Represents the properties of a file.
This includes all that's necessary to work with files, in relation to Subtitles.
Inheritance: ICloneable
	internal string Build (SubtitleCollection collection, SubtitleProperties subtitleProperties, FileProperties fileProperties) {
		this.subtitleProperties = subtitleProperties;
		StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
		if (format.HasHeaders)
			output.Append(format.HeadersToString(subtitleProperties, fileProperties));

		if (format.HasBodyBegin)

		string subtitleExpression = GetSubtitleExpression(format, subtitleProperties, fileProperties);
		Regex fieldExpression = new Regex(@"<<(?<Field>\w+)(,(?<Width>\d+))?>>");
		MatchEvaluator matchEvaluator = new MatchEvaluator(this.FieldEvaluator);

		foreach (Subtitle currentSubtitle in collection) {
			subtitle = currentSubtitle;
			string outputSubtitle = fieldExpression.Replace(subtitleExpression, matchEvaluator);
			previousSubtitle = subtitle;

		if (format.HasBodyEnd)

		subtitle = null;
		previousSubtitle = null;
		subtitleNumber = 1;

		ConvertNewlines(output, fileProperties);
		return output.ToString();
	internal override string HeadersToString(SubtitleProperties subtitleProperties, FileProperties fileProperties) {
		Headers headers = subtitleProperties.Headers;
		return "# <HEAD>\n" +
			"# FRAME RATE=" + headers.FrameRate + "\n" +
			"# CREATOR=" + headers.Author + "\n" +
			"# VIDEO SOURCE=" + headers.VideoSource + "\n" +
			"# DATE=" + headers.Date + "\n" +
			"# </HEAD>\n#\n";
	internal override string HeadersToString (SubtitleProperties subtitleProperties, FileProperties fileProperties) {
		Headers headers = subtitleProperties.Headers;
		string format = (fileProperties.TimingMode == TimingMode.Times ? "TIME" : subtitleProperties.CurrentFrameRate.ToString());
		return "TITLE=" + headers.Title + "\n" +
			"FILE=" + headers.FileProperties + "\n" +
			"AUTHOR=" + headers.Author + "\n" +
			"TYPE=" + headers.MediaType + "\n" +
			"FORMAT=" + format + "\n" +
			"NOTE=" + headers.Comment + "\n\n";
	/* Public methods */

	/// <summary>Saves subtitles to the file with the specified properties.</summary>
	/// <param name="subtitles">The subtitles to save.</param>
	/// <param name="properties">The properties of the file to save the subtitles to. Its <see cref="TimingMode" /> property is used to
	/// choose the timing mode for subtitle formats that support both time and frame modes.</param>
	/// <param name="textType">The type of text content to save.</param>
	/// <remarks>An updated <see cref="SubLib.FileProperties" /> object can be accessed with <see cref="FileProperties" /> after saving.</remarks>
	public void Save (Subtitles subtitles, FileProperties properties, SubtitleTextType textType) {
		SubtitleFormat format = BuiltInSubtitleFormats.GetFormat(properties.SubtitleType);
		SubtitleOutput output = new SubtitleOutput(format, textType);

		string text = output.Build(subtitles.Collection, subtitles.Properties, properties);
		FileInputOutput.WriteFile(properties.Path, text, properties.Encoding);

		fileProperties = GetUpdatedFileProperties(properties);
		VerboseConsole.WriteLine("[*] Saved " + textType + " \"" + properties.Path + "\" with encoding \"" + properties.Encoding + "\", format \"" + format.Name + "\" and frame rate \"" + subtitles.Properties.CurrentFrameRate + "\"");
	internal override string HeadersToString (SubtitleProperties subtitleProperties, FileProperties fileProperties) {
		Headers headers = subtitleProperties.Headers;
		return "[ti: " + headers.Title + "]\n" +
			"[au:" + headers.MovieAuthor + "]\n" +
			"[ar:" + headers.Artist + "]\n" +
			"[al:" + headers.Album + "]\n" +
			"[by:" + headers.Author + "]\n" +
			"[ve:" + headers.Version + "]\n" +
			"[re:" + headers.Program + "]\n";
	internal override string HeadersToString (SubtitleProperties subtitleProperties, FileProperties fileProperties) {
		Headers headers = subtitleProperties.Headers;
		return "[TITLE]\n" + headers.Title + "\n" +
			"[AUTHOR]\n" + headers.Author + "\n" +
			"[SOURCE]\n" + headers.VideoSource + "\n" +
			"[PRG]\n" + headers.Program + "\n" +
			"[FILEPATH]\n" + headers.SubtitlesSource + "\n" +
			"[DELAY]\n" + headers.Delay + "\n" +
			"[CD TRACK]\n" + headers.CDTrack + "\n";
	internal override string HeadersToString (SubtitleProperties subtitleProperties, FileProperties fileProperties) {
		Headers headers = subtitleProperties.Headers;
		return "[INFORMATION]\n" +
			"[TITLE]" + headers.Title + "\n" +
			"[AUTHOR]" + headers.Author + "\n" +
			"[SOURCE]" + headers.VideoSource + "\n" +
			"[PRG]" + headers.Program + "\n" +
			"[FILEPATH]" + headers.SubtitlesSource + "\n" +
			"[DELAY]" + headers.Delay + "\n" +
			"[CD TRACK]" + headers.CDTrack + "\n" +
			"[COMMENT]" + headers.Comment + "\n" +
			"[SUBTITLE]\n" +
			"[COLF]" + headers.FontColor + ",[STYLE]" + headers.FontStyle +
				",[SIZE]" + headers.FontSize + ",[FONT]" + headers.FontName + "\n";
	internal override string HeadersToString (SubtitleProperties subtitleProperties, FileProperties fileProperties) {
		Headers headers = subtitleProperties.Headers;
		return "[Script Info]\n" +
			Header("Title:", headers.Title, "<untitled>") +
			Header("Original Script:", headers.OriginalScript, "<unknown>") +
			"Script Type: " + ScriptType + "\n" +
			Header("Original Translation:", headers.OriginalTranslation) +
			Header("Original Editing:", headers.OriginalEditing) +
			Header("Original Timing:", headers.OriginalTiming) +
			Header("Original Script Checking:", headers.OriginalScriptChecking) +
			Header("Script Updated By:", headers.ScriptUpdatedBy) +
			Header("Collisions:", headers.Collisions) +
			Header("PlayResX:", headers.PlayResX) +
			Header("PlayResY:", headers.PlayResY) +
			Header("PlayDepth:", headers.PlayDepth) +
			Header("Timer:", headers.Timer) + "\n" +
Exemple #9
	private bool SaveFile (SubLib.Core.Domain.Subtitles subtitles, FileProperties properties, SubtitleTextType textType) {
		try {
			SubtitleSaver saver = new SubtitleSaver();
			saver.Save(subtitles, properties, textType);
			return true;
		catch (Exception e) {
			Console.Error.WriteLine("Caught exception saving backup file: " + e);
			return false;
Exemple #10
	public bool SaveTranslation (FileProperties newFileProperties) {
		SubtitleSaver saver = new SubtitleSaver();
		saver.Save(subtitles, newFileProperties, SubtitleTextType.Translation);

		translationFile = saver.FileProperties;
		canTranslationBeSaved = true;

		return true;
Exemple #11
	private void SaveTranslation (FileProperties fileProperties) {
		try {
		catch (Exception exception) {
			FileSaveErrorDialog errorDialog = new FileSaveErrorDialog(fileProperties.Path, exception);
			bool toSaveAgain = errorDialog.WaitForResponse();
	    	if (toSaveAgain)
Exemple #12
	/* Private methods */

	/* Used in the object construction. Path is used when running from the command line specifying an inexistent file. */
	private void New (string path) {
		textFile = new FileProperties(path);
	private string GetSubtitleExpression (SubtitleFormat format, SubtitleProperties subtitleProperties, FileProperties fileProperties) {
		if (format.Mode == SubtitleMode.Both) {
			if (fileProperties.TimingMode == TimingMode.Times)
				return format.SubtitleOutTimesMode;
				return format.SubtitleOutFramesMode;
		else {
			if (format.SubtitleOut != null)
				return format.SubtitleOut;
				return format.GetDynamicSubtitleOut(subtitleProperties);
	private void ConvertNewlines (StringBuilder builder, FileProperties properties) {
		NewlineType type = properties.NewlineType;
		if ((type == NewlineType.Unknown) || (type == NewlineType.Unix))

		string newline = (type == NewlineType.Windows ? "\r\n" : "\r"); //Windows : Macintosh
		builder.Replace("\n", newline);
Exemple #15
	public void OpenTranslation (string path, Encoding encoding) {
		if (this.IsTranslationLoaded)

		SubtitleFactory factory = new SubtitleFactory();
		factory.Verbose = true;
		factory.Encoding = encoding;
		factory.FallbackEncoding = GetFallbackEncoding();

		SubLib.Core.Domain.Subtitles openedTranslation = factory.Open(path);
		FileProperties newTranslationFile = factory.FileProperties;

		Translations translations = new Translations();
		translations.Import(subtitles, openedTranslation, Base.Config.PrefsTimingsTimeBetweenSubtitles);

		if (newTranslationFile.SubtitleType != SubtitleType.Unknown)
			canTranslationBeSaved = true;

		this.translationFile = newTranslationFile;
		this.isTranslationLoaded = true;
	/* Private methods */

	private FileProperties GetUpdatedFileProperties (FileProperties properties) {
		SubtitleFormat format = BuiltInSubtitleFormats.GetFormat(properties.SubtitleType);
		TimingMode newTimingMode = (format.Mode == SubtitleMode.Both) ? properties.TimingMode : format.ModeAsTimingMode;

		return new FileProperties(properties.Path, properties.Encoding, properties.SubtitleType, newTimingMode, properties.NewlineType);
Exemple #17
	private void ClearTranslationStatus () {
		this.isTranslationLoaded = false;
		this.wasTranslationModified = false;
		this.translationFile = null;
		this.canTranslationBeSaved = false;

Exemple #18
	/* Used in the object construction */
	private void Open (string path, Encoding encoding) {
		SubtitleFactory factory = new SubtitleFactory();
		factory.Verbose = true;
		factory.Encoding = encoding;
		factory.FallbackEncoding = GetFallbackEncoding();
		factory.InputFrameRate = Base.Ui.Menus.TimingsInputFrameRateActive;

		SubLib.Core.Domain.Subtitles openedSubtitles = null;
		try {
			openedSubtitles = factory.Open(path);
		catch (FileNotFoundException) {

		subtitles = new Ui.View.Subtitles(openedSubtitles);
		textFile = factory.FileProperties;

		if (textFile.SubtitleType != SubtitleType.Unknown)
			canTextBeSaved = true;
 internal virtual string HeadersToString (SubtitleProperties subtitleProperties, FileProperties fileProperties) {
     return String.Empty;
Exemple #20
	/* Public methods */

	public bool Save (FileProperties newFileProperties) {
		SubtitleSaver saver = new SubtitleSaver();
		saver.Save(subtitles, newFileProperties, SubtitleTextType.Text);

		textFile = saver.FileProperties;
		canTextBeSaved = true;

		return true;