entity"/> object refers to an entity that has been destroyed, this function throws an ArgumentError
        /// exception.
        /// **Important:** This function creates a sync point, which means that the EntityManager waits for all
        /// currently running Jobs to complete before adding these components and no additional Jobs can start before
        /// the function is finished. A sync point can cause a drop in performance because the ECS framework may not
        /// be able to make use of the processing power of all available cores.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity to modify.</param>
        /// <param name="types">The types of components to add.</param>
        public void AddComponents(Entity entity, ComponentTypes types)
            var archetypeChanges = EntityComponentStore->BeginArchetypeChangeTracking();

            EntityComponentStore->AssertCanAddComponents(entity, types);
            EntityManagerChangeArchetypeUtility.AddComponents(entity, types, EntityComponentStore, ManagedComponentStore);

            var changedArchetypes = EntityComponentStore->EndArchetypeChangeTracking(archetypeChanges);

Exemple #10
        public void RemoveComponent(EntityQuery entityQuery, ComponentTypes types)
            if (entityQuery.CalculateLength() == 0)

            // @TODO: Opportunity to do all components in batch on a per chunk basis.
            for (int i = 0; i != types.Length; i++)
                RemoveComponent(entityQuery, types.GetComponentType(i));
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a set of component to an entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Adding components changes the entity's archetype and results in the entity being moved to a different
        /// chunk.
        /// The added components have the default values for the type.
        /// If the <see cref="Entity"/> object refers to an entity that has been destroyed, this function throws an ArgumentError
        /// exception.
        /// **Important:** This function creates a sync point, which means that the EntityManager waits for all
        /// currently running Jobs to complete before adding these components and no additional Jobs can start before
        /// the function is finished. A sync point can cause a drop in performance because the ECS framework may not
        /// be able to make use of the processing power of all available cores.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity to modify.</param>
        /// <param name="types">The types of components to add.</param>
        public void AddComponents(Entity entity, ComponentTypes types)
            var archetypeChanges = EntityComponentStore->BeginArchetypeChangeTracking();

            EntityComponentStore->AssertCanAddComponents(entity, types);
            EntityComponentStore->AddComponents(entity, types);

            var changedArchetypes = EntityComponentStore->EndArchetypeChangeTracking(archetypeChanges);

            ManagedComponentStore.Playback(ref EntityComponentStore->ManagedChangesTracker);
Exemple #12
        public void RemoveComponents(Entity entity, ComponentTypes componentTypes)
            var chunk        = GetChunk(entity);
            var newArchetype = GetArchetypeWithRemovedComponents(chunk->Archetype, componentTypes);

            if (newArchetype == chunk->Archetype)  // none were removed
            var archetypeChunkFilter = GetArchetypeChunkFilterWithRemovedComponents(chunk, newArchetype);

            Move(entity, ref archetypeChunkFilter);
Exemple #13
        bool AddComponents(EntityBatchInChunk entityBatchInChunk, ComponentTypes componentTypes)
            var srcChunk = entityBatchInChunk.Chunk;

            var dstArchetype = GetArchetypeWithAddedComponents(srcChunk->Archetype, componentTypes);

            if (dstArchetype == srcChunk->Archetype)  // none were added

            var archetypeChunkFilter = GetArchetypeChunkFilterWithAddedComponents(srcChunk, dstArchetype);

            if (archetypeChunkFilter.Archetype == null)

            Move(entityBatchInChunk, ref archetypeChunkFilter);
Exemple #14
        public void RemoveComponents(ArchetypeChunk *chunks, int chunkCount, ComponentTypes types)
            Archetype *          prevArchetype        = null;
            ArchetypeChunkFilter archetypeChunkFilter = default(ArchetypeChunkFilter);

            for (int i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++)
                var chunk     = chunks[i].m_Chunk;
                var archetype = chunk->Archetype;

                if (archetype != prevArchetype)
                    // returns default if no types removed
                    archetypeChunkFilter = GetArchetypeChunkFilterWithRemovedComponents(chunk, types);
                    prevArchetype        = archetype;

                if (archetypeChunkFilter.Archetype != null)
                    Move(chunk, ref archetypeChunkFilter);
Exemple #15
 public void RemoveMultipleComponentsWithValidation(Entity entity, ComponentTypes componentTypes)
     RemoveComponents(entity, componentTypes);
Exemple #16
 public void AddMultipleComponentsWithValidation(Entity entity, ComponentTypes componentTypes)
     AssertCanAddComponents(entity, componentTypes);
     AddComponents(entity, componentTypes);
Exemple #17
 public unsafe void AddComponents(Entity entity, ComponentTypes types)
     this.Entities.AssertEntitiesExist(&entity, 1);
     this.Entities.AddComponents(entity, types, this.ArchetypeManager, this.m_SharedComponentManager, this.m_GroupManager, this.m_CachedComponentTypeInArchetypeArray);
        public static void RemoveComponentsEntity(EntityComponentStore *entityComponentStore, Entity *entity, ref ComponentTypes types)
            if (UseDelegate())
                _forward_mono_RemoveComponentsEntity(entityComponentStore, entity, ref types);

            _RemoveComponentsEntity(entityComponentStore, entity, ref types);
Exemple #19
 private static void _forward_mono_RemoveComponentsChunks(EntityComponentStore *entityComponentStore, ArchetypeChunk *chunks, int chunkCount, ref ComponentTypes types)
     _bfp_RemoveComponentsChunks(entityComponentStore, chunks, chunkCount, ref types);
        public static void RemoveComponentsChunks(EntityComponentStore *entityComponentStore, ArchetypeChunk *chunks, int chunkCount, ref ComponentTypes types)
            if (UseDelegate())
                _forward_mono_RemoveComponentsChunks(entityComponentStore, chunks, chunkCount, ref types);

            _RemoveComponentsChunks(entityComponentStore, chunks, chunkCount, ref types);
 private static void _forward_mono_RemoveComponentsEntitiesBatch(EntityComponentStore *entityComponentStore, Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe.UnsafeList *entityBatchList, ref ComponentTypes types)
     Managed._bfp_RemoveComponentsEntitiesBatch((IntPtr)entityComponentStore, (IntPtr)entityBatchList, ref types);
 private static void _mono_to_burst_RemoveComponentsEntitiesBatch(IntPtr entityComponentStore, IntPtr entityBatchList, ref ComponentTypes types)
     _RemoveComponentsEntitiesBatch((EntityComponentStore *)entityComponentStore, (Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe.UnsafeList *)entityBatchList, ref types);
 private static void _forward_mono_RemoveComponentsEntity(EntityComponentStore *entityComponentStore, Entity *entity, ref ComponentTypes types)
     Managed._bfp_RemoveComponentsEntity((IntPtr)entityComponentStore, (IntPtr)entity, ref types);
 private static void _mono_to_burst_RemoveComponentsEntity(IntPtr entityComponentStore, IntPtr entity, ref ComponentTypes types)
     _RemoveComponentsEntity((EntityComponentStore *)entityComponentStore, (Entity *)entity, ref types);
Exemple #25
 private static void _mono_to_burst_AddComponentsChunks(EntityComponentStore *entityComponentStore, ArchetypeChunk *chunks, int chunkCount, ref ComponentTypes types)
     _AddComponentsChunks(entityComponentStore, chunks, chunkCount, ref types);
 private static void _mono_to_burst_RemoveComponentsChunks(IntPtr entityComponentStore, IntPtr chunks, int chunkCount, ref ComponentTypes types)
     _RemoveComponentsChunks((EntityComponentStore *)entityComponentStore, (ArchetypeChunk *)chunks, chunkCount, ref types);
Exemple #27
        public static void RemoveComponentsChunks(EntityComponentStore *entityComponentStore, ArchetypeChunk *chunks, int chunkCount, ref ComponentTypes types)
            if (UseDelegate())
                _forward_mono_RemoveComponentsChunks(entityComponentStore, chunks, chunkCount, ref types);

            _RemoveComponentsChunks(entityComponentStore, chunks, chunkCount, ref types);
        public void AssertCanAddComponents(UnsafeMatchingArchetypePtrList archetypeList, ComponentTypes componentTypes)
            int newShared             = 0;
            int totalNewComponentSize = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < componentTypes.Length; i++)
                var componentType = componentTypes.GetComponentType(i);
                if (componentType == m_EntityComponentType)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Cannot add Entity as a component.");
                if (componentType.IsSharedComponent)
                totalNewComponentSize += GetComponentArraySize(GetTypeInfo(componentType.TypeIndex).SizeInChunk, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < archetypeList.Length; i++)
                var archetype = archetypeList.Ptr[i]->Archetype;
                if ((archetype->NumSharedComponents + newShared) > kMaxSharedComponentCount)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add more than {kMaxSharedComponentCount} SharedComponent to a single Archetype");
                if ((archetype->InstanceSizeWithOverhead + totalNewComponentSize) > Chunk.GetChunkBufferSize())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Entity archetype component data is too large. Previous archetype size per instance {archetype->InstanceSizeWithOverhead}  bytes. Attempting to add component size {componentInstanceSize} bytes. Maximum chunk size {chunkDataSize}.");
        public static void RemoveComponentsEntitiesBatch(EntityComponentStore *entityComponentStore, Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe.UnsafeList *entityBatchList, ref ComponentTypes types)
            if (UseDelegate())
                _forward_mono_RemoveComponentsEntitiesBatch(entityComponentStore, entityBatchList, ref types);

            _RemoveComponentsEntitiesBatch(entityComponentStore, entityBatchList, ref types);
 private static void _forward_mono_AddComponentsChunks(EntityComponentStore *entityComponentStore, ArchetypeChunk *chunks, int chunkCount, ref ComponentTypes types)
     Managed._bfp_AddComponentsChunks((IntPtr)entityComponentStore, (IntPtr)chunks, chunkCount, ref types);