static void Main(string[] args) { int i = 1; Console.WriteLine(i -= -1); //LAV ET LIBARY Libary MitLibary = new Libary(2, 0, 2); //LAVE 2 NYE PERSONER MED NAVN, ALDER, BY OG HVILKEN BOG DE LÅNER Person person1 = new Person("Mathias Holst", 16, "Viborg", "Harry Potter", 0); Person person2 = new Person("Kasper Grønne", 19, "Viborg", "Harry Potter", 0); if (person1.age < 18 && person1.bookLoaned != "") { Console.WriteLine("You are too young to borrow a book from the libary."); } else { Console.WriteLine(person1.Description()); } if (person2.age < 18 && person2.bookLoaned != "") { Console.WriteLine("You are too young to borrow a book from the libary."); } else { Console.WriteLine(person2.Description()); } Console.WriteLine(); person1.age = 21; person1.fullName = "Mathias F Holst"; person2.bookLoaned = "Guinness record 2012"; Console.WriteLine(person1.Description()); Console.WriteLine(person2.Description()); Console.WriteLine(); //LAVE 2 BØGER MED TITEL LÅNETID OG OM DE ER TILGÆNGELIGE Book firstBook = new Book("Harry Potter", 21, false); MitLibary.loanedOut += 1; MitLibary.stillAvailable -= 1; Book secondBook = new Book("Guinness record 2012", 365, false); MitLibary.loanedOut += 1; MitLibary.stillAvailable -= 1; Console.WriteLine(MitLibary.LibaryBookStatus()); Console.WriteLine(); //UNUSED Book[] allBooks = new Book[2]; allBooks[0] = firstBook; allBooks[1] = secondBook; //GEM BØGERENES DATA I EN LISTE MitLibary.newBook.Add(firstBook); MitLibary.newBook.Add(secondBook); Console.Write(person1.fullName + "'s book titel is: "); Console.WriteLine(MitLibary.newBook[0].titel); Console.Write(person2.fullName + "'s book titel is: "); Console.WriteLine(MitLibary.newBook[1].titel); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("21 days later!"); Console.WriteLine(); //BOGEN AFLEVERET TILBAGE Console.WriteLine(MitLibary.ReturnBook(firstBook.tilgængelig, person1.bookLoaned)); Console.WriteLine("It is now delivered back to the library and can now borrows by a new person."); Console.WriteLine(MitLibary.LibaryBookStatus()); Console.WriteLine("Kasper would like to change his borrow time to 2 years instead of 1."); secondBook.lånetidIDage = 730; Console.WriteLine("Kasper's book's borrow time is now sat to: " + MitLibary.newBook[1].lånetidIDage + " Dage" + ""); //731 DAGE SENERE! MitLibary.DageGåetSecondBook(firstBook.lånetidIDage, 731); Console.WriteLine(person2.bookLoaned + " has " + secondBook.lånetidIDage + " days back to be delivered."); //IF STATEMENT THAT RUNS IF THE EXPIRE DATE RUNS OUT if (firstBook.lånetidIDage < 1 && firstBook.tilgængelig == false) { Console.WriteLine(person1.fullName + " lent the book " + person1.bookLoaned + " and the borrow time has expired!"); person1.debt += 100; Console.WriteLine(person1.fullName + " now owes the library " + person1.debt + "$."); } if (secondBook.lånetidIDage < 1 && secondBook.tilgængelig == false) { Console.WriteLine(person2.fullName + " lent the book " + person2.bookLoaned + " and the borrow time has expired!"); person2.debt += 100; Console.WriteLine(person2.fullName + " now owes the library " + person2.debt + "$."); } }