// Render: renders one frame
        public void Render()
            Vector3 Color;

            //render screens
            for (int y = 0; y < screen.height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < screen.width; x++)
                    //Create primary ray
                    Ray ray;
                    ray.t = 30;
                    ray.O = camera.CamPos;
                    ray.D = screen.pos0 + (x * ((screen.pos1 - screen.pos0) / 512.0f)) + (y * ((screen.pos2 - screen.pos0) / 512.0f));
                    //ray normalized direction
                    ray.D = (ray.D - camera.CamPos).Normalized();

                    Intersection nearest    = null;
                    Intersection nearestref = null;

                    foreach (Primitive p in prims)
                        Intersection overr = p.Intersection(ref ray);

                        if (overr != null)
                            nearest = overr;

                    // if there is an intersection, create a shadow ray
                    if (nearest != null)
                        //Check if the material is reflective
                        if (nearest.isMirror == false)
                            Color = CastShadowRay(nearest);
                            Color = CastShadowRay(nearest) * (1 - recursive / 100);
                            //Create reflection ray
                            Ray reflectionRay;
                            reflectionRay.D = ray.D - 2 * nearest.N * (Vector3.Dot(ray.D, nearest.N));
                            reflectionRay.O = nearest.I + reflectionRay.D * 0.0001f;
                            reflectionRay.t = 300;

                            foreach (Primitive p in prims)
                                Intersection overr = p.Intersection(ref reflectionRay);

                                if (overr != null)
                                    nearestref = overr;

                            Vector3 Color2 = Vector3.Zero;

                            if (nearestref != null)
                                //check if the nearest reflected object is reflective to
                                if (nearestref.isMirror)
                                    if (recursive != 100)
                                        Color2 = CastShadowRay(nearestref) * (recursive / 100.0f);
                                    Color2 = CastShadowRay(nearestref) * (recursive / 100.0f);
                                Color2 = Vector3.Zero;

                            Color = Color + Color2;

                            //draw reflectionrays on debug screen.
                            if (x % 20 == 0 && y == screen.height / 2)
                                screenDebug.Line(CordxTrans(reflectionRay.O.X), CordzTrans(reflectionRay.O.Z), CordxTrans(reflectionRay.D.X * ray.t), CordzTrans(reflectionRay.D.Z * ray.t), 0xff00ff);
                        Color = Vector3.Zero;

                    //plot the correct color on the correct pixel
                    screen.Plot(x, y, Color);

                    //Draw 1 in 10 rays on the debugscreen
                    if (x % 20 == 0 && y == screen.height / 2)
                        screenDebug.Line(CordxTrans(camera.CamPos.X), CordzTrans(camera.CamPos.Z), CordxTrans(ray.D.X * ray.t + camera.CamPos.X), CordzTrans(ray.D.Z * ray.t + camera.CamPos.Z), 0xffff00);

            //Draw Debug screen
            //Draw line between screen and debug screen
            screenDebug.Line(0, 0, 0, 1024, 0xffffff);
            //Draw camera as 2 orange lines
            screenDebug.Line(CordxTrans(camera.CamPos.X) - 5, CordzTrans(camera.CamPos.Y) - 1, CordxTrans(camera.CamPos.X) + 5, CordzTrans(camera.CamPos.Y) - 1, 0xffa500);
            screenDebug.Line(CordxTrans(camera.CamPos.X) - 5, CordzTrans(camera.CamPos.Y) + 1, CordxTrans(camera.CamPos.X) + 5, CordzTrans(camera.CamPos.Y) + 1, 0xffa500);
            //Draw screen as a blue line
            screenDebug.Line(CordxTrans(screen.pos1.X), CordzTrans(screen.pos1.Z), CordxTrans(screen.pos2.X), CordzTrans(screen.pos2.Z), 0x00ffff);
            //Draw spheres
            var sphere1 = GetSphere1;

            var sphere2 = GetSphere2;

            var sphere3 = GetSphere3;
