// Constructor.
		public FileDialogForm(FileDialog fileDialogParent)
					// Record the parent for later access.
					this.fileDialogParent = fileDialogParent;

					// Construct the layout boxes for the file dialog.
					vbox = new VBoxLayout();
					vbox.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
					hbox = new HBoxLayout();
					listBox = new FileIconListBox(this);
					grid = new GridLayout(3, 2);
					grid.StretchColumn = 1;
					vbox.StretchControl = listBox;

					// Add the top line (directory name and up button).
					upIcon = new Bitmap(typeof(FileDialog), "small_up.ico");
					newIcon = new Bitmap(typeof(FileDialog), "small_new.ico");
					directory = new ComboBox();
					upButton = new Button();
					upButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Popup;
					upButton.Image = upIcon;
					upButton.Size = new Size(23, 23);
					newDirButton = new Button();
					newDirButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Popup;
					newDirButton.Image = newIcon;
					newDirButton.Size = new Size(23, 23);
					// Cannot create directories in ECMA-compat mode!
					newDirButton.Visible = false;
					hbox.StretchControl = directory;

					// The second line is "listBox", already created above.

					// Add the third line (file name entry fields).
					nameLabel = new Label();
					nameLabel.Text = S._("SWF_FileDialog_FileName",
										 "File name:");
					name = new TextBox();
					okButton = new Button();
					okButton.Text = fileDialogParent.OkButtonName;
					grid.SetControl(0, 0, nameLabel);
					grid.SetControl(1, 0, name);
					grid.SetControl(2, 0, okButton);

					// Add the fourth line (file type entry fields).
					typeLabel = new Label();
					typeLabel.Text = S._("SWF_FileDialog_FilesOfType",
										 "Files of type:");
					type = new ComboBox();
					cancelButton = new Button();
					cancelButton.Text = S._("SWF_MessageBox_Cancel", "Cancel");
					grid.SetControl(0, 1, typeLabel);
					grid.SetControl(1, 1, type);
					grid.SetControl(2, 1, cancelButton);

					// Add the fifth line (read-only checkbox).
					if(fileDialogParent is OpenFileDialog)
						readOnly = new CheckBox();
						readOnly.Text = S._("SWF_FileDialog_ReadOnly",
											"Open as read-only");
						readOnly.Checked =
						readOnly.Visible =
						readOnly.CheckStateChanged +=
							new EventHandler(ReadOnlyStateChanged);

					// Add the top-level vbox to the dialog and set the size.
					Size size = vbox.RecommendedSize;
					if(size.Width < 500)
						size.Width = 500;
					if(size.Height < 300)
						size.Height = 300;
					ClientSize = size;
					MinimumSize = size;
					MinimizeBox = false;
					ShowInTaskbar = false;

					// Hook up interesting events.
					upButton.Click += new EventHandler(UpOneLevel);
					newDirButton.Click += new EventHandler(NewFolder);
					directory.SelectedIndexChanged +=
						new EventHandler(DirectorySelectionChanged);
					name.TextChanged += new EventHandler(NameTextChanged);
					okButton.Click += new EventHandler(AcceptDialog);
					cancelButton.Click += new EventHandler(CancelDialog);
					type.SelectedIndexChanged +=
						new EventHandler(TypeSelectionChanged);

					// Match the requested settings from the dialog parent.

					// Scan the initial directory.
					String dir = fileDialogParent.InitialDirectory;
					pattern = fileDialogParent.GetFilterPattern();
					if(dir == null || dir.Length == 0)
						dir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
						String filename = fileDialogParent.fileName;
						if(filename != null && filename.Length > 0)
							// Use the previous filename as a starting point.
							if(IsDirectory(filename) ||
							   filename == Path.GetPathRoot(filename))
								dir = filename;
								dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
						dir = Path.GetFullPath(dir);