internal DialogResult ShowDialogExt(FileDialog fdlg,IWin32Window owner)
			DialogResult returnDialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
			if (this.IsDisposed)
				return returnDialogResult;
			if (owner == null || owner.Handle == IntPtr.Zero)
				WindowWrapper wr = new WindowWrapper(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle);
				owner = wr;
			OriginalCtrlSize = this.Size;
			MSDialog = fdlg;
			_dlgWrapper = new WholeDialogWrapper(this);

				System.Reflection.PropertyInfo AutoUpgradeInfo = MSDialog.GetType().GetProperty("AutoUpgradeEnabled");
				if (AutoUpgradeInfo != null)
					AutoUpgradeInfo.SetValue(MSDialog, false, null);
				returnDialogResult = _MSdialog.ShowDialog(owner);
			// Sometimes if you open a animated .gif on the preview and the Form is closed, .Net class throw an exception
			// Lets ignore this exception and keep closing the form.
			catch (ObjectDisposedException)
			catch (Exception ex)
				MessageBox.Show("unable to get the modal dialog handle", ex.Message);
			return returnDialogResult;