public Dictionary<string, object> GetMergedMap()
     Dictionary<string, object> finalPurchase = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Part, Dictionary<string, object>>> enumerator = purchase.GetEnumerator ();
         finalPurchase = finalPurchase.Concat(enumerator.Current.Value)
             .ToDictionary (d => d.Key, d => d.Value);
     //					.GroupBy(d => d.Key)
     //					.ToDictionary (d => d.Key, d => d.First().Value);
     return finalPurchase;
Exemple #2
        static Dictionary<Type, uint> s_Type_caseIDtypeIDMap; // Type => (typeID | (caseID << 16))



        static void GenerateAssembly(Type[] types, Dictionary<Type, TypeData> typeMap)
            Dictionary<Type, TypeData> _map = GenerateTypeData(types);
            Dictionary<Type, TypeData> map = typeMap.Concat(_map).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);

            var nonStaticTypes = map.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.IsDynamic).Select(kvp => kvp.Key);

            var ab = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(new AssemblyName("NetSerializerDebug"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);
            var modb = ab.DefineDynamicModule("NetSerializerDebug.dll");
            var tb = modb.DefineType("NetSerializer", TypeAttributes.Public);

            /* generate stubs */
            foreach (var type in nonStaticTypes)
                var mb = SerializerCodegen.GenerateStaticSerializerStub(tb, type);
                map[type].WriterMethodInfo = mb;
                map[type].WriterILGen = mb.GetILGenerator();

            foreach (var type in nonStaticTypes)
                var dm = DeserializerCodegen.GenerateStaticDeserializerStub(tb, type);
                map[type].ReaderMethodInfo = dm;
                map[type].ReaderILGen = dm.GetILGenerator();

            #if GENERATE_SWITCH
            var serializerSwitchMethod = tb.DefineMethod("SerializerSwitch", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(Stream), typeof(object), typeof(ObjectList) });
            serializerSwitchMethod.DefineParameter(1, ParameterAttributes.None, "stream");
            serializerSwitchMethod.DefineParameter(2, ParameterAttributes.None, "value");
            serializerSwitchMethod.DefineParameter(3, ParameterAttributes.None, "objList");
            var serializerSwitchMethodInfo = serializerSwitchMethod;

            var deserializerSwitchMethod = tb.DefineMethod("DeserializerSwitch", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(Stream), typeof(object).MakeByRefType(), typeof(ObjectList) });
            deserializerSwitchMethod.DefineParameter(1, ParameterAttributes.None, "stream");
            deserializerSwitchMethod.DefineParameter(2, ParameterAttributes.Out, "value");
            deserializerSwitchMethod.DefineParameter(3, ParameterAttributes.None, "objList");
            var deserializerSwitchMethodInfo = deserializerSwitchMethod;

            var ctx = new CodeGenContext(map, serializerSwitchMethodInfo, deserializerSwitchMethodInfo);
            var ctx = new CodeGenContext(map);

            /* generate bodies */
            foreach (var type in nonStaticTypes)
                SerializerCodegen.GenerateSerializerBody(ctx, type, map[type].WriterILGen);
                DeserializerCodegen.GenerateDeserializerBody(ctx, type, map[type].ReaderILGen);

            #if GENERATE_SWITCH
            var ilGen = serializerSwitchMethod.GetILGenerator();
            SerializerCodegen.GenerateSerializerSwitch(ctx, ilGen, map);

            ilGen = deserializerSwitchMethod.GetILGenerator();
            DeserializerCodegen.GenerateDeserializerSwitch(ctx, ilGen, map);
            foreach (var kvp in map)
                GetSerializationInvoker(tb, kvp.Value.WriterMethodInfo, kvp.Key, (int)kvp.Value.TypeID);
                GetDeserializationInvoker(tb, kvp.Value.ReaderMethodInfo, kvp.Key, (int)kvp.Value.TypeID);
            SerializationID.userID = SerializationID.userIDstart;
Exemple #3
        private IEnumerable<Pair<String, Object>> SafeExploreProps(Object obj)
            var scope = BindingFlags.Instance;
            if ((Explore & Explore.Private) != 0) scope |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;
            if ((Explore & Explore.Public) != 0) scope |= BindingFlags.Public;

            var outFields = new Dictionary<String, Object>();
            foreach (var f in obj.GetType().GetExplorableFields(scope))
                if (AcceptFieldCriterion(obj, f))
                    outFields.Add(f.Name.NormalizeFieldName(), SafeGet(() => f.GetValue(obj)));

            var outProps = new Dictionary<String, Object>();
            var props = obj.GetType().GetExplorableProperties(scope);
            foreach (var p in props)
                var sameCase = p.Name;
                var camelCase = Char.ToLower(p.Name[0]) + p.Name.Substring(1);
                var _camelCase = "_" + camelCase;
                var m_undercase = "m" + _camelCase;

                Object sfval = null, cfval = null, ufval = null, mufval = null;
                var dupeName = outFields.TryGetValue(sameCase, out sfval);
                dupeName |= outFields.TryGetValue(camelCase, out cfval);
                dupeName |= outFields.TryGetValue(_camelCase, out ufval);
                dupeName |= outFields.TryGetValue(m_undercase, out mufval);

                // todo. not 100% correct since it doesn't take into account diff names avail at once
                var fval = sfval ?? cfval ?? ufval ?? mufval;
                var pval = SafeGet(() => p.GetValue(obj, null));

                if (dupeName)
                    if (fval == null || pval == null)
                        if (fval == null && pval == null)
                        var ftype = fval.GetType();
                        var ptype = pval.GetType();

                        if (!(ftype.IsClass ^ ptype.IsClass))
                            if (ftype.IsClass && ptype.IsClass)
                                if (ReferenceEquals(fval, pval))
                                if (Equals(fval, pval))

                if (AcceptPropCriterion(obj, p))
                    outProps.Add(p.Name, pval);

            return outFields.Concat(outProps).Select(kvp => new Pair<String, Object>(kvp.Key, kvp.Value));
Exemple #4
        static Dictionary<Type, TypeData> GenerateDynamic(Type[] types, Dictionary<Type, TypeData> typeMap)
            Dictionary<Type, TypeData> _map = GenerateTypeData(types);
            Dictionary<Type, TypeData> map = typeMap.Concat(_map).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);

            var nonStaticTypes = map.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.IsDynamic).Select(kvp => kvp.Key);

            /* generate stubs */
            foreach (var type in nonStaticTypes)
                var s_dm = SerializerCodegen.GenerateDynamicSerializerStub(type);
                var typeData = map[type];
                typeData.WriterMethodInfo = s_dm;
                typeData.WriterILGen = s_dm.GetILGenerator();

                var d_dm = DeserializerCodegen.GenerateDynamicDeserializerStub(type);
                typeData.ReaderMethodInfo = d_dm;
                typeData.ReaderILGen = d_dm.GetILGenerator();

            #if GENERATE_SWITCH
            var serializerSwitchMethod = new DynamicMethod("SerializerSwitch", null,
                new Type[] { typeof(Stream), typeof(object), typeof(ObjectList) },
                typeof(Serializer), true);
            serializerSwitchMethod.DefineParameter(1, ParameterAttributes.None, "stream");
            serializerSwitchMethod.DefineParameter(2, ParameterAttributes.None, "value");
            serializerSwitchMethod.DefineParameter(3, ParameterAttributes.None, "objList");
            var serializerSwitchMethodInfo = serializerSwitchMethod;

            var deserializerSwitchMethod = new DynamicMethod("DeserializerSwitch", null,
                new Type[] { typeof(Stream), typeof(object).MakeByRefType(), typeof(ObjectList) },
                typeof(Serializer), true);
            deserializerSwitchMethod.DefineParameter(1, ParameterAttributes.None, "stream");
            deserializerSwitchMethod.DefineParameter(2, ParameterAttributes.Out, "value");
            deserializerSwitchMethod.DefineParameter(3, ParameterAttributes.Out, "objList");
            var deserializerSwitchMethodInfo = deserializerSwitchMethod;

            var ctx = new CodeGenContext(map, serializerSwitchMethodInfo, deserializerSwitchMethodInfo);
            var ctx = new CodeGenContext(map);

            /* generate bodies */
            foreach (var type in nonStaticTypes)
                SerializerCodegen.GenerateSerializerBody(ctx, type, map[type].WriterILGen);
                DeserializerCodegen.GenerateDeserializerBody(ctx, type, map[type].ReaderILGen);

            #if GENERATE_SWITCH
            var ilGen = serializerSwitchMethod.GetILGenerator();
            SerializerCodegen.GenerateSerializerSwitch(ctx, ilGen, map);
            s_serializerSwitch = (SerializerSwitch)serializerSwitchMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(SerializerSwitch));

            ilGen = deserializerSwitchMethod.GetILGenerator();
            DeserializerCodegen.GenerateDeserializerSwitch(ctx, ilGen, map);
            s_deserializerSwitch = (DeserializerSwitch)deserializerSwitchMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(DeserializerSwitch));
            foreach (var kvp in map)
                kvp.Value.serializer = GetSerializationInvoker(null, kvp.Value.WriterMethodInfo, kvp.Key, (int)kvp.Value.TypeID);
                kvp.Value.deserializer = GetDeserializationInvoker(null, kvp.Value.ReaderMethodInfo, kvp.Key, (int)kvp.Value.TypeID);

            return map;
        private void CompareSameMatch()
            this._comparing = true;
            lock (this._listSameMatch)
                System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> listIBETMatch = this._listIBETMatch;
                System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO> listSbobetMatch = this._listSbobetMatch;

                if (this._listSameMatch != null)
                    this._listSameMatch = new System.Collections.Generic.List<MatchDTO>();

                if (scantype == ScanningType.both)
                    #region BuonComIBETSBO
                    Dictionary<string, IbetMatch> iMatchs = this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.parser.LdicMatches[0];
                    Dictionary<string, SboMatch> sMatchs = this._sbobetEngine.sboAgent.parserLive.LdicMatches[0];
                    //var i = iMatchs.Values.
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetMatch> iM in iMatchs)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SboMatch> sM in sMatchs)
                            if ((iM.Value.Home == sM.Value.home) || (iM.Value.Away == sM.Value.away))
                                MatchDTO matchDTO = new MatchDTO();
                                matchDTO.ID = iM.Value.MatchId;
                                matchDTO.AwayTeamName = iM.Value.Away + " / " + sM.Value.away;
                                matchDTO.HomeTeamName = iM.Value.Home + " / " + sM.Value.home;
                                matchDTO.Minute = iM.Value.Minute;
                                matchDTO.HomeScore = iM.Value.ScoreH.ToString();
                                matchDTO.AwayScore = iM.Value.ScoreA.ToString();
                                if (iM.Value.Period == 0)
                                    matchDTO.IsHalfTime = true;
                                else if (iM.Value.Period == 1)
                                    matchDTO.Half = 1;
                                else if (iM.Value.Period == 2)
                                    matchDTO.Half = 2;

                                LeagueDTO leagueDTO = new LeagueDTO();
                                leagueDTO.Name = iM.Value.LeagueName + " / " + sM.Value.leagueName;
                                leagueDTO.ID = iM.Value.LeagueId;
                                matchDTO.League = leagueDTO;

                                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SboOdd> sO in sM.Value.dicOdds)
                                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetOdd> iO in iM.Value.dicOdds)
                                        if (sO.Value.oddType == iO.Value.oddType)
                                            if (sO.Value.home + iO.Value.away == -0.01m || sO.Value.home + iO.Value.away == 0)
                                                //iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Odd Found:iH sA: " + iM.Value.Home + "/" + sM.Value.home + "-" + iM.Value.Away + "/" + sM.Value.away +
                                                //    " >> ibet Odd: " + iO.Value.home + "/" + iO.Value.away + " >> sbo Odd:" + sO.Value.home + "/" + sO.Value.away +
                                                //    " >> " + iO.Value.oddType + ":" + sO.Value.oddType);
                                                //BetObject betObject = new BetObject();
                                                //betObject.ibet = new Bet();


                                                TransactionDTO transactionDTO = new TransactionDTO();
                                            if (sO.Value.away + iO.Value.home == -0.01m || sO.Value.away + iO.Value.home == 0)
                                                //iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Odd Found:iA sH: " + iM.Value.Home + "/" + sM.Value.home + "-" + iM.Value.Away + "/" + sM.Value.away +
                                                //    " >> ibet Odd: " + iO.Value.home + "/" + iO.Value.away + " >> sbo Odd:" + sO.Value.home + "/" + sO.Value.away +
                                                //    " >> " + iO.Value.oddType + ":" + sO.Value.oddType);
                    System.DateTime now = System.DateTime.Now;
                    System.TimeSpan timeSpan;

                    System.DateTime now2 = System.DateTime.Now;
                    timeSpan = now2 - now;
                    double totalMilliseconds = timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds;
                    BarItem arg_648_0 = this.lblSbobetTotalMatch;
                    int count = sMatchs.Count;
                    arg_648_0.Caption = count.ToString();
                    BarItem arg_663_0 = this.lblIbetTotalMatch;
                    count = iMatchs.Count;
                    arg_663_0.Caption = count.ToString();
                    this.lblSameMatch.Caption = "Total Same Match: " + this._listSameMatch.Count;
                    this.lblLastUpdate.Caption = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
                else if (scantype == ScanningType.ibet || scantype == ScanningType.ibetVSibet)
                    Dictionary<string, IbetMatch> iMatchs1 = new Dictionary<string, IbetMatch>();
                    Dictionary<string, IbetMatch> iMatchs0 = new Dictionary<string, IbetMatch>();
                    if (checkEdit5.Checked)//live
                        iMatchs0 = this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.parser.LdicMatches[0];
                    if (checkEdit6.Checked)//non live
                        iMatchs1 = this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.parser.LdicMatches[1];

                    this._ibetMatchs = iMatchs1.Concat(iMatchs0).GroupBy(d => d.Key).ToDictionary(d => d.Key, d => d.First().Value);
                    lock (this._ibetMatchs)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetMatch> iM in _ibetMatchs)
                            #region SAMEWORD_PREPARE_MATCHLIST
                            MatchDTO matchDTO = new MatchDTO();
                            matchDTO.ID = iM.Value.MatchId;
                            matchDTO.AwayTeamName = iM.Value.Away;
                            matchDTO.HomeTeamName = iM.Value.Home;
                            //matchDTO.KickOffTime = iM.Value.KickOffTime;
                            string formatString = "yyyyMMddHHmm";
                            //string sample = "201006112219";
                            DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(iM.Value.KickOffTime, formatString, null);
                            matchDTO.KickOffTime = dt.ToString("dd/MM HH:mm");
                            DateTime ct = DateTime.Parse(this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.CT);
                            TimeSpan ts = dt.Subtract(ct);//kick off time - current time
                            double tic = ts.TotalSeconds;
                            if (tic <= 300 && tic > 0)
                                matchDTO.KickOffTime += " - " + ts.Minutes.ToString() + " mins to start";
                            else if (tic < 0)
                                matchDTO.KickOffTime += " !Live";

                            matchDTO.Minute = iM.Value.Minute;
                            matchDTO.HomeScore = iM.Value.ScoreH.ToString();
                            matchDTO.AwayScore = iM.Value.ScoreA.ToString();

                            if (iM.Value.Period == 0)
                                matchDTO.IsHalfTime = true;
                            else if (iM.Value.Period == 1)
                                matchDTO.Half = 1;
                            else if (iM.Value.Period == 2)
                                matchDTO.Half = 2;

                            LeagueDTO leagueDTO = new LeagueDTO();
                            leagueDTO.Name = iM.Value.LeagueName;
                            leagueDTO.ID = iM.Value.LeagueId;
                            matchDTO.League = leagueDTO;

                            int num = 0;
                            if (this.chbRandomStake.Checked)
                                while (num == 0)
                                    string strNum = this.txtStake.Lines[new System.Random().Next(this.txtStake.Lines.Length)];
                                    int.TryParse(strNum, out num);


                            if (scantype == ScanningType.ibetVSibet)
                                #region IBET_vs_IBET
                                if (leagueDTO.Name.Contains("SPECIFIC 15 MINS OVER/UNDER"))
                                    if (((System.DateTime.Now - this._lastTransactionTime).Seconds > 8) && !this._betting)
                                        if (matchDTO.HomeTeamName.Contains("30:01-45:00") || matchDTO.HomeTeamName.Contains("75:01-90:00"))
                                            if (!matchDTO.KickOffTime.Contains("Live"))
                                                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetOdd> iO in iM.Value.dicOdds)
                                                    if (iO.Value.oddType == 3)//keo OU
                                                        TransactionDTO transactionDTO;
                                                        string strOU = "a";
                                                        if (checkEdit2.Checked)
                                                            strOU = "h";
                                                        if (matchDTO.HomeTeamName.Contains("30:01-45:00"))
                                                            if (checkEdit17.Checked)//allow Half 1
                                                                transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("Over15_Fang", iO.Value.home.ToString(),
                                                                    matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.hdp.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, strOU,
                                                                    num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account);
                                                            if (checkEdit18.Checked) //allow half 2
                                                                transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("Over15_Fang", iO.Value.home.ToString(),
                                                                matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.hdp.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, strOU,
                                                                num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account);
                            else if (scantype == ScanningType.ibet)
                                #region IBET_Strategies
                                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetOdd> iO in iM.Value.dicOdds)
                                    if (((System.DateTime.Now - this._lastTransactionTime).Seconds > 8) && !this._betting)
                                        if (checkEdit12.Checked) // under strategy
                                            if (iO.Value.oddType == 3 && iO.Value.home == iO.Value.away)
                                                if (checkEdit9.Checked)
                                                    if (!matchDTO.KickOffTime.Contains("Live"))
                                                        TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("Under", iO.Value.home.ToString(),
                                                        matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.hdp.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, "a",
                                                        num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account);
                                                    TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("Under", iO.Value.home.ToString(),
                                                        matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.hdp.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, "a",
                                                        num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account);
                                        if (checkEdit8.Checked) //over strategy
                                            if (iO.Value.oddType == 3 && iO.Value.home == iO.Value.away)
                                                TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("Over", iO.Value.home.ToString(),
                                                    matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.hdp.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, "h",
                                                    num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account);
                                        if (checkEdit7.Checked) // Over 92/90
                                            if (matchDTO.KickOffTime.Contains("Live"))
                                                if (iO.Value.oddType == 3 || iO.Value.oddType == 8)
                                                    if (iO.Value.hdp - ((decimal)iM.Value.ScoreH + (decimal)iM.Value.ScoreA) == (decimal)0.5)
                                                        if (iM.Value.Home.Contains("No. of Corners") && iO.Value.home == (decimal)0.90 && iO.Value.away == (decimal)0.92)
                                                            TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("Over9290", iO.Value.home.ToString(),
                                                            matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.hdp.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, "h",
                                                            num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account);
                                        if (checkEdit9.Checked) // Odd down: Sap keo
                                            if (matchDTO.KickOffTime.Contains("mins to start"))
                                                if (iO.Value.oddType == 3)
                                                    List<Bet> bl = this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.betList;
                                                    lock (bl)
                                                        foreach (Bet bet in bl)
                                                            if (bet.Home == matchDTO.HomeTeamName && bet.Away == matchDTO.AwayTeamName)
                                                                iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Sap Keo:: Tim thay keo trong bet list trong tran : " + bet.Home + " - " + bet.Away);
                                                                if (bet.Handicap == iO.Value.hdp)
                                                                    if (iO.Value.away < 0 || iO.Value.away - bet.OddsValue >= (decimal)0.05)
                                                                        iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Sap Keo:: Keo bi sap " + (iO.Value.away - bet.OddsValue).ToString() + " gia. Go to bet over");
                                                                        //keo under sap xuo^'ng an cao hon
                                                                        TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("SapKeo", iO.Value.home.ToString(),
                                                                            matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.hdp.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, "h",
                                                                            num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account);
                                        if (chbHighRevenueBoost.Checked) // Best analysed strategy
                                            if (!leagueDTO.Name.Contains("Cup") && !leagueDTO.Name.Contains("CUP"))
                                                if (iO.Value.oddType == 3 && iO.Value.home == iO.Value.away)
                                                    OddDTO oddDTO = new OddDTO();
                                                    oddDTO.Odd = iO.Value.hdp.ToString();
                                                    string s = CheckBestStrategyValidation(matchDTO, oddDTO);
                                                    if (s == "nguoc")
                                                        TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("nguoc", iO.Value.home.ToString(),
                                                        matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.home.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, "h",
                                                        num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account);
                                                    else if (s == "xuoi")
                                                        TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("xuoi", iO.Value.home.ToString(),
                                                        matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.home.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, "h",
                                                        num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account);
                                        if (checkEdit11.Checked)//fair odd
                                            if (!leagueDTO.Name.Contains("Cup") && !leagueDTO.Name.Contains("CUP"))
                                                if (iM.Value.Minute >= 35 && iM.Value.Period == 1 && iM.Value.ScoreA == iM.Value.ScoreH)
                                                    iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("01:Found fair odd: " + iM.Value.Home + "-" + iM.Value.Away + ":" + iM.Value.Minute + "m");
                                                    if ((iO.Value.home > (decimal)0.9)
                                                        && iO.Value.oddType == 3
                                                        && (iO.Value.hdp - (decimal)(iM.Value.ScoreH + iM.Value.ScoreA) == (decimal)1.75))
                                                        iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("02:Found fair odd correct");
                                                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetMatch> snapshotMacht in _ibetMatchsSnapShot)
                                                            if (snapshotMacht.Value.Home == iM.Value.Home && snapshotMacht.Value.Away == iM.Value.Away)
                                                                iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("03:Found match in Snapshot");
                                                                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetOdd> snapshotOdd in snapshotMacht.Value.dicOdds)
                                                                    if (snapshotOdd.Value.oddType == 3
                                                                        && snapshotOdd.Value.hdp >= (decimal)2.5
                                                                        && (snapshotOdd.Value.home >= (decimal)0.92 || snapshotOdd.Value.home < (decimal)0))
                                                                        iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("04:Found odd over 2.5 correct in Snapshot");
                                                                        if (snapshotOdd.Value.oddType == 1 && snapshotOdd.Value.hdp <= (decimal)0.75)
                                                                            iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("05:Found handicap correct in Snapshot, go to Bet");
                                                                            TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET("Over1.75", iO.Value.home.ToString(),
                                                                            matchDTO, iO.Value.oddsId, iO.Value.home.ToString(), eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder, "h",
                                                                            num.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account);
                    if (scantype == ScanningType.ibetVSibet)
                        #region IBET_vs_IBET_continue
                        Dictionary<string, IbetMatch> iMatchs2 = new Dictionary<string, IbetMatch>();         
                        iMatchs2 = this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.parser.LdicMatches[0];
                        lock (iMatchs2)
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetMatch> iM2 in _ibetMatchs)
                                if ((iM2.Value.Period == 1 && iM2.Value.Minute >= (int)spinEdit1.Value) || (iM2.Value.Period == 2 && iM2.Value.Minute >= (int)spinEdit2.Value)) // chi chon nhung tran p31 cua hiep 1
                                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IbetOdd> iO2 in iM2.Value.dicOdds)
                                        if (((System.DateTime.Now - this._lastTransactionTime).Seconds > 8) && !this._betting)
                                            if (iO2.Value.oddType == 8 || iO2.Value.oddType == 3)
                                                if (iO2.Value.hdp - ((decimal)iM2.Value.ScoreH + (decimal)iM2.Value.ScoreA) == (decimal)0.5)
                                                    bl = this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.betList;
                                                    foreach (Bet bet in bl)
                                                        if (bet.Home.Contains("30:01-45:00") || bet.Home.Contains("75:01-90:00"))
                                                            string HomeTeam = "";
                                                            if (iO2.Value.oddType == 8)
                                                                HomeTeam = bet.Home.Replace(" 30:01-45:00", "");

                                                                HomeTeam = bet.Home.Replace(" 75:01-90:00", "");

                                                            if (HomeTeam == iM2.Value.Home.Replace("(N)", "").TrimEnd())
                                                                MatchDTO matchDTO = new MatchDTO();
                                                                matchDTO.HomeTeamName = iM2.Value.Home.Replace("(N)", "").TrimEnd();
                                                                matchDTO.AwayTeamName = iM2.Value.Away.Replace("(N)","").TrimEnd();
                                                                matchDTO.Minute = iM2.Value.Minute;
                                                                matchDTO.HomeScore = iM2.Value.ScoreH.ToString();
                                                                matchDTO.AwayScore = iM2.Value.ScoreA.ToString();
                                                                matchDTO.Half = iM2.Value.Period;

                                                                int num = (int)bet.Stake;
                                                                int ExRate1 = (int)config.Ibet.ExchangeRate;
                                                                int ExRate2 = (int)config.Ibet2.ExchangeRate;
                                                                float stake2 = num * ExRate1 / ExRate2;

                                                                decimal giatri1;
                                                                string OU = "h";

                                                                if (bet.Choice == Choice.H)
                                                                    giatri1 = iO2.Value.away;
                                                                    OU = "a";
                                                                    giatri1 = iO2.Value.home;

                                                                //iBet.Utilities.WriteLog.Write("Tim thay tran :" + bet.Home + " -vs- " + bet.Away +
                                                                //    ", o phut thu:" + matchDTO.Minute.ToString() + ", hiep " + matchDTO.Half.ToString() +
                                                                //    "chuan bi xa..");                                                                
                                                                eOddType oddtype;

                                                                if ((giatri1 > 0 && bet.OddsValue + giatri1 >= spinEdit4.Value) || giatri1 < 0)
                                                                    if (checkEdit1.Checked)
                                                                        string textx = "";
                                                                        if (bet.Home.Contains("30:01-45:00"))
                                                                            textx = "Over15_XA > 30-45 > Xa loi gia > Min:" + matchDTO.Minute + "half " + matchDTO.Half.ToString() + " > " + bet.OddsValue.ToString() + "/" + giatri1.ToString() + " > Ref ID:" + bet.Id;
                                                                            oddtype = eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder;
                                                                            textx = "Over15_XA > 75-90 > Xa loi gia > Min:" + matchDTO.Minute + "half " + matchDTO.Half.ToString() + " > " + bet.OddsValue.ToString() + "/" + giatri1.ToString() + " > Ref ID:" + bet.Id;
                                                                            oddtype = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder;
                                                                        TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET(textx, giatri1.ToString(),
                                                                            matchDTO, iO2.Value.oddsId, iO2.Value.hdp.ToString(), oddtype, OU,
                                                                            stake2.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent2.Config.Account);
                                                                    string textx = "";
                                                                    if (bet.Choice == Choice.H && matchDTO.Minute >= 30)
                                                                        if (bet.Home.Contains("30:01-45:00"))
                                                                            textx = "Over15_XA > 30-45 > Xa thuong > Min:" + matchDTO.Minute + " > " + bet.OddsValue.ToString() + "/" + iO2.Value.away.ToString() + " > Ref ID:" + bet.Id;
                                                                            oddtype = eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder;
                                                                            textx = "Over15_XA > 75-90 > Xa thuong > Min:" + matchDTO.Minute + " > " + bet.OddsValue.ToString() + "/" + iO2.Value.away.ToString() + " > Ref ID:" + bet.Id;
                                                                            oddtype = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder;
                                                                        TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET(textx, iO2.Value.away.ToString(),
                                                                            matchDTO, iO2.Value.oddsId, iO2.Value.hdp.ToString(), oddtype, OU,
                                                                            stake2.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent2.Config.Account);
                                                                    else if (bet.Choice == Choice.A && matchDTO.Minute >= 34)
                                                                        if (bet.Home.Contains("30:01-45:00"))
                                                                            textx = "Over15_XA > 30-45 > Xa thuong > Min:" + matchDTO.Minute + " > " + bet.OddsValue.ToString() + "/" + iO2.Value.away.ToString() + " > Ref ID:" + bet.Id;
                                                                            oddtype = eOddType.FirstHalfOverUnder;
                                                                            textx = "Over15_XA > 75-90 > Xa thuong > Min:" + matchDTO.Minute + " > " + bet.OddsValue.ToString() + "/" + iO2.Value.away.ToString() + " > Ref ID:" + bet.Id;
                                                                            oddtype = eOddType.FulltimeOverUnder;
                                                                        TransactionDTO transactionDTO = PlaceSingleIBET(textx, iO2.Value.away.ToString(),
                                                                            matchDTO, iO2.Value.oddsId, iO2.Value.hdp.ToString(), oddtype, OU,
                                                                            stake2.ToString(), matchDTO.HomeScore, matchDTO.AwayScore, this._ibetEngine, true, "", this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent2.Config.Account);
                    BarItem arg_663_0 = this.lblIbetTotalMatch;
                    int count = _ibetMatchs.Count;
                    arg_663_0.Caption = count.ToString() + " (" + iMatchs0.Count.ToString() + " live)";
                    this.lblLastUpdate.Caption = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
                    this.rpgIbet.Text = "IBET - " + this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.Config.Account + " " + this._ibetEngine.ibetAgent.CT;
                else if (scantype == ScanningType.sbo)
                    #region SBO_Strategies
                    Dictionary<string, SboMatch> sMatchs0 = this._sbobetEngine.sboAgent.parserLive.dicMatches;
                    Dictionary<string, SboMatch> sMatchs1 = this._sbobetEngine.sboAgent.parserNonlive.dicMatches;
                    Dictionary<string, SboMatch> sMatchs = sMatchs1.Concat(sMatchs0).GroupBy(d => d.Key).ToDictionary(d => d.Key, d => d.First().Value);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SboMatch> sM in sMatchs)
                        MatchDTO matchDTO = new MatchDTO();
                        matchDTO.ID = sM.Value.matchId;
                        matchDTO.AwayTeamName = sM.Value.away;
                        matchDTO.HomeTeamName = sM.Value.home;

                        matchDTO.AwayScore = sM.Value.awayscore.ToString();
                        matchDTO.HomeScore = sM.Value.homescore.ToString();
                        matchDTO.Minute = sM.Value.minute;
                        matchDTO.Half = sM.Value.half;
                        if (matchDTO.Half == 0)
                            matchDTO.IsHalfTime = true;

                        LeagueDTO leagueDTO = new LeagueDTO();
                        leagueDTO.Name = sM.Value.leagueName;
                        leagueDTO.ID = sM.Value.leagueId;
                        matchDTO.League = leagueDTO;

                    BarItem arg_648_0 = this.lblSbobetTotalMatch;
                    int count = sMatchs.Count;
                    arg_648_0.Caption = count.ToString() + " (" + sMatchs0.Count.ToString() + " live)";
                else if (scantype == ScanningType.ibetVSibet)
                lock (this.grdSameMatch)
                lock (girdBetList1)
            this._comparing = false;
            if (this._compareAgain && !this._comparing)
                this._compareAgain = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Process is used to return a JSON object containing a variety of information about the host system
        /// which is running the WaveBox server
        /// </summary>
        public void Process(UriWrapper uri, IHttpProcessor processor, User user)
                // Allocate an array of various statistics about the running process
                IDictionary<string, object> status = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                // Gather data about WaveBox process
                global::System.Diagnostics.Process proc = global::System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess();

                // Get current UNIX time
                long unixTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnixTime();

                // Get current query log ID
                long queryLogId = Injection.Kernel.Get<IDatabase>().LastQueryLogId;

                // Get process ID
                status["pid"] = proc.Id;
                // Get uptime of WaveBox instance
                status["uptime"] = unixTime - WaveBoxService.StartTime.ToUnixTime();
                // Get last update time in UNIX format for status
                status["updated"] = unixTime;
                // Get hostname of machine
                status["hostname"] = System.Environment.MachineName;
                // Get WaveBox version
                status["version"] = WaveBoxService.BuildVersion;
                // Get build date
                status["buildDate"] = WaveBoxService.BuildDate.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy");
                // Get host platform
                status["platform"] = WaveBoxService.OS.ToDescription();
                // Get current CPU usage
                status["cpuPercent"] = CpuUsage();
                // Get current memory usage in MB
                status["memoryMb"] = (float)proc.WorkingSet64 / 1024f / 1024f;
                // Get peak memory usage in MB
                status["peakMemoryMb"] = (float)proc.PeakWorkingSet64 / 1024f / 1024f;
                // Get list of media types WaveBox can index and serve (removing "Unknown")
                status["mediaTypes"] = Enum.GetNames(typeof(FileType)).Where(x => x != "Unknown").ToList();
                // Get list of transcoders available
                status["transcoders"] = Enum.GetNames(typeof(TranscodeType)).ToList();
                // Get list of services
                status["services"] = ServiceManager.GetServices();
                // Get last query log ID
                status["lastQueryLogId"] = queryLogId;

                // Call for extended status, which uses some database intensive calls
                if (uri.Parameters.ContainsKey("extended"))
                    if (uri.Parameters["extended"].IsTrue())
                        // Check if any destructive queries have been performed since the last cache
                        if ((statusCache.LastQueryId == null) || (queryLogId > statusCache.LastQueryId))
                            // Update to the latest query log ID
                            statusCache.LastQueryId = queryLogId;

                            logger.IfInfo("Gathering extended status metrics from database");

                            // Get count of artists
                            statusCache.Cache["artistCount"] = Injection.Kernel.Get<IArtistRepository>().CountArtists();
                            // Get count of album artists
                            statusCache.Cache["albumArtistCount"] = Injection.Kernel.Get<IAlbumArtistRepository>().CountAlbumArtists();
                            // Get count of albums
                            statusCache.Cache["albumCount"] = Injection.Kernel.Get<IAlbumRepository>().CountAlbums();
                            // Get count of songs
                            statusCache.Cache["songCount"] = Injection.Kernel.Get<ISongRepository>().CountSongs();
                            // Get count of videos
                            statusCache.Cache["videoCount"] = Injection.Kernel.Get<IVideoRepository>().CountVideos();
                            // Get total file size of songs (bytes)
                            statusCache.Cache["songFileSize"] = Injection.Kernel.Get<ISongRepository>().TotalSongSize();
                            // Get total file size of videos (bytes)
                            statusCache.Cache["videoFileSize"] = Injection.Kernel.Get<IVideoRepository>().TotalVideoSize();
                            // Get total song duration
                            statusCache.Cache["songDuration"] = Injection.Kernel.Get<ISongRepository>().TotalSongDuration();
                            // Get total video duration
                            statusCache.Cache["videoDuration"] = Injection.Kernel.Get<IVideoRepository>().TotalVideoDuration();

                            logger.IfInfo("Metric gathering complete, cached results!");

                        // Append cached status dictionary to status
                        status = status.Concat(statusCache.Cache).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

                // Return all status
                processor.WriteJson(new StatusResponse(null, status));
            catch (Exception e)

            // Return error
            processor.WriteJson(new StatusResponse("Could not retrieve server status", null));
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates an intercept course for all pirates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentItem"></param>
        /// <param name="dmID"></param>

        public override void Generate(T_Item currentItem, String dmID)

            Dictionary<T_Move, T_Reveal> dict = GetActionsAsDictionary(currentItem.Action);
            //Make new dictionaries; they will be copies containing either merchants or pirates 
            Dictionary<T_Move, T_Reveal> merchantsDict = new Dictionary<T_Move,T_Reveal>();
            Dictionary<T_Move, T_Reveal> piratesDict = new Dictionary<T_Move, T_Reveal>();

            //Copy pirates and merchants into dictionaries
            foreach (T_Move key in dict.Keys)
                if (GetOwner(key, dict[key]) == "Pirate DM") piratesDict.Add(key, dict[key]);
                else merchantsDict.Add(key, dict[key]); 

            if (piratesDict.Keys.Count == 0) return;

            //This dictionary of pirates is the one we'll use to save intercept courses.
            Dictionary<T_Move, T_Reveal> piratesWithInterceptCourse = new Dictionary<T_Move, T_Reveal>();

            //Set each pirate on the shortest intercept course to a newly revealed or existing merchant.
            foreach (T_Move pirateMove in piratesDict.Keys) {
                Vec2D pirateLocation = new Vec2D(GetLocation(pirateMove, piratesDict[pirateMove]));

                //=========Check newly revealed merchants created in this item to find closest ===========================//
                double timeToIntercept = 1000000000000000;
                Vec2D closestInterceptPoint = null;
                T_Move closestNewMerchant = null;

                foreach (T_Move merchantMove in merchantsDict.Keys)
                    double merchantSpeed = merchantMove.Throttle * GetMaxSpeed(merchantMove);
                    Vec2D merchantStart = new Vec2D(GetLocation(merchantMove, merchantsDict[merchantMove]));
                    Vec2D merchantDestination = new Vec2D((LocationValue)merchantMove.Location.Item);
                    Vec2D interceptPoint = GetInterceptPoint(merchantStart, merchantDestination, merchantSpeed, pirateLocation, GetMaxSpeed(pirateMove));
                    double merchantTimeToIntercept = merchantStart.ScalerDistanceTo(interceptPoint) / merchantSpeed;
                    if (merchantTimeToIntercept < timeToIntercept)
                        closestNewMerchant = merchantMove;
                        closestInterceptPoint = interceptPoint;
                        timeToIntercept = merchantTimeToIntercept;

                //============Check merchants already revealed, see if one is closer ========================
                //TODO: make sure any merchants we will move in this round are not being compared
                DDDAdapter.SeamateObject closestRevealedMerchant = null;
                foreach (DDDAdapter.SeamateObject vessel in revealedSeaVessels)
                    //Compare all the existing merchants' positions to see if they are closer.

                    //if (vessel.ID == closestNewMerchant.ID) continue;

                    if (vessel.Owner == "Merchant DM")
                        double merchantSpeed = vessel.Throttle * vessel.MaximumSpeed;
                        Vec2D merchantStart = new Vec2D(vessel.Location);
                        Vec2D merchantDestination = new Vec2D(vessel.DestinationLocation);
                        Vec2D interceptPoint = GetInterceptPoint(merchantStart, merchantDestination, merchantSpeed, pirateLocation, GetMaxSpeed(pirateMove));

                        double merchantTimeToIntercept = merchantStart.ScalerDistanceTo(interceptPoint) / merchantSpeed;
                        if (merchantTimeToIntercept < timeToIntercept)
                            closestNewMerchant = null;
                            closestRevealedMerchant = vessel;
                            closestInterceptPoint = interceptPoint;
                            timeToIntercept = merchantTimeToIntercept;
                    else continue; //ignore pirates or fleet ships

                if (closestInterceptPoint == null)
                //Make a new move for the pirate, containing the pirate's intercept course.
                T_Move moveWithInterceptCourse = new T_Move();
                moveWithInterceptCourse.ID = pirateMove.ID;
                moveWithInterceptCourse.Throttle = 1.0;
                moveWithInterceptCourse.Location = new T_Location();
                moveWithInterceptCourse.Location.Item = closestInterceptPoint.ToLocationValue();

                //Set the pirate and merchant's "Intent" relating to the intercept in their SimObjects
                if (closestNewMerchant != null)
                    ddd.UpdateObjectAttribute(closestNewMerchant.ID, "Intent", "Being intercepted:" + pirateMove.ID + ":" + timeToIntercept, "AGENT");   //Merchant
                    ddd.UpdateObjectAttribute(pirateMove.ID, "Intent", "Intercepting:" + closestNewMerchant.ID + ":" + timeToIntercept, "AGENT");  //Pirate
                else if (closestRevealedMerchant != null)
                    ddd.UpdateObjectAttribute(closestRevealedMerchant.ID, "Intent", "Being intercepted:" + pirateMove.ID + ":" + timeToIntercept, "AGENT");   //Merchant
                    ddd.UpdateObjectAttribute(pirateMove.ID, "Intent", "Intercepting:" + closestRevealedMerchant.ID + ":" + timeToIntercept, "AGENT");  //Pirate
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Fix intercept generator");
                //Add the pirate's updated move and reveal to pirate dictionary.
                piratesWithInterceptCourse[moveWithInterceptCourse] = piratesDict[pirateMove];


            //Add altered pirates back to merchants, and reset the action array.
            currentItem.Action = GetActionsFromDictionary(merchantsDict.Concat(piratesWithInterceptCourse).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value));

        private void ReadDataFromRouteData()
            if (RouteData.Values["clientId"].GetType() == typeof(System.Int32))
                clientId = (int)RouteData.Values["clientId"];
                clientId = int.Parse((string)RouteData.Values["clientId"]);

            if (RouteData.Values["portalId"].GetType() == typeof(System.Int32))
                portalId = (int)RouteData.Values["portalId"];
                portalId = int.Parse((string)RouteData.Values["portalId"]);
            _portal = Session.GetPortalSessions().GetPortalSession(portalId, clientId).Portal;
            _user = HttpContext.Session.GetUser(portalId);
            SolutionFinderModule SFModule = (SolutionFinderModule)_portal.Configuration.SolutionFinderModule;
            if (SFModule == null)
                KBCustomException kbCustExp = KBCustomException.ProcessException(null, KBOp.LoadSolutionFinderPage, KBErrorHandler.GetMethodName(), GeneralResources.SolutionFinderModuleNotFoundError, LogEnabled.False);
                throw kbCustExp;

            //Assign portal and user object to artilceManger
            this._solFinderManager.Portal = _portal;
            this._solFinderManager.User = HttpContext.Session.GetUser(portalId);
            //Assign portal and user object to artilceManger
            this._articleManager.Portal = _portal;
            this._articleManager.User = HttpContext.Session.GetUser(portalId);
            //resource object
            ViewData["CommonViewModel"] = Utilities.CreateCommonViewModel(clientId, portalId, this._portal.PortalType, this._portal.Configuration, "solutionFinder");
            headerVM = ((CommonViewModel)ViewData["CommonViewModel"]).HeaderViewModel;
            Resources = Session.Resource(portalId, clientId, "solutionFinder", _portal.Language.Name);
            ResourcesArticle = Session.Resource(portalId, clientId, "ARTICLE", _portal.Language.Name);
            Resources = Resources.Concat(ResourcesArticle).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
            CommonResources = Session.Resource(portalId, clientId, "common", _portal.Language.Name);
            //get Module name and create navigation
            homeText = Utilities.getModuleText(headerVM, "home");
            SFText = Utilities.getModuleText(headerVM, "solutionFinder");