Box CreateGenericRadicalBox(Box baseBox, string genericSymbol) { float clearance; var lineThickness = TEXConfiguration.main.LineThickness * TexContext.Scale; clearance = lineThickness; // Create box for radical sign. var totalHeight = baseBox.totalHeight; var radicalSignBox = DelimiterFactory.CreateBox(genericSymbol, totalHeight + clearance + lineThickness); // Add half of excess height to clearance. //lineThickness = Mathf.Max(radicalSignBox.height, lineThickness); clearance = radicalSignBox.totalHeight - totalHeight - lineThickness * 2; // Create box for square-root containing base box. TexUtility.CentreBox(radicalSignBox); var overBar = OverBar.Get(baseBox, clearance, lineThickness); var expansion = radicalSignBox.width - CustomizedGenericDelimOffset(genericSymbol, radicalSignBox.totalHeight) * radicalSignBox.width; overBar.children[0].width += expansion; overBar.children[0].shift -= expansion; TexUtility.CentreBox(overBar); var radicalContainerBox = HorizontalBox.Get(radicalSignBox); radicalContainerBox.Add(overBar); // There is no generic root then ... return(radicalContainerBox); }
Box CreateBoxDefault(TexStyle style, Box baseBox) { var factor = TexUtility.SizeFactor(style); var clearance = TEXConfiguration.main.RootMargin * factor; var lineThickness = TEXConfiguration.main.LineThickness * factor; // Create box for radical sign. var totalHeight = baseBox.totalHeight; var radicalSignBox = DelimiterFactory.CreateBox(rootSymbol, totalHeight + clearance + lineThickness, style); // Add some clearance to left and right side baseBox = HorizontalBox.Get(baseBox, baseBox.width + clearance * 2, TexAlignment.Center); // Add half of excess height to clearance. lineThickness = Mathf.Max(radicalSignBox.height, lineThickness); clearance = radicalSignBox.totalHeight - totalHeight - lineThickness * 2; // Create box for square-root containing base box. TexUtility.CentreBox(radicalSignBox, style); var overBar = OverBar.Get(baseBox, clearance, lineThickness); TexUtility.CentreBox(overBar, style); var radicalContainerBox = HorizontalBox.Get(radicalSignBox); radicalContainerBox.Add(overBar); // If atom is simple radical, just return square-root box. if (DegreeAtom == null) { return(radicalContainerBox); } // Atom is complex radical (nth-root). // Create box for root atom. var rootBox = DegreeAtom.CreateBox(TexUtility.GetRootStyle()); var bottomShift = scale * (radicalContainerBox.height + radicalContainerBox.depth); rootBox.shift = radicalContainerBox.depth - rootBox.depth - bottomShift; // Create result box. var resultBox = HorizontalBox.Get(); // Add box for negative kern. var negativeKern = SpaceAtom.Get(-((radicalSignBox.width) / 2f), 0, 0).CreateBox(TexStyle.Display); var xPos = rootBox.width + negativeKern.width; if (xPos < 0) { resultBox.Add(StrutBox.Get(-xPos, 0, 0, 0)); } resultBox.Add(rootBox); resultBox.Add(negativeKern); resultBox.Add(radicalContainerBox); return(resultBox); }
public override Box CreateBox() { var width = size.x; var height = size.y; Box result; if (BaseAtom == null) { result = StrutBox.Get(width, height, 0, 0); } else if (BaseAtom is SpaceAtom) { result = StrutBox.Get(width, height, 0, 0); } else if (width == 0 && BaseAtom is SymbolAtom) { result = VerticalBox.Get(DelimiterFactory.CreateBox(((SymbolAtom)BaseAtom).Name, height), height, align); } else if (height == 0 && BaseAtom is SymbolAtom) { result = HorizontalBox.Get(DelimiterFactory.CreateBoxHorizontal(((SymbolAtom)BaseAtom).Name, width), width, align); } else if (width == 0) { result = VerticalBox.Get(BaseAtom.CreateBox(), height, align); } else if (height == 0) { result = HorizontalBox.Get(BaseAtom.CreateBox(), width, align); } else { result = VerticalBox.Get(HorizontalBox.Get(BaseAtom.CreateBox(), width, align), height, align); } if (size.x + size.y > 1e-3f) { TexUtility.CentreBox(result); } return(result); }
public override Box CreateBox() { // Create box for base atom. Box baseBox; float delta; if (BaseAtom is SymbolAtom && BaseAtom.Type == CharType.BigOperator) { // Find character of best scale for operator symbol. var opChar = TEXPreference.main.GetChar(((SymbolAtom)BaseAtom).Name).GetMetric(); if (TexContext.Environment.value < TexEnvironment.Text && { opChar.Flush(); opChar =; } opChar.shift = -(opChar.height + opChar.depth) / 2; baseBox = HorizontalBox.Get(opChar); delta = opChar.bearing; } else { baseBox = HorizontalBox.Get(BaseAtom == null ? StrutBox.Empty : BaseAtom.CreateBox()); delta = 0; } // Create boxes for upper and lower limits. Box upperLimitBox, lowerLimitBox; TexContext.Environment.Push(MakeSuperScripts ? TexEnvironment.ScriptScript : TexUtility.GetSuperscriptStyle()); if (UpperLimitAtom is SymbolAtom) { upperLimitBox = DelimiterFactory.CreateBoxHorizontal(((SymbolAtom)UpperLimitAtom).Name, baseBox.width); } else { upperLimitBox = UpperLimitAtom == null ? null : UpperLimitAtom.CreateBox(); } TexContext.Environment.Pop(); TexContext.Environment.Push(MakeSuperScripts ? TexEnvironment.ScriptScript : TexUtility.GetSubscriptStyle()); if (LowerLimitAtom is SymbolAtom) { lowerLimitBox = DelimiterFactory.CreateBoxHorizontal(((SymbolAtom)LowerLimitAtom).Name, baseBox.width); } else { lowerLimitBox = LowerLimitAtom == null ? null : LowerLimitAtom.CreateBox(); } TexContext.Environment.Pop(); // Make all component boxes equally wide. var maxWidth = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(baseBox.width, upperLimitBox == null ? 0 : upperLimitBox.width), lowerLimitBox == null ? 0 : lowerLimitBox.width); if (baseBox != null) { baseBox = ChangeWidth(baseBox, maxWidth); } if (upperLimitBox != null) { upperLimitBox = ChangeWidth(upperLimitBox, maxWidth); } if (lowerLimitBox != null) { lowerLimitBox = ChangeWidth(lowerLimitBox, maxWidth); } var resultBox = VerticalBox.Get(); var opSpacing5 = TEXConfiguration.main.BigOpMargin * TexContext.Scale; var kern = 0f; // Create and add box for upper limit. if (UpperLimitAtom != null) { resultBox.Add(StrutBox.Get(0, opSpacing5, 0, 0)); upperLimitBox.shift = delta / 2; upperLimitBox.shift += TopOffset(BaseAtom); resultBox.Add(upperLimitBox); kern = Mathf.Max(TEXConfiguration.main.BigOpUpShift * TexContext.Scale, TEXConfiguration.main.BigOpUpperGap * TexContext.Scale - upperLimitBox.depth); resultBox.Add(StrutBox.Get(0, kern, 0, 0)); } // Add box for base atom. resultBox.Add(baseBox); // Create and add box for lower limit. if (LowerLimitAtom != null) { resultBox.Add(StrutBox.Get(0, Mathf.Max(TEXConfiguration.main.BigOpLowShift * TexContext.Scale, TEXConfiguration.main.BigOpLowerGap * TexContext.Scale - lowerLimitBox.height), 0, 0)); lowerLimitBox.shift = -delta / 2; lowerLimitBox.shift += BottomOffset(BaseAtom); resultBox.Add(lowerLimitBox); resultBox.Add(StrutBox.Get(0, opSpacing5, 0, 0)); } // Adjust height and depth of result box. var baseBoxHeight = baseBox.height; var totalHeight = resultBox.height + resultBox.depth; if (upperLimitBox != null) { baseBoxHeight += opSpacing5 + kern + upperLimitBox.height + upperLimitBox.depth; } resultBox.height = baseBoxHeight; resultBox.depth = totalHeight - baseBoxHeight; return(resultBox); }
public Box CreateBox(float minHeight) { return(DelimiterFactory.CreateBox(Name, minHeight)); }