public override bool TryComplete(Exception error)
                UnboundedChannel <T> parent = _parent;
                bool completeTask;

                lock (parent.SyncObj)

                    // If we've already marked the channel as completed, bail.
                    if (parent._doneWriting != null)

                    // Mark that we're done writing.
                    parent._doneWriting = error ?? ChannelUtilities.s_doneWritingSentinel;
                    completeTask        = parent._items.IsEmpty;

                // If there are no items in the queue, complete the channel's task,
                // as no more data can possibly arrive at this point.  We do this outside
                // of the lock in case we'll be running synchronous completions, and we
                // do it before completing blocked/waiting readers, so that when they
                // wake up they'll see the task as being completed.
                if (completeTask)
                    ChannelUtilities.Complete(parent._completion, error);

                // At this point, _blockedReaders and _waitingReaders will not be mutated:
                // they're only mutated by readers while holding the lock, and only if _doneWriting is null.
                // freely manipulate _blockedReaders and _waitingReaders without any concurrency concerns.
                ChannelUtilities.FailOperations <AsyncOperation <T>, T>(parent._blockedReaders, ChannelUtilities.CreateInvalidCompletionException(error));
                ChannelUtilities.WakeUpWaiters(ref parent._waitingReadersTail, result: false, error: error);

                // Successfully transitioned to completed.