public virtual bool HandlePlayerSpawn(TSPlayer player, DPoint spawnTileLocation)
            if (this.IsDisposed)
            return false;

              bool isBedSpawn = (spawnTileLocation.X != -1 || spawnTileLocation.Y != -1);
              RemoteClient client = Netplay.Clients[player.Index];
              if (!isBedSpawn || client.State <= 3)
            return false;

              DPoint bedTileLocation = new DPoint(spawnTileLocation.X, spawnTileLocation.Y - 1);
              Tile spawnTile = TerrariaUtils.Tiles[bedTileLocation];
              bool isInvalidBedSpawn = (! || spawnTile.type != TileID.Beds);

              bool allowNewSpawnSet = true;
              if (isInvalidBedSpawn) {
            player.Teleport(Main.spawnTileX * TerrariaUtils.TileSize, (Main.spawnTileY - 3) * TerrariaUtils.TileSize);
            this.PluginTrace.WriteLineWarning($"Player \"{player.Name}\" tried to spawn on an invalid location.");

            allowNewSpawnSet = false;
              } else if (this.Config.EnableBedSpawnProtection) {
            if (this.CheckProtected(player, bedTileLocation, false)) {
              player.SendErrorMessage("The bed you have set spawn at is protected, you can not spawn there.");
              player.SendErrorMessage("You were transported to your last valid spawn location instead.");

              if (player.TPlayer.SpawnX == -1 && player.TPlayer.SpawnY == -1)
            player.Teleport(Main.spawnTileX * TerrariaUtils.TileSize, (Main.spawnTileY - 3) * TerrariaUtils.TileSize);
            player.Teleport(player.TPlayer.SpawnX * TerrariaUtils.TileSize, (player.TPlayer.SpawnY - 3) * TerrariaUtils.TileSize);

              allowNewSpawnSet = false;

              if (allowNewSpawnSet) {
            player.TPlayer.SpawnX = spawnTileLocation.X;
            player.TPlayer.SpawnY = spawnTileLocation.Y;
            player.sX = spawnTileLocation.X;
            player.sY = spawnTileLocation.X;

              NetMessage.SendData(12, -1, player.Index, string.Empty, player.Index);
              player.Dead = false;

              return true;
Exemple #2
        public void Update(TSPlayer player)
            if ((DateTime.Now - lastDisabled).TotalSeconds > 10)
                disabled = false;
                lastDisabled = DateTime.Now;

            bool bypassFlag = BypassFlag(player);

            bool warning = ((DateTime.Now - lastWarned).TotalSeconds > 1);
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("HEAL"))
                if (regionStorage.healinterval < 0 || regionStorage.healamount < 0)
                if ((DateTime.Now - lastHealUpdate).TotalSeconds >= regionStorage.healinterval)
                    lastHealUpdate = DateTime.Now;
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("MANA"))
                if (regionStorage.manainterval < 0 || regionStorage.healamount < 0)
                if ((DateTime.Now - lastManaUpdate).TotalSeconds >= regionStorage.manainterval)
                    lastManaUpdate = DateTime.Now;
                    var matches = TShock.Utils.GetItemByIdOrName("184");
                    Item star = matches[0];
                    player.GiveItem(star.netID,, star.width, star.height, regionStorage.healamount);
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("PRIVATE") && !bypassFlag)
                if (!gotWarnMessage)
                    player.Teleport(lastPos.X, lastPos.Y, 1);
                    player.SendErrorMessage("No permission to enter private region!");
                    gotWarnMessage = true;
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("PVP") && !bypassFlag)
                if (!player.TPlayer.hostile)
                    player.SendSuccessMessage("PVP arena entered, pvp enabled.");
                    player.TPlayer.hostile = true;
                    NetMessage.SendData((int)PacketTypes.TogglePvp, -1, -1, "", player.Index);
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("NOPVP") && !bypassFlag)
                if (player.TPlayer.hostile)
                    player.SendSuccessMessage("PVP arena entered, pvp disabled.");
                    player.TPlayer.hostile = false;
                    NetMessage.SendData((int)PacketTypes.TogglePvp, -1, -1, "", player.Index);
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("TEMPGROUP") && !bypassFlag)
                if (!groupset)
                    player.tempGroup = regionStorage.tempgroup;
                    player.SendSuccessMessage("Your group has been temporarily set to \"{0}\"!", regionStorage.tempgroup.Name);
                    groupset = true;
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("DEATH") && !bypassFlag)
                if (!killed)
                    player.SendErrorMessage("You entered a death zone! RIP");
                    killed = true;
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("HURT") && !bypassFlag)
                if (regionStorage.damageinterval < 0 || regionStorage.damageamount< 0)
                if ((DateTime.Now - lastDamageUpdate).TotalSeconds >= regionStorage.damageinterval)
                    lastDamageUpdate = DateTime.Now;
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("COMMAND") && !bypassFlag)
                if (!executedcommand)
                    if (regionStorage.command != null && regionStorage.command != "")
                        Commands.HandleCommand(TSPlayer.Server, "/" + regionStorage.command);
                        executedcommand = true;
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("PROMOTE") && !bypassFlag)
                if (!promoted)
                    if (player.Group == TShock.Groups.GetGroupByName(regionStorage.fromgroup) || regionStorage.fromgroup == "*")
                        player.Group = TShock.Groups.GetGroupByName(regionStorage.togroup);
                        player.SendInfoMessage("You have been promoted to group \"{0}\"", regionStorage.togroup);
                        promoted = true;
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("GROUPONLY"))
                if (!gotWarnMessage && !regionStorage.groupOnly.Contains(player.Group.Name) && !bypassFlag)
                    player.Teleport(lastPos.X, lastPos.Y, 1);
                    player.SendErrorMessage("No permission to enter private region!");
                    gotWarnMessage = true;
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("MESSAGE"))
                if (!gotmessage)
                    if (regionStorage.message != null && regionStorage.message != "")
                        gotmessage = true;
        public virtual bool HandlePlayerSpawn(TSPlayer player, DPoint spawnTileLocation)
            if (this.IsDisposed)
            return false;
              if (this.Config.EnableBedSpawnProtection) {
            DPoint bedTileLocation = new DPoint(spawnTileLocation.X, spawnTileLocation.Y - 1);

            Tile spawnTile = TerrariaUtils.Tiles[bedTileLocation];
            if (! || spawnTile.type != (int)BlockType.Bed)
              return false;

            if (this.CheckProtected(player, bedTileLocation, false)) {
              player.SendErrorMessage("The bed you have set spawn at is protected, you can not spawn there.");
              player.SendErrorMessage("You were transported to your last valid spawn location instead.");

              if (player.TPlayer.SpawnX == -1 && player.TPlayer.SpawnY == -1)
            player.Teleport(Main.spawnTileX * TerrariaUtils.TileSize, (Main.spawnTileY - 3) * TerrariaUtils.TileSize);
            player.Teleport(player.TPlayer.SpawnX * TerrariaUtils.TileSize, (player.TPlayer.SpawnY - 3) * TerrariaUtils.TileSize);

              return true;

              return false;
        public static void DoCommand(int id, string cmd, TSPlayer tplayer)
            scPlayer doplay = GetscPlayerByID(tplayer.Index);
            Sign sign = Main.sign[id];
            cmd = cmd.ToLower();
            if (tplayer == null || doplay == null || sign == null) return;

            #region Check permissions
            bool stime = tplayer.Group.HasPermission("usesigntime");
            bool sheal = tplayer.Group.HasPermission("usesignheal");
            bool smsg = tplayer.Group.HasPermission("usesignmessage");
            bool sdmg = tplayer.Group.HasPermission("usesigndamage");
            bool sboss = tplayer.Group.HasPermission("usesignspawnboss");
            bool smob = tplayer.Group.HasPermission("usesignspawnmob");
            bool swarp = tplayer.Group.HasPermission("usesignwarp");
            bool sitem = tplayer.Group.HasPermission("usesignitem");
            bool sbuff = tplayer.Group.HasPermission("usesignbuff");
            bool skit = tplayer.Group.HasPermission("usesignkit");
            bool scmd = tplayer.Group.HasPermission("usesigndocommand");
            bool nocool = tplayer.Group.HasPermission("nosccooldown");

            #region Time
            if (cmd.StartsWith("time") && stime && (nocool || ((getConfig.GlobalTimeCooldown && GlobalTimeCooldown <= 0) || (!getConfig.GlobalTimeCooldown && doplay.CooldownTime <= 0))))
                bool done = false;
                if (cmd.StartsWith("time day"))
                    TSPlayer.Server.SetTime(true, 150.0);
                    done = true;
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("time night"))
                    TSPlayer.Server.SetTime(false, 0.0);
                    done = true;
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("time dusk"))
                    TSPlayer.Server.SetTime(false, 0.0);
                    done = true;
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("time noon"))
                    TSPlayer.Server.SetTime(true, 27000.0);
                    done = true;
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("time midnight"))
                    TSPlayer.Server.SetTime(false, 16200.0);
                    done = true;
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("time fullmoon"))
                    done = true;
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("time bloodmoon"))
                    done = true;

                if (done)
                    if (!nocool && getConfig.GlobalTimeCooldown)
                        GlobalTimeCooldown = getConfig.TimeCooldown;
                        doplay.CooldownTime = getConfig.TimeCooldown;
            else if (doplay.toldperm <= 0 && !stime && cmd.StartsWith("time "))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You do not have permission to use this sign command!", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldperm = 5;
            else if (doplay.toldcool <= 0 && stime && (!nocool && (!getConfig.GlobalTimeCooldown && doplay.CooldownTime > 0)) && cmd.StartsWith("time "))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You have to wait another " + doplay.CooldownTime + " seconds before using this sign", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldcool = 5;
            else if (doplay.toldcool <= 0 && stime && (!nocool && (getConfig.GlobalTimeCooldown && GlobalTimeCooldown > 0)) && cmd.StartsWith("time "))
                tplayer.SendMessage("Everyone has to wait another " + GlobalTimeCooldown + " seconds before using this sign", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldcool = 5;

            #region Heal
            if (cmd.StartsWith("heal") && sheal && (nocool || doplay.CooldownHeal <= 0))
                Item heart = TShock.Utils.GetItemById(58);
                Item star = TShock.Utils.GetItemById(184);
                for (int ic = 0; ic < 20; ic++)
                    tplayer.GiveItem(heart.type,, heart.width, heart.height, heart.maxStack);
                for (int ic = 0; ic < 10; ic++)
                    tplayer.GiveItem(star.type,, star.width, star.height, star.maxStack);
                doplay.CooldownHeal = getConfig.HealCooldown;
            else if (doplay.toldperm <= 0 && !sheal && cmd.StartsWith("heal"))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You do not have permission to use this sign command!", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldperm = 5;
            else if (doplay.toldcool <= 0 && sheal && !nocool && doplay.CooldownHeal > 0 && cmd.StartsWith("heal"))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You have to wait another " + doplay.CooldownHeal + " seconds before using this sign", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldcool = 5;

            #region Message
            if (cmd.StartsWith("show") && smsg && (nocool || doplay.CooldownMsg <= 0))
                bool done = false;
                if (cmd.StartsWith("show motd"))
                    TShock.Utils.ShowFileToUser(tplayer, "motd.txt");
                    done = true;
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("show rules"))
                    TShock.Utils.ShowFileToUser(tplayer, "rules.txt");
                    done = true;
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("show playing"))
                    tplayer.SendMessage(string.Format("Current players: {0}.", TShock.Utils.GetPlayers()), 255, 240, 20);
                    done = true;
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("show message") && File.Exists("scMeassge.txt"))
                    TShock.Utils.ShowFileToUser(tplayer, "scMessage.txt");
                    done = true;
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("show message") && !File.Exists("scMeassge.txt"))
                    tplayer.SendMessage("Could not find message", Color.IndianRed);
                    done = true;

                if (done)
                    doplay.CooldownMsg = getConfig.ShowMsgCooldown;
            else if (doplay.toldperm <= 0 && !smsg && cmd.StartsWith("show "))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You do not have permission to use this sign command!", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldperm = 5;
            else if (doplay.toldcool <= 0 && smsg && !nocool && doplay.CooldownMsg > 0 && cmd.StartsWith("show "))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You have to wait another " + doplay.CooldownTime + " seconds before using this sign", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldcool = 5;

            #region Damage
            if (cmd.StartsWith("damage ") && sdmg && (nocool || doplay.CooldownDamage <= 0))
                    string[] linesplit = cmd.Split('\'', '\"');
                    int amtdamage = 0;
                    bool dmgisint = int.TryParse(linesplit[1], out amtdamage);
                    if (dmgisint)
                        doplay.CooldownDamage = getConfig.DamageCooldown;
                        if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                            doplay.toldalert = 3;
                            tplayer.SendMessage("Invalid damage value!", Color.IndianRed);
                catch (Exception)
                    if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                        doplay.toldalert = 3;
                        tplayer.SendMessage("Could not parse Damage Amount - Correct Format: \"<Amount to Damage>\"", Color.IndianRed);
            else if (doplay.toldperm <= 0 && !sdmg && cmd.StartsWith("damage "))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You do not have permission to use this sign command!", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldperm = 5;
            else if (doplay.toldcool <= 0 && sdmg && !nocool && doplay.CooldownDamage > 0 && cmd.StartsWith("damage "))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You have to wait another " + doplay.CooldownDamage + " seconds before using this sign", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldcool = 5;

            #region Boss
            if (cmd.StartsWith("boss") && sboss && (nocool || ((getConfig.GlobalBossCooldown && GlobalBossCooldown <= 0) || (!getConfig.GlobalBossCooldown && doplay.CooldownBoss <= 0))))
                bool done = false;
                if (cmd.StartsWith("boss eater"))
                    NPC npc = TShock.Utils.GetNPCById(13);
                    TSPlayer.Server.SpawnNPC(npc.type,, 1, tplayer.TileX, tplayer.TileY);
                    done = true;
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("boss eye"))
                    NPC npc = TShock.Utils.GetNPCById(4);
                    TSPlayer.Server.SetTime(false, 0.0);
                    TSPlayer.Server.SpawnNPC(npc.type,, 1, tplayer.TileX, tplayer.TileY);
                    done = true;
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("boss king"))
                    NPC npc = TShock.Utils.GetNPCById(50);
                    TSPlayer.Server.SpawnNPC(npc.type,, 1, tplayer.TileX, tplayer.TileY);
                    done = true;
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("boss skeletron") && !cmd.StartsWith("boss skeletronprime"))
                    NPC npc = TShock.Utils.GetNPCById(35);
                    TSPlayer.Server.SetTime(false, 0.0);
                    TSPlayer.Server.SpawnNPC(npc.type,, 1, tplayer.TileX, tplayer.TileY);
                    done = true;
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("boss wof"))
                    if (Main.wof >= 0 || (tplayer.Y / 16f < (float)(Main.maxTilesY - 205)))
                        if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                            doplay.toldalert = 3;
                            tplayer.SendMessage("Can't spawn Wall of Flesh!", Color.Red);
                    NPC.SpawnWOF(new Vector2(tplayer.X, tplayer.Y));
                    done = true;
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("boss twins"))
                    NPC retinazer = TShock.Utils.GetNPCById(125);
                    NPC spaz = TShock.Utils.GetNPCById(126);
                    TSPlayer.Server.SetTime(false, 0.0);
                    TSPlayer.Server.SpawnNPC(retinazer.type,, 1, tplayer.TileX, tplayer.TileY);
                    TSPlayer.Server.SpawnNPC(spaz.type,, 1, tplayer.TileX, tplayer.TileY);
                    done = true;
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("boss destroyer"))
                    NPC npc = TShock.Utils.GetNPCById(134);
                    TSPlayer.Server.SetTime(false, 0.0);
                    TSPlayer.Server.SpawnNPC(npc.type,, 1, tplayer.TileX, tplayer.TileY);
                    done = true;
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("boss skeletronprime"))
                    NPC npc = TShock.Utils.GetNPCById(127);
                    TSPlayer.Server.SetTime(false, 0.0);
                    TSPlayer.Server.SpawnNPC(npc.type,, 1, tplayer.TileX, tplayer.TileY);
                    done = true;

                if (done)
                    if (!nocool && getConfig.GlobalBossCooldown)
                        GlobalBossCooldown = getConfig.BossCooldown;
                        doplay.CooldownBoss = getConfig.BossCooldown;
            else if (doplay.toldperm <= 0 && !sboss && cmd.StartsWith("boss "))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You do not have permission to use this sign command!", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldperm = 5;
            else if (doplay.toldcool <= 0 && sboss && (!nocool && (!getConfig.GlobalBossCooldown && doplay.CooldownBoss > 0)) && cmd.StartsWith("boss "))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You have to wait another " + doplay.CooldownBoss + " seconds before using this sign", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldcool = 5;
            else if (doplay.toldcool <= 0 && sboss && (!nocool && (getConfig.GlobalBossCooldown && GlobalBossCooldown > 0)) && cmd.StartsWith("boss "))
                tplayer.SendMessage("Everyone has to wait another " + GlobalBossCooldown + " seconds before using this sign", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldcool = 5;

            #region Spawn Mob
            if ((cmd.StartsWith("spawn mob ") || cmd.StartsWith("spawnmob ") || cmd.StartsWith("spawn "))
                && smob && (nocool || ((getConfig.GlobalSpawnMobCooldown && GlobalSpawnMobCooldown <= 0) || (!getConfig.GlobalSpawnMobCooldown && doplay.CooldownSpawnMob <= 0))))
                    string[] linesplit = cmd.Split('\'', '\"');
                    for (int i = 1; i < linesplit.Length; i++)
                    bool containstime = false;
                    string[] datasplit;

                    if (linesplit[1].Contains(","))
                        datasplit = linesplit[1].Split(',');
                        containstime = true;
                        datasplit = null;

                    var npcs = new List<NPC>();
                    int amount = 1;
                    amount = Math.Min(amount, Main.maxNPCs);

                    if (!containstime)
                        amount = 1;
                        npcs = TShock.Utils.GetNPCByIdOrName(linesplit[1]);
                        int.TryParse(datasplit[1], out amount);
                        npcs = TShock.Utils.GetNPCByIdOrName(datasplit[0]);

                    if (npcs.Count == 0)
                        if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                            doplay.toldalert = 3;
                            tplayer.SendMessage("Invalid mob type!", Color.Red);
                    else if (npcs.Count > 1)
                        if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                            doplay.toldalert = 3;
                            tplayer.SendMessage(string.Format("More than one ({0}) mob matched!", npcs.Count), Color.Red);
                        var npc = npcs[0];
                        if (npc.type >= 1 && npc.type < Main.maxNPCTypes && npc.type != 113)
                            TSPlayer.Server.SpawnNPC(npc.type,, amount, tplayer.TileX, tplayer.TileY, 50, 20);
                            if (!nocool && getConfig.GlobalSpawnMobCooldown)
                                GlobalSpawnMobCooldown = getConfig.SpawnMobCooldown;
                                doplay.CooldownSpawnMob = getConfig.SpawnMobCooldown;
                        else if (npc.type == 113)
                            if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                                doplay.toldalert = 3;
                                tplayer.SendMessage("Sorry, you can't spawn Wall of Flesh! Try the sign command \"boss wof\"");
                            if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                                doplay.toldalert = 3;
                                tplayer.SendMessage("Invalid mob type!", Color.Red);
                catch (Exception)
                    if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                        doplay.toldalert = 3;
                        tplayer.SendMessage("Could not parse Mob / Amount - Correct Format: \"<Mob Name>, <Amount>\"", Color.IndianRed);
            else if (doplay.toldperm <= 0 && !smob && cmd.StartsWith("spawnmob"))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You do not have permission to use this sign command!", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldperm = 5;
            else if (doplay.toldcool <= 0 && smob && (!nocool && (!getConfig.GlobalSpawnMobCooldown && doplay.CooldownSpawnMob > 0)) &&
                (cmd.StartsWith("spawn mob ") || cmd.StartsWith("spawnmob ") || cmd.StartsWith("spawn ")))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You have to wait another " + doplay.CooldownSpawnMob + " seconds before using this sign", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldcool = 5;
            else if (doplay.toldcool <= 0 && smob && (!nocool && (getConfig.GlobalSpawnMobCooldown && GlobalSpawnMobCooldown > 0)) &&
                (cmd.StartsWith("spawn mob ") || cmd.StartsWith("spawnmob ") || cmd.StartsWith("spawn ")))
                tplayer.SendMessage("Everyone has to wait another " + GlobalSpawnMobCooldown + " seconds before using this sign", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldcool = 5;

            #region Warp
            if (swarp && cmd.StartsWith("warp "))
                    string[] linesplit = cmd.Split('\'', '\"');
                    var warpxy = TShock.Warps.FindWarp(linesplit[1]);

                    if (warpxy.WarpName == "" || warpxy.WarpPos.X == 0 || warpxy.WarpPos.Y == 0 || warpxy.WorldWarpID == "")
                        if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                            doplay.toldalert = 3;
                            tplayer.SendMessage("Could not find warp!", Color.IndianRed);
                        tplayer.Teleport((int)warpxy.WarpPos.X, (int)warpxy.WarpPos.Y);
                catch (Exception)
                    if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                        doplay.toldalert = 3;
                        tplayer.SendMessage("Could not parse Warp - Correct Format: \"<Warp Name>\"", Color.IndianRed);
            else if (doplay.toldperm <= 0 && !swarp && cmd.StartsWith("warp "))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You do not have permission to use this sign command!", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldperm = 5;

            #region Item
            if (cmd.StartsWith("item ") && sitem && (nocool || doplay.CooldownItem <= 0))
                    string[] linesplit = cmd.Split('\'', '\"');
                    bool containsamount = false;
                    string[] datasplit;

                    if (linesplit[1].Contains(","))
                        datasplit = linesplit[1].Split(',');
                        containsamount = true;
                        datasplit = null;

                    int itemAmount = 0;
                    var items = new List<Item>();

                    if (!containsamount)
                        itemAmount = 1;
                        items = TShock.Utils.GetItemByIdOrName(linesplit[1]);
                        int.TryParse(datasplit[1], out itemAmount);
                        items = TShock.Utils.GetItemByIdOrName(datasplit[0]);

                    if (items.Count <= 0)
                        if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                            doplay.toldalert = 3;
                            tplayer.SendMessage("Invalid item type!", Color.Red);
                    else if (items.Count > 1)
                        if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                            doplay.toldalert = 3;
                            tplayer.SendMessage(string.Format("More than one ({0}) item matched!", items.Count), Color.Red);
                        var item = items[0];
                        if (item.type >= 1 && item.type < Main.maxItemTypes)
                            if (tplayer.InventorySlotAvailable ||"Coin"))
                                if (itemAmount <= 0 || itemAmount > item.maxStack)
                                    itemAmount = item.maxStack;
                                tplayer.GiveItem(item.type,, item.width, item.height, itemAmount, 0);
                                if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                                    doplay.toldalert = 3;
                                    tplayer.SendMessage(string.Format("Gave {0} {1}(s).", itemAmount,;
                                doplay.CooldownItem = getConfig.ItemCooldown;
                                if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                                    doplay.toldalert = 3;
                                    tplayer.SendMessage("You don't have free slots!", Color.Red);
                            if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                                doplay.toldalert = 3;
                                tplayer.SendMessage("Invalid item type!", Color.Red);
                catch (Exception)
                    if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                        doplay.toldalert = 3;
                        tplayer.SendMessage("Could not parse Item / Amount - Correct Format: \"<Item Name>, <Amount>\"", Color.IndianRed);
            else if (doplay.toldperm <= 0 && !sitem && cmd.StartsWith("item "))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You do not have permission to use this sign command!", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldperm = 5;
            else if (doplay.toldcool <= 0 && sitem && !nocool && doplay.CooldownItem > 0 && cmd.StartsWith("item "))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You have to wait another " + doplay.CooldownItem + " seconds before using this sign", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldcool = 5;

            #region Buff
            if (cmd.StartsWith("buff ") && sbuff && (nocool || doplay.CooldownItem <= 0))
                    string[] linesplit = cmd.Split('\'', '\"');
                    int count = 0;
                    int c1bid = 1;
                    int c1tme = 1;
                    for (int i = 1; i < linesplit.Length - 1; i++)
                        int bid = 0;
                        int time = 0;
                        bool containstime = false;
                        string[] datasplit;

                        if (linesplit[i].Contains(","))
                            datasplit = linesplit[i].Split(',');
                            containstime = true;
                            datasplit = null;

                        string buffvalue = "";

                        if (!containstime)
                            time = 60;
                            buffvalue = linesplit[i];
                            int.TryParse(datasplit[1], out time);
                            buffvalue = datasplit[0];

                        if (!int.TryParse(buffvalue, out bid))
                            var found = TShock.Utils.GetBuffByName(buffvalue);
                            if (found.Count == 0)
                                if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                                    doplay.toldalert = 3;
                                    doplay.TSPlayer.SendMessage("Invalid buff name in buff " + i, Color.Red);
                            else if (found.Count > 1)
                                if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                                    doplay.toldalert = 3;
                                    doplay.TSPlayer.SendMessage(string.Format("More than one ({0}) buffs matched in buff " + i, found.Count), Color.Red);
                            bid = found[0];
                        if (bid > 0 && bid < Main.maxBuffs)
                            if (time < 0 || time > short.MaxValue)
                                time = 60;
                            doplay.TSPlayer.SetBuff(bid, time * 60);
                            c1bid = bid;
                            c1tme = time;
                            if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                                doplay.toldalert = 3;
                                doplay.TSPlayer.SendMessage("Invalid buff ID in buff " + i, Color.Red);
                    if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                        doplay.toldalert = 3;
                        if (count == 1)
                            doplay.TSPlayer.SendMessage(string.Format("You have buffed yourself with {0}({1}) for {2} seconds!", TShock.Utils.GetBuffName(c1bid), TShock.Utils.GetBuffDescription(c1bid), (c1tme)), Color.Green);
                            doplay.TSPlayer.SendMessage("You have buffed yourself with multiple buffs!", Color.Green);

                    if (count > 0)
                        doplay.CooldownBuff = getConfig.BuffCooldown;
                catch (Exception)
                    tplayer.SendMessage("Could not parse Buff / Duration - Correct Format: \"<Buff Name>, <Duration>\"", Color.IndianRed);
                    tplayer.SendMessage("Or for more than one buff: \"<Name>, <Duration>\"<Name>, <Duration>\"", Color.IndianRed);
            else if (doplay.toldperm <= 0 && !sbuff && cmd.StartsWith("buff "))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You do not have permission to use this sign command!", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldperm = 5;
            else if (doplay.toldcool <= 0 && sbuff && !nocool && doplay.CooldownBuff > 0 && cmd.StartsWith("buff "))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You have to wait another " + doplay.CooldownBuff + " seconds before using this sign", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldcool = 5;

            #region Kit
            if (cmd.StartsWith("kit ") && skit && (nocool || ((getConfig.GlobalKitCooldown && GlobalKitCooldown <= 0) || (!getConfig.GlobalKitCooldown && doplay.CooldownKit <= 0))))
                string kitnme = "";
                    string[] linesplit = cmd.Split('\'', '\"');

                    kitnme = linesplit[1];
                    if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                        doplay.toldalert = 3;
                        tplayer.SendMessage("Could not parse Kit - Correct Format: \"<Kit Name>\"", Color.IndianRed);
                    HandleKits(tplayer, doplay, kitnme);
                    if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                        doplay.toldalert = 3;
                        tplayer.SendMessage("Kits.dll must be present to use Kit Sign Commands!", Color.IndianRed);

            else if (doplay.toldperm <= 0 && !skit && cmd.StartsWith("kit "))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You do not have permission to use this sign command!", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldperm = 5;
            else if (doplay.toldcool <= 0 && skit && !nocool && doplay.CooldownKit > 0 && cmd.StartsWith("kit "))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You have to wait another " + doplay.CooldownKit + " seconds before using this sign", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldcool = 5;

            #region Do Command
            if ((cmd.StartsWith("command ") || cmd.StartsWith("cmd ")) && scmd &&
                (nocool || ((getConfig.GlobalDoCommandCooldown && GlobalCommandCooldown <= 0) || (!getConfig.GlobalDoCommandCooldown && doplay.CooldownCommand <= 0))))
                    string[] linesplit = cmd.Split('\'', '\"');
                    if (doplay.handlecmd == 0)
                        TShockAPI.Commands.HandleCommand(tplayer, "/" + linesplit[1]);
                        doplay.handlecmd = 2;

                catch (Exception)
                    if (doplay.toldalert <= 0)
                        doplay.toldalert = 3;
                        tplayer.SendMessage("Could not parse Command - Correct Format: \"<Command>\"", Color.IndianRed);
            else if (doplay.toldperm <= 0 && !scmd && (cmd.StartsWith("Command ") || cmd.StartsWith("Cmd ")))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You do not have permission to use this sign command!", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldperm = 5;
            else if (doplay.toldcool <= 0 && scmd && (!nocool && (!getConfig.GlobalDoCommandCooldown && doplay.CooldownCommand > 0)) && (cmd.StartsWith("command ") || cmd.StartsWith("cmd ")))
                tplayer.SendMessage("You have to wait another " + doplay.CooldownCommand + " seconds before using this sign", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldcool = 5;
            else if (doplay.toldcool <= 0 && scmd && (!nocool && (getConfig.GlobalDoCommandCooldown && GlobalCommandCooldown > 0)) && (cmd.StartsWith("command ") || cmd.StartsWith("cmd ")))
                tplayer.SendMessage("Everyone has to wait another " + GlobalCommandCooldown + " seconds before using this sign", Color.IndianRed);
                doplay.toldcool = 5;