private static void WritePolyfaceMesh() { DxfDocument dxf = new DxfDocument(); List<PolyfaceMeshVertex> vertexes = new List<PolyfaceMeshVertex> { new PolyfaceMeshVertex(0, 0, 0), new PolyfaceMeshVertex(10, 0, 0), new PolyfaceMeshVertex(10, 10, 0), new PolyfaceMeshVertex(5, 15, 0), new PolyfaceMeshVertex(0, 10, 0) }; List<PolyfaceMeshFace> faces = new List<PolyfaceMeshFace> { new PolyfaceMeshFace(new[] {1, 2, -3}), new PolyfaceMeshFace(new[] {-1, 3, -4}), new PolyfaceMeshFace(new[] {-1, 4, 5}) }; PolyfaceMesh mesh = new PolyfaceMesh(vertexes, faces); dxf.AddEntity(mesh); dxf.Save("mesh.dxf", DxfVersion.AutoCad2000); }
private IPolyline ReadPolyline(ref CodeValuePair code) { string handle = string.Empty; Layer layer = Layer.Default; AciColor color = AciColor.ByLayer; LineType lineType = LineType.ByLayer; PolylineTypeFlags flags = PolylineTypeFlags.OpenPolyline; float elevation = 0.0f; float thickness = 0.0f; Vector3f normal = Vector3f.UnitZ; List<Vertex> vertexes = new List<Vertex>(); Dictionary<ApplicationRegistry, XData> xData = new Dictionary<ApplicationRegistry, XData>(); //int numVertexes = -1; //int numFaces = -1; code = this.ReadCodePair(); while (code.Code != 0) { switch (code.Code) { case 5: handle = code.Value; code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 8: layer = this.GetLayer(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 62: color = new AciColor(short.Parse(code.Value)); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 6: lineType = this.GetLineType(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 30: elevation = float.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 39: thickness = float.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 70: flags = (PolylineTypeFlags) (int.Parse(code.Value)); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 71: //this field might not exist for polyface meshes, we cannot depend on it //numVertexes = int.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 72: //this field might not exist for polyface meshes, we cannot depend on it //numFaces = int.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 210: normal.X = float.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 220: normal.Y = float.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 230: normal.Z = float.Parse(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 1001: XData xDataItem = this.ReadXDataRecord(code.Value, ref code); xData.Add(xDataItem.ApplicationRegistry, xDataItem); break; default: if (code.Code >= 1000 && code.Code <= 1071) throw new DxfInvalidCodeValueEntityException(code.Code, code.Value, this.file, "The extended data of an entity must start with the application registry code " + this.fileLine); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; } } //begin to read the vertex list if (code.Value != DxfObjectCode.Vertex) throw new DxfEntityException(DxfObjectCode.Polyline, this.file, "Vertex not found in line " + this.fileLine); while (code.Value != StringCode.EndSequence) { if (code.Value == DxfObjectCode.Vertex) { Debug.Assert(code.Code == 0); Vertex vertex = this.ReadVertex(ref code); vertexes.Add(vertex); } } // read the end end sequence object until a new element is found if (code.Value != StringCode.EndSequence) throw new DxfEntityException(DxfObjectCode.Polyline, this.file, "End sequence entity not found in line " + this.fileLine); code = this.ReadCodePair(); string endSequenceHandle = string.Empty; Layer endSequenceLayer = layer; while (code.Code != 0) { switch (code.Code) { case 5: endSequenceHandle = code.Value; code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; case 8: endSequenceLayer = this.GetLayer(code.Value); code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; default: code = this.ReadCodePair(); break; } } IPolyline pol; bool isClosed = false; if ((flags & PolylineTypeFlags.ClosedPolylineOrClosedPolygonMeshInM) == PolylineTypeFlags.ClosedPolylineOrClosedPolygonMeshInM) { isClosed = true; } //to avoid possible error between the vertex type and the polyline type //the polyline type will decide which information to use from the read vertex if ((flags & PolylineTypeFlags.Polyline3D) == PolylineTypeFlags.Polyline3D) { List<Polyline3dVertex> polyline3dVertexes = new List<Polyline3dVertex>(); foreach (Vertex v in vertexes) { Polyline3dVertex vertex = new Polyline3dVertex { Color = v.Color, Layer = v.Layer, LineType = v.LineType, Location = v.Location, Handle = v.Handle }; vertex.XData = v.XData; polyline3dVertexes.Add(vertex); } ////posible error avoidance, the polyline is marked as polyline3d code:(70,8) but the vertex is marked as PolylineVertex code:(70,0) //if (v.Type == EntityType.PolylineVertex) //{ // Polyline3dVertex polyline3dVertex = new Polyline3dVertex(((PolylineVertex)v).Location.X, ((PolylineVertex)v).Location.Y,0); // polyline3dVertexes.Add(polyline3dVertex); //} //else //{ // polyline3dVertexes.Add((Polyline3dVertex)v); //} //} pol = new Polyline3d(polyline3dVertexes, isClosed) { Handle = handle }; ((Polyline3d) pol).EndSequence.Handle = endSequenceHandle; ((Polyline3d) pol).EndSequence.Layer = endSequenceLayer; } else if ((flags & PolylineTypeFlags.PolyfaceMesh) == PolylineTypeFlags.PolyfaceMesh) { //the vertex list created contains vertex and face information List<PolyfaceMeshVertex> polyfaceVertexes = new List<PolyfaceMeshVertex>(); List<PolyfaceMeshFace> polyfaceFaces = new List<PolyfaceMeshFace>(); foreach (Vertex v in vertexes) { if ((v.Flags & (VertexTypeFlags.PolyfaceMeshVertex | VertexTypeFlags.Polygon3dMesh)) == (VertexTypeFlags.PolyfaceMeshVertex | VertexTypeFlags.Polygon3dMesh)) { PolyfaceMeshVertex vertex = new PolyfaceMeshVertex { Color = v.Color, Layer = v.Layer, LineType = v.LineType, Location = v.Location, Handle = v.Handle }; vertex.XData = xData; polyfaceVertexes.Add(vertex); } else if ((v.Flags & (VertexTypeFlags.PolyfaceMeshVertex)) == (VertexTypeFlags.PolyfaceMeshVertex)) { PolyfaceMeshFace vertex = new PolyfaceMeshFace { Color = v.Color, Layer = v.Layer, LineType = v.LineType, VertexIndexes = v.VertexIndexes, Handle = v.Handle }; vertex.XData = xData; polyfaceFaces.Add(vertex); } //if (v.Type == EntityType.PolyfaceMeshVertex) //{ // polyfaceVertexes.Add((PolyfaceMeshVertex) v); //} //else if (v.Type == EntityType.PolyfaceMeshFace) //{ // polyfaceFaces.Add((PolyfaceMeshFace) v); //} //else //{ // throw new EntityDxfException(v.Type.ToString(), this.file, "Error in vertex type."); //} } pol = new PolyfaceMesh(polyfaceVertexes, polyfaceFaces) { Handle = handle }; ((PolyfaceMesh) pol).EndSequence.Handle = endSequenceHandle; ((PolyfaceMesh) pol).EndSequence.Layer = endSequenceLayer; } else { List<PolylineVertex> polylineVertexes = new List<PolylineVertex>(); foreach (Vertex v in vertexes) { PolylineVertex vertex = new PolylineVertex { Location = new Vector2f(v.Location.X, v.Location.Y), BeginThickness = v.BeginThickness, Bulge = v.Bulge, Color = v.Color, EndThickness = v.EndThickness, Layer = v.Layer, LineType = v.LineType, Handle = v.Handle }; vertex.XData = xData; ////posible error avoidance, the polyline is marked as polyline code:(70,0) but the vertex is marked as Polyline3dVertex code:(70,32) //if (v.Type==EntityType.Polyline3dVertex) //{ // PolylineVertex polylineVertex = new PolylineVertex(((Polyline3dVertex)v).Location.X, ((Polyline3dVertex)v).Location.Y); // polylineVertexes.Add(polylineVertex); //} //else //{ // polylineVertexes.Add((PolylineVertex) v); //} polylineVertexes.Add(vertex); } pol = new Polyline(polylineVertexes, isClosed) { Thickness = thickness, Elevation = elevation, Normal = normal, Handle = handle }; ((Polyline) pol).EndSequence.Handle = endSequenceHandle; ((Polyline) pol).EndSequence.Layer = endSequenceLayer; } pol.Color = color; pol.Layer = layer; pol.LineType = lineType; pol.XData = xData; return pol; }
private void WritePolyfaceMesh(PolyfaceMesh mesh) { if (this.activeSection != StringCode.EntitiesSection && !this.isBlockEntities) { throw new InvalidDxfSectionException(this.activeSection, this.file); } this.WriteCodePair(0, mesh.CodeName); this.WriteCodePair(100, SubclassMarker.Entity); this.WriteEntityCommonCodes(mesh); this.WriteCodePair(5, mesh.Handle); this.WriteCodePair(100, SubclassMarker.PolyfaceMesh); this.WriteCodePair(70, (int) mesh.Flags); this.WriteCodePair(71, mesh.Vertexes.Count); this.WriteCodePair(72, mesh.Faces.Count); //dummy point this.WriteCodePair(10, 0.0); this.WriteCodePair(20, 0.0); this.WriteCodePair(30, 0.0); //Obsolete; formerly an “entities follow flag” (optional; ignore if present) //but its needed to load the dxf file in AutoCAD this.WriteCodePair(66, "1"); if (mesh.XData != null) { this.WriteXData(mesh.XData); } foreach (PolyfaceMeshVertex v in mesh.Vertexes) { this.WriteCodePair(0, v.CodeName); this.WriteCodePair(5, v.Handle); this.WriteCodePair(100, SubclassMarker.Entity); this.WriteCodePair(8, v.Layer); this.WriteCodePair(100, SubclassMarker.Vertex); this.WriteCodePair(100, SubclassMarker.PolyfaceMeshVertex); this.WriteCodePair(70, (int) v.Flags); this.WriteCodePair(10, v.Location.X); this.WriteCodePair(20, v.Location.Y); this.WriteCodePair(30, v.Location.Z); this.WriteXData(v.XData); } foreach (PolyfaceMeshFace face in mesh.Faces) { this.WriteCodePair(0, face.CodeName); this.WriteCodePair(5, face.Handle); this.WriteCodePair(100, SubclassMarker.Entity); this.WriteCodePair(8, face.Layer); this.WriteCodePair(100, SubclassMarker.PolyfaceMeshFace); this.WriteCodePair(70, (int) VertexTypeFlags.PolyfaceMeshVertex); this.WriteCodePair(10, 0); this.WriteCodePair(20, 0); this.WriteCodePair(30, 0); this.WriteCodePair(71, face.VertexIndexes[0]); this.WriteCodePair(72, face.VertexIndexes[1]); this.WriteCodePair(73, face.VertexIndexes[2]); } this.WriteCodePair(0, mesh.EndSequence.CodeName); this.WriteCodePair(5, mesh.EndSequence.Handle); this.WriteCodePair(100, SubclassMarker.Entity); this.WriteCodePair(8, mesh.EndSequence.Layer); }