Exemple #1
        // this combine method is for single-level macros, where another level already exists
        public void CombineFree(ScriptMacro ma)
            // loop for all
            for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
                if (Optimized[i] == null)
                    // nothing here
                    Optimized[i] = ma;

                // if not free, put nothing there
Exemple #2
        // this combine method is for multi-level macros
        public GenericScriptItem[] Combine(ScriptMacro macro, int depth)
            // if null, we dont even need to bother
            if (macro == null)
            // if too deep, just return normally

            // combine this layer
            int RangeStart, RangeEnd;

            if (!macro.GetRange(depth, out RangeStart, out RangeEnd))
                // if too deep, just return normally

            // loop for all
            for (int i = RangeStart; i <= RangeEnd; i++)
                if (Optimized[i] == null)
                    // nothing here
                    if (depth < macro.pre.Length - 1)
                        Optimized[i] = new ScriptArrayItem(parent);
                        (Optimized[i] as ScriptArrayItem).Combine(macro, depth + 1);
                        // if last level, just put macro in there
                        Optimized[i] = macro;
                else if (Optimized[i].type == ScriptItemType.ArrayItem)
                    // if another array, see if we can insert us there
                    (Optimized[i] as ScriptArrayItem).Combine(macro, depth + 1);

            // and finally at the end of the day, we can rest assured everything is sorted. Phew.
Exemple #3
        // function to calculate the optimized arrays of items or array items to quickly return items for certain types of requests
        public GenericScriptItem[] Optimize()
            Optimized = new GenericScriptItem[0x100];

            foreach (GenericScriptItem entry in Items)
                switch (entry.type)
                case ScriptItemType.NULL:
                    screrr(entry.line, "Type of item is NULL! This is most likely a programming error in SMPS2ASM!");

                case ScriptItemType.Equate:
                    ScriptEquate eq = (entry as ScriptEquate);
                    // only pre-calculated equates are possible to be used
                    if (!eq.CheckEvaluate())
                        S2AScript.screrr(entry.line, "Equates that are being optimized into a look-up-table must be possible to be pre-calculated! Equate with contents '" + eq.val + "' failed to be pre-calculated.");
                    // get offset
                    int v;
                    if (!Parse.DoubleToInt(GetEquate(eq.equ).value, out v))
                        screrr(entry.line, "Equate value can not be accurately converted from double floating point to int! Equate with contents '" + eq.val + "' failed to be conveted to 32-bit signed integer.");

                    // save entry or throw error.
                    if (Optimized[v] == null)
                        Optimized[v] = entry;
                        screrr(entry.line, "Entity " + entry.identifier + " conflicts with " + Optimized[v].identifier + " at line " + Optimized[v].line +
                               ", both trying to occupy the value " + v + " (0x" + v.ToString("X2") + ")! Optimization requires no such conflicts.");

                case ScriptItemType.Macro:
                    ScriptMacro ma = (entry as ScriptMacro);
                    // collect range
                    int rangeStart, rangeEnd;
                    if (!ma.GetRange(0, out rangeStart, out rangeEnd))
                        S2AScript.screrr(entry.line, "Unable to parse first level macro range. Macro range of '" + (ma.pre.Length > 0 ? ma.pre[0] : "") + "' is not valid.");

                    // if true, there is only 1 level to this macro
                    bool onlylevel = ma.pre.Length == 1;
                    for (int i = rangeStart; i <= rangeEnd; i++)
                        if (onlylevel)
                            if (Optimized[i] == null)
                                Optimized[i] = ma;

                            else if (Optimized[i].type == ScriptItemType.ArrayItem)
                                (Optimized[i] as ScriptArrayItem).CombineFree(ma);

                                screrr(entry.line, "Entity " + entry.identifier + " conflicts with " + Optimized[i].identifier + " at line " + Optimized[i].line +
                                       ", both trying to occupy the value " + i + " (0x" + i.ToString("X2") + ")! Optimization requires no such conflicts.");
                            if (Optimized[i] == null)
                                Optimized[i] = new ScriptArrayItem(parent);
                                (Optimized[i] as ScriptArrayItem).Combine(ma, 1);
                            else if (Optimized[i].type == ScriptItemType.ArrayItem)
                                (Optimized[i] as ScriptArrayItem).Combine(ma, 1);

                                screrr(entry.line, "Entity " + entry.identifier + " conflicts with " + Optimized[i].identifier + " at line " + Optimized[i].line +
                                       ", both trying to occupy the value " + i + " (0x" + i.ToString("X2") + ")! Optimization requires no such conflicts.");

                case ScriptItemType.ArrayItem:
                    screrr(entry.line, "Unoptimized list contains a pre-occupied technical element that may not be interpreted. This is likely a programming error, please report to devs!");

                case ScriptItemType.Import:
                    ScriptArray sc = context.GetSubscript((entry as ScriptImport).name);
                    if (sc.Optimized == null)
                    Optimized = ConvertSMPS.context.Combine(new GenericScriptItem[][] { Optimized, sc.Optimized });

                // all these items are invalid inside the LUT.
                    screrr(entry.line, "Optimized look-up-table may only contain unoptimizable elements! Look-up-tables may contain either Equates, or macros.");
Exemple #4
        private void ParseScript(string data, string[] args, int lnoffs, ref Stack <ScriptArray> stack)
            // chars to trim from strings
            char[] trim = new char[] { ' ', '\t' };

            // some variables to help with stuff
            Stack <ScriptCondition> co = new Stack <ScriptCondition>();

            if (debug)
                Debug(new string('-', 80));

            // use line num to accurately report issues
            uint lnum = (uint)lnoffs, tabs = 0;

            foreach (string ln in data.Replace("\r", "").Split('\n'))

                // trim whitespaces and tabs from start. Also C# is gay sometimes
                string line = ln.Trim(trim);
                // ignore empty lines
                if (line.Length > 0)
                    try {
                        switch (line.ElementAt(0))
                        case '#':
                            //ignore comments

                        case '}':
                            // we need 2 entries to remove one of them, to have one entry still in stack
                            if (stack.Count < 2)
                                screrr(lnum, "Stack is empty. Maybe there is an extra script block end?");

                            // } { -> else
                            if (line.EndsWith("{"))
                                // if co not set, its a problem
                                if (co.Count <= 0)
                                    screrr(lnum, "Else called when not in condition block");
                                // if already in false block, error
                                if (stack.Peek() == co.Peek().False)
                                    screrr(lnum, "Else called when already inside else block");

                                // pop last entry and push false block in
                                if (debug)
                                    Debug(lnum, tabs++, "}{");
                                // pop from co stack (NEEDS TO BE FIRST FUU)
                                if (co.Count > 0 && (co.Peek().True == stack.Peek() || co.Peek().False == stack.Peek()))

                                if (debug)
                                    Debug(lnum, tabs, "}");

                        case '?':
                            if (line.Length < 3)
                                // if line is too short, it is a major problem
                                screrr(lnum, "Name not specified.");

                            string name = line.Substring(1, line.Length - 2).Trim(trim);
                            if (name.Length <= 0)
                                // no usable name
                                screrr(lnum, "Name not specified.");

                            if (line.EndsWith("{"))
                                // declaring subscript
                                ScriptArray f = new ScriptArray(stack.Peek());
                                subscripts.Add(name, f);
                                if (debug)
                                    Debug(lnum, tabs++, '?' + name + " {");
                            else if (line.EndsWith(";"))
                                // subscript importing
                                stack.Peek().Add(new ScriptImport(lnum, stack.Peek(), name));
                                if (debug)
                                    Debug(lnum, tabs, '?' + name + ';');
                                // if line doesnt end with ; or {, there is an issue
                                screrr(lnum, "invalid end token.");

                        case '/':
                            // get the label only if there is a space char
                            bool singlemode = line.Length > 1 && line.ElementAt(1) == '/';
                            line = line.Substring(singlemode ? 2 : 1);

                            string lbl = "";
                            int    ind;
                            if ((ind = line.IndexOf(' ')) != -1)
                                lbl  = line.Substring(0, ind);
                                line = line.Substring(ind + 1);

                            // check if rest of the info exists
                            if (line.Length < 2)
                                screrr(lnum, "Illegal line");

                            List <bool>   types = new List <bool>();
                            List <string> names = new List <string>();

                            while (line.Length > 0)
                                // get the caller type
                                if (!types.Last() && !line.StartsWith(">"))
                                    screrr(lnum, "Illegal type '" + line.ElementAt(0) + "'");

                                // get the offset of the last char
                                int last = line.IndexOf(' ') + 1;
                                if (last == 0)
                                    last = line.Length;

                                // add the string in and remove from line
                                names.Add(line.Substring(1, last - 1).Trim(trim));
                                line = line.Substring(last);

                            stack.Peek().Add(new ScriptExecute(lnum, stack.Peek(), lbl, types.ToArray(), names.ToArray(), singlemode));

                            // write debug info
                            if (debug)
                                string db = '/' + lbl;
                                for (int i = 0; i < types.Count; i++)
                                    db += ' ' + (types[i] ? "?" : ">") + names[i];

                                Debug(lnum, tabs, db);

                        case '=':
                            int indx = line.IndexOf(' ');
                            if (indx == -1)
                                screrr(lnum, "Expected a whitespace (' '), but found none.");

                            // just some sanity checks, dont worry
                            string equ = line.Substring(1, indx - 1), val = line.Substring(indx + 1);
                            if (equ.Length < 1)
                                screrr(lnum, "Equate name not specified.");
                            if (val.Length < 1)
                                screrr(lnum, "Equate value not specified.");

                            ScriptEquate scre = new ScriptEquate(lnum, stack.Peek(), equ, val);
                            if (debug)
                                string n = scre.GetName();
                                Equate e = GetEquate(n);
                                Debug(lnum, tabs, '=' + n + ' ' + val + (e.calculated ? " " + e.value : ""));

                        case '!':
                            // skip ! and any spaces
                            line = line.Substring(1).TrimStart(trim);

                            // loop til all arguments are found
                            int           index;
                            List <string> pre = new List <string>();
                            while (!line.StartsWith(">"))
                                // find the next ,
                                index = line.IndexOf(',');
                                // if > is earlier than , (because arguments also can have them), then use > instead
                                if (line.IndexOf('>') < index || index < 1)
                                    index = line.IndexOf('>');
                                if (index < 1)
                                    screrr(lnum, "Invalid or nonexistent trigger byte at macro block.");

                                // create new argument and
                                pre.Add(line.Substring(0, index).Trim(trim));
                                line = line.Substring(index);
                                // if starts with , then remove it
                                if (line.StartsWith(","))
                                    line = line.Substring(1);

                            // get the name
                            index = line.IndexOf(':');
                            if (index == -1)
                                screrr(lnum, "Expecting semicolon (':')");
                            string nam = line.Substring(1, index - 1).Trim(trim);
                            line = line.Substring(index + 1).TrimStart(trim);
                            if (nam.Length < 1)
                                screrr(lnum, "Invalid name");

                            // get the arguments
                            List <string> arg = new List <string>();
                            while (!line.StartsWith(";") && !line.StartsWith("{"))
                                // find the next ,
                                index = line.IndexOf(',');
                                // if failed, then try to find the end icon
                                if (index < 1)
                                    index = line.IndexOf(';');
                                if (index < 1)
                                    index = line.IndexOf('{');
                                if (index < 1)
                                    screrr(lnum, "Invalid or nonexistent argument at macro block.");

                                // create new argument and
                                arg.Add(line.Substring(0, index).Trim(trim));
                                line = line.Substring(index);
                                // if starts with , then remove it
                                if (line.StartsWith(","))
                                    line = line.Substring(1);

                            // create a new macro
                            ScriptMacro s = new ScriptMacro(lnum, stack.Peek(), nam, pre.ToArray(), arg.ToArray());

                            // if ends with this, put shit in inner block
                            if (line.EndsWith("{"))

                            // write debug shit
                            if (debug)
                                Debug(lnum, tabs, '!' + string.Join(", ", pre) + " > " + nam + ": " + string.Join(", ", arg) + line.ElementAt(line.Length - 1));
                                if (line.EndsWith("{"))

                        case '@':
                            // check if there is a space
                            int indie = line.IndexOf(' ');
                            if (indie == -1)
                                screrr(lnum, "Expected whitespace (' '), but found none.");
                            // get the equate name and remove from line
                            string eqq = line.Substring(1, indie - 1);
                            line = line.Substring(indie + 1).TrimStart(trim);

                            // check for next space
                            indie = line.IndexOf(' ');
                            if (indie == -1)
                                screrr(lnum, "Expected whitespace (' '), but found none.");
                            // get the arg number
                            int argnum;
                            if (!Int32.TryParse(line.Substring(0, indie), out argnum))
                                screrr(lnum, "Line '" + line.Substring(0, indie) + "' can not be parsed as a number!");

                            string da;
                            // check if there are arguments at this offset
                            if (argnum >= args.Length)
                                // print out the string
                                indie = line.IndexOf("\"") + 1;
                                if (indie == 0)
                                    screrr(lnum, "Expected string, but found none.");
                                Console.Write(line.Substring(indie, line.LastIndexOf("\"") - indie) + ": ");

                                da = ConsoleArguments.Get(args, new ArgHandler[] { new ArgHandler(line.Substring(indie, line.LastIndexOf("\"") - indie) + ":", (_data, ret) => ret ? _data : null), }, new ButtonHandler[] { })[0];
                                if (debug)
                                    Debug(lnum, tabs, "@? " + eqq + ' ' + argnum + ' ' + (indie > 0 ? line.Substring(indie, line.LastIndexOf("\"") - indie) : "INVALID") + ' ' + da);
                                // read argument
                                da = args[argnum];
                                if (debug)
                                    indie = line.IndexOf("\"") + 1;
                                    Debug(lnum, tabs, "@ " + eqq + ' ' + argnum + ' ' + (indie > 0 ? line.Substring(indie, line.LastIndexOf("\"") - indie) : "INVALID") + ' ' + da);

                            stack.Peek().Add(new ScriptEquate(lnum, stack.Peek(), eqq, da));

                        case 'c':
                            // ehhhhhhh =/
                            if (!line.EndsWith("{"))
                                screrr(lnum, "No opening script block.");
                            // create the condition block, and push true block in stack
                            co.Push(new ScriptCondition(lnum, stack.Peek(), line.Substring(1, line.Length - 2).Trim(trim)));
                            if (debug)
                                Debug(lnum, tabs++, "c " + line.Substring(1, line.Length - 2).Trim(trim) + " {");

                        case 'f':
                            // check for { at the end of line
                            int inde = line.IndexOf('{');
                            if (inde == -1 || !line.EndsWith("{"))
                                screrr(lnum, "Expected block start ('{') at end of line, but found none.");
                            string       counter = line.Substring(1, inde - 1).Trim(trim);
                            ScriptRepeat r       = new ScriptRepeat(lnum, stack.Peek(), counter);
                            if (debug)
                                Debug(lnum, tabs++, "f " + counter + " {");

                        case 'w':
                            // check for { at the end of line
                            int ine = line.IndexOf('{');
                            if (ine == -1 || !line.EndsWith("{"))
                                screrr(lnum, "Expected block start ('{') at end of line, but found none.");
                            string      cond = line.Substring(1, ine - 1).Trim(trim);
                            ScriptWhile w    = new ScriptWhile(lnum, stack.Peek(), cond);
                            if (debug)
                                Debug(lnum, tabs++, "w " + cond + " {");

                        case ':':
                            if (line.Length < 3)
                                screrr(lnum, "Unexpected end of line!");

                            switch (line[1])
                            case '?': {
                                // check for { at the end of line
                                int inxd = line.IndexOf('{');
                                if (inxd == -1)
                                    screrr(lnum, "Expected block start ('{') at end of line, but found none.");
                                string num = line.Substring(2, inxd - 2).Trim(trim);

                                try {
                                    ScriptArgMod m = new ScriptArgMod(lnum, stack.Peek(), num);
                                    if (debug)
                                        Debug(lnum, tabs++, ":? " + m.num + " {");
                                } catch (Exception) {
                                    screrr(lnum, "Failed to parse '" + num + "'!");

                            case '-': {
                                string num = line.Substring(2, line.Length - 2).Trim(trim);

                                try {
                                    ScriptArgRmv m = new ScriptArgRmv(lnum, stack.Peek(), num);
                                    if (debug)
                                        Debug(lnum, tabs++, ":- " + m.num);
                                } catch (Exception) {
                                    screrr(lnum, "Failed to parse '" + num + "'!");

                            case '=': {
                                int inxd = line.IndexOf(' ');
                                if (inxd == -1)
                                    screrr(lnum, "Expected space separator (' ') in the middle of the line, but found none.");
                                string num  = line.Substring(2, inxd - 2).Trim(trim);
                                string oper = line.Substring(inxd, line.Length - inxd).Trim(trim);

                                try {
                                    ScriptArgEqu m = new ScriptArgEqu(lnum, stack.Peek(), num, oper);
                                    if (debug)
                                        Debug(lnum, tabs++, ":= " + m.num + " " + m.operation);
                                } catch (Exception) {
                                    screrr(lnum, "Failed to parse '" + num + "'!");

                                screrr(lnum, "Unrecognized argument modifier type '" + line[1] + "'!");

                        case '~':
                            int indix = line.IndexOf(' ');
                            if (indix == -1)
                                screrr(lnum, "Expected a whitespace (' '), but found none.");

                            // just some sanity checks, dont worry
                            string labl = line.Substring(1, indix - 1), type = line.Substring(indix + 1);
                            if (labl.Length < 1)
                                screrr(lnum, "Lable name not specified.");
                            if (type.Length < 1)
                                screrr(lnum, "Lable type or command not specified.");

                            if (type.StartsWith(":"))
                                // lable mod
                                LableMod l = new LableMod(lnum, stack.Peek(), labl, type.Substring(1));
                                if (debug)
                                    Debug(lnum, tabs, '~' + labl + " :" + l.num);
                            else                                         // lable create
                                stack.Peek().Add(new LableCreate(lnum, stack.Peek(), labl.Trim(trim), type));
                                if (debug)
                                    Debug(lnum, tabs, '~' + labl + ' ' + type);

                        case '$':
                            stack.Peek().Add(new ScriptOperation(lnum, stack.Peek(), line = line.Substring(1).Trim(trim)));
                            if (debug)
                                Debug(lnum, tabs, '$' + line);

                        case '>':
                            // if line not long enough, problem
                            if (line.Length < 3)
                                screrr(lnum, "Expected type and offset!");
                            // check if valid type
                            char ttype = line.ElementAt(1);
                            if (ttype != 'a' && ttype != 'b' && ttype != 'f')
                                screrr(lnum, "Goto type '" + ttype + "' not recognized!");

                            // arg1 = type (char), arg2 = rest of the line
                            stack.Peek().Add(new ScriptGoto(lnum, stack.Peek(), ttype, line = line.Substring(2).Trim(trim)));
                            if (debug)
                                Debug(lnum, tabs, ">" + ttype + " " + line);

                        case ';':
                            stack.Peek().Add(new ScriptStop(lnum, stack.Peek()));
                            if (debug)
                                Debug(lnum, tabs, ";");

                        case '%':
                            stack.Peek().Add(new ScriptComment(lnum, stack.Peek(), line.Substring(1)));
                            if (debug)
                                Debug(lnum, tabs, line);

                        case '+':
                            stack.Peek().Add(new ScriptPrint(lnum, stack.Peek(), line.Substring(1)));
                            if (debug)
                                Debug(lnum, tabs, line);

                        case 's': {
                            int    idx = line.IndexOf(' ');
                            string mac = line.Substring(1, idx >= 0 ? idx - 1 : line.Length - 1);

                            switch (mac.ToLowerInvariant())
                            case "inc": {
                                if (idx == -1)
                                    screrr(lnum, "Macro does not have a file name!");
                                string path = line.Substring(idx + 1, line.Length - idx - 1);

                                if (path.StartsWith("\"") && path.EndsWith("\""))
                                    path = path.Substring(1, path.Length - 2);

                                if (!File.Exists(path))
                                    screrr(lnum, "File '" + path + "' does not exist!");

                                try {
                                    string[] file = File.ReadAllLines(path);
                                    if (debug)
                                        Debug(lnum, tabs, "--; macro: parse another file '" + path + "' (" + file.Length + " lines)");
                                    ParseScript(string.Join("\n", file), args, 0, ref stack);
                                    if (debug)
                                        Debug(lnum, tabs, "--; return to previous file");
                                } catch (Exception) {
                                    screrr(lnum, "Failed to load file contents for file '" + path + "'!");

                            case "datamacro": {
                                if (idx == -1)
                                    screrr(lnum, "Data macro has not been defined!");
                                Output.DataMacro = line.Substring(idx + 1, line.Length - idx - 1).Trim();

                            case "lablenumber": {
                                if (idx == -1)
                                    screrr(lnum, "Lable number format has not been defined!");
                                string fmt = line.Substring(idx + 1, line.Length - idx - 1).Trim().ToLowerInvariant();

                                if (LableRule.RandomRules[fmt] == null)
                                    screrr(lnum, "Invalid lable number format '" + fmt + "'!");

                                LableRule.GetNextRandom = LableRule.RandomRules[fmt];

                            case "version":
                                if (line.Substring(idx + 1, line.Length - idx - 1).Trim().ToLowerInvariant() != VERSION)
                                    screrr(lnum, "Your script is out of date, and may not be executed! Please update the script to " + VERSION + "!");

                                screrr(lnum, "Macro type '" + mac + "' not recognized!");

                            // incase we cant figure out what command this is
                            screrr(lnum, "Symbol not recognized: '" + line.ElementAt(0) + "'");
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        screrr(lnum, e.ToString());

            if (debug)
                Debug(new string('-', 80));