internal void WriteRawWithSurrogateChecking(string text) { if (text == null) { return; } if (cacheAttrValue) { attrValue.Append(text); } int len = text.Length; int i = 0; char ch = (char)0; for (;;) { unsafe { while (i < len && ((xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = text[i]] & XmlCharType.fCharData) != 0 || ch < 0x20)) { i++; } } if (i == len) { break; } if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) { if (i + 1 < len) { char lowChar = text[i + 1]; if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(lowChar)) { i += 2; continue; } else { throw XmlConvertEx.CreateInvalidSurrogatePairException(lowChar, ch); } } throw new ArgumentException(SR.Xml_InvalidSurrogateMissingLowChar); } else if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(ch)) { throw XmlConvertEx.CreateInvalidHighSurrogateCharException(ch); } else { i++; } } textWriter.Write(text); return; }
public override void WriteString(string text) { VerifyState(Method.WriteString); XmlConvertEx.VerifyCharData(text, ExceptionType.ArgumentException); XmlNode node = _document.CreateTextNode(text); AddChild(node, _write); }
public override void WriteProcessingInstruction(string name, string text) { VerifyState(Method.WriteProcessingInstruction); XmlConvertEx.VerifyCharData(text, ExceptionType.ArgumentException); XmlNode node = _document.CreateProcessingInstruction(name, text); AddChild(node, _write); }
public override void WriteCData(string text) { VerifyState(Method.WriteCData); XmlConvertEx.VerifyCharData(text, ExceptionType.ArgumentException); XmlNode node = document.CreateCDataSection(text); AddChild(node, write); }
public override void WriteWhitespace(string text) { VerifyState(Method.WriteWhitespace); XmlConvertEx.VerifyCharData(text, ExceptionType.ArgumentException); if (_document.PreserveWhitespace) { XmlNode node = _document.CreateWhitespace(text); AddChild(node, _write); } }
internal void WriteSurrogateChar(char lowChar, char highChar) { if (!XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(lowChar) || !XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(highChar)) { throw XmlConvertEx.CreateInvalidSurrogatePairException(lowChar, highChar); } textWriter.Write(highChar); textWriter.Write(lowChar); }
internal void WriteSurrogateCharEntity(char lowChar, char highChar) { if (!XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(lowChar) || !XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(highChar)) { throw XmlConvertEx.CreateInvalidSurrogatePairException(lowChar, highChar); } int surrogateChar = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar(lowChar, highChar); if (cacheAttrValue) { attrValue.Append(highChar); attrValue.Append(lowChar); } textWriter.Write("&#x"); textWriter.Write(surrogateChar.ToString("X", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); textWriter.Write(';'); }
public override string ToString() { XmlNodeType nodeType = _node.NodeType; string result = nodeType.ToString(); switch (nodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: result += ", Name=\"" + _node.Name + "\""; break; case XmlNodeType.Attribute: case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: result += ", Name=\"" + _node.Name + "\", Value=\"" + XmlConvertEx.EscapeValueForDebuggerDisplay(_node.Value) + "\""; break; case XmlNodeType.Text: case XmlNodeType.CDATA: case XmlNodeType.Comment: case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration: result += ", Value=\"" + XmlConvertEx.EscapeValueForDebuggerDisplay(_node.Value) + "\""; break; case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: XmlDocumentType documentType = (XmlDocumentType)_node; result += ", Name=\"" + documentType.Name + "\", SYSTEM=\"" + documentType.SystemId + "\", PUBLIC=\"" + documentType.PublicId + "\", Value=\"" + XmlConvertEx.EscapeValueForDebuggerDisplay(documentType.InternalSubset) + "\""; break; default: break; } return(result); }
internal void Write(string text) { if (text == null) { return; } if (cacheAttrValue) { attrValue.Append(text); } // scan through the string to see if there are any characters to be escaped int len = text.Length; int i = 0; int startPos = 0; char ch = (char)0; for (;;) { unsafe { while (i < len && (xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = text[i]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0) { i++; } } if (i == len) { // reached the end of the string -> write it whole out textWriter.Write(text); return; } if (inAttribute) { if (ch == 0x9) { i++; continue; } } else { if (ch == 0x9 || ch == 0xA || ch == 0xD || ch == '"' || ch == '\'') { i++; continue; } } // some character that needs to be escaped is found: break; } char[] helperBuffer = new char[256]; for (;;) { if (startPos < i) { WriteStringFragment(text, startPos, i - startPos, helperBuffer); } if (i == len) { break; } switch (ch) { case (char)0x9: textWriter.Write(ch); break; case (char)0xA: case (char)0xD: if (inAttribute) { WriteCharEntityImpl(ch); } else { textWriter.Write(ch); } break; case '<': WriteEntityRefImpl("lt"); break; case '>': WriteEntityRefImpl("gt"); break; case '&': WriteEntityRefImpl("amp"); break; case '\'': if (inAttribute && quoteChar == ch) { WriteEntityRefImpl("apos"); } else { textWriter.Write('\''); } break; case '"': if (inAttribute && quoteChar == ch) { WriteEntityRefImpl("quot"); } else { textWriter.Write('"'); } break; default: if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) { if (i + 1 < len) { WriteSurrogateChar(text[++i], ch); } else { throw XmlConvertEx.CreateInvalidSurrogatePairException(text[i], ch); } } else if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(ch)) { throw XmlConvertEx.CreateInvalidHighSurrogateCharException(ch); } else { Debug.Assert((ch < 0x20 && !xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) || (ch > 0xFFFD)); WriteCharEntityImpl(ch); } break; } i++; startPos = i; unsafe { while (i < len && (xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = text[i]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0) { i++; } } } }
internal void Write(char[] array, int offset, int count) { if (null == array) { throw new ArgumentNullException("array"); } if (0 > offset) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset"); } if (0 > count) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count"); } if (count > array.Length - offset) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count"); } if (cacheAttrValue) { attrValue.Append(array, offset, count); } int endPos = offset + count; int i = offset; char ch = (char)0; for (;;) { int startPos = i; unsafe { while (i < endPos && (xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = array[i]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0) { i++; } } if (startPos < i) { textWriter.Write(array, startPos, i - startPos); } if (i == endPos) { break; } switch (ch) { case (char)0x9: textWriter.Write(ch); break; case (char)0xA: case (char)0xD: if (inAttribute) { WriteCharEntityImpl(ch); } else { textWriter.Write(ch); } break; case '<': WriteEntityRefImpl("lt"); break; case '>': WriteEntityRefImpl("gt"); break; case '&': WriteEntityRefImpl("amp"); break; case '\'': if (inAttribute && quoteChar == ch) { WriteEntityRefImpl("apos"); } else { textWriter.Write('\''); } break; case '"': if (inAttribute && quoteChar == ch) { WriteEntityRefImpl("quot"); } else { textWriter.Write('"'); } break; default: if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) { if (i + 1 < endPos) { WriteSurrogateChar(array[++i], ch); } else { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Xml_SurrogatePairSplit); } } else if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(ch)) { throw XmlConvertEx.CreateInvalidHighSurrogateCharException(ch); } else { Debug.Assert((ch < 0x20 && !xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) || (ch > 0xFFFD)); WriteCharEntityImpl(ch); } break; } i++; } }
// This method trims whitespaces from the beginning and the end of the string and cached writer events internal void Trim() { // if only one string value -> trim the write spaces directly if (_singleStringValue != null) { _singleStringValue = XmlConvertEx.TrimString(_singleStringValue); return; } // trim the string in StringBuilder string valBefore = _stringValue.ToString(); string valAfter = XmlConvertEx.TrimString(valBefore); if (valBefore != valAfter) { _stringValue = new StringBuilder(valAfter); } // trim the beginning of the recorded writer events XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; int i = _firstItem; while (i == _firstItem && i <= _lastItem) { Item item = _items[i]; switch (item.type) { case ItemType.Whitespace: _firstItem++; break; case ItemType.String: case ItemType.Raw: case ItemType.ValueString: = XmlConvertEx.TrimStringStart((string); if (((string) == 0) { // no characters left -> move the firstItem index to exclude it from the Replay _firstItem++; } break; case ItemType.StringChars: case ItemType.RawChars: BufferChunk bufChunk = (BufferChunk); int endIndex = bufChunk.index + bufChunk.count; while (bufChunk.index < endIndex && xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(bufChunk.buffer[bufChunk.index])) { bufChunk.index++; bufChunk.count--; } if (bufChunk.index == endIndex) { // no characters left -> move the firstItem index to exclude it from the Replay _firstItem++; } break; } i++; } // trim the end of the recorded writer events i = _lastItem; while (i == _lastItem && i >= _firstItem) { Item item = _items[i]; switch (item.type) { case ItemType.Whitespace: _lastItem--; break; case ItemType.String: case ItemType.Raw: case ItemType.ValueString: = XmlConvertEx.TrimStringEnd((string); if (((string) == 0) { // no characters left -> move the lastItem index to exclude it from the Replay _lastItem--; } break; case ItemType.StringChars: case ItemType.RawChars: BufferChunk bufChunk = (BufferChunk); while (bufChunk.count > 0 && xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(bufChunk.buffer[bufChunk.index + bufChunk.count - 1])) { bufChunk.count--; } if (bufChunk.count == 0) { // no characters left -> move the lastItem index to exclude it from the Replay _lastItem--; } break; } i--; } }