public static void RageAttack(Mobile from, Mobile target, ref RageTimer timer)
            target.FixedParticles(0x377A, 244, 25, 9950, 31, 0, EffectLayer.Waist);

            target.SendLocalizedMessage(1070825);               // The creature goes into a rage, inflicting heavy damage!

            timer = new RageTimer(from, target);


            m_RageTable[target] = timer;
        public static void RageAttack( Mobile from, Mobile target, ref RageTimer timer )
            target.PlaySound( 0x133 );
            target.FixedParticles( 0x377A, 244, 25, 9950, 31, 0, EffectLayer.Waist );

            target.SendLocalizedMessage( 1070825 ); // The creature goes into a rage, inflicting heavy damage!

            timer = new RageTimer( from, target );


            m_RageTable[target] = timer;