Exemple #1
        public void PasteRowCommand()
                SystemUserCodeColumnMetaDataList.Sort(delegate(ColumnMetaData c1, ColumnMetaData c2)
                                                      { return(c1.Order.CompareTo(c2.Order)); });

                char[] rowSplitter    = { '\r', '\n' };
                char[] columnSplitter = { '\t' };
                //get the text from clipboard
                IDataObject dataInClipboard   = Clipboard.GetDataObject();
                string      stringInClipboard = (string)dataInClipboard.GetData(DataFormats.Text);
                //split it into rows...
                string[] rowsInClipboard = stringInClipboard.Split(rowSplitter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                foreach (string row in rowsInClipboard)
                    NewSystemUserCodeCommand(""); //this will generate a new itemCode and set it as the selected itemCode...
                    //split row into cell values
                    string[] valuesInRow = row.Split(columnSplitter);
                    int      i           = 0;
                    foreach (string columnValue in valuesInRow)
                        SelectedSystemUserCode.SetPropertyValue(SystemUserCodeColumnMetaDataList[i].Name, columnValue);
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #2
        private void SelectedSystemUserCode_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        {//these properties are not to be persisted we will igore them...
            if (e.PropertyName == "IsSelected" ||
                e.PropertyName == "IsExpanded" ||
                e.PropertyName == "IsValid" ||
                e.PropertyName == "NotValidMessage" ||
                e.PropertyName == "LastModifiedBy" ||
                e.PropertyName == "LastModifiedByDate")

            //Key ID Logic...
            if (e.PropertyName == "SystemUserCodeID")
            {//make sure it is has changed...
                if (SelectedSystemUserCodeMirror.SystemUserCodeID != SelectedSystemUserCode.SystemUserCodeID)
                    //if their are no records it is a key change
                    if (SystemUserCodeList != null && SystemUserCodeList.Count == 0 &&
                        SelectedSystemUserCode != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedSystemUserCode.SystemUserCodeID))

                    EntityStates entityState = GetSystemUserCodeState(SelectedSystemUserCode);

                    if (entityState == EntityStates.Unchanged ||
                        entityState == EntityStates.Modified)
                    {                             //once a key is added it can not be modified...
                        if (Dirty && AllowCommit) //dirty record exists ask if save is required...
                            NotifySaveRequired("Do you want to save changes?", _saveRequiredResultActions.ChangeKeyLogic);

            }//end KeyID logic...

            object propertyChangedValue = SelectedSystemUserCode.GetPropertyValue(e.PropertyName);
            object prevPropertyValue    = SelectedSystemUserCodeMirror.GetPropertyValue(e.PropertyName);
            string propertyCode         = SelectedSystemUserCode.GetPropertyCode(e.PropertyName);
            //in some instances the value is not really changing but yet it still is tripping property change..
            //This will ensure that the field has physically been modified...
            //As well when we revert back it constitutes a property change but they will be = and it will bypass the logic...
            bool objectsAreEqual;

            if (propertyChangedValue == null)
                if (prevPropertyValue == null)//both values are null
                    objectsAreEqual = true;
                else//only one value is null
                    objectsAreEqual = false;
                if (prevPropertyValue == null)//only one value is null
                    objectsAreEqual = false;
                else //both values are not null use .Equals...
                    objectsAreEqual = propertyChangedValue.Equals(prevPropertyValue);
            if (!objectsAreEqual)
                //Here we do property change validation if false is returned we will reset the value
                //Back to its mirrored value and return out of the property change w/o updating the repository...
                if (SystemUserCodePropertyChangeIsValid(e.PropertyName, propertyChangedValue, prevPropertyValue, propertyCode))
                    SelectedSystemUserCodeMirror.SetPropertyValue(e.PropertyName, propertyChangedValue);
                    SelectedSystemUserCodeMirror.IsValid         = SelectedSystemUserCode.IsValid;
                    SelectedSystemUserCodeMirror.IsExpanded      = SelectedSystemUserCode.IsExpanded;
                    SelectedSystemUserCodeMirror.NotValidMessage = SelectedSystemUserCode.NotValidMessage;
                else//revert back to its previous value...
                    SelectedSystemUserCode.SetPropertyValue(e.PropertyName, prevPropertyValue);
                    SelectedSystemUserCode.IsValid         = SelectedSystemUserCodeMirror.IsValid;
                    SelectedSystemUserCode.IsExpanded      = SelectedSystemUserCodeMirror.IsExpanded;
                    SelectedSystemUserCode.NotValidMessage = SelectedSystemUserCodeMirror.NotValidMessage;