public void PingPong()

			var server = new LightTunnelServer<PingPongContract> ();

			var onConnect = new AutoResetEvent (false);

			server.BeforeConnect += (sender, contract, info) => {
				contract.ReceivePong+= (x, y) => {
					return new ProtoPoint{X = x, Y = y} ;

			var onDisconnect = new AutoResetEvent (false);
			server.OnDisconnect += (sender, contract) => {
			server.Open(IPAddress.Any, 6995);
			var ClientContract =new PingPongContract();
			ClientContract.ReceivePong+= (x, y) =>  {

				return new ProtoPoint{ X = x, Y = y};
			var client = new LightTunnelClient<PingPongContract>();


			if (!onConnect.WaitOne (1000))
				throw new Exception("not connected");

			var res = server.Contracts[0].SendPing(112,211);
			if (res == null)
				throw new Exception ("no answer");

			if(res.X!=112 || res.Y!= 211)
				throw new Exception("invalid data transmition");

			res = ClientContract.SendPing(10,11);
			if(res.X!=10 || res.Y!=11)
				throw new Exception("invalid data transmition");

				throw new Exception("Client not disconnected");

			server.Close ();

		public void EventPingPong()
			var A = new PingPongContract ();
			var B = new PingPongContract ();
            Tools.ConnectContractsDirectly(A, B);
			A.ReceivePong += (x, y) => {
				return new ProtoPoint{ X = x, Y = y };
			B.ReceivePong += (x, y) => {
				return new ProtoPoint{ X = x, Y = y };
			int cx = 0, cy = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
				var pong = A.SendPing (cx, cy);
				pong = B.SendPing (pong.X, pong.Y);
				cx = pong.X;
				cy = pong.Y;
			if (cx != 500 || cx != cy)
				throw new Exception ("EventPingPong fail");

		public void ManyConnections()

			var server = new LightTunnelServer<PingPongContract> ();
			int connectedCount = 0;

			server.BeforeConnect += (sender, contract, info) => {
				contract.ReceivePong+= (x, y) => new ProtoPoint{X = x, Y = y};

			server.AfterConnect +=  (sender, contract) => {
				var rnd = Tools.rnd.Next();
				var res = contract.SendPing(rnd, rnd+1);
				if(res==null || res.X!=rnd || res.Y!= rnd+1)
					throw new Exception("server to client ping failure");

			server.OnDisconnect += (sender, contract) => {
			server.Open(IPAddress.Any, 6996);

            List < LightTunnelClient < PingPongContract >> clients = new List<LightTunnelClient<PingPongContract>>();

			IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse ("");
			int port = 6996;

			for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {

				#region Connect 20 clients
				for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
					var ClientContract = new PingPongContract ();
					ClientContract.ReceivePong += (x, y) =>	new ProtoPoint{ X = x, Y = y };

					var client = new LightTunnelClient<PingPongContract> ();
					client.Connect (ip, port, ClientContract);
					clients.Add (client);

					var rnd = Tools.rnd.Next ();

					var res = ClientContract.SendPing (rnd, rnd + 1);
					if (res.X != rnd || res.Y != rnd + 1)
						throw new Exception ("client to server ping failure");

				#region send some flud
				foreach (var cl in clients) {
					var ppc = cl.CordDispatcher.Contract;
					var rnd = Tools.rnd.Next ();

					var res = ppc.SendPing (rnd, rnd + 1);
					if (res.X != rnd || res.Y != rnd + 1)
						throw new Exception ("client to server ping failure");

				#region disconnect 20 clients
				for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
					var client = clients [0];
					client.Disconnect ();
					clients.Remove (client);
			server.Close ();
			int waitC = 0;
			while (server.Contracts.Length > 0 || connectedCount>0) {
				Thread.Sleep (10);
					throw new Exception("clients are not disconnected");
		public void CuteDDDOS()
			var server = new LightTunnelServer<PingPongContract> ();
			server.BeforeConnect +=  (sender, contract, info) => {
				contract.ReceivePong+= (x, y) => 
					return new ProtoPoint{ X = x+100, Y=y+100};
			server.Open (IPAddress.Any, 6999);

			AutoResetEvent hundredDone = new AutoResetEvent (false);
			int doneCount = 0;
			for (int thread = 0; thread < 3; thread++) {

						for (int num = 0; num < 100; num++) {
							var ClientContract = new PingPongContract ();
							ClientContract.ReceivePong += (x, y) => {
								return new ProtoPoint{ X = x + 1, Y = y + 1 };
							var client = new LightTunnelClient<PingPongContract> ();

							client.Connect (IPAddress.Parse (""), 6999, ClientContract);
							var servAns = ClientContract.SendPing (1001, 1101);
							if (servAns.X != 1101 || servAns.Y != 1201)
								throw new Exception ("recursion check failed");
			if(!hundredDone.WaitOne (60000))
				throw new Exception ("ddos was done succesfully ;(");
		public void RecursionCall()

			var server = new LightTunnelServer<PingPongContract> ();
			server.BeforeConnect +=  (sender, contract, info) => {
				contract.ReceivePong+= (x, y) => 
					var ans =  contract.SendPing(x+1,y+1);
					return ans;

			server.Open(IPAddress.Any, 6997);

			var ClientContract =new PingPongContract();
			ClientContract.ReceivePong+= (x, y) =>  {
				return new ProtoPoint{ X = x+1, Y = y+1};
			var client = new LightTunnelClient<PingPongContract>();

			var servAns = ClientContract.SendPing (1, 101);

			if (servAns.X != 4 || servAns.Y != 104)
				throw new Exception ("recursion check failed");
			client.Disconnect ();