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Redis Providers

The Redis Providers library is a collection of ASP.NET providers that uses redis as the database to store provider information. Currently the following providers are implemented:

  • Session State Store Provider
  • Role Provider
  • Membership Provider
  • Web Event Provider
  • Output Cache Provider
  • Non Locking Session State Provider
  • Profile Provider

To run an instance of Redis for this project, download and extract Redis for Windows here: Inside bin\release you'll find a 32-bit and 64-bit zip. Extract either one and run redis-server.exe.


Get the latest release via nuget. Then follow the instructions for the provider you want to use below.

Redis Session State Store Provider RedisProviders.RedisSessionStateStoreProvider

The RedisSessionStateStoreProvider provider is an implementation of System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateStoreProviderBase that stores the data in hashes in redis.

To use it build the solution. Reference the binaries. Then add this to the configuration file inside the system.web element.

<sessionState mode="Custom" customProvider="RedisSessionProvider">
		<add name="RedisSessionProvider" type="RedisProviders.RedisSessionStateStoreProvider, RedisProviders" />

There is also a non locking version of the session state provider. You can use is by adding the following to the system.web element instead of the above example.

<sessionState mode="Custom" customProvider="NonLockingRedisSessionProvider">
        <add name="NonLockingRedisSessionProvider" type="RedisProviders.NonLockingRedisSessionStateStoreProvider, RedisProviders" />

See "Option Config Values" for a list of additional options when configuring the provider. For more information on ASP.NET Session State and how to configure it see

Redis Role Provider RedisProviders.RedisRoleProvider

The RedisRoleProvider class is an implementation of System.Web.Security.RoleProvider that stores the data in redis.

To use it build the solution. Reference the binaries. Then add this to the configuration file inside the system.web element.

<roleManager defaultProvider="RedisRoleProvider" enabled="true">
		<add name="RedisRoleProvider" type="RedisProviders.RedisRoleProvider" />

You may want to clear the list of providers before adding the Redis Role Provider. See "Option Config Values" for a list of additional options when configuring the provider. For more information on managing ASP.NET Roles see

Redis Membership Provider RedisProviders.RedisMembershipProvider

The RedisMembershipProvider class is an implementation of System.Web.Security.MembershipProvider that stores the data in redis. This provider does not support the FindUsersByEmail and FindUsersByName method.

To use it build the solution. Reference the binaries. Then add this to the configuration file inside the system.web element.

<membership defaultProvider="RedisMembershipProvider">
		<add name="RedisMembershipProvider" type="RedisProviders.RedisMembershipProvider" />

The membership provider has an optional attribute for specifing how to store the password for a user.

  • passwordFormat="Hashed"
  • maxInvalidPasswordAttempts="5"
  • passwordAttemptWindow="10"
  • minRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters="1"
  • minRequiredPasswordLength="7"
  • passwordStrengthRegularExpression=""
  • enablePasswordReset="true"
  • enablePasswordRetrieval="true"
  • requiresQuestionAndAnswer="false"
  • requiresUniqueEmail="true"

For passwordFormat acceptable values are "Hashed, Encrypted, or Clear." You will need to generate your own machine key for hashed and encrypted password. See for more information. For more information on the ASP.NET Membership Provider and how to configure it see

Redis Web Event Provider RedisProviders.RedisWebEventProvider

The RedisWebEventProvider class is an implementation of System.Web.Management.WebEventProvider that stores the data in redis.

To use it build the solution. Reference the binaries. Then add this to the configuration file inside the system.web element.

<healthMonitoring enabled="true">
		<add name="RedisWebEventProvider" type="RedisProviders.RedisWebEventProvider" />
		<!-- sample rule -->
		<add name="All Web Events"
			eventName="All Events"
			minInterval="00:00:01" minInstances="1"
			maxLimit="Infinite" />

See "Option Config Values" for a list of additional options when configuring the provider. For more information on managing ASP.NET Health Monitor see

Redis Output Cache Provider RedisProviders.RedisOutputCacheProvider

The RedisOutputCacheProvider class is an implementation of System.Web.OutputCacheProvider that stores the data in redis.

To use it build the solution. Reference the binaries and then add the following to the configuration file inside the system.web element.

      <outputCache defaultProvider="RedisOutputCacheProvider">
          <add name="RedisOutputCacheProvider" type="RedisProviders.RedisOutputCacheProvider"/>

To use the provider add the output cache attribute to a MVC action.

public ActionResult Index()
    ViewBag.Now = DateTime.UtcNow;
    return View();

See "Option Config Values" for a list of additional options when configuring the provider. For more information on managing ASP.NET Output Cache Provider see the Output Cache Provider section of

Optional Config Values

There are also some optional attributes for the config for each of the providers and their defaults:

  • host=""
  • port="6379"
  • password=null
  • applicationName=HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath
  • writeExceptionsToEventLog="false"


  • Implement other ASP.NET Providers (Site Map, Profile, Web Parts Personalization)


ASP.NET Providers that leverage Redis as a data store.







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