public void Add (ProfileInfo profileInfo)
			if (readOnly)
				throw new NotSupportedException ();

			list.Add (profileInfo);
        public void Add(ProfileInfo profileInfo)
            if (_ReadOnly)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            if (profileInfo == null || profileInfo.UserName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "profileInfo" );
            _Hashtable.Add(profileInfo.UserName, _CurPos);
 public void Add(ProfileInfo profileInfo)
     if (this._ReadOnly)
         throw new NotSupportedException();
     if ((profileInfo == null) || (profileInfo.UserName == null))
         throw new ArgumentNullException("profileInfo");
     this._Hashtable.Add(profileInfo.UserName, this._CurPos);
        private ProfileInfo GetProfileInfoFromReader(IDataReader reader)
            string username = reader.GetString(0);
            DateTime lastActivityDate = new DateTime();

            if (reader.GetValue(1) != DBNull.Value)
                lastActivityDate = reader.GetDateTime(1);

            DateTime lastUpdatedDate = new DateTime();

            if (reader.GetValue(2) != DBNull.Value)
                lastUpdatedDate = reader.GetDateTime(2);

            bool isAnonymous = reader.GetBoolean(3);
            ProfileInfo profileInfo = new ProfileInfo(username, isAnonymous, lastActivityDate, lastUpdatedDate, 0);

            return profileInfo;
        private static ProfileInfo ToProfileInfo(ProfileValue profileValue)
            SessionWrapper sessionWrapper = SessionManager.GetSessionWrapper();

                var reuslt =
                    new ProfileInfo(profileValue.LoginId, profileValue.IsAnonymous, profileValue.LastActivityDate.Value,
                return reuslt;
        private ProfileInfo GetProfileInfoFromProfile(Profile p)
            var user = users.Get(p.Users_Id);
            if (user == null)
                throw new ProviderException("The userid not found in memebership tables.GetProfileInfoFromProfile(p)");

            // ProfileInfo.Size not currently implemented.
            var pi = new ProfileInfo(user.Username,
                p.IsAnonymous, p.LastActivityDate, p.LastUpdatedDate, 0);
            return pi;
		// GetProfileInfo
		// Retrieves a count of profiles and creates a 
		// ProfileInfoCollection from the profile data in the 
		// database. Called by GetAllProfiles, GetAllInactiveProfiles,
		// FindProfilesByUserName, FindInactiveProfilesByUserName, 
		// and GetNumberOfInactiveProfiles.
		// Specifying a pageIndex of 0 retrieves a count of the results only.
		private ProfileInfoCollection GetProfileInfo(
			ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption,
			string    usernameToMatch,
			DateTime? userInactiveSinceDate,
			int       pageIndex,
			int       pageSize,
			out int   totalRecords)
			totalRecords = 0;

			ProfileInfoCollection profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection();

			// Count profiles only.
			if (pageSize == 0)
				return profiles;

			int counter    = 0;
			int startIndex = pageSize * (pageIndex - 1);
			int endIndex   = startIndex + pageSize - 1;

			bool? isAnonymous = null;

			if (authenticationOption == ProfileAuthenticationOption.Anonymous)
				isAnonymous = true;
			else if (authenticationOption == ProfileAuthenticationOption.Authenticated)
				isAnonymous = false;

			foreach (CustomProfile profile in Accessor.GetProfile(
				isAnonymous, usernameToMatch, userInactiveSinceDate, _applicationName, out totalRecords))
				if (counter >= startIndex)
					ProfileInfo p = new ProfileInfo(
						profile.IsAnonymous ?? true,
						profile.LastActivityDate ?? DateTime.MinValue,
						profile.LastUpdatedDate  ?? DateTime.MinValue, 0);


				if (counter >= endIndex)


			return profiles;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the profile info from reader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="profile">The profile.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ProfileInfo GetProfileInfoFromReader(BsonDocument profile)
            string username = profile["Username"].AsString;

            DateTime lastActivityDate = new DateTime();
            if (profile["LastActivityDate"] != BsonNull.Value)
                lastActivityDate = profile["LastActivityDate"].ToUniversalTime();

            DateTime lastUpdatedDate = new DateTime();
            if (profile["LastUpdatedDate"] != BsonNull.Value)
                lastUpdatedDate = profile["LastUpdatedDate"].ToUniversalTime();

            bool isAnonymous = profile["IsAnonymous"].AsBoolean;

            ProfileInfo p = new ProfileInfo(username,
                isAnonymous, lastActivityDate, lastUpdatedDate, 0);

            return p;
Exemple #9
        public override ProfileInfoCollection GetAllProfiles(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords)
            // TODO: Take paging into account
            // TODO: Take auth option into account
            totalRecords = 0;

            ProfileInfoCollection profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection();

            SelectRequest request = new SelectRequest().WithSelectExpression("select * from " + domain);
            SelectResponse response = client.Select(request);

            if (response.SelectResult.Item.Count > 0)
                foreach (Item _item in response.SelectResult.Item)
                    ProfileInfo profile = null;
                    List<Attribute> attributes = _item.Attribute;
                    MCItem item = new MCItem();
                    item.Domain = domain;
                    item.ItemName = _item.Name;
                    item.Attributes = new Hashtable();
                    foreach (Attribute attribute in attributes)
                        item.Attributes.Add(attribute.Name, attribute.Value);
                    bool Anon = bool.Parse(item.Get("Anon").Replace("", "false"));
                    DateTime LastActivity = DateTime.Parse(item.Get("LastActivity"));
                    DateTime LastUpdated = DateTime.Parse(item.Get("LastUpdated"));
                    profile = new ProfileInfo(item.Id, Anon, LastActivity, LastUpdated, 0);

            totalRecords = profiles.Count;
            return profiles;
 public void Add(ProfileInfo profileInfo)
        private ProfileInfo GetProfileInfoFromProfile(Profiles p)
            Users usr = null;
            using (ISession session = SessionFactory.OpenSession())
                usr = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Users))
                                        .Add(NHibernate.Criterion.Restrictions.Eq("Id", p.Users_Id))
                                        .Add(NHibernate.Criterion.Restrictions.Eq("ApplicationName", ApplicationName))
            if (usr == null)
                throw new ProviderException("The userid not found in memebership tables.GetProfileInfoFromProfile(p)");

            // ProfileInfo.Size not currently implemented.
            ProfileInfo pi = new ProfileInfo(usr.Username,
                p.IsAnonymous, p.LastActivityDate, p.LastUpdatedDate, 0);

            return pi;
        private ProfileInfoCollection ProfileUsersToProfileInfoCollection(IList<ProfileUser> users)
            ProfileInfoCollection profilesCollection = new ProfileInfoCollection();

            foreach (ProfileUser user in users)
                bool isAnonymous;
                if (user.ProfileType == ProfileType.Anonymous)
                    isAnonymous = true;
                    isAnonymous = false;
                ProfileInfo profileInfo = new ProfileInfo(user.Name, isAnonymous, user.LastActivityDate, user.LastPropertyChangedDate, -1);

            return profilesCollection;
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// When overridden in a derived class, retrieves user profile data for all profiles
        /// in the data source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="authenticationOption">One of the System.Web.Profile.ProfileAuthenticationOption values, specifying
        /// whether anonymous, authenticated, or both types of profiles are returned.</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">The index of the page of results to return.</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">The size of the page of results to return.</param>
        /// <param name="totalRecords">When this method returns, contains the total number of profiles.</param>
        /// <returns>A System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection containing user-profile information
        /// for all profiles in the data source.</returns>
        public System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection GetAllProfiles(System.Web.Profile.ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption,
                                                                       int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords)
            ProfileInfoCollection profileInfoCol = new ProfileInfoCollection();

            Nequeo.DataAccess.CloudInteraction.Data.Extension.Profile profile = new Nequeo.DataAccess.CloudInteraction.Data.Extension.Profile();

            // Get all the profiles for the match.
            long profilesMatched = 0;
            int  skipNumber      = (pageIndex * pageSize);

            // Get the current set on data.
            IQueryable <Data.Profile> profileData = null;

            // Select the authentication option
            switch (authenticationOption)
            case ProfileAuthenticationOption.Anonymous:
                profileData = profile.Select.QueryableProvider().
                              Where(u =>
                                    (u.ApplicationName == ApplicationName) && (u.IsAnonymous == true)).
                              OrderBy(u => u.Username).

                profilesMatched = profile.Select.GetRecordCount(u => (u.ApplicationName == ApplicationName) && (u.IsAnonymous == true));
                totalRecords    = Int32.Parse(profilesMatched.ToString());

            case ProfileAuthenticationOption.Authenticated:
                profileData = profile.Select.QueryableProvider().
                              Where(u =>
                                    (u.ApplicationName == ApplicationName) && (u.IsAnonymous == false)).
                              OrderBy(u => u.Username).

                profilesMatched = profile.Select.GetRecordCount(u => (u.ApplicationName == ApplicationName) && (u.IsAnonymous == false));
                totalRecords    = Int32.Parse(profilesMatched.ToString());

                // Get all the profiles for the match.
                profilesMatched = profile.Select.GetRecordCount(
                    u =>
                    (u.ApplicationName == ApplicationName));

                // Get the total number of uses.
                totalRecords = Int32.Parse(profilesMatched.ToString());

                // Get the current set on data.
                profileData = profile.Select.QueryableProvider().
                              Where(u =>
                                    (u.ApplicationName == ApplicationName)).
                              OrderBy(u => u.Username).

            // For each profile found.
            if (profileData != null)
                foreach (Data.Profile item in profileData)
                    // Create the membership user.
                    System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfo profileUser =
                        new System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfo(

                    // Add the profile to the collection.

            // Return the collection of profile users.
		public void CopyTo (ProfileInfo[ ] array, int index)
			list.CopyTo (array, index);
        private ProfileInfo GetProfileInfoFromProfile(Profiles p)
            Users usr = null;
            usr = _userService.GetUserByIdApplicationName(p.UserId, ApplicationName);
            if (usr == null)
                throw new ProviderException("The userid not found in memebership tables.GetProfileInfoFromProfile(p)");

            // ProfileInfo.Size not currently implemented.
            var pi = new ProfileInfo(usr.Username,
                p.IsAnonymous, p.LastActivityDate, p.LastUpdatedDate, 0);

            return pi;
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a user's profile
        /// Currently assumes a single user will match the token.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="authenticationOption"></param>
        /// <param name="usernameToMatch"></param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
        /// <param name="totalRecords"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ProfileInfoCollection FindProfilesByUserName(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords)
            // TODO: Take paging into account
            // TODO: Take auth option into account
            totalRecords = 0;

            ProfileInfoCollection profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection();

            GetAttributesRequest request = new GetAttributesRequest().WithDomainName(domain).WithItemName(usernameToMatch);
            GetAttributesResponse response = client.GetAttributes(request);

            if (response.GetAttributesResult.Attribute.Count > 0)
                ProfileInfo profile = null;
                List<Attribute> attributes = response.GetAttributesResult.Attribute;
                MCItem item = new MCItem();
                item.Domain = domain;
                item.ItemName = usernameToMatch;
                item.Attributes = new Hashtable();
                foreach (Attribute attribute in attributes)
                    item.Attributes.Add(attribute.Name, attribute.Value);
                bool Anon = bool.Parse(item.Get("Anon").Replace("", "false"));
                DateTime LastActivity = DateTime.Parse(item.Get("LastActivity"));
                DateTime LastUpdated = DateTime.Parse(item.Get("LastUpdated"));
                profile = new ProfileInfo(item.Id, Anon, LastActivity, LastUpdated, 0);

            totalRecords = profiles.Count;
            return profiles;
 public void CopyTo(ProfileInfo[] array, int index)
 public static ProfileInfo[] ToArray(this ProfileInfoCollection collection)
     var profiles = new ProfileInfo[collection.Count];
     collection.CopyTo(profiles, 0);
     return profiles;
 public void CopyTo(ProfileInfo [] array, int index)
     _ArrayList.CopyTo(array, index);
        //Retrieves a count of profiles and creates a
        //ProfileInfoCollection from the profile data in the
        //database. Called by GetAllProfiles, GetAllInactiveProfiles,
        //FindProfilesByUserName, FindInactiveProfilesByUserName,
        //and GetNumberOfInactiveProfiles.
        //Specifying a pageIndex of 0 retrieves a count of the results only.
        private static ProfileInfoCollection GetProfileInfo(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, string usernameToMatch, object userInactiveSinceDate, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords)
            ProfileInfoCollection profiles = new ProfileInfoCollection();

            totalRecords = 0;

            // Count profiles only.
            if (pageSize == 0)
                return profiles;

            int counter = 0;
            int startIndex = pageSize * (pageIndex - 1);
            int endIndex = startIndex + pageSize - 1;

            DateTime dt = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
            if (userInactiveSinceDate != null)
                dt = (DateTime)userInactiveSinceDate;

            foreach (CustomProfileInfo profile in dal.GetProfileInfo((int)authenticationOption, usernameToMatch, dt, applicationName, out totalRecords))
                if (counter >= startIndex)
                    ProfileInfo p = new ProfileInfo(profile.UserName, profile.IsAnonymous, profile.LastActivityDate, profile.LastUpdatedDate, 0);

                if (counter >= endIndex)


            return profiles;
        /// <summary>
        /// The get all profiles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="authenticationOption">
        /// The authentication option.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">
        /// The page index.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">
        /// The page size.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="totalRecords">
        /// The total records.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection.
        /// </returns>
        public override ProfileInfoCollection GetAllProfiles(
            ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords)
            ProfileInfoCollection collection = new ProfileInfoCollection();
            XmlNodeList profiles = this.doc.SelectNodes("/Profiles/Profile");
            if (profiles != null)
                totalRecords = profiles.Count;
                int startIndex = pageIndex * pageSize;
                int endIndex = startIndex + pageSize - 1;

                if (totalRecords < (startIndex + 1))
                    return collection;

                if (endIndex > totalRecords - 1)
                    endIndex = totalRecords - 1;

                for (int curIndex = startIndex; curIndex <= endIndex; curIndex++)
                    XmlNode profile = profiles[curIndex];

                    string userName = profile.Attributes["UserName"].Value;
                    DateTime actDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                        out actDate);
                    DateTime updDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                        out updDate);

                    ProfileInfo info = new ProfileInfo(userName, true, actDate, updDate, profile.InnerXml.Length);

            totalRecords = collection.Count;
            return collection;
Exemple #22
    private ProfileInfoCollection GetProfiles(
        ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption,
        string usernameToMatch, DateTime userInactiveSinceDate,
        int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords)
      List<string> whereClauses = new List<string>();

      using (MySqlConnection c = new MySqlConnection(connectionString))

        MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(
        @"SELECT p.*,, u.isAnonymous, u.lastActivityDate,
                LENGTH(p.stringdata) + LENGTH(p.binarydata) AS profilesize
                FROM my_aspnet_profiles p 
                JOIN my_aspnet_users u ON = p.userId 
                WHERE u.applicationId = @appId", c);
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@appId", app.FetchId(c));

        if (usernameToMatch != null)
          cmd.CommandText += " AND LIKE @userName";
          cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userName", usernameToMatch);
        if (userInactiveSinceDate != DateTime.MinValue)
          cmd.CommandText += " AND u.lastActivityDate < @lastActivityDate";
          cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lastActivityDate", userInactiveSinceDate);
        if (authenticationOption == ProfileAuthenticationOption.Anonymous)
          cmd.CommandText += " AND u.isAnonymous = 1";
        else if (authenticationOption == ProfileAuthenticationOption.Authenticated)
          cmd.CommandText += " AND u.isAnonymous = 0";

        cmd.CommandText += String.Format(" LIMIT {0},{1}", pageIndex * pageSize, pageSize);

        ProfileInfoCollection pic = new ProfileInfoCollection();
        using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
          while (reader.Read())
            ProfileInfo pi = new ProfileInfo(
        cmd.CommandText = "SELECT FOUND_ROWS()";
        totalRecords = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
        return pic;
        // GetProfileInfoFromReader
        //  Takes the current row from the OdbcDataReader
        // and populates a ProfileInfo object from the values.
        private ProfileInfo GetProfileInfoFromReader(OdbcDataReader reader)
            string username = reader.GetString(0);

            DateTime lastActivityDate = new DateTime();
            if (reader.GetValue(1) != DBNull.Value)
                lastActivityDate = reader.GetDateTime(1);

            DateTime lastUpdatedDate = new DateTime();
            if (reader.GetValue(2) != DBNull.Value)
                lastUpdatedDate = reader.GetDateTime(2);

            bool isAnonymous = reader.GetBoolean(3);

            // ProfileInfo.Size not currently implemented.
            ProfileInfo p = new ProfileInfo(username,
                isAnonymous, lastActivityDate, lastUpdatedDate, 0);

            return p;
Exemple #24
		ProfileInfo ReadProfileInfo (DbDataReader reader)
			ProfileInfo pi = null;
			try {
				string username = reader.GetString (0);
				bool anonymous = reader.GetBoolean (1);
				DateTime lastUpdate = reader.GetDateTime (2);
				DateTime lastActivity = reader.GetDateTime (3);
				int size = reader.GetInt32 (4);

				pi = new ProfileInfo (username, anonymous, lastActivity, lastUpdate, size);
			catch {

			return pi;
        private static ProfileInfo CreateProfileInfoFromDictionary(IDictionary<string, byte[]> dict)
            var profileInfo = new ProfileInfo(new string(Encoding.Unicode.GetChars(dict["Username"])),
                !BitConverter.ToBoolean(dict["IsAuthenticated"], 0),
                DateTime.FromBinary(BitConverter.ToInt64(dict["LastActivityDate"], 0)),
                DateTime.FromBinary(BitConverter.ToInt64(dict["LastUpdatedDate"], 0)),

            return profileInfo;