protected virtual Type GetDrawerTypeForAssets([NotNull] Object[] assets, [CanBeNull] out Object[] assetImporters, [CanBeNull] out Type customEditorType)
            assetImporters   = null;
            customEditorType = null;

            // handle mismatching types
            if (!assets.AllSameType())

            if (AssetImporters.TryGet(assets, ref assetImporters))
                var assetImporterType = assetImporters[0].GetType();
                if (!CustomEditorUtility.TryGetCustomEditorType(assetImporterType, out customEditorType))
                                        #if DEV_MODE
                    Debug.LogWarning("GetDrawerTypeForAssets(" + assets[0].GetType().Name + ") Setting assetImporters of type " + assetImporterType.Name + " to null because could not find CustomEditor type for them.");

                    assetImporters = null;
                    CustomEditorUtility.TryGetCustomEditorType(assets[0].GetType(), out customEditorType);
                CustomEditorUtility.TryGetCustomEditorType(assets[0].GetType(), out customEditorType);
                                #if DEV_MODE && PI_ASSERTATIONS
                Debug.Assert(assetImporters == null);

        protected virtual Type GetDrawerTypeForComponent([NotNull] Type componentType, out Type customEditorType)
            Type drawerType;

            if (drawersFor.components.TryGetValue(componentType, out drawerType))
                customEditorType = null;

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (Platform.EditorMode)
                if (PluginCompatibilityUtility.UseCompatibilityModeForDisplayingTarget(componentType))
                    customEditorType = null;

                if (CustomEditorUtility.TryGetCustomEditorType(componentType, out customEditorType))

            customEditorType = null;
Exemple #3
        protected override void DrawImportedObjectGUI()
            if (!isAssetImporter || assetEditor == null || assetEditor.GetType() == editor.GetType())


            var headerRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(new GUIContent("Imported Object"), "OL Title", GUILayout.Height(25f));

            headerRect.x      = -1f;
            headerRect.width  = Screen.width + 2f;
            headerRect.height = 25f;
            GUI.Label(headerRect, "Imported Object", "OL Title");
            bool      editingTextFieldWas;
            EventType eventType;
            KeyCode   keyCode;

            CustomEditorUtility.BeginEditor(out editingTextFieldWas, out eventType, out keyCode);
                if (ReadOnly)
                    GUI.enabled = false;


                GUI.enabled = true;
            CustomEditorUtility.EndEditor(editingTextFieldWas, eventType, keyCode);
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void SetupInterface(object attribute, object setValue, LinkedMemberInfo setMemberInfo, IParentDrawer setParent, GUIContent setLabel, bool setReadOnly)
                        #if DEV_MODE && PI_ASSERTATIONS
            Debug.Assert(setValue != null || setMemberInfo != null);

            Type propertyDrawerType;
            if (attribute != null)
                if (!CustomEditorUtility.TryGetPropertyDrawerType(attribute.GetType(), out propertyDrawerType))
                                        #if DEV_MODE
                    Debug.LogError("CustomEditorUtility.TryGetPropertyDrawerType returned null for attribute " + StringUtils.TypeToString(attribute));
                                #if DEV_MODE && DEBUG_ENABLED
                    Debug.Log("Drawer type for attribute " + StringUtils.TypeToString(attribute) + ": " + StringUtils.ToString(propertyDrawerType));
                if (setMemberInfo == null || !CustomEditorUtility.TryGetPropertyDrawerType(setMemberInfo.Type, out propertyDrawerType))
                    if (setValue == null || !CustomEditorUtility.TryGetPropertyDrawerType(setValue.GetType(), out propertyDrawerType))
                        propertyDrawerType = null;
                                                #if DEV_MODE
                        if (setValue == null)
                            Debug.LogError("PropertyDrawerGUI.SetupInterface called with attribute=" + StringUtils.Null + ", setValue=" + StringUtils.Null + " and setMemberInfo=" + StringUtils.Null);
                            Debug.LogError("PropertyDrawerGUI.SetupInterface - TryGetPropertyDrawerType returned " + StringUtils.Null + " for type " + StringUtils.ToString(DrawerUtility.GetType(setMemberInfo, setValue)) + " with attribute " + StringUtils.Null);

                        #if DEV_MODE && PI_ASSERTATIONS
            Debug.Assert(propertyDrawerType != null);

            Setup(setValue, attribute, null, propertyDrawerType, setMemberInfo, setParent, setLabel, setReadOnly);
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public bool TryGetForDecoratorDrawer([NotNull] PropertyAttribute fieldAttribute, [NotNull] Type propertyAttributeType, [CanBeNull] IParentDrawer parent, [NotNull] LinkedMemberInfo attributeTarget, [CanBeNull] out IDecoratorDrawerDrawer result)
            var drawerType = GetDrawerTypeForDecoratorDrawerAttribute(propertyAttributeType);

            if (drawerType != null)
                                #if DEV_MODE && (DEBUG_GET_FOR_FIELD || DEBUG_GET_FOR_DECORATOR_DRAWER)
                Debug.Log("<color=green>DecoratorDrawer drawer</color> for field " + attributeTarget.Name + " and attribute " + fieldAttribute.GetType().Name + ": " + drawerType.Name);

                result = GetOrCreateInstance <IDecoratorDrawerDrawer>(drawerType);
                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                Type decoratorDrawerType;
                if (CustomEditorUtility.TryGetDecoratorDrawerType(propertyAttributeType, out decoratorDrawerType))
                    result.SetupInterface(fieldAttribute, decoratorDrawerType, parent, attributeTarget);

                if (!result.RequiresDecoratorDrawerType)
                    result.SetupInterface(fieldAttribute, null, parent, attributeTarget);

                                #if DEV_MODE
                Debug.LogError(result.GetType().Name + " was returned for propertyAttribute " + propertyAttributeType.Name + " but drawer requires a decoratorDrawerType which was not found.");

            Debug.Log("<color=green>DecoratorDrawer drawer</color> for field " + attributeTarget.Name + " and attribute " + fieldAttribute.GetType().Name + ": " + StringUtils.Null);

            result = null;
        /// <inheritdoc cref="IDrawer.Draw" />
        public override bool Draw(Rect position)
                        #if SAFE_MODE || DEV_MODE
            var targets     = memberInfo.UnityObjects;
            int targetCount = targets.Length;
            if (targetCount == 0)
                                #if DEV_MODE
                Debug.LogWarning(ToString() + ".Draw() - target count was zero, rebuilding drawer");

            if (targets.ContainsNullObjects())
                                #if DEV_MODE
                Debug.LogWarning(ToString() + ".Draw() - target was null, rebuilding drawer");


            var positionWithoutMargins = position;

            bool dirty = false;


            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout)

                        #if !DRAW_LABEL_RESIZE_CONTROL
            DrawGUI.Active.ColorRect(position, DrawGUI.Active.InspectorBackgroundColor);

            position.height -= 2f;
            position.y      += 1f;

            position.width -= DrawGUI.RightPadding;

            float labelWidthWas = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
            float fieldWidthWas = EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth;

            float leftPadding       = DrawGUI.LeftPadding;
            int   labelRightPadding = (int)(DrawGUI.MiddlePadding + DrawGUI.MiddlePadding);

            position.x     += leftPadding;
            position.width -= leftPadding;

            //always use wide mode for properties because it works better with the prefix width control
                        #if ALWAYS_USE_WIDEMODE
            bool wideModeWas = EditorGUIUtility.wideMode;
            EditorGUIUtility.wideMode = true;

            EditorStyles.label.padding.right = labelRightPadding;

                position.y -= positionWithoutMargins.y;
                position.x -= positionWithoutMargins.x;

                    DrawerUtility.BeginInputField(this, controlId, ref editField, ref focusField, memberInfo == null ? false : memberInfo.MixedContent);
                        var serializedProperty = SerializedProperty;
                        if (serializedProperty == null)
                            // NOTE: This can happen during Remove Component for some reason
                                                        #if DEV_MODE
                            Debug.LogError(ToString() + ".Draw - SerializedProperty was null (parent=" + StringUtils.ToString(parent) + ") so can't use EditorGUI.PropertyField");

                            EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, label);
                            bool      editingTextFieldWas;
                            EventType eventType;
                            KeyCode   keyCode;
                            CustomEditorUtility.BeginPropertyDrawer(out editingTextFieldWas, out eventType, out keyCode);
                                // fix needed or foldouts will be drawn at incorrect positions
                                var leftMarginWas = EditorStyles.foldout.margin.left;
                                EditorStyles.foldout.margin.left = -12;

                                    EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, serializedProperty, label, serializedProperty.isExpanded);
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    if (ExitGUIUtility.ShouldRethrowException(e))
                                        EditorStyles.foldout.margin.left = leftMarginWas;

                                                                        #if DEV_MODE
                                    Debug.LogWarning(ToString() + " " + e);

                                EditorStyles.foldout.margin.left = leftMarginWas;
                            CustomEditorUtility.EndPropertyDrawer(editingTextFieldWas, eventType, keyCode);

                            bool editingTextFieldIs = EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField;
                            if (editingTextFieldIs != editingTextFieldWas)
                                DrawGUI.EditingTextField = editingTextFieldIs;
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    GUI.changed = true;
                    dirty = true;

                        #if ALWAYS_USE_WIDEMODE
            EditorGUIUtility.wideMode = wideModeWas;

            EditorStyles.label.padding.right = 2;
            EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth      = labelWidthWas;
            EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth      = fieldWidthWas;

        /// <summary> Sets up an instance of the drawers for usage. </summary>
        /// <param name="setTargets"> The targets that the drawers represent. Can not be null. </param>
        /// <param name="setEditorTargets"> The targets for which the main Editor is created. E.g. the asset importers for targets. Can be null. </param>
        /// <param name="setParent"> The parent drawers of the created drawers. Can be null. </param>
        /// <param name="setInspector"> The inspector in which the IDrawer are contained. Can not be null. </param>
        /// <param name="setEditorType"> The type of the custom editor. Can be null. </param>
        protected virtual void Setup([NotNull] Object[] setTargets, [CanBeNull] Object[] setEditorTargets, [CanBeNull] Type setEditorType, [CanBeNull] IParentDrawer setParent, [NotNull] IInspector setInspector)
                        #if DEV_MODE && PI_ASSERTATIONS
            Debug.Assert(setTargets.Length > 0);

            headerHeight           = DrawGUI.Active.AssetTitlebarHeight(false);
            headerHeightDetermined = false;

            allSameType = setTargets.AllSameType();

            if (setEditorTargets == null)
                if (!allSameType)
                    setEditorTargets = setTargets;
                    if (AssetImporters.TryGet(setTargets, ref setEditorTargets))
                        var assetImporterType = setEditorTargets[0].GetType();
                        CustomEditorUtility.TryGetCustomEditorType(assetImporterType, out setEditorType);
                        setEditorTargets = setTargets;
            else if (setEditorTargets[0] == null)
                ArrayPool <Object> .Dispose(ref setEditorTargets);

                setEditorTargets = setTargets;

                        #if DEV_MODE && PI_ASSERTATIONS
            Debug.Assert(setEditorTargets != null || !allSameType);
            Debug.Assert(!allSameType || setEditorTargets.Length > 0);

            editorTargets = setEditorTargets;

            Sisus.AssetLabels.Get(setTargets, ref assetLabels, ref assetLabelsOnlyOnSomeTargets);
            Sisus.AssetLabels.OnAssetLabelsChanged += OnAssetLabelsChanged;

            var target = setTargets[0];
            localPath      = setTargets.Length == 1 ? AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(target) : "";
            isPackageAsset = FileUtility.IsPackageAsset(localPath);

            // base handles calling UpdateEditor
            base.Setup(setTargets, setParent, setInspector, setEditorType);


                        #if DEV_MODE && PI_ASSERTATIONS && UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
            if (!isAssetImporter && editor != HeaderEditor)
                                #if DEV_MODE && DEBUG_SETUP_EDITOR
                Debug.LogError(Msg(ToString(), " non-asset importer editor did not match HeaderEditor! - targets=", StringUtils.TypesToString(setTargets), ", editorTargets=", StringUtils.TypesToString(setEditorTargets), ", editorType=", setEditorType, ", editor=", StringUtils.TypeToString(editor), ", HeaderEditor=", HeaderEditor));

                        #if DEV_MODE && DEBUG_SETUP_EDITOR
            Debug.Log(Msg(ToString(), " Setup with targets=", StringUtils.TypesToString(setTargets), ", editorTargets=", StringUtils.TypesToString(setEditorTargets), ", editorType=", setEditorType, ", editor=", StringUtils.TypeToString(editor)));

                        #if DEV_MODE && PI_ASSERTATIONS
            if (editor == null)
                Debug.LogWarning(Msg(ToString(), " editor was null after Setup with canHaveEditor=", canHaveEditor, " and targets: ", StringUtils.TypesToString(targets)));

                        #if DEV_MODE && PI_ASSERTATIONS
            if (assetEditor == null)
                Debug.LogWarning(Msg(ToString(), " headerEditor was null after Setup with canHaveEditor=", canHaveEditor, " and targets: ", StringUtils.TypesToString(targets)));
Exemple #8
        /// <inheritdoc cref="GetEditor(ref Editor, Object[], Type, bool, Object, bool)"/>
        public void GetEditorInternal(ref Editor editor, [NotNull] Object[] targets, [CanBeNull] Type editorType, bool allTargetsHaveSameType, Object context = null, bool cache = true)
                        #if DEV_MODE && PI_ASSERTATIONS
            Debug.Assert(targets != null);
            Debug.Assert(!targets.ContainsNullObjects(), "Editors.GetEditorInternal called with tagets containing null Objects");
            Debug.Assert(allTargetsHaveSameType == targets.AllSameType());
            Debug.Assert(targets.Length > 0, "GetEditor called with empty targets array! editorType was " + (editorType == null ? "null" : editorType.Name));

            if (editor != null)
                                #if !NET_STANDARD_2_0
                var previousEditorTargets = getTargets(editor);
                var previousEditorContext = getContext(editor);
                var previousEditorTargets = getTargets.GetValue(editor) as Object[];
                var previousEditorContext = getContext.GetValue(editor) as Object;
                if (targets.ContentsMatch(previousEditorTargets) && context == previousEditorContext)

                DisposeInternal(ref editor);

            if (!allTargetsHaveSameType)
                GetEditor(ref editor, targets[0], editorType, context, cache);

                        #if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
            bool isAssetImporterEditor = editorType != null?Types.AssetImporterEditor.IsAssignableFrom(editorType) : typeof(AssetImporter).IsAssignableFrom(targets[0].GetType());               //editorType != null && Types.AssetImporterEditor.IsAssignableFrom(editorType);

            var editorKey = new EditorKey(targets, isAssetImporterEditor);
            var editorKey = new EditorKey(targets, false);

            if (cachedEditors.TryGetValue(editorKey, out editor))
                if (editor != null)
                    if (!DisposeIfInvalid(ref editor))

                                                #if DEV_MODE && DEBUG_GET_EDITOR
                        Debug.Log("Editors.GetEditor: for targets " + StringUtils.TypesToString(targets) + " and editorType " + StringUtils.ToString(editorType) + " returning cached: " + editor.GetType().Name + " with key=" + editorKey.GetHashCode());
                                        #if DEV_MODE && DEBUG_DESTROYED_CACHED_EDITORS
                    Debug.LogWarning("cachedEditors for targets " + StringUtils.TypeToString(targets) + " and editorType " + StringUtils.ToString(editorType) + " with EditorKey hashCode " + editorKey.GetHashCode() + " contained editor with null targets!\nCachedEditors:\n" + StringUtils.ToString(cachedEditors, "\n"));
                                #if DEV_MODE && DEBUG_DESTROYED_CACHED_EDITORS
                    Debug.LogWarning("cachedEditors for targets " + StringUtils.TypesToString(targets) + " and editorType " + StringUtils.ToString(editorType) + " with EditorKey hashCode " + editorKey.GetHashCode() + " contained a null value!\nCachedEditors:\n" + StringUtils.ToString(cachedEditors, "\n"));

                        #if DEV_MODE && DEBUG_GET_EDITOR
            Debug.Log(StringUtils.ToColorizedString("Editors.GetEditor called for ", StringUtils.ToString(targets), " with editorType=", editorType, ", context=", context, ", key=", editorKey.GetHashCode(), ", cache=", cache));

                        #if SUPPORT_EDITORS_FOR_INTERFACES
            if (editorType == null)
                var interfaces = targets[0].GetType().GetInterfaces();
                for (int n = interfaces.Length - 1; n >= 0; n--)
                    Type editorForInterface;
                    if (CustomEditorUtility.TryGetCustomEditorType(interfaces[n], out editorForInterface))
                        editorType = editorForInterface;
                                                #if DEV_MODE
                        Debug.Log("Editors.GetEditor : Replaced null editorType with interface based type " + StringUtils.ToString(editorType));

                editor = Editor.CreateEditorWithContext(targets, context, editorType);
                        #if DEV_MODE
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogError("Editor.CreateEditor for targets " + StringUtils.TypesToString(targets) + " and editorType " + StringUtils.ToString(editorType) + ": " + e);

            if (editor == null)
                                #if DEV_MODE
                Debug.LogWarning("Editor.CreateEditor for targets " + StringUtils.TypesToString(targets) + " and editorType " + StringUtils.ToString(editorType) + " returned null!");

                        #if DEV_MODE && DEBUG_GET_EDITOR
            Debug.Log("Editors.GetEditor: Created new: " + editor.GetType().Name + " for " + StringUtils.ToString(targets) + " with key=" + editorKey.GetHashCode() + ", cache=" + StringUtils.ToColorizedString(cache));

            if (cache)
                cachedEditors[editorKey] = editor;