Exemple #1
        private double[] putInComponentSpace(ReflectionPoint rp, Component2 component)
            // TODO : debug!!
            MathTransform invertMainBodyXForm = component.Transform2.Inverse();

Exemple #2
        private void createMirrorExtrusion(ReflectionPoint reflectionPoint)

            /*swDoc.SketchManager.CreateCenterRectangle(reflectionPoint.xyz[0], reflectionPoint.xyz[1], reflectionPoint.xyz[2],
             *                                        reflectionPoint.xyz[0] + (inchesToMeters(1) * (1 - reflectionPoint.nxnynz[0])),
             *                                        reflectionPoint.xyz[1] + (inchesToMeters(1) * (1 - reflectionPoint.nxnynz[1])),
             *                                        reflectionPoint.xyz[2] + (inchesToMeters(1) * (1 - reflectionPoint.nxnynz[2])));*/
            RayTracer.finishSketch("place mirror for " + reflectionPoint.component.Name2);


             * double mirrorWidth = inchesToMeters(1);
             * double[] pointLocation = putInMainBodySpace(reflectionPoint);
             * double[] surfaceNormal = reflectionPoint.nxnynz;
             * // select the main body, because that is what we want to draw on
             * mainBody.Select(false);
             * int status = 0;
             * swAssembly.EditPart2(true, false, ref status);
             * swSelectionMgr.SetSelectionPoint2(1, -1, pointLocation[0], pointLocation[1], pointLocation[2]);
             * swSketchMgr.AddToDB = true;
             * swSketchMgr.InsertSketch(true);
             * swSketchMgr.CreateCenterRectangle(pointLocation[0], pointLocation[1], pointLocation[2],
             *                                pointLocation[0] + .5 * mirrorWidth * (1 - surfaceNormal[0]),
             *                                pointLocation[1] + .5 * mirrorWidth * (1 - surfaceNormal[1]),
             *                                pointLocation[2] + .5 * mirrorWidth * (1 - surfaceNormal[2]));
             * swSketchMgr.AddToDB = false;
             * swFeatureMgr.FeatureExtrusion2(true, false, false,
             *                             0, 0, 0.00254, 0.00254,
             *                             false, false, false, false,
             *                             0, 0,
             *                             false, false, false, false, true, true, true,
             *                             0, 0,
             *                             false);
             * if(generatedMirrorExtrusions == null) {
             *  generatedMirrorExtrusions = new List<IFeature>();
             * }
             * generatedMirrorExtrusions.Add(swSelectionMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1) as IFeature);
             * swDoc.ClearSelection2(true);
             * swAssembly.EditAssembly();*/
Exemple #3
        private bool placeMirror(Component2 swComponent)
            // intutively, what we want to do:
            // look to see if any camera rays hit the object as-is, then no worries
            // if not, look to see if any camera rays reflecting off the main body hit the object
            //   if yes, put a mirror in that spot
            //   if no, we fail and cry

            if (!Simulator.reflectRaysOverRangeOfMotion(swComponent))

            // TODO : ideally we would collect all the points that we reflect
            // from and make a mirror that shows all of them
            ReflectionPoint rp = RayTracer.reflectedRayCanSeeComponent(swComponent);


Exemple #4
        public static ReflectionPoint reflectedRayCanSeeComponent(Component2 component)
            List <IBody2> bodies = new List <IBody2>();

            object vBodyInfo;

            object[] componentBodies = (object[])mainBody.GetBodies3((int)swBodyType_e.swSolidBody, out vBodyInfo);
            for (int i = 0; i < componentBodies.Length; i++)
                IBody2 tempBody = ((Body2)componentBodies[i]).ICopy();

            double[] rayOrigins    = camera.rayVectorOrigins();
            double[] rayDirections = camera.rayVectorDirections();

            int numIntersectionsFound = (int)swDoc.RayIntersections((object)bodies.ToArray(),
                                                                    (int)(swRayPtsOpts_e.swRayPtsOptsTOPOLS | swRayPtsOpts_e.swRayPtsOptsNORMALS | swRayPtsOpts_e.swRayPtsOptsENTRY_EXIT),

            double[] horrifyingReturn = (double[])swDoc.GetRayIntersectionsPoints();

            if (numIntersectionsFound == 0)

            int lengthOfOneReturn = 9;

            ReflectionPoint reflectionWorksAt = null;

            if (visualize)

            for (int i = 0; i < numIntersectionsFound; i++)
                byte intersectionType = (byte)horrifyingReturn[i * lengthOfOneReturn + 2];

                if ((intersectionType & (byte)swRayPtsResults_e.swRayPtsResultsENTER) == 0)
                    // we need it to be just entry rays

                int rayIndex = (int)horrifyingReturn[i * lengthOfOneReturn + 1];

                double x  = horrifyingReturn[i * lengthOfOneReturn + 3];
                double y  = horrifyingReturn[i * lengthOfOneReturn + 4];
                double z  = horrifyingReturn[i * lengthOfOneReturn + 5];
                double nx = horrifyingReturn[i * lengthOfOneReturn + 6];
                double ny = horrifyingReturn[i * lengthOfOneReturn + 7];
                double nz = horrifyingReturn[i * lengthOfOneReturn + 8];

                ReflectionPoint rp            = new ReflectionPoint(mathUtils, new double[] { x, y, z }, new double[] { nx, ny, nz }, component);
                double[]        reflectionDir = camera.calculateReflectionDir(camera.rayVectors().ElementAt(rayIndex).ArrayData, rp.nxnynz);
                MathVector      reflectedRay  = mathUtils.CreateVector(reflectionDir);

                if (rayHitsComponent(component, rp.location, reflectedRay))
                    swDoc.SketchManager.CreatePoint(x, y, z);
                    if (visualize)
                        visualizeRay(camera.centreOfVision, mathUtils.CreateVector(new double[] { rayDirections[rayIndex * 3], rayDirections[rayIndex * 3 + 1], rayDirections[rayIndex * 3 + 2] }));
                        visualizeRay(rp.location, reflectedRay);
                    reflectionWorksAt = rp;

            if (visualize)
                finishSketch("reflections for " + component.Name2);
