static void Main(string[] args) { string db = @"Data,14333,14333;Initial Catalog=facebook;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=nirveek_de;Password=Fashionkred123"; string query = "EXEC [stp_SS_NewsLetter] @contestId=" + contestId; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(db); Look look = new Look(); List<long> subscriberList = new List<long>(); try { myConnection.Open(); using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(query, myConnection)) { SqlCommand cmd = adp.SelectCommand; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300000; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { long fbId = long.Parse(dr["FacebookId"].ToString()); subscriberList.Add(fbId); } dr.NextResult(); look = Look.GetLookFromSqlReader(dr); } SendLookNotification(subscriberList, look); } finally { myConnection.Close(); } }
//Get a random product combo from the specified category and retailer public static Look GetRandomLook(int contestId, long userId, string db) { //Outfit choosing logic //Find outfits that are created/voted by friends which the user hasn't voted yet- if not try to find recently created best voted outfit Look look = new Look(); look.products = new List <Product>(); string query = "EXEC [stp_SS_GetRandomLook] @contestId=" + contestId + ", @userId =" + userId; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(db); try { myConnection.Open(); using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(query, myConnection)) { SqlCommand cmd = adp.SelectCommand; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300000; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); look = GetLookFromSqlReader(dr); } } finally { myConnection.Close(); } return(look); }
public static List <Look> GetPopularLooksOfWeek(string db, long uId, int offset = 1, int limit = 15) { List <Look> looks = new List <Look>(); string query = "EXEC [stp_SS_GetPopularLooksOfWeek] @userId=" + uId + ",@offset=" + offset + ",@limit=" + limit; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(db); try { myConnection.Open(); using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(query, myConnection)) { SqlCommand cmd = adp.SelectCommand; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300000; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); looks = Look.GetLooksFromSqlReader(dr); } } finally { myConnection.Close(); } return(looks); }
//Get look By specific id public static Look GetLookById(long id, long userId, string db) { Look look = new Look(); look.products = new List <Product>(); string query = "EXEC [stp_SS_GetLookWithUserId] @id=" + id + ", @uid=" + userId; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(db); try { myConnection.Open(); using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(query, myConnection)) { SqlCommand cmd = adp.SelectCommand; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300000; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); look = GetLookFromSqlReader(dr); } } finally { myConnection.Close(); } return(look); }
//Get look containing a particular product - helps product.aspx redirect public static Look GetLookByProductId(long id, string db) { Look look = new Look(); look.products = new List <Product>(); string query = "EXEC [stp_SS_GetLookByProduct] @id=" + id; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(db); try { myConnection.Open(); using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(query, myConnection)) { SqlCommand cmd = adp.SelectCommand; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300000; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { = int.Parse(dr["Id"].ToString()); look.upVote = int.Parse(dr["UpVote"].ToString()); look.downVote = int.Parse(dr["DownVote"].ToString()); } } } finally { myConnection.Close(); } return(look); }
//Get looks for homepage public static List <Look> GetLooksFromSqlReader(SqlDataReader dr) { List <Look> looks = new List <Look>(); do { Look look = Look.GetLookFromSqlReader(dr); looks.Add(look); } while (dr.NextResult()); return(looks); }
public static List <Look> GetTaggedLooks(string db, long uId, long tagId, int offset = 1, int limit = 20, bool isPopular = false) { List <Look> looks = new List <Look>(); string query; if (isPopular) { query = "EXEC [stp_SS_GetTaggedPopularLooks] @tagId=" + tagId + ",@userId=" + uId + ",@offset=" + offset + ",@limit=" + limit; } else { query = "EXEC [stp_SS_GetTaggedLooks] @tagId=" + tagId + ",@userId=" + uId + ",@offset=" + offset + ",@limit=" + limit; } SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(db); try { myConnection.Open(); using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(query, myConnection)) { SqlCommand cmd = adp.SelectCommand; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300000; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); int countLooks = 0; while (dr.Read()) { countLooks = int.Parse(dr["total"].ToString()); } dr.NextResult(); looks = Look.GetLooksFromSqlReader(dr); } } finally { myConnection.Close(); } if (looks.Count == 0) { looks = null; } return(looks); }
public static void SendLookNotification(List<long> subscriberList, Look look) { var client = new FacebookClient(); client.AppId = appId; client.AppSecret = appSecret; dynamic response = client.Get("oauth/access_token", new { client_id = appId, client_secret = appSecret, grant_type = "client_credentials" }); string appAccessToken = response.access_token; foreach (long subscriber in subscriberList) { if (subscriber > 0) { string path = "/" + subscriber + "/notifications?access_token=" + appAccessToken; string templateString = "#LookOfTheWeek: Check out the top voted look of the week in FashionKred!"; var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "href" , "?lid=" + }, { "template" , templateString }, { "ref" , "looknotifications" } }; try { client.Post(path, parameters); } catch(FacebookOAuthException ex) { //log exception and unsubscribe } } } }
public static Look SaveLook(string db, string productMap, long userId, string tagMap, string title, long originalLookId = 0, long editLookId = 0, bool isFeaturedStylist = false) { Look look = new Look(); string query = "EXEC [stp_SS_SaveLook] @product='" + productMap + "', @uid=" + userId + ",@tag='" + tagMap.Replace("'", "''") + "', @title=N'" + title.Replace("'", "''") + "'"; if (originalLookId != 0) { query += (", @originalLook=" + originalLookId); } if (editLookId != 0) { query += (", @editLookId=" + editLookId); } if (isFeaturedStylist) { query += (", @isFeaturedStylist=" + 1); } SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(db); try { myConnection.Open(); using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(query, myConnection)) { SqlCommand cmd = adp.SelectCommand; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300000; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); look = Look.GetLookFromSqlReader(dr); } } finally { myConnection.Close(); } return(look); }
public static List <Look> GetHomePageLooks(string db, long uId, int offset = 1, int limit = 10, bool isFilter = true) { List <Look> looks = new List <Look>(); string query; if (isFilter) { query = "EXEC [stp_SS_GetHomePageLooks] @userId=" + uId + ",@offset=" + offset + ",@limit=" + limit; } else { query = "EXEC [stp_SS_GetHomePageLooks_NoFilter] @userId=" + uId + ",@offset=" + offset + ",@limit=" + limit; } SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(db); try { myConnection.Open(); using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(query, myConnection)) { SqlCommand cmd = adp.SelectCommand; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300000; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); looks = Look.GetLooksFromSqlReader(dr); } } finally { myConnection.Close(); } return(looks); }
//Get a random product combo from the specified category and retailer public static Look GetRandomLook(int contestId, long userId, string db) { //Outfit choosing logic //Find outfits that are created/voted by friends which the user hasn't voted yet- if not try to find recently created best voted outfit Look look = new Look(); look.products = new List<Product>(); string query = "EXEC [stp_SS_GetRandomLook] @contestId=" + contestId + ", @userId =" + userId; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(db); try { myConnection.Open(); using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(query, myConnection)) { SqlCommand cmd = adp.SelectCommand; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300000; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); look = GetLookFromSqlReader(dr); } } finally { myConnection.Close(); } return look; }
public static Look GetLookFromSqlReader(SqlDataReader dr) { Look look = new Look(); look.products = new List<Product>(); look.Likers = new List<UserProfile>(); look.ReStylers = new List<UserProfile>(); look.comments = new List<Comment>(); look.tags = new List<Tag>(); while (dr.Read()) { if (dr != null) { int vote = int.Parse(dr["Vote"].ToString()); if (vote != 2) look.isLoved = true; } } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { if (dr != null) { look.isReStyled = true; } } dr.NextResult(); //top likers while (dr.Read()) { UserProfile liker = UserProfile.GetUserFromSqlReader(dr); look.Likers.Add(liker); } dr.NextResult(); //top restylers while (dr.Read()) { UserProfile reStyler = UserProfile.GetUserFromSqlReader(dr); look.ReStylers.Add(reStyler); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { Comment comment = new Comment(); = long.Parse(dr["CommentId"].ToString()); comment.commenter = UserProfile.GetUserFromSqlReader(dr); comment.commentText = dr["CommentText"].ToString().Replace("''", "'"); DateTime commentTime = DateTime.Parse(dr["CommentCreateTime"].ToString()); comment.commentTime = (commentTime - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).ToLocalTime()).TotalSeconds; look.comments.Add(comment); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { = int.Parse(dr["Id"].ToString()); look.upVote = int.Parse(dr["UpVote"].ToString()); look.downVote = int.Parse(dr["DownVote"].ToString()); look.title = dr["Title"].ToString().Replace("''", "'"); look.restyleCount = int.Parse(dr["ReStyleCount"].ToString()); look.viewCount = int.Parse(dr["ViewCount"].ToString()); look.shareCount = int.Parse(dr["ShareCount"].ToString()); look.commentCount = int.Parse(dr["CommentCount"].ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["OriginalLook"].ToString())) { look.originalLookId = int.Parse(dr["OriginalLook"].ToString()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["contestId"].ToString())) { look.contestId = int.Parse(dr["contestId"].ToString()); } } //if a look was found if ( != 0) { dr.NextResult(); // read the creator while (dr.Read()) { look.creator = UserProfile.GetUserFromSqlReader(dr); } //read original User dr.NextResult(); while(dr.Read()) { look.originalCreator = UserProfile.GetUserFromSqlReader(dr); } // read the tags dr.NextResult(); List<Tag> tags = Tag.GetTagsFromSqlReader(dr); look.tags = tags; //read the products if (dr.NextResult()) { while (dr.Read()) { look.products.Add(Product.GetProductFromSqlDataReader(dr)); } } } return look; }
//Get look containing a particular product - helps product.aspx redirect public static Look GetLookByProductId(long id, string db) { Look look = new Look(); look.products = new List<Product>(); string query = "EXEC [stp_SS_GetLookByProduct] @id=" + id; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(db); try { myConnection.Open(); using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(query, myConnection)) { SqlCommand cmd = adp.SelectCommand; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300000; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { = int.Parse(dr["Id"].ToString()); look.upVote = int.Parse(dr["UpVote"].ToString()); look.downVote = int.Parse(dr["DownVote"].ToString()); } } } finally { myConnection.Close(); } return look; }
//Get look By specific id public static Look GetLookById(long id, long userId, string db) { Look look = new Look(); look.products = new List<Product>(); string query = "EXEC [stp_SS_GetLookWithUserId] @id=" + id + ", @uid=" + userId; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(db); try { myConnection.Open(); using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(query, myConnection)) { SqlCommand cmd = adp.SelectCommand; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300000; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); look = GetLookFromSqlReader(dr); } } finally { myConnection.Close(); } return look; }
public static List <Object> GetLastNotifications(long userId, string db, int offset = 1, int limit = 20) { List <object> notifications = new List <object>(); SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(db); try { myConnection.Open(); string query = "EXEC [stp_SS_GetLastNotifications] @userId=" + userId + ",@offset=" + offset + ",@limit=" + limit; using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(query, myConnection)) { SqlCommand cmd = adp.SelectCommand; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300000; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { NotificationType type = (NotificationType)int.Parse(dr["Type"].ToString()); if (type == NotificationType.Contest) { Contest contest = new Contest(); contest.Name = dr["contestName"].ToString(); contest.TagId = int.Parse(dr["TagId"].ToString()); contest.Image = "" + contest.Name + "_small.png"; contest.Type = type; DateTime CreateTime = DateTime.Parse(dr["CreateDate"].ToString()); contest.CreateTime = (CreateTime - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; notifications.Add(contest); } else { Notification notification = new Notification(); notification.Type = type; notification.User.userId = userId; notification.Subject.userId = long.Parse(dr["SubjectId"].ToString()); notification.Subject.pic = dr["Pic"].ToString(); notification.Subject.userName = dr["UserName"].ToString(); notification.Subject.IsFollowing = int.Parse(dr["following"].ToString()); if (notification.Type != NotificationType.FollowUser) { long lookId = long.Parse(dr["LookId"].ToString()); notification.Look = Look.GetLookById(lookId, userId, db); } if (notification.Type == NotificationType.CreateLookTag) { = long.Parse(dr["TagId"].ToString()); = dr["contestName"].ToString(); } DateTime CreateTime = DateTime.Parse(dr["CreateDate"].ToString()); notification.CreateTime = (CreateTime - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; notifications.Add(notification); } } } } finally { myConnection.Close(); } return(notifications); }
public void GetUser(string db) { user = new UserProfile(); //Check if there is a lid in the querystring - then set the if (Request.QueryString["lid"] != null) { this.Session["lid"] = long.Parse(Request.QueryString["lid"]); } else if (Request.QueryString["pid"] != null) { long pid = long.Parse(Request.QueryString["pid"]); //Find a look with that product id Look look = Look.GetLookByProductId(pid, db); this.Session["lid"] =; } string sid = string.Empty; if (this.Session["lid"] != null) { sid = this.Session["lid"].ToString(); } //Get the fb-connected user id if (user.userId == 0) { //Check if it's the fb Crawler then skip authentication if (Request.UserAgent == "facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+") { user = UserProfile.GetUserProfileById(3, db); } else if (this.Session["access_token"] == null) { if (Request.QueryString["error_code"] != null) { Response.Write(Request.QueryString["error_string"]); return; } if (Request.QueryString["code"] == null) { //means the user is not authorized yet from fb - redirect to login via fb string redirectUrl = FacebookHelper.GetCode(sid); Response.Redirect(redirectUrl); } else { try { //if code exists - check for state for lid if (Request.QueryString["state"] != null) { long state = long.Parse(Request.QueryString["state"]); if (state != 0) { this.Session["lid"] = state; } } string userReferral = "Unknown"; if (this.Request.Cookies["__userReferralid"] != null) { userReferral = this.Request.Cookies["__userReferralid"].Value; } string ipAddress = WebHelper.GetIpAddress(this.Request); string userAgent = this.Request.UserAgent.ToString(); user = FacebookHelper.GetUser(Request.QueryString["code"], userReferral, db); this.Session["access_token"] = user.accessToken; this.Session["user"] = user; // create user cookie HttpCookie userid = new HttpCookie("__userid"); userid.Value = user.userId.ToString(); userid.Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(14); Response.Cookies.Add(userid); // create authentication cookie HttpCookie auth = new HttpCookie("__auth"); auth.Value = WebHelper.CreateAuthString(user.userId); auth.Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(14); Response.Cookies.Add(auth); } catch (Facebook.FacebookOAuthException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode >= 100 && ex.ErrorCode < 200) // token expired or app unistalled { //code might have expired - try again string redirectUrl = FacebookHelper.GetCode(sid); Response.Redirect(redirectUrl); } } } } else { user = FacebookHelper.GetUserFromToken(this.Session["access_token"].ToString(), db); } } }
public static Look SaveLook(string db, string productMap, long userId, string tagMap, string title, long originalLookId = 0, long editLookId = 0, bool isFeaturedStylist = false) { Look look = new Look(); string query = "EXEC [stp_SS_SaveLook] @product='" + productMap + "', @uid=" + userId + ",@tag='" + tagMap.Replace("'", "''") + "', @title=N'" + title.Replace("'", "''") + "'"; if (originalLookId!= 0) { query += (", @originalLook=" + originalLookId); } if (editLookId!= 0) { query += (", @editLookId=" + editLookId); } if (isFeaturedStylist) { query += (", @isFeaturedStylist=" + 1); } SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(db); try { myConnection.Open(); using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(query, myConnection)) { SqlCommand cmd = adp.SelectCommand; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300000; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); look = Look.GetLookFromSqlReader(dr); } } finally { myConnection.Close(); } return look; }
public static string SendLookNotification(string appAccessToken, long creatorId, long userId, Look look) { var client = new FacebookClient(); client.AppId = appId; client.AppSecret = appSecret; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appAccessToken)) { dynamic response = client.Get("oauth/access_token", new { client_id = appId, client_secret = appSecret, grant_type = "client_credentials" }); appAccessToken = response.access_token; } string path = "/" + userId + "/notifications?access_token=" + appAccessToken; string templateString = "#LookOfTheWeek: Check out the top voted look by @[" + creatorId + "] in FashionKred!"; var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "href", "/look.aspx?lid=" + }, { "template", templateString }, { "ref", "looknotifications" } }; client.Post(path, parameters); return(appAccessToken); }
public static Dictionary <string, object> GetTagMetaInfo(long userId, long tagId, int noOfLooks, int noOfItems, int noOfStylists, string db) { Dictionary <string, object> metaInfo = new Dictionary <string, object>(); string query = "EXEC [stp_SS_GetTagMetaInfo] @tagId=" + tagId + ",@userId=" + userId + ",@noOfLooks=" + noOfLooks + ",@noOfItems=" + noOfItems + ",@noOfStylists=" + noOfStylists; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(db); try { myConnection.Open(); using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(query, myConnection)) { SqlCommand cmd = adp.SelectCommand; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300000; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //Get popular looks List <Look> popularLooks = new List <Look>(); int counter = 0; int countLooks = 0; while (dr.Read()) { countLooks = int.Parse(dr["total"].ToString()); } dr.NextResult(); do { Look look = Look.GetLookFromSqlReader(dr); popularLooks.Add(look); counter++; if (counter >= noOfLooks || counter >= countLooks) { break; } } while (dr.NextResult()); metaInfo.Add("Popular Looks", popularLooks); /*Get fresh looks * List<Look> recentLooks = new List<Look>(); * dr.NextResult(); * counter = 0; countLooks = 0; * while (dr.Read()) * { * countLooks = int.Parse(dr["total"].ToString()); * } * dr.NextResult(); * do * { * Look look = Look.GetLookFromSqlReader(dr); * recentLooks.Add(look); * counter++; * if (counter >= noOfLooks || counter >= countLooks) * break; * } while (dr.NextResult()); * metaInfo.Add("Recent Looks", recentLooks);*/ //Get top stylists List <UserProfile> stylists = new List <UserProfile>(); dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { UserProfile user = UserProfile.GetUserFromSqlReader(dr); stylists.Add(user); } metaInfo.Add("Top Stylists", stylists); /*Get top products * List<Product> topItems = new List<Product>(); * dr.NextResult(); * * while (dr.Read()) * { * topItems.Add(Product.GetProductFromSqlDataReader(dr)); * } * metaInfo.Add("Top Items", topItems);*/ dr.NextResult(); Tag tag = new Tag(); while (dr.Read()) { tag = Tag.GetTagFromSqlReader(dr); } metaInfo.Add("Tag", tag); } } finally { myConnection.Close(); } return(metaInfo); }
public static IList<Product> GetLovesByUserId(long userId, Look look, long retailerId, string db, out bool P1Love, out bool P2Love, out bool P3Love) { IList<Product> loves = new List<Product>(); string query = "EXEC [stp_SS_GetTopLoves] @UId=" + userId + ", @PId1=" + look.products[0].id + ", @PId2=" + look.products[1].id + ",@RId=" + retailerId; if (look.products.Count == 3) { query += (", @PId3=" + look.products[2].id); } SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(db); P1Love = false; P2Love = false; P3Love = false; try { myConnection.Open(); using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(query, myConnection)) { SqlCommand cmd = adp.SelectCommand; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300000; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { Product p = Product.GetProductFromSqlDataReader(dr); loves.Add(p); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { if (dr != null) P1Love = true; } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { if (dr != null) P2Love = true; } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { if (dr != null) P3Love = true; } } } finally { myConnection.Close(); } return loves; }
public static Look GetLookFromSqlReader(SqlDataReader dr) { Look look = new Look(); look.products = new List <Product>(); look.Likers = new List <UserProfile>(); look.ReStylers = new List <UserProfile>(); look.comments = new List <Comment>(); look.tags = new List <Tag>(); while (dr.Read()) { if (dr != null) { int vote = int.Parse(dr["Vote"].ToString()); if (vote != 2) { look.isLoved = true; } } } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { if (dr != null) { look.isReStyled = true; } } dr.NextResult(); //top likers while (dr.Read()) { UserProfile liker = UserProfile.GetUserFromSqlReader(dr); look.Likers.Add(liker); } dr.NextResult(); //top restylers while (dr.Read()) { UserProfile reStyler = UserProfile.GetUserFromSqlReader(dr); look.ReStylers.Add(reStyler); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { Comment comment = new Comment(); = long.Parse(dr["CommentId"].ToString()); comment.commenter = UserProfile.GetUserFromSqlReader(dr); comment.commentText = dr["CommentText"].ToString().Replace("''", "'"); DateTime commentTime = DateTime.Parse(dr["CommentCreateTime"].ToString()); comment.commentTime = (commentTime - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; look.comments.Add(comment); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { = int.Parse(dr["Id"].ToString()); look.upVote = int.Parse(dr["UpVote"].ToString()); look.downVote = int.Parse(dr["DownVote"].ToString()); look.title = dr["Title"].ToString().Replace("''", "'"); look.restyleCount = int.Parse(dr["ReStyleCount"].ToString()); look.viewCount = int.Parse(dr["ViewCount"].ToString()); look.shareCount = int.Parse(dr["ShareCount"].ToString()); look.commentCount = int.Parse(dr["CommentCount"].ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["UpdateDate"].ToString())) { DateTime updateTime = DateTime.Parse(dr["UpdateDate"].ToString()); look.updateTime = (updateTime - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["OriginalLook"].ToString())) { look.originalLookId = int.Parse(dr["OriginalLook"].ToString()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["contestId"].ToString())) { look.contestId = int.Parse(dr["contestId"].ToString()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["OOTD"].ToString())) { int isOOTD = int.Parse(dr["OOTD"].ToString()); look.isOOTD = isOOTD == 1 ? true : false; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["OOTDdate"].ToString())) { DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(dr["OOTDdate"].ToString()); date = date.ToLocalTime(); look.OOTDdate = date.ToString("MMM dd"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["TagDetails"].ToString())) { look.featuredTag = dr["TagDetails"].ToString(); } } //if a look was found if ( != 0) { dr.NextResult(); // read the creator while (dr.Read()) { look.creator = UserProfile.GetUserFromSqlReader(dr); } //read original User dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { look.originalCreator = UserProfile.GetUserFromSqlReader(dr); } // read the tags dr.NextResult(); List <Tag> tags = Tag.GetTagsFromSqlReader(dr); look.tags = tags; //read the products if (dr.NextResult()) { while (dr.Read()) { look.products.Add(Product.GetProductFromSqlDataReader(dr)); } } } return(look); }