private void ConnectNodesWithRoadNetwork(Carpooler Pooler, List <RNode> Nodes)
            Nodes = Nodes.Where(x => x != null).ToList();
            CNode src = null, dst = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < Nodes.Count - 1; ++i)
                src = RoadNetwork.GetNode(Nodes[i].Point);
                dst = RoadNetwork.GetNode(Nodes[i + 1].Point);

                if (i == 0)

                Dictionary <string, string> tags = this.RoadNetwork.GetConnectionTags(src, dst);

                int srcArrivalTime = Pooler.GetLastArrivalTime();
                int travelTime     = (int)RoadNetwork.AreConnected(Nodes[i], Nodes[i + 1]).GetTravelTime(string.Empty, Pooler.GetLastArrivalTime(), TravelMode.Car);
                int dstArrivalTime = srcArrivalTime + travelTime;

                CConnection C = RoadNetwork.AddConnection(src, dst, srcArrivalTime, dstArrivalTime, ref Pooler, tags);

                Pooler.AddConnection(ref C);

        public void BuildCarpoolRoutesFromXML()
            string file = Path.GetFullPath(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dataPath"] + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CarpoolXMLFile"]);


            if (System.IO.File.Exists(file))
                XDocument document            = XDocument.Load(file);
                XElement  root                = document.FirstNode as XElement;
                IEnumerable <XElement> Routes = root.Elements("route");
                foreach (XElement route in Routes)
                    Carpooler Pooler = new Carpooler(
                        int.Parse(route.Element("pooler").Attribute("capacity").Value), true, "", SourceCPRide.Unknown);


                    IEnumerable <XElement> wayPoints = route.Elements("wayPoint");
                    foreach (XElement wayPoint in wayPoints)
                        Pooler.WayPointsOrig.Add(new Point(double.Parse(wayPoint.Attribute("lat").Value), double.Parse(wayPoint.Attribute("lng").Value)));
                        Pooler.WayPointsUsed.Add(new Point(double.Parse(wayPoint.Attribute("lat").Value), double.Parse(wayPoint.Attribute("lng").Value)));
         * Find the closest PTstop inside the map along the carpooling ride (but only if the Carpooling ride starting point is outside the map)
        public void setNewDeparturePoint(Carpooler P, float delta, int i)
            List <RNode> ListNodeP = RoadNetwork.ResolvePoint(P.WayPointsOrig.First(), delta);

            if (ListNodeP.Count() == 0)
                int j = 0;
                /* Track a line from starting point to the end point and intersect the map rectangle in one point, then try to search the nearest PT stop to this point */
                /* Find the intersection point between the line from source to destination and the map boundaries */
                Routing.Nodes.Point newStartingPoint;
                bool doit = true;
                doit = checkIntersection(
                    out newStartingPoint

                if (doit)
                    /* Find the closest stop to the intersection point */
                    List <TNodeCarpooling> PTstops = RoadNetwork.findClosestStop(newStartingPoint);

                    List <RNode> ListNode = new List <RNode> {
                    for (j = 0; j < PTstops.Count; j++)
                        ListNode = RoadNetwork.ResolvePoint(PTstops[j].Point, delta);

                        if (ListNode.Count() > 0)
                            P.WayPointsUsed.Insert(0, PTstops[j].Point);
                            log.Info(i + "/" + CarPoolers.Count + " orig starting point: " + P.WayPointsOrig.First().Latitude + "," + P.WayPointsOrig.First().Longitude +
                                     " new starting point:" + P.WayPointsUsed.First().Latitude + "," + P.WayPointsUsed.First().Longitude + " stopName: " + PTstops[j].StopName);
                    log.Warn("checkIntersection returned false");
         * Find the closest PTstop to the departure and destination points
        public void setTheClosestPTstops(Carpooler P, int i)
            /* Find the closest PTstop to the departure point */
            List <TNodeCarpooling> PTstops = RoadNetwork.findClosestStop(P.WayPointsOrig.First());

            P.WayPointsUsed.Insert(0, PTstops.First().Point);
            log.Info(i + "/" + CarPoolers.Count + " orig starting point: " + P.WayPointsOrig.First().Latitude + "," + P.WayPointsOrig.First().Longitude +
                     " new starting point:" + P.WayPointsUsed.First().Latitude + "," + P.WayPointsUsed.First().Longitude + " stopName: " + PTstops.First().StopName);

            /* Find the closest PTstop to the destination point */
            PTstops = RoadNetwork.findClosestStop(P.WayPointsOrig.Last());
            log.Info(i + "/" + CarPoolers.Count + " orig destination point: " + P.WayPointsOrig.Last().Latitude + "," + P.WayPointsOrig.Last().Longitude +
                     " new destination point:" + P.WayPointsUsed.Last().Latitude + "," + P.WayPointsUsed.Last().Longitude + " stopName: " + PTstops.First().StopName);
        //public void BuildCarpoolRoutesFromJson()
        //    string file = Path.GetFullPath(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dataPath"] + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CarpoolJSONFile"]);
        //    log.Info(file);

        //    if (System.IO.File.Exists(file))
        //    {
        //        List<CarpoolerRdex> CarpoolerList = new List<CarpoolerRdex> { };
        //        CarpoolerList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<CarpoolerRdex>>(File.ReadAllText(file));

        //        foreach (CarpoolerRdex el in CarpoolerList)
        //        {
        //            Carpooler Pooler = new Carpooler(el.uuid, Globals.ConvertTimeToSeconds(el.outward.mintime.ToString()), el.driver.seats);

        //            CarPoolers.Add(Pooler);

        //            /* Split wayPoints */
        //            string[] wayPoints = el.waypoints.Split(';');

        //            foreach (string wp in wayPoints)
        //            {
        //                string[] coordinate = wp.Split(',');
        //                Pooler.WayPoints.Add( new Point(double.Parse(coordinate[0]), double.Parse(coordinate[1])) );
        //            }

        //        }
        //    }

        public void BuildCarpoolRoutesFromCSV()
            string file = @"stop_times.txt";

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(file))
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file))
                    Carpooler Pooler = null;

                    string currentLine;
                    bool   Header = false;
                    string id     = "";
                    string name   = "";

                    while ((currentLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                        if (!Header)
                            Header = true;

                        string[] fields = currentLine.Split(',');

                        if (String.Compare(id, fields[0]) != 0)
                            id     = fields[0];
                            Pooler = new Carpooler(id, name, Globals.ConvertTimeToSeconds(fields[1]), 10, true, "", SourceCPRide.Unknown);

                        double Lat = double.Parse(fields[3].Split('_')[0]);
                        double Lng = double.Parse(fields[3].Split('_')[1]);

                        Pooler.WayPointsOrig.Add(new Point(Lat, Lng));
                        Pooler.WayPointsUsed.Add(new Point(Lat, Lng));

        private void ConnectNodesWithRoadNetworkTNode(Carpooler Pooler, List <TNodeCarpooling> Nodes)
            Nodes = Nodes.Where(x => x != null).ToList();
            CNode src = null, dst = null;
            int   totDuration = 0;

            //long elapsed_time_GetNode = 0;
            //long elapsed_time_Other = 0;
            //long elapsed_time_AddConnection = 0;
            //long elapsed_time_AddConnection2 = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Nodes.Count - 1; ++i)
                //var stopwatch_GetNode = new Stopwatch();
                src = RoadNetwork.GetNode(Nodes[i].Point, Nodes[i].StopName);
                dst = RoadNetwork.GetNode(Nodes[i + 1].Point, Nodes[i + 1].StopName);
                //elapsed_time_GetNode += stopwatch_GetNode.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                if (i == 0)

                Dictionary <string, string> tags = new Dictionary <string, string>(); // this.RoadNetwork.GetConnectionTags(src, dst);

                /* BAD: the conversion is already done in HTTPRequest.cs getCarpoolingDataFromBackend*/
                /* Convert time from seconds to HH:MM:SS */
                //TimeSpan time = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Pooler.TripStartTime);
                //DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Today.Add(time);
                //string str = dateTime.ToString("hh:mm:ss");
                //DateTime srcArrivalDateTime = Globals.ConvertDateAndTimeToLocalSiteDateTime(Pooler.TripDate, str);
                //Seconds since midnight of the http request
                //int srcArrivalTime = (srcArrivalDateTime.Hour * 3600) + (srcArrivalDateTime.Minute * 60) + srcArrivalDateTime.Second;

                int srcArrivalTime = Pooler.GetLastArrivalTime();

                //var stopwatch_Other = new Stopwatch();
                //double travelTime = RoadNetwork.AreConnected(Nodes[i], Nodes[i + 1]).GetTravelTime(string.Empty, Pooler.GetLastArrivalTime(), TravelMode.Car);
                int travelTime = (int)RoadNetwork.AreConnected(Nodes[i], Nodes[i + 1], "carpoolingride").GetTravelTime(string.Empty, Pooler.GetLastArrivalTime(), TravelMode.Carpool);
                //elapsed_time_Other += stopwatch_Other.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                int dstArrivalTime = srcArrivalTime + travelTime;

                //var stopwatch_AddConnection = new Stopwatch();
                CConnection C        = RoadNetwork.AddConnection(src, dst, srcArrivalTime, dstArrivalTime, ref Pooler, tags);
                int         duration = C.DstArrivalTime - C.DepartureTime;
                log.Info("Connection " + (i + 1) + "/" + Nodes.Count + " - Src:\"" + C.Source.StopName + "\" - Dst:\"" + C.Destination.StopName + "\" - Duration:" + duration);
                //elapsed_time_AddConnection += stopwatch_AddConnection.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                //var stopwatch_AddConnection2 = new Stopwatch();
                Pooler.AddConnection(ref C);
                //elapsed_time_AddConnection2 += stopwatch_AddConnection2.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                totDuration += duration;

            log.Info("Total carpooling trip duration: " + totDuration);

            //log.Info("elapsed_time_GetNode:" + elapsed_time_GetNode);
            //log.Info("elapsed_time_Other:" + elapsed_time_Other);
            //log.Info("elapsed_time_AddConnection:" + elapsed_time_AddConnection);
            //log.Info("elapsed_time_AddConnection2:" + elapsed_time_AddConnection2);
 public void removeCarPooler(Carpooler el)