public bool injectIntoProcess(Process process,string assemblyToInject, string className, string methodName, bool x64, bool runtime40)
				if (process.isNull())
					"The value of the process variable was null".error();
					return false;
				"Injecting into process {0}:{1} dll {1}".info(process.Id,process.ProcessName, assemblyToInject);				
				var suffix = (x64) ? "64-" : "32-";
				suffix += (runtime40) ? "4.0" : "3.5";
				var hwnd = process.MainWindowHandle;
				if (hwnd == IntPtr.Zero)
				 	"Could not get MainWindow handle".error();
				 	return false;
				"Got main Window Handle: {0}".info(hwnd);	
				var snoopAssembly = @"Snoop\Snoop\Snoop.exe".assembly(); 
				var directoryName = snoopAssembly.Location.directoryName();
				var fileName = directoryName.pathCombine("ManagedInjectorLauncher" + suffix+ ".exe");							  
								var windowHandle= hwnd;							
				var arguments = string.Concat(new object[]
						windowHandle, " \"", assemblyToInject,"\" \"", className, "\" \"", methodName,"\""
				"Starting process {0} with arguments {1}".info(fileName, arguments);
				return true;
			catch(Exception ex)
				return false;