C# (CSharp) SwfDotNet.IO.Tags DefineSoundTag - 4 exemples trouvés. Ce sont les exemples réels les mieux notés de SwfDotNet.IO.Tags.DefineSoundTag extraits de projets open source. Vous pouvez noter les exemples pour nous aider à en améliorer la qualité.
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DefineSoundTag is used to define a sound that will be played when a given event occurs.
Three different types of object are used to play an event sound:
The DefineSoundTag object that contains the sampled sound.
A SoundInfo object that defines how the sound fades in and out, whether it repeats and also defines an envelope for more sophisticated control over how the sound is played
A StartSoundTag object that signals the Flash Player to begin playing the sound.
Five encoded formats for the sound data are supported:
NATIVE_PCM - uncompressed Pulse Code Modulated: samples are either 1 or 2 bytes. For two-byte samples the byte order is dependent on the platform on which the Flash Player is hosted. Sounds created on a platform which supports big-endian byte order will not be played correctly when listened to on a platform which supports little-endian byte order.
PCM - uncompressed Pulse Code Modulated: samples are either 1 or 2 bytes with the latter presented in Little-Endian byte order. This ensures that sounds can be played across different platforms.
ADPCM - compressed ADaptive Pulse Code Modulated: samples are encoded and compressed by comparing the difference between successive sound sample which dramatically reduces the size of the encoded sound when compared to the uncompressed PCM formats. Use this format whenever possible.
MP3 - compressed MPEG Audio Layer-3.
NELLYMOSER - compressed Nellymoser Asao format supporting low bit-rate sound for improving synchronisation between the sound and frame rate of movies.
This tag was introduced in Flash 1. Flash 3 added support for MP3 and the Nellymoser Asao format was added in Flash 6.