Exemple #1
        protected override void PreConvert
            EncodingForm eInEncodingForm,
            ref EncodingForm eInFormEngine,
            EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm,
            ref EncodingForm eOutFormEngine,
            ref NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput,
            bool bForward
            // let the base class do it's thing first
            base.PreConvert(eInEncodingForm, ref eInFormEngine,
                            eOutEncodingForm, ref eOutFormEngine,
                            ref eNormalizeOutput, bForward);

            eInFormEngine  = EncodingForm.LegacyBytes;
            eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.LegacyBytes;

            // do the load at this point.
            m_bForward = bForward;              // keep track so we can see during DoConvert
            if (m_bForward)
Exemple #2
        protected override string InternalConvert
            EncodingForm eInEncodingForm,
            string sInput,
            EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm,
            NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput,
            bool bForward
            // this routine is only called by one of the 'implicit' methods (e.g.
            //  ConvertToUnicode). For these "COM" standard methods, the length of the
            //  string is specified by the BSTR itself and always/only supports UTF-16-like
            //  (i.e. wide) data. So, pass 0 so that the function will determine the length
            //  from the BSTR itself (just in case the user happens to have a value of 0 in
            //  the data (i.e. it won't necessarily be null terminated... don't ask...
            Int32 iOutput = 0;

                       out iOutput,
Exemple #3
        // Since each sub-class has to do basic input/output encoding format processing, they
        //  should all mostly come thru this and the next functions.
        protected virtual string InternalConvert
            EncodingForm eInEncodingForm,
            string sInput,
            EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm,
            NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput,
            bool bForward
            Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "BEGIN");
            // this routine is only called by one of the 'implicit' methods (e.g.
            //  ConvertToUnicode). For these "COM standard" methods, the length of the string
            //  is specified by the BSTR itself and always/only supports UTF-16-like (i.e. wide)
            //  data. So, pass 0 so that the function will determine the length from the BSTR
            //  itself (just in case the user happens to have a value of 0 in the data (i.e.
            //  it won't necessarily be null terminated...
            int ciOutput = 0;

                       out ciOutput,
        protected void InitFromIEncConverter(IEncConverter aEC, bool bInputOutputAlreadySet)
            m_strEncConverterName = aEC.Name;
            m_bDirectionForward   = aEC.DirectionForward;
            m_eNormalForm         = aEC.NormalizeOutput;

            // in some cases (e.g. the SelectConverter dialog), the input/ouput code page values
            //	are already set from the proper perspective and don't need to be reversed as in the other cases
            //	(see CodePageInput below). So swap them if they need to be (so the later swap will put them
            //	back to what they were at the start -- sorry, I know this is confusing)
            if (!m_bDirectionForward && bInputOutputAlreadySet)
                var aEcInputCodePage = aEC.CodePageOutput;
                aEC.CodePageOutput = aEC.CodePageInput;
                aEC.CodePageInput  = aEcInputCodePage;

            // if the user intends for this to be a temporary converter, it won't be available to
            //  subsequent calls of "GetEncConverter" unless we add it to this particular instance
            //  of the local repository object.
            if (EncConverters[m_strEncConverterName] == null)
                EncConverters.Add(m_strEncConverterName, aEC);
Exemple #5
        protected override void PreConvert
            EncodingForm eInEncodingForm,
            ref EncodingForm eInFormEngine,
            EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm,
            ref EncodingForm eOutFormEngine,
            ref NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput,
            bool bForward
            // let the base class do it's thing first
            base.PreConvert(eInEncodingForm, ref eInFormEngine,
                            eOutEncodingForm, ref eOutFormEngine,
                            ref eNormalizeOutput, bForward);

            // this converter only deals with 'String' flavors, so if it's
            //  Unicode_to(_from)_Unicode, then we expect UTF-16 and if it's
            //  Legacy_to(_from)_Legacy, then we expect LegacyString
            if (m_bLegacy)
                eInFormEngine = eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.LegacyString;
                eInFormEngine = eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF16;

            // the bForward that comes here might be different from the IEncConverter->DirectionForward
            //  (if it came in from a call to ConvertEx), so use *this* value to determine the direction
            //  for the forthcoming conversion (DoConvert).
            m_bReverseLookup = !bForward;

            // check to see if the file(s) need to be (re-)loaded at this point.
        protected override void PreConvert
            EncodingForm eInEncodingForm,
            ref EncodingForm eInFormEngine,
            EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm,
            ref EncodingForm eOutFormEngine,
            ref NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput,
            bool bForward
            // let the base class do its thing first
            base.PreConvert(eInEncodingForm, ref eInFormEngine,
                            eOutEncodingForm, ref eOutFormEngine,
                            ref eNormalizeOutput, bForward);

            if (NormalizeLhsConversionType(ConversionType) == NormConversionType.eUnicode)
                // We could use UTF-8 here, but wide data works just fine.
                // the windows version definitely needs UTF16, but for some reason _MSC_VER is not defined on windows (as I think Jim is expecting)
                //  so I'll use the opposite logic of 'if not mono'...
#if !__MonoCS__ // _MSC_VER
                Util.DebugWriteLine(this, "eInFormEngine UTF16");
                eInFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF16;
                Util.DebugWriteLine(this, "eInFormEngine UTF32");
                eInFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF32;
                // legacy
                Util.DebugWriteLine(this, "eInFormEngine LegacyBytes");
                eInFormEngine = EncodingForm.LegacyBytes;

            if (NormalizeRhsConversionType(ConversionType) == NormConversionType.eUnicode)
#if !__MonoCS__ // _MSC_VER
                Util.DebugWriteLine(this, "eOutFormEngine UTF16");
                eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF16;
                Util.DebugWriteLine(this, "eOutFormEngine UTF32");
                eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF32;
                Util.DebugWriteLine(this, "eOutFormEngine LegacyBytes");
                eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.LegacyBytes;

            // do the load at this point

            // then do the C++ encoding form settings
                          (int)eNormalizeOutput, bForward);
Exemple #7
        // we override this method from EncConverter so that we can call all of the step's
        //  convert functions in turn (i.e. for this one, it isn't sufficient to just
        //  provide a "DoConvert" method)
        // and we override this from CmpdEncConverter to we can add our bit of only calling
        //  the 2nd step (i.e. the fallback converter) if the 1st step doesn't change the
        //  string.
        protected override string InternalConvertEx
            EncodingForm eInEncodingForm,
            string sInput,
            int ciInput,
            EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm,
            NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput,
            out int rciOutput,
            bool bForward
            if (CountConverters != 2)

            IEncConverter rConverter = (IEncConverter)m_aEncConverter[0];

            if (rConverter == null)

            rConverter.Debug = Debug;
            bool bDirectionForward = (bForward) ? (bool)m_aDirectionForward[0] : !(bool)m_aDirectionForward[0];

            string strOutput = rConverter.ConvertEx(
                out rciOutput,

            // call the fallback if the string wasn't changed
            if (strOutput == sInput)
                IEncConverter rFallbackConverter = (IEncConverter)m_aEncConverter[1];
                if (rFallbackConverter == null)

                rFallbackConverter.Debug = Debug;
                bDirectionForward        = (bForward) ? (bool)m_aDirectionForward[1] : !(bool)m_aDirectionForward[1];

                strOutput = rFallbackConverter.ConvertEx(
                    out rciOutput,

Exemple #8
        protected override unsafe void PreConvert(
            EncodingForm eInEncodingForm,
            ref EncodingForm eInFormEngine,
            EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm,
            ref EncodingForm eOutFormEngine,
            ref NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput,
            bool bForward)
            // let the base class do it's thing first
            base.PreConvert(eInEncodingForm, ref eInFormEngine,
                            eOutEncodingForm, ref eOutFormEngine,
                            ref eNormalizeOutput, bForward);

            if (NormalizeLhsConversionType(ConversionType) == NormConversionType.eUnicode)
#if __MonoCS__
                // returning this value will cause the input Unicode data (of any form,
                // UTF16, BE, etc.) to be converted to UTF8 narrow bytes before calling
                // DoConvert.
                eInFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes;
                eInFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF16;
                // legacy
                eInFormEngine = EncodingForm.LegacyBytes;

            if (NormalizeRhsConversionType(ConversionType) == NormConversionType.eUnicode)
#if __MonoCS__
                eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes;
                eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF16;
                eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.LegacyBytes;

            // do the load at this point.

            // Finally, let the C++ code do its thing.
            int encInForm    = (int)eInEncodingForm;
            int encInEngine  = (int)eInFormEngine;
            int encOutForm   = (int)eOutEncodingForm;
            int encOutEngine = (int)eOutFormEngine;
            int normOutput   = (int)eNormalizeOutput;
            CppPreconvert(encInForm, ref encInEngine, encOutForm, ref encOutEngine,
                          ref normOutput, bForward, 0);
            eInFormEngine    = (EncodingForm)encInEngine;
            eOutFormEngine   = (EncodingForm)encOutEngine;
            eNormalizeOutput = (NormalizeFlags)normOutput;
        protected override void PreConvert
            EncodingForm eInEncodingForm,
            ref EncodingForm eInFormEngine,
            EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm,
            ref EncodingForm eOutFormEngine,
            ref NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput,
            bool bForward
            // let the base class do it's thing first
            base.PreConvert(eInEncodingForm, ref eInFormEngine,
                            eOutEncodingForm, ref eOutFormEngine,
                            ref eNormalizeOutput, bForward);

            // we have to know what the forward flag state is (and we can't use m_bForward because
            //  that might be different (e.g. if this was called from ConvertEx).
            m_bToWide = bForward;
            if (!IsLegacyFormat(eInEncodingForm) && IsLegacyFormat(eOutEncodingForm))
                m_bToWide = !bForward;

            // check if this is the special UTF8 code page, and if so, request that the engine
            //  form be UTF8Bytes (this is the one code page converter where both sides are
            //  Unicode.
            if (m_bToWide)
                // going "to wide" means the output form required by the engine is UTF16.
                eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF16;

                if (m_nCodePage == CP_UTF8)
                    eInFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes;
                    eInFormEngine = EncodingForm.LegacyBytes;
                // going "from wide" means the input form required by the engine is UTF16.
                eInFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF16;

                if (m_nCodePage == CP_UTF8)
                    eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes;
                else if (IsLegacyFormat(eOutEncodingForm))
                    eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.LegacyString;
Exemple #10
        protected override void PreConvert
            EncodingForm eInEncodingForm,
            ref EncodingForm eInFormEngine,
            EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm,
            ref EncodingForm eOutFormEngine,
            ref NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput,
            bool bForward
            // let the base class do its thing first
            base.PreConvert(eInEncodingForm, ref eInFormEngine,
                            eOutEncodingForm, ref eOutFormEngine,
                            ref eNormalizeOutput, bForward);

            if (NormalizeLhsConversionType(ConversionType) == NormConversionType.eUnicode)
                if (Util.IsUnix)
                    // returning this value will cause the input Unicode data (of any form, UTF16, BE, etc.)
                    //	to be converted to UTF8 narrow bytes before calling DoConvert.
                    eInFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes;
                    eInFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF16;
                // legacy
                eInFormEngine = EncodingForm.LegacyBytes;

            // Output will be stored in a typical C# string, so eOutFormEngine will be UTF16,
            // even though the Perl script is writing UTF8 bytes to output.
            if (NormalizeRhsConversionType(ConversionType) == NormConversionType.eUnicode)
                if (Util.IsUnix)
                    eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes;
                    eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF16;
                eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.LegacyBytes;

            // do the load at this point.
Exemple #11
		// this routine is just to create a converter spec for
		internal virtual string AdjustConverterSpecProperty(string strMapping, bool bDirectionForward, NormalizeFlags normalizeOutput)
			string strPast = ConverterIdentifier;
			if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(strPast) )
				strPast += " + \n";

			// put the mapping name for this step
			strPast += FormatConverterStep(strMapping, bDirectionForward, normalizeOutput);

			return strPast;
		protected void InitFromIEncConverter(IEncConverter aEC)
			m_strEncConverterName = aEC.Name;
			m_bDirectionForward = aEC.DirectionForward;
			m_eNormalForm = aEC.NormalizeOutput;

			// if the user intends for this to be a temporary converter, it won't be available to
			//  subsequent calls of "GetEncConverter" unless we add it to this particular instance
			//  of the local repository object.
			if (EncConverters[m_strEncConverterName] == null)
				EncConverters.Add(m_strEncConverterName, aEC);
		// we override this method from EncConverter so that we can call all of the step's
		//  convert functions in turn (i.e. for this one, it isn't sufficient to just
		//  provide a "DoConvert" method)
		// and we override this from CmpdEncConverter to we can add our bit of only calling
		//  the 2nd step (i.e. the fallback converter) if the 1st step doesn't change the
		//  string.
		protected override string InternalConvertEx
			EncodingForm    eInEncodingForm,
			string			sInput,
			int             ciInput,
			EncodingForm    eOutEncodingForm,
			NormalizeFlags  eNormalizeOutput,
			out int         rciOutput,
			bool            bForward
			if( CountConverters != 2 )

			IEncConverter rConverter = (IEncConverter)m_aEncConverter[0];
			if (rConverter == null)

			rConverter.Debug = Debug;
			bool bDirectionForward = (bForward) ? (bool)m_aDirectionForward[0] : !(bool)m_aDirectionForward[0];

			string strOutput = rConverter.ConvertEx(
				out rciOutput,

			// call the fallback if the string wasn't changed
			if( strOutput == sInput )
				IEncConverter rFallbackConverter = (IEncConverter)m_aEncConverter[1];
				if (rFallbackConverter == null)

				rFallbackConverter.Debug = Debug;
				bDirectionForward = (bForward) ? (bool)m_aDirectionForward[1] : !(bool)m_aDirectionForward[1];

				strOutput = rFallbackConverter.ConvertEx(
					out rciOutput,

			return strOutput;
Exemple #14
        protected void InitFromIEncConverter(IEncConverter aEC)
            m_strEncConverterName = aEC.Name;
            m_bDirectionForward   = aEC.DirectionForward;
            m_eNormalForm         = aEC.NormalizeOutput;

            // if the user intends for this to be a temporary converter, it won't be available to
            //  subsequent calls of "GetEncConverter" unless we add it to this particular instance
            //  of the local repository object.
            if (EncConverters[m_strEncConverterName] == null)
                EncConverters.Add(m_strEncConverterName, aEC);
Exemple #15
        protected bool m_bIsInRepository;                       // indicates whether this converter is in the static repository (true) or not (false)
        #endregion Member Variable Definitions

        #region Public Interface
        /// <summary>
        /// The class constructor. </summary>
        public EncConverter(string sProgId, string sImplementType)
            m_strProgramID      = sProgId;
            m_strImplementType  = sImplementType;
            m_lProcessType      = (Int32)ProcessTypeFlags.DontKnow;
            m_eConversionType   = ConvType.Legacy_to_from_Unicode;
            m_bForward          = true;
            m_eEncodingInput    = EncodingForm.Unspecified;
            m_eEncodingOutput   = EncodingForm.Unspecified;
            m_eNormalizeOutput  = NormalizeFlags.None;
            m_nCodePageInput    = 0;
            m_nCodePageOutput   = 0;
            m_bDebugDisplayMode = false;
            m_bIsInRepository   = false;
Exemple #16
		protected bool          m_bIsInRepository;      // indicates whether this converter is in the static repository (true) or not (false)
		#endregion Member Variable Definitions

		#region Public Interface
		/// <summary>
		/// The class constructor. </summary>
		public EncConverter(string sProgId, string sImplementType)
			m_strProgramID = sProgId;
			m_strImplementType = sImplementType;
			m_lProcessType = (Int32)ProcessTypeFlags.DontKnow;
			m_eConversionType = ConvType.Legacy_to_from_Unicode;
			m_bForward = true;
			m_eEncodingInput = EncodingForm.Unspecified;
			m_eEncodingOutput = EncodingForm.Unspecified;
			m_eNormalizeOutput = NormalizeFlags.None;
			m_nCodePageInput = 0;
			m_nCodePageOutput = 0;
			m_bDebugDisplayMode = false;
			m_bIsInRepository = false;
Exemple #17
 protected virtual void PreConvert
     EncodingForm eInEncodingForm,
     ref EncodingForm eInFormEngine,
     EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm,
     ref EncodingForm eOutFormEngine,
     ref NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput,
     bool bForward
     // by default, the form it comes in is okay for the engine (never really true, so
     //	each engine's COM wrapper must override this; but this is here to see what you
     //	must do). For example, for CC, the input must be UTF8Bytes for Unicode, so
     //	you'd set the eInFormEngine to UTF8Bytes.
     eInFormEngine  = eInEncodingForm;
     eOutFormEngine = eOutEncodingForm;
Exemple #18
        protected string NormalizeString(string value, NormalizeFlags normalizeFlags)
            if (value == null)

            if (normalizeFlags.HasFlag(NormalizeFlags.RemoveDiacritics))
                value = RemoveDiacritics(value);

            if (normalizeFlags.HasFlag(NormalizeFlags.NormalizeUnicode))
                value = NormalizeUnicode(value);
            if (normalizeFlags.HasFlag(NormalizeFlags.StripSymbols))
                value = StripSymbols(value);
            if (normalizeFlags.HasFlag(NormalizeFlags.StripMultiWhitespace))
                value = StripMultiWhitespace(value);

            if (normalizeFlags.HasFlag(NormalizeFlags.ToUpper))
                value = ToUpper(value);
            else if (normalizeFlags.HasFlag(NormalizeFlags.ToLower))
                value = ToLower(value);
            else if (normalizeFlags.HasFlag(NormalizeFlags.ToTitleCase))
                value = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(ToLower(value));

            if (normalizeFlags.HasFlag(NormalizeFlags.Trim))
                value = value.Trim();

        protected override void PreConvert
            EncodingForm eInEncodingForm,
            ref EncodingForm eInFormEngine,
            EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm,
            ref EncodingForm eOutFormEngine,
            ref NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput,
            bool bForward
            // let the base class do it's thing first
            base.PreConvert(eInEncodingForm, ref eInFormEngine,
                            eOutEncodingForm, ref eOutFormEngine,
                            ref eNormalizeOutput, bForward);

            // The CC DLL (conversion engine) usually works in UTF8 for Unicode. As a future
            //	enhancement, it might be possible to get a (marked) value from the repository
            //	telling us what form to use (which would be UTF8Bytes by default and could be
            //	something else if the user developed a UTF32 cc table--using the xYYYY syntax
            //	rather than the uXXXX syntax). But for now, assume that all CC tables that
            //	use Unicode want UTF8.
            if (NormalizeLhsConversionType(ConversionType) == NormConversionType.eUnicode)
                // returning this value will cause the input Unicode data (of any form, UTF16, BE, etc.)
                //	to be converted to UTF8 narrow bytes before calling DoConvert.
                eInFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes;
                // legacy
                eInFormEngine = EncodingForm.LegacyBytes;

            if (NormalizeRhsConversionType(ConversionType) == NormConversionType.eUnicode)
                eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes;
                eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.LegacyBytes;

            // do the load at this point.
Exemple #20
        protected override void PreConvert
            EncodingForm eInEncodingForm,
            ref EncodingForm eInFormEngine,
            EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm,
            ref EncodingForm eOutFormEngine,
            ref NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput,
            bool bForward
            // let the base class do its thing first
            base.PreConvert(eInEncodingForm, ref eInFormEngine,
                            eOutEncodingForm, ref eOutFormEngine,
                            ref eNormalizeOutput, bForward);

            // do the load at this point.
        protected void UpdateNormalizationCellValue(DataGridViewRow theRow, NormalizeFlags eNormalizeFlag)
            string strNormalizeValue;

            switch (eNormalizeFlag)
            case NormalizeFlags.FullyComposed:
                strNormalizeValue = "Fully Composed";

            case NormalizeFlags.FullyDecomposed:
                strNormalizeValue = "Fully Decomposed";

                strNormalizeValue = "None";
            theRow.Cells[cnNormalizationColumn].Value = strNormalizeValue;
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// If we're returning legacy data as a byte array, we need to return it as a byte array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        protected virtual unsafe byte[] InternalConvertEx(EncodingForm eInEncodingForm,
                                                          string sInput,
                                                          EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm,
                                                          NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput,
                                                          out int rciOutput,
                                                          bool bForward)
            Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "(output bytes) BEGIN");
                                "eEncFormIn " + eInEncodingForm.ToString() + ", " +
                                "eEncFormOut " + eOutEncodingForm.ToString());
            if (sInput == null)
            Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "sInput.Length() is " + sInput.Length.ToString() + ".");
            if (sInput.Length == 0)
                // this section added 11/10/2011 by Jim K
                rciOutput = 0;
                return(new byte[0]);
            Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "sInput is " + sInput + ".");
            // if the user hasn't specified, then take the default case for the ConversionType:
            //  if L/RHS == eLegacy, then LegacyString
            //  if L/RHS == eUnicode, then UTF16
            CheckInitEncForms(bForward, ref eInEncodingForm, ref eOutEncodingForm);

            // allow the converter engine's (and/or its COM wrapper) to do some preprocessing.
            EncodingForm eFormEngineIn = EncodingForm.Unspecified, eFormEngineOut = EncodingForm.Unspecified;

                eInEncodingForm,    // [in] form in the BSTR
                ref eFormEngineIn,  // [out] form the conversion engine wants, etc.
                ref eFormEngineOut,
                ref eNormalizeOutput,
            // get enough space for us to normalize the input data (6x ought to be enough)
            int nBufSize = sInput.Length * 6;

            byte[] abyInBuffer = new byte[nBufSize];
            fixed(byte *lpInBuffer = abyInBuffer)
                // use a helper class to normalize the data to the format needed by the engine
                Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "Calling GetBytes");
                ECNormalizeData.GetBytes(sInput, sInput.Length, eInEncodingForm,
                                         ((bForward) ? CodePageInput : CodePageOutput), eFormEngineIn, lpInBuffer,
                                         ref nBufSize, ref m_bDebugDisplayMode);

                // get some space for the converter to fill with, but since this is allocated
                //  on the stack, don't muck around; get 10000 bytes for it.
                int nOutLen = Math.Max(10000, nBufSize * 6);

                byte[] abyOutBuffer = new byte[nOutLen];
                fixed(byte *lpOutBuffer = abyOutBuffer)
                    lpOutBuffer[0] = lpOutBuffer[1] = lpOutBuffer[2] = lpOutBuffer[3] = 0;

                    // call the wrapper sub-classes' DoConvert to let them do it.
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "Calling DoConvert");
                    DoConvert(lpInBuffer, nBufSize, lpOutBuffer, ref nOutLen);
                    byte[] baOut = new byte[nOutLen];
                    ECNormalizeData.ByteStarToByteArr(lpOutBuffer, nOutLen, baOut);
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "Output length " + nOutLen.ToString());
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, Util.getDisplayBytes("Output In Bytes", baOut));
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "Returning.");
                    rciOutput = nOutLen;
Exemple #23
        /// legacy data as a byte array as input, we need to treat it as a byte array.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual unsafe string InternalConvertEx(EncodingForm eInEncodingForm,
                                                          byte[] baInput,
                                                          EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm,
                                                          NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput,
                                                          out int rciOutput,
                                                          bool bForward)
            Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "(input bytes) BEGIN");
                                "eEncFormIn " + eInEncodingForm.ToString() + ", " +
                                "eEncFormOut " + eOutEncodingForm.ToString());
            if (baInput == null)
            if (baInput.Length == 0)
                rciOutput = 0;
            // if the user hasn't specified, then take the default case for the ConversionType:
            //  if L/RHS == eLegacy, then LegacyString
            //  if L/RHS == eUnicode, then UTF16
            CheckInitEncForms(bForward, ref eInEncodingForm, ref eOutEncodingForm);

            // allow the converter engine's (and/or its COM wrapper) to do some preprocessing.
            EncodingForm eFormEngineIn = EncodingForm.Unspecified, eFormEngineOut = EncodingForm.Unspecified;

                eInEncodingForm,        // [in] form in the BSTR
                ref eFormEngineIn,      // [out] form the conversion engine wants, etc.
                ref eFormEngineOut,
                ref eNormalizeOutput,
            int nBufSize = baInput.Length;

            fixed(byte *lpInBuffer = baInput)
                int nOutLen = Math.Max(10000, nBufSize * 6);

                byte[] abyOutBuffer = new byte[nOutLen];
                fixed(byte *lpOutBuffer = abyOutBuffer)
                    lpOutBuffer[0] = lpOutBuffer[1] = lpOutBuffer[2] = lpOutBuffer[3] = 0;

                    // call the wrapper sub-classes' DoConvert to let them do it.
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "Calling DoConvert");
                    DoConvert(lpInBuffer, nBufSize, lpOutBuffer, ref nOutLen);
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "Output length " + nOutLen.ToString());

                    byte[] baOut = new byte[nOutLen];
                    ECNormalizeData.ByteStarToByteArr(lpOutBuffer, nOutLen, baOut);
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, Util.getDisplayBytes("Output In Bytes", baOut));
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "Got val '" + System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(baOut) + "'");
                    string result = ECNormalizeData.GetString(lpOutBuffer, nOutLen, eOutEncodingForm,
                                                              ((bForward) ? CodePageOutput : CodePageInput), eFormEngineOut, eNormalizeOutput,
                                                              out rciOutput, ref m_bDebugDisplayMode);
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "normalized result '" + result + "'");
                    byte[] baResult = System.Text.Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetBytes(result);
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, Util.getDisplayBytes("Normalized Output in UTF16BE", baResult));
                    baResult = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(result);
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, Util.getDisplayBytes("Normalized Output in UTF16LE", baResult));
                    baResult = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result);
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, Util.getDisplayBytes("Normalized Output In UTF8", baResult));
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "Returning.");
Exemple #24
		protected override void PreConvert
			EncodingForm        eInEncodingForm,
			ref EncodingForm    eInFormEngine,
			EncodingForm        eOutEncodingForm,
			ref EncodingForm    eOutFormEngine,
			ref NormalizeFlags  eNormalizeOutput,
			bool                bForward
			// let the base class do it's thing first
			base.PreConvert( eInEncodingForm, ref eInFormEngine,
				eOutEncodingForm, ref eOutFormEngine,
				ref eNormalizeOutput, bForward);

			// we have to know what the forward flag state is (and we can't use m_bForward because
			//	that might be different (e.g. if this was called from ConvertEx).
			m_bToWide = bForward;

			// check if this is the special UTF8 code page, and if so, request that the engine
			//	form be UTF8Bytes (this is the one code page converter where both sides are
			//	Unicode.
			if( m_bToWide )
				// going "to wide" means the output form required by the engine is UTF16.
				eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF16;

				if( m_nCodePage == CP_UTF8 )
					eInFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes;
				// going "from wide" means the input form required by the engine is UTF16.
				eInFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF16;

				if( m_nCodePage == CP_UTF8 )
					eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes;
 public DirectableEncConverter(string strEncConverterName, bool bDirectionForward, NormalizeFlags eNormalForm)
     m_strEncConverterName = strEncConverterName;
     m_bDirectionForward   = bDirectionForward;
     m_eNormalForm         = eNormalForm;
Exemple #26
		internal static unsafe string GetString(byte* lpOutBuffer, int nOutLen, EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm, int nCodePageOut, EncodingForm eFormEngineOut, NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput, out int rciOutput, ref bool bDebugDisplayMode)
			// null terminate the output and turn it into a (real) array of bytes
			lpOutBuffer[nOutLen] = lpOutBuffer[nOutLen + 1] = lpOutBuffer[nOutLen + 2] = lpOutBuffer[nOutLen + 3] = 0;
			byte[] baOut = new byte[nOutLen];
			ByteStarToByteArr(lpOutBuffer, nOutLen, baOut);

			// check to see if the engine handled the given output form. If not, then see
			//	if it's a conversion we can easily do (otherwise we'll ask TEC to do the
			//	conversion for us (later) so that all engines can handle all possible
			//	output encoding forms.
			if (eOutEncodingForm != eFormEngineOut)
				if (EncConverter.IsLegacyFormat(eOutEncodingForm))
					if ((eFormEngineOut == EncodingForm.LegacyBytes) && (eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.LegacyString))
						// in this case, just *pretend* the engine outputs LegacyString (the
						//  LegacyString case below really means "convert LegacyBytes to
						//  LegacyString)
						eFormEngineOut = eOutEncodingForm;
				else    // unicode forms
					// if the engine gives UTF8 and the client wants UTF16...
					if ((eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.UTF16) && (eFormEngineOut == EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes))
						// use the special form to convert it below
						eOutEncodingForm = eFormEngineOut = (EncodingForm)CCUnicode8;
					// or vise versa
					else if ((eFormEngineOut == EncodingForm.UTF16)
						&& ((eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes) || (eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.UTF8String)))
						// engine gave UTF16, but user wants a UTF8 flavor.
						// Decoder d = Encoding.Unicode.GetChars(baOut);
						// d.GetChars(
						UTF8Encoding enc = new UTF8Encoding();
						baOut = enc.GetBytes(Encoding.Unicode.GetChars(baOut));
						eFormEngineOut = eOutEncodingForm;
						nOutLen = baOut.Length;
					// these conversions we can do ourself
					else if ((eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.UTF8String)
						|| (eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.UTF16))
						eFormEngineOut = eOutEncodingForm;

			int nItems = 0, nCharsLen = 0;
			char[] caOut = null;
			switch (eFormEngineOut)
				case EncodingForm.LegacyBytes:
				case EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes:
						if (eFormEngineOut == EncodingForm.LegacyBytes)
							DisplayDebugCharValues(baOut, "Received (LegacyBytes) back from Converter/DLL (returning as LegacyBytes)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);
							DisplayDebugUCharValuesFromUTF8(baOut, "Received (UTF8Bytes) back from Converter/DLL (returning as UTF8Bytes)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

						// stuff the returned 'bytes' into the BSTR as narrow characters rather than
						//	converting to wide
						nItems = nOutLen;
						nCharsLen = (nOutLen + 1) / 2;
						caOut = new char[nCharsLen];
						ByteArrToCharArr(baOut, caOut);
				case EncodingForm.LegacyString:
						DisplayDebugCharValues(baOut, "Received (LegacyBytes) back from Converter/DLL (returning as LegacyString)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

						nCharsLen = nItems = nOutLen;

							// this will throw (for some reason) when doing symbol fonts
							//  (apparently, CP_SYMBOL is no longer supported).
							caOut = Encoding.GetEncoding(nCodePageOut).GetChars(baOut);
							if ((nCodePageOut == EncConverters.cnSymbolFontCodePage) || (nCodePageOut == EncConverters.cnIso8859_1CodePage))
								char chMask = (char)0;
								if (nCodePageOut == EncConverters.cnSymbolFontCodePage)
									chMask = (char)0xF000;

								// do it the 'hard way'
								caOut = new char[nCharsLen];
								for (int i = 0; i < nCharsLen; i++)
									caOut[i] = (char)(baOut[i] | chMask);

				case EncodingForm.UTF16:
						nCharsLen = nItems = (nOutLen / 2);

						DisplayDebugUCharValues(baOut, "Received (UTF16) back from Converter/DLL (returning as UTF16)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

						caOut = Encoding.Unicode.GetChars(baOut);
				case EncodingForm.UTF8String:
						DisplayDebugUCharValuesFromUTF8(baOut, "Received (UTF8Bytes) back from Converter/DLL (returning as UTF8String)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

						// this encoding form is always encoded using the default code page.
						caOut = Encoding.Default.GetChars(baOut);

						nCharsLen = nItems = nOutLen;
				case (EncodingForm)CCUnicode8:
						DisplayDebugUCharValuesFromUTF8(baOut, "Received (UTF8Bytes) back from Converter/DLL (returning as UTF16)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

						caOut = Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(baOut);

						nCharsLen = nItems = caOut.Length;
				case EncodingForm.UTF16BE:
				case EncodingForm.UTF32:
				case EncodingForm.UTF32BE:
						nCharsLen = nItems = nOutLen / 2;

						DisplayDebugUCharValues(baOut, "Received (UTF16BE/32/32BE) back from Converter/DLL...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

						caOut = new char[nCharsLen];
						ByteArrToCharArr(baOut, caOut);

						// for UTF32, it is half again as little in the item count.
						if (eFormEngineOut != EncodingForm.UTF16BE)
							nItems /= 2;

#if !v22_AllowEmptyReturn
			if ((nCharsLen <= 0)
				|| (nCharsLen != caOut.Length)

			// check to see if the engine handled the given output form. If not, then ask
			//	TEC to do the conversion for us so that all engines can handle all possible
			//	output encoding forms (e.g. caller requested utf32, but above CC could only
			//  give us utf16/8)
			// Also, if the caller wanted something other than "None" for the eNormalizeOutput,
			//  then we also have to call TEC for that as well (but I think this only makes
			//  sense if the output is utf16(be) or utf32(be))
			// p.s. if this had been a TEC converter, then the eNormalizeOutput flag would
			//  ahready have been reset to None (by this point), since we would have directly
			//  requested that normalized form when we created the converter--see
			//  TecEncConverter.PreConvert)
			string strOutput = new string(caOut);
			if ((eFormEngineOut != eOutEncodingForm)
				|| (eNormalizeOutput != NormalizeFlags.None))
				strOutput = EncConverters.UnicodeEncodingFormConvertEx(strOutput, eFormEngineOut, nItems, eOutEncodingForm, eNormalizeOutput, out nItems);

			DisplayDebugUCharValues(strOutput, "Returning back to client...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

			rciOutput = nItems;
			return strOutput;
 public DatahubNormalizer(NormalizeFlags normalizeFlags)
     : base(normalizeFlags)
		// this method is called either when the user clicks the "Apply" or "OK" buttons *OR* if she
		//  tries to switch to the Test or Advanced tab. This is the dialog's one opportunity
		//  to make sure that the user has correctly configured a legitimate converter.
		protected override bool OnApply()
			// for compound converter, there must be at least one step
			int nRowCount = dataGridViewSteps.Rows.Count - 1;
			if (nRowCount > 0)
				m_astrStepFriendlyNames = new string[nRowCount];
				m_abDirectionForwards = new bool[nRowCount];
				m_aeNormalizeFlags = new NormalizeFlags[nRowCount];
				for (int i = 0; i < nRowCount; i++)
					DataGridViewRow theRow = dataGridViewSteps.Rows[i];
					IEncConverter aEC = (IEncConverter)theRow.Tag;
					// check to see if the user actually configured a converter at this row (might have just checked the reverse box)
					if (aEC == null)
						MessageBox.Show(this, String.Format(@"No Converter selected for step {0}. Click where it says '{1}' to choose a converter for this step", i + 1, cstrClickMeMessage), EncConverters.cstrCaption);
						return false;

					m_astrStepFriendlyNames[i] = aEC.Name;  // don't use the cell value as that may have been truncated
					m_abDirectionForwards[i] = !(bool)theRow.Cells[cnDirectionReverseColumn].Value;
					string strNormalizeValue = (string)theRow.Cells[cnNormalizationColumn].Value;
					NormalizeFlags eNormalizeFlag = NormalizeFlags.None;
					if (strNormalizeValue == cstrNormalizationFullyComposed)
						eNormalizeFlag = NormalizeFlags.FullyComposed;
					else if (strNormalizeValue == cstrNormalizationFullyDecomposed)
						eNormalizeFlag = NormalizeFlags.FullyDecomposed;
					m_aeNormalizeFlags[i] = eNormalizeFlag;

					// grab the beginning and ending encoding ids as well (in case we're creating a default friendly name)
					if (i == 0) // first step
						LhsEncodingId = (m_abDirectionForwards[i]) ? aEC.LeftEncodingID : aEC.RightEncodingID;

					if (i == (nRowCount - 1))   // last step
						RhsEncodingId = (m_abDirectionForwards[i]) ? aEC.RightEncodingID : aEC.LeftEncodingID;

					// also adjust the flag saying whether all steps are bidirectional
					m_bAllStepsAreBidirectional &= !EncConverters.IsUnidirectional(aEC.ConversionType);
				return false;

			if (tabControl.SelectedTab == tabPageSetup)
				// only do these message boxes if we're on the Setup tab itself, because if this OnApply
				//  is being called as a result of the user switching to the Test tab, that code will
				//  already put up an error message and we don't need two error messages.
				if (dataGridViewSteps.Rows.Count < 1)
					MessageBox.Show(this, "You must add at least one step!", EncConverters.cstrCaption);
					return false;
					for (int i = 0; i < nRowCount; i++)
						if (cstrClickMeMessage == m_astrStepFriendlyNames[i])
							MessageBox.Show(this, String.Format("The step in row '{0}' has not been configured. Delete that row first or choose a converter for it", i + 1), EncConverters.cstrCaption);
							return false;

				return base.OnApply();
			catch (Exception ex)
				MessageBox.Show(this, String.Format("Failed to add compound converter! {0}{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, ex.Message), EncConverters.cstrCaption);

			return false;
		protected void UpdateNormalizationCellValue(DataGridViewRow theRow, NormalizeFlags eNormalizeFlag)
			string strNormalizeValue;
			switch (eNormalizeFlag)
				case NormalizeFlags.FullyComposed:
					strNormalizeValue = "Fully Composed";
				case NormalizeFlags.FullyDecomposed:
					strNormalizeValue = "Fully Decomposed";
					strNormalizeValue = "None";
			theRow.Cells[cnNormalizationColumn].Value = strNormalizeValue;
		protected override void PreConvert
			EncodingForm eInEncodingForm,
			ref EncodingForm eInFormEngine,
			EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm,
			ref EncodingForm eOutFormEngine,
			ref NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput,
			bool bForward
			// let the base class do it's thing first
			base.PreConvert(eInEncodingForm, ref eInFormEngine,
				eOutEncodingForm, ref eOutFormEngine,
				ref eNormalizeOutput, bForward);

			eInFormEngine = EncodingForm.LegacyBytes;
			eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.LegacyBytes;

			// do the load at this point.
			m_bForward = bForward;  // keep track so we can see during DoConvert
			if (m_bForward)
Exemple #31
 public ISOCountryNormalizer(NormalizeFlags normalizeFlags, NormalizationForm normalizationForm)
     this.NormalizationForm = normalizationForm;
     this.NormalizeFlags    = normalizeFlags;
Exemple #32
        // This function is the meat of the conversion process. It is really long, which
        //	normally wouldn't be a virtue (especially as an "in-line" function), but in an
        //	effort to save memory fragmentation by using stack memory to buffer the input
        //	and output data, I'm using the alloca memory allocation function. Because of this
        //	it can't be allocated in some subroutine and returned to a calling program (or the
        //	stack will have erased them), so it has to be one big fat long function...
        //	The basic structure is:
        //	o	Check Input Data
        //  o   Give the sub-class (via PreConvert) the opportunity to load tables and do
        //      any special preprocessing it needs to ahead of the actual conversion
        //  o   Possibly call the TECkit COM interface to convert Unicode flavors that the
        //      engine (for this conversion) might not support (indicated via PreConvert)
        //  o   Normalize the input data to a byte array based on it's input EncodingForm
        //  o       Allocate (on the stack) a buffer for the output data (min 10000 bytes)
        //  o       Call the subclass (via DoConvert) to do the actual conversion.
        //  o   Normalize the output data to match the requested output EncodingForm (including
        //      possibly calling the TECkit COM interface).
        //  o   Return the resultant BSTR and size of items to the output pointer variables.
        protected virtual unsafe string InternalConvertEx
            EncodingForm eInEncodingForm,
            string sInput,
            int ciInput,
            EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm,
            NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput,
            out int rciOutput,
            bool bForward
            Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "BEGIN");
                                "eEncFormIn " + eInEncodingForm.ToString() + ", " +
                                "eEncFormOut " + eOutEncodingForm.ToString());
            if (sInput == null)
            if (sInput.Length == 0)
                rciOutput = 0;

#if DEBUG && __MonoCS__
// for debugging only BEGIN
            //byte[] baIn = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sInput);            // works
            byte[] baIn = System.Text.Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetBytes(sInput);  // easier to read
            Util.DebugWriteLine(className, Util.getDisplayBytes("Input BigEndianUnicode", baIn));
            baIn = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(sInput);
            Util.DebugWriteLine(className, Util.getDisplayBytes("Input Unicode", baIn));

            int     nInLen = sInput.Length;
            byte [] baIn2  = new byte[nInLen];
            for (int i = 0; i < nInLen; i++)
                baIn2[i] = (byte)(sInput[i] & 0xFF);
            Util.DebugWriteLine(className, Util.getDisplayBytes("Input Narrowized", baIn2));

 *          System.Text.Encoding encFrom = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(12000);
 *          System.Text.Encoding encTo   = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
 *          // Perform the conversion from one encoding to the other.
 *          Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "Starting with " + baIn.Length.ToString() + " bytes.");
 *          byte[] baOut2 = System.Text.Encoding.Convert(encFrom, encTo, baIn);
 *          Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "Converted to " + baOut2.Length.ToString() + " bytes.");
 *          string resultString = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(baOut2, 0, baOut2.Length);
 *          Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "Test output '" + resultString + "'");
// for debugging only END

            // if the user hasn't specified, then take the default case for the ConversionType:
            //  if L/RHS == eLegacy, then LegacyString
            //  if L/RHS == eUnicode, then UTF16
                ref eInEncodingForm,
                ref eOutEncodingForm

            // allow the converter engine's (and/or its COM wrapper) to do some preprocessing.
            EncodingForm eFormEngineIn = EncodingForm.Unspecified, eFormEngineOut = EncodingForm.Unspecified;
                eInEncodingForm,    // [in] form in the BSTR
                ref eFormEngineIn,  // [out] form the conversion engine wants, etc.
                ref eFormEngineOut,
                ref eNormalizeOutput,

            // get enough space for us to normalize the input data (6x ought to be enough)
            int    nBufSize    = sInput.Length * 6;
            byte[] abyInBuffer = new byte[nBufSize];
            fixed(byte *lpInBuffer = abyInBuffer)
                // use a helper class to normalize the data to the format needed by the engine
                Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "Calling GetBytes");
                ECNormalizeData.GetBytes(sInput, ciInput, eInEncodingForm,
                                         ((bForward) ? CodePageInput : CodePageOutput), eFormEngineIn, lpInBuffer,
                                         ref nBufSize, ref m_bDebugDisplayMode);
#if DEBUG && __MonoCS__
                byte[] baOut = new byte[nBufSize];
                ECNormalizeData.ByteStarToByteArr(lpInBuffer, nBufSize, baOut);
                Util.DebugWriteLine(className, Util.getDisplayBytes("Input Bytes", baOut));

                // get some space for the converter to fill with, but since this is allocated
                //  on the stack, don't muck around; get 10000 bytes for it.
                int    nOutLen      = Math.Max(10000, nBufSize * 6);
                byte[] abyOutBuffer = new byte[nOutLen];
                fixed(byte *lpOutBuffer = abyOutBuffer)
                    lpOutBuffer[0] = lpOutBuffer[1] = lpOutBuffer[2] = lpOutBuffer[3] = 0;

                    // call the wrapper sub-classes' DoConvert to let them do it.
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "Calling DoConvert");
                    DoConvert(lpInBuffer, nBufSize, lpOutBuffer, ref nOutLen);
#if DEBUG && __MonoCS__
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "Output length " + nOutLen.ToString());
                    byte[] baOut2 = new byte[nOutLen];
                    ECNormalizeData.ByteStarToByteArr(lpOutBuffer, nOutLen, baOut2);
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, Util.getDisplayBytes("Output In Bytes", baOut2));
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "Got val '" + System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(baOut2) + "'");
                    string result = ECNormalizeData.GetString(lpOutBuffer, nOutLen, eOutEncodingForm,
                                                              ((bForward) ? CodePageOutput : CodePageInput), eFormEngineOut, eNormalizeOutput,
                                                              out rciOutput, ref m_bDebugDisplayMode);
#if DEBUG && __MonoCS__
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "normalized result '" + result + "'");
                    byte[] baResult = System.Text.Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetBytes(result);
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, Util.getDisplayBytes("Normalized Output in UTF16BE", baResult));
                    baResult = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(result);
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, Util.getDisplayBytes("Normalized Output in UTF16LE", baResult));
                    baResult = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result);
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, Util.getDisplayBytes("Normalized Output In UTF8", baResult));
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "Returning.");
Exemple #33
		// this routine is just to create a converter spec for
		protected virtual string FormatConverterStep(string strMapping, bool bDirectionForward, NormalizeFlags normalizeOutput)
			string str = strMapping;

			// indicate if it's 'reversed'
			if( !bDirectionForward )
				str += cstrDirectionReversed;

			// indicate if there's any special normalization
				case NormalizeFlags.FullyComposed:
					str += cstrNormalizationFullyComposed;
				case NormalizeFlags.FullyDecomposed:
					str += cstrNormalizationFullyDecomposed;

			return str;
Exemple #34
		protected virtual void PreConvert
			EncodingForm        eInEncodingForm,
			ref EncodingForm    eInFormEngine,
			EncodingForm        eOutEncodingForm,
			ref EncodingForm    eOutFormEngine,
			ref NormalizeFlags  eNormalizeOutput,
			bool                bForward
			// by default, the form it comes in is okay for the engine (never really true, so
			//	each engine's COM wrapper must override this; but this is here to see what you
			//	must do). For example, for CC, the input must be UTF8Bytes for Unicode, so
			//	you'd set the eInFormEngine to UTF8Bytes.
			eInFormEngine = eInEncodingForm;
			eOutFormEngine = eOutEncodingForm;
Exemple #35
 public RipeNormalizer(NormalizeFlags normalizeFlags)
     : base(normalizeFlags)
 public DatahubNormalizer(NormalizeFlags normalizeFlags, NormalizationForm normalizationForm)
     : base(normalizeFlags, normalizationForm)
Exemple #37
 public RipeNormalizer(NormalizeFlags normalizeFlags, NormalizationForm normalizationForm)
     : base(normalizeFlags, normalizationForm)
Exemple #38
		// This function is the meat of the conversion process. It is really long, which
		//	normally wouldn't be a virtue (especially as an "in-line" function), but in an
		//	effort to save memory fragmentation by using stack memory to buffer the input
		//	and output data, I'm using the alloca memory allocation function. Because of this
		//	it can't be allocated in some subroutine and returned to a calling program (or the
		//	stack will have erased them), so it has to be one big fat long function...
		//	The basic structure is:
		//	o	Check Input Data
		//	o	Give the sub-class (via PreConvert) the opportunity to load tables and do
		//		any special preprocessing it needs to ahead of the actual conversion
		//	o	Possibly call the TECkit COM interface to convert Unicode flavors that the
		//		engine (for this conversion) might not support (indicated via PreConvert)
		//	o	Normalize the input data to a byte array based on it's input EncodingForm
		//	o		Allocate (on the stack) a buffer for the output data (min 10000 bytes)
		//	o		Call the subclass (via DoConvert) to do the actual conversion.
		//	o	Normalize the output data to match the requested output EncodingForm (including
		//		possibly calling the TECkit COM interface).
		//	o	Return the resultant BSTR and size of items to the output pointer variables.
		protected virtual unsafe string InternalConvertEx
			EncodingForm    eInEncodingForm,
			string			sInput,
			int             ciInput,
			EncodingForm    eOutEncodingForm,
			NormalizeFlags  eNormalizeOutput,
			out int         rciOutput,
			bool            bForward
			if( sInput == null )

			// if the user hasn't specified, then take the default case for the ConversionType:
			//  if L/RHS == eLegacy, then LegacyString
			//  if L/RHS == eUnicode, then UTF16
				ref eInEncodingForm,
				ref eOutEncodingForm

			// allow the converter engine's (and/or its COM wrapper) to do some preprocessing.
			EncodingForm eFormEngineIn = EncodingForm.Unspecified, eFormEngineOut = EncodingForm.Unspecified;
				eInEncodingForm,	// [in] form in the BSTR
				ref eFormEngineIn,		// [out] form the conversion engine wants, etc.
				ref eFormEngineOut,
				ref eNormalizeOutput,

			// get enough space for us to normalize the input data (6x ought to be enough)
			int nBufSize = sInput.Length * 6;
			byte[] abyInBuffer = new byte[nBufSize];
			fixed (byte* lpInBuffer = abyInBuffer)
				// use a helper class to normalize the data to the format needed by the engine
				ECNormalizeData.GetBytes(sInput, ciInput, eInEncodingForm,
					((bForward) ? CodePageInput : CodePageOutput), eFormEngineIn, lpInBuffer,
					ref nBufSize, ref m_bDebugDisplayMode);

				// get some space for the converter to fill with, but since this is allocated
				//  on the stack, don't muck around; get 10000 bytes for it.
				int nOutLen = Math.Max(10000, nBufSize * 6);
				byte[] abyOutBuffer = new byte[nOutLen];
				fixed (byte* lpOutBuffer = abyOutBuffer)
					lpOutBuffer[0] = lpOutBuffer[1] = lpOutBuffer[2] = lpOutBuffer[3] = 0;

					// call the wrapper sub-classes' DoConvert to let them do it.
					DoConvert(lpInBuffer, nBufSize, lpOutBuffer, ref nOutLen);

					return ECNormalizeData.GetString(lpOutBuffer, nOutLen, eOutEncodingForm,
						((bForward) ? CodePageOutput : CodePageInput), eFormEngineOut, eNormalizeOutput,
						out rciOutput, ref m_bDebugDisplayMode);
Exemple #39
 // [DispId(18)]
 public virtual string ConvertEx(string sInput, EncodingForm inEnc, int ciInput, EncodingForm outEnc, out int ciOutput, NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput, bool bForward)
     return(InternalConvertEx(inEnc, sInput, ciInput, outEnc, eNormalizeOutput, out ciOutput, bForward));
Exemple #40
		// [DispId(18)]
		public virtual string ConvertEx(string sInput, EncodingForm inEnc, int ciInput, EncodingForm outEnc, out int ciOutput, NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput, bool bForward)
			return InternalConvertEx(inEnc, sInput, ciInput, outEnc, eNormalizeOutput, out ciOutput, bForward);
Exemple #41
		protected unsafe override void PreConvert
			EncodingForm        eInEncodingForm,
			ref EncodingForm    eInFormEngine,
			EncodingForm        eOutEncodingForm,
			ref EncodingForm    eOutFormEngine,
			ref NormalizeFlags  eNormalizeOutput,
			bool                bForward
			// let the base class do it's thing first
			base.PreConvert( eInEncodingForm, ref eInFormEngine,
							eOutEncodingForm, ref eOutFormEngine,
							ref eNormalizeOutput, bForward);

			// If the user uses one of the *Byte forms, change that to the *String forms so
			//	the value matches what the TECkit engine is expecting (that is, the TECkit
			//	engine is expecting a value of '1' (=LegacyString) even if it comes in as
			//	LegacyBytes). It'll still get converted correctly later, but when create the
			//	the TECkit "converter" object, which happens during here, it is expecting
			//	to see the other value.
			if( eInEncodingForm == EncodingForm.LegacyBytes )
				eInEncodingForm = EncodingForm.LegacyString;
			else if( eInEncodingForm == EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes )
				eInEncodingForm = EncodingForm.UTF8String;

			if( eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.LegacyBytes )
				eOutEncodingForm = EncodingForm.LegacyString;
			else if( eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes )
				eOutEncodingForm = EncodingForm.UTF8String;

			// See if we have a converter already for this combination or whether we need to make a
			//  new one
			string strConverterKey =  eInEncodingForm.ToString()
				+ eOutEncodingForm.ToString()
				+ eNormalizeOutput.ToString()
				+ bForward.ToString();

			// If this is a compilable map (i.e. ImplType SIL.map), then see if the map file has changed
			bool bReload = false;
			if (m_bCompileable && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_strMapFileSpec))
				// first make sure it's there and get the last time it was modified
				DateTime timeModified = DateTime.Now; // don't care really, but have to initialize it.
				if (!DoesFileExist(m_strMapFileSpec, ref timeModified))
					EncConverters.ThrowError(ErrStatus.CantOpenReadMap, m_strMapFileSpec);

				// if it has been modified or it's not already loaded...
				if ((timeModified > m_timeModifiedTec) && m_mapConverters.ContainsKey(strConverterKey))
					// ... just remove this key if it existed (so we fall thru and do Load)
					bReload = true;
			else if (IsFileLoaded())
				// the tec file could also have changed out from underneath us (in which case we'd need to reload it).
				DateTime timeModified = DateTime.Now; // don't care really, but have to initialize it.
				if (!DoesFileExist(m_strTecFileSpec, ref timeModified))
					EncConverters.ThrowError(ErrStatus.CantOpenReadMap, m_strTecFileSpec);

				// if it has been modified or it's not already loaded...
				if ((timeModified > m_timeModifiedTec) && m_mapConverters.ContainsKey(strConverterKey))
					m_baMapping = null; // triggers a reload
					m_lhsFlags = m_rhsFlags = 0;

					// ... just remove this key if it existed (so we fall thru and do Load)
					bReload = true;

			if( m_mapConverters.ContainsKey(strConverterKey) )
				m_converter = (Int32)m_mapConverters[strConverterKey];
				int status = (int)ErrStatus.NoError;

				// load the map now

				// is there no better way to do this?
				ushort eFormOut1 = System.Convert.ToUInt16((int)eOutEncodingForm);
				ushort eFormOut2 = System.Convert.ToUInt16((int)eNormalizeOutput);
				UInt16 eFormOut = System.Convert.ToUInt16(eFormOut1 | eFormOut2);

				// make a converter for this new combination.
				fixed(Int32* converter = &m_converter)
					if( IsFileLoaded() )
						fixed(byte* pbyMapping = m_baMapping)
							status = TECkit_CreateConverter(
										(byte)((bForward) ? 1 : 0),
						status = TECkit_CreateConverter(
									(byte)((bForward) ? 1 : 0),

				if( status == (int)ErrStatus.NoError )
					m_mapConverters[strConverterKey] = m_converter;

			// since TEC can handle output normalization directly (by requesting it here
			//  in the creation of the converter), reset the requesting flag so we won't
			//  attempt to do it later (all other converters that can't do implicit output
			//  normalization will *not* have reset the flag and then after their conversion,
			//  if the flag is still set, we'll call TEC to do it for them see
			//  ECNormalizeData.GetString).
			eNormalizeOutput = NormalizeFlags.None;
Exemple #42
 public ISOCountryNormalizer(NormalizeFlags normalizeFlags)
     : this(normalizeFlags, NormalizationForm.FormC)
		public DirectableEncConverter(string strEncConverterName, bool bDirectionForward, NormalizeFlags eNormalForm)
			m_strEncConverterName = strEncConverterName;
			m_bDirectionForward = bDirectionForward;
			m_eNormalForm = eNormalForm;
Exemple #44
		protected override string InternalConvert
			EncodingForm    eInEncodingForm,
			string			sInput,
			EncodingForm    eOutEncodingForm,
			NormalizeFlags  eNormalizeOutput,
			bool            bForward
			// this routine is only called by one of the 'implicit' methods (e.g.
			//  ConvertToUnicode). For these "COM" standard methods, the length of the
			//  string is specified by the BSTR itself and always/only supports UTF-16-like
			//  (i.e. wide) data. So, pass 0 so that the function will determine the length
			//  from the BSTR itself (just in case the user happens to have a value of 0 in
			//  the data (i.e. it won't necessarily be null terminated... don't ask...
			Int32 iOutput = 0;
			return InternalConvertEx
				out iOutput,
Exemple #45
		// we override this method from EncConverter so that we can call all of the step's
		//  convert functions in turn (i.e. for this one, it isn't sufficient to just
		//  provide a "DoConvert" method)
		protected override string InternalConvertEx
			EncodingForm    eInEncodingForm,
			string			sInput,
			int             ciInput,
			EncodingForm    eOutEncodingForm,
			NormalizeFlags  eNormalizeOutput,
			out int         rciOutput,
			bool            bForward
			// setup common items for both directions.
			int nSize = m_aEncConverter.Count;
			string strOutput = null;
			EncodingForm inForm = eInEncodingForm;
			Int32 ciOutput = 0;
			IEncConverter rConverter;
			NormalizeFlags eNormalizeFlags;
			ConvType eConversionType;
			EncodingForm outForm;
			NormConversionType eType;
			bool bDirectionForward;
			int i;

				if( bForward )
					for(i = 0; i < nSize; i++ )
						rConverter = (IEncConverter)m_aEncConverter[i];
						if (rConverter == null)

						rConverter.Debug = Debug;
						eNormalizeFlags = (NormalizeFlags)m_aNormalizeOutput[i];
						if( i == (nSize-1) )
							eNormalizeFlags = eNormalizeOutput;

						eConversionType = rConverter.ConversionType;
						bDirectionForward = (bool)m_aDirectionForward[i];

						// if this is the last one, then use the user's requested output format
						if( i == (nSize-1) )
							outForm = eOutEncodingForm;
							if( bDirectionForward )
								eType = NormalizeRhsConversionType(eConversionType);
								eType = NormalizeLhsConversionType(eConversionType);

							if( eType == NormConversionType.eLegacy)
								outForm = EncodingForm.LegacyBytes;
								outForm = EncodingForm.Unspecified;

						strOutput = rConverter.ConvertEx(
							out ciOutput,

						// setup input for the next step
						sInput = strOutput;
						inForm = outForm;
						ciInput = ciOutput;

						// it's possible the user cancelled the debug mode so get it back
						Debug = rConverter.Debug;
				else    // reverse
					for(i = nSize-1; i >= 0; i-- )
						rConverter = (IEncConverter)m_aEncConverter[i];
						if (rConverter == null)

						rConverter.Debug = Debug;

						eNormalizeFlags = (NormalizeFlags)m_aNormalizeOutput[i];
						if( i == 0 )
							eNormalizeFlags = eNormalizeOutput;

						eConversionType = rConverter.ConversionType;

						// the direction is the opposite of what the user said in
						//  reverse mode.
						bDirectionForward = !(bool)m_aDirectionForward[i];

						// if this is the last one, then use the user's requested output format
						if( i == 0 )
							outForm = eOutEncodingForm;
							if( bDirectionForward )
								eType = NormalizeRhsConversionType(eConversionType);
								eType = NormalizeRhsConversionType(eConversionType);

							if( eType == NormConversionType.eLegacy )
								outForm = EncodingForm.LegacyBytes;
								outForm = EncodingForm.Unspecified;

						strOutput = rConverter.ConvertEx(
							out ciOutput,

						// setup input for the next step
						sInput = strOutput;
						inForm = outForm;
						ciInput = ciOutput;

						// it's possible the user cancelled the debug mode so get it back
						Debug = rConverter.Debug;
			catch(ApplicationException e)
				throw e;

			rciOutput = ciOutput;
			return strOutput;
        // this method is called either when the user clicks the "Apply" or "OK" buttons *OR* if she
        //  tries to switch to the Test or Advanced tab. This is the dialog's one opportunity
        //  to make sure that the user has correctly configured a legitimate converter.
        protected override bool OnApply()
            // for compound converter, there must be at least one step
            int nRowCount = dataGridViewSteps.Rows.Count - 1;

            if (nRowCount > 0)
                m_astrStepFriendlyNames = new string[nRowCount];
                m_abDirectionForwards   = new bool[nRowCount];
                m_aeNormalizeFlags      = new NormalizeFlags[nRowCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < nRowCount; i++)
                    DataGridViewRow theRow = dataGridViewSteps.Rows[i];
                    IEncConverter   aEC    = (IEncConverter)theRow.Tag;
                    // check to see if the user actually configured a converter at this row (might have just checked the reverse box)
                    if (aEC == null)
                        MessageBox.Show(this, String.Format(@"No Converter selected for step {0}. Click where it says '{1}' to choose a converter for this step", i + 1, cstrClickMeMessage), EncConverters.cstrCaption);

                    m_astrStepFriendlyNames[i] = aEC.Name;  // don't use the cell value as that may have been truncated
                    m_abDirectionForwards[i]   = !(bool)theRow.Cells[cnDirectionReverseColumn].Value;
                    string         strNormalizeValue = (string)theRow.Cells[cnNormalizationColumn].Value;
                    NormalizeFlags eNormalizeFlag    = NormalizeFlags.None;
                    if (strNormalizeValue == cstrNormalizationFullyComposed)
                        eNormalizeFlag = NormalizeFlags.FullyComposed;
                    else if (strNormalizeValue == cstrNormalizationFullyDecomposed)
                        eNormalizeFlag = NormalizeFlags.FullyDecomposed;
                    m_aeNormalizeFlags[i] = eNormalizeFlag;

                    // grab the beginning and ending encoding ids as well (in case we're creating a default friendly name)
                    if (i == 0) // first step
                        LhsEncodingId = (m_abDirectionForwards[i]) ? aEC.LeftEncodingID : aEC.RightEncodingID;

                    if (i == (nRowCount - 1))   // last step
                        RhsEncodingId = (m_abDirectionForwards[i]) ? aEC.RightEncodingID : aEC.LeftEncodingID;

                    // also adjust the flag saying whether all steps are bidirectional
                    m_bAllStepsAreBidirectional &= !EncConverters.IsUnidirectional(aEC.ConversionType);

            if (tabControl.SelectedTab == tabPageSetup)
                // only do these message boxes if we're on the Setup tab itself, because if this OnApply
                //  is being called as a result of the user switching to the Test tab, that code will
                //  already put up an error message and we don't need two error messages.
                if (dataGridViewSteps.Rows.Count < 1)
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "You must add at least one step!", EncConverters.cstrCaption);
                    for (int i = 0; i < nRowCount; i++)
                        if (cstrClickMeMessage == m_astrStepFriendlyNames[i])
                            MessageBox.Show(this, String.Format("The step in row '{0}' has not been configured. Delete that row first or choose a converter for it", i + 1), EncConverters.cstrCaption);

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(this, String.Format("Failed to add compound converter! {0}{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, ex.Message), EncConverters.cstrCaption);

Exemple #47
		public virtual void AddConverterStep(IEncConverter rConvert, bool bDirectionForward, NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput)
Exemple #48
        internal static unsafe string GetString(byte *lpOutBuffer, int nOutLen, EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm, int nCodePageOut, EncodingForm eFormEngineOut, NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput, out int rciOutput, ref bool bDebugDisplayMode)
            // null terminate the output and turn it into a (real) array of bytes
            Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "BEGIN");
            lpOutBuffer[nOutLen] = lpOutBuffer[nOutLen + 1] = lpOutBuffer[nOutLen + 2] = lpOutBuffer[nOutLen + 3] = 0;
            byte[] baOut = new byte[nOutLen];
            ByteStarToByteArr(lpOutBuffer, nOutLen, baOut);
            Util.DebugWriteLine(className, Util.getDisplayBytes("byte array", baOut));

            // check to see if the engine handled the given output form. If not, then see
            //  if it's a conversion we can easily do (otherwise we'll ask TEC to do the
            //  conversion for us (later) so that all engines can handle all possible
            //  output encoding forms.
                                "eOutEncodingForm " + eOutEncodingForm.ToString() + ", " +
                                "eFormEngineOut " + eFormEngineOut.ToString());
            if (eOutEncodingForm != eFormEngineOut)
                if (EncConverter.IsLegacyFormat(eOutEncodingForm))
                    if ((eFormEngineOut == EncodingForm.LegacyBytes) && (eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.LegacyString))
                        // in this case, just *pretend* the engine outputs LegacyString (the
                        //  LegacyString case below really means "convert LegacyBytes to
                        //  LegacyString)
                        eFormEngineOut = eOutEncodingForm;
                else    // unicode forms
                    // if the engine gives UTF8 and the client wants UTF16...
                    if ((eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.UTF16) && (eFormEngineOut == EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes))
                        // use the special form to convert it below
                        Util.DebugWriteLine(className, "using CCUnicode8");
                        eOutEncodingForm = eFormEngineOut = (EncodingForm)CCUnicode8;
                    // or vise versa
                    else if ((eFormEngineOut == EncodingForm.UTF16) &&
                             ((eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes) || (eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.UTF8String)))
                        // engine gave UTF16, but user wants a UTF8 flavor.
                        // Decoder d = Encoding.Unicode.GetChars(baOut);
                        // d.GetChars(
                        UTF8Encoding enc = new UTF8Encoding();
                        baOut          = enc.GetBytes(Encoding.Unicode.GetChars(baOut));
                        eFormEngineOut = eOutEncodingForm;
                        nOutLen        = baOut.Length;
                    // these conversions we can do ourself
                    else if ((eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.UTF8String) ||
                             (eOutEncodingForm == EncodingForm.UTF16))
#if _MSC_VER
                        // Doesn't this wipe out the distinction?
                        // On Linux we need to be able to convert the output from UTF32 to UTF16.
                        eFormEngineOut = eOutEncodingForm;

            int    nItems = 0, nCharsLen = 0;
            char[] caOut = null;
            switch (eFormEngineOut)
            case EncodingForm.LegacyBytes:
            case EncodingForm.UTF8Bytes:
                if (eFormEngineOut == EncodingForm.LegacyBytes)
                    DisplayDebugCharValues(baOut, "Received (LegacyBytes) back from Converter/DLL (returning as LegacyBytes)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);
                    DisplayDebugUCharValuesFromUTF8(baOut, "Received (UTF8Bytes) back from Converter/DLL (returning as UTF8Bytes)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

                // stuff the returned 'bytes' into the BSTR as narrow characters rather than
                //  converting to wide
                nItems    = nOutLen;
                nCharsLen = (nOutLen + 1) / 2;
                caOut     = new char[nCharsLen];
                ByteArrToCharArr(baOut, caOut);

            case EncodingForm.LegacyString:
                DisplayDebugCharValues(baOut, "Received (LegacyBytes) back from Converter/DLL (returning as LegacyString)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

                nCharsLen = nItems = nOutLen;

#if __MonoCS__
                // Narrowizing by code page 0 doesn't seem to be what we want on Linux.
                // Treating it as a symbol font or stripping off the low byte works better.
                if (nCodePageOut == 0)
                    caOut = BruteForceWiden(nCodePageOut, baOut, nCharsLen);
                if (true)
                        // this will throw (for some reason) when doing symbol fonts
                        //  (apparently, CP_SYMBOL is no longer supported).
                        caOut = Encoding.GetEncoding(nCodePageOut).GetChars(baOut);
                        if ((nCodePageOut == EncConverters.cnSymbolFontCodePage) || (nCodePageOut == EncConverters.cnIso8859_1CodePage))
                            caOut = BruteForceWiden(nCodePageOut, baOut, nCharsLen);


            case EncodingForm.UTF16:
                nCharsLen = nItems = (nOutLen / 2);

                DisplayDebugUCharValues(baOut, "Received (UTF16) back from Converter/DLL (returning as UTF16)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

                caOut = Encoding.Unicode.GetChars(baOut);

            case EncodingForm.UTF8String:
                DisplayDebugUCharValuesFromUTF8(baOut, "Received (UTF8Bytes) back from Converter/DLL (returning as UTF8String)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

                // this encoding form is always encoded using the default code page.
                caOut = Encoding.Default.GetChars(baOut);

                nCharsLen = nItems = nOutLen;

            case (EncodingForm)CCUnicode8:
                DisplayDebugUCharValuesFromUTF8(baOut, "Received (UTF8Bytes) back from Converter/DLL (returning as UTF16)...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

                caOut = Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(baOut);

                nCharsLen = nItems = caOut.Length;

            case EncodingForm.UTF16BE:
            case EncodingForm.UTF32:
            case EncodingForm.UTF32BE:
                nCharsLen = nItems = nOutLen / 2;

                DisplayDebugUCharValues(baOut, "Received (UTF16BE/32/32BE) back from Converter/DLL...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

                caOut = new char[nCharsLen];
                ByteArrToCharArr(baOut, caOut);

                // for UTF32, it is half again as little in the item count.
                if (eFormEngineOut != EncodingForm.UTF16BE)
                    nItems /= 2;


#if !v22_AllowEmptyReturn
            if ((nCharsLen <= 0)
                || (nCharsLen != caOut.Length)

            // check to see if the engine handled the given output form. If not, then ask
            //  TEC to do the conversion for us so that all engines can handle all possible
            //  output encoding forms (e.g. caller requested utf32, but above CC could only
            //  give us utf16/8)
            // Also, if the caller wanted something other than "None" for the eNormalizeOutput,
            //  then we also have to call TEC for that as well (but I think this only makes
            //  sense if the output is utf16(be) or utf32(be))
            // p.s. if this had been a TEC converter, then the eNormalizeOutput flag would
            //  ahready have been reset to None (by this point), since we would have directly
            //  requested that normalized form when we created the converter--see
            //  TecEncConverter.PreConvert)
            string strOutput = new string(caOut);
            byte[] byteArray = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetBytes(caOut);
            Util.DebugWriteLine(className, Util.getDisplayBytes("characters", byteArray));
            byte[] baResult = System.Text.Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetBytes(strOutput);
            Util.DebugWriteLine(className, Util.getDisplayBytes("Normalized strOutput in UTF16BE", baResult));
            if ((eFormEngineOut != eOutEncodingForm) ||
                (eNormalizeOutput != NormalizeFlags.None))
                strOutput = EncConverters.UnicodeEncodingFormConvertEx(strOutput, eFormEngineOut, nItems, eOutEncodingForm, eNormalizeOutput, out nItems);

            DisplayDebugUCharValues(strOutput, "Returning back to client...", ref bDebugDisplayMode);

            rciOutput = nItems;
Exemple #49
		protected override void PreConvert
			EncodingForm        eInEncodingForm,
			ref EncodingForm    eInFormEngine,
			EncodingForm        eOutEncodingForm,
			ref EncodingForm    eOutFormEngine,
			ref NormalizeFlags  eNormalizeOutput,
			bool                bForward
			// let the base class do it's thing first
			base.PreConvert( eInEncodingForm, ref eInFormEngine,
				eOutEncodingForm, ref eOutFormEngine,
				ref eNormalizeOutput, bForward);

			// this converter only deals with 'String' flavors, so if it's
			//  Unicode_to(_from)_Unicode, then we expect UTF-16 and if it's
			//  Legacy_to(_from)_Legacy, then we expect LegacyString
			if( m_bLegacy )
				eInFormEngine = eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.LegacyString;
				eInFormEngine = eOutFormEngine = EncodingForm.UTF16;

			// the bForward that comes here might be different from the IEncConverter->DirectionForward
			//  (if it came in from a call to ConvertEx), so use *this* value to determine the direction
			//  for the forthcoming conversion (DoConvert).
			m_bReverseLookup = !bForward;

			// check to see if the file(s) need to be (re-)loaded at this point.