public void PpSnippet(NflTeam t)
     FileOut = string.Format("{0}\\Prot\\PP-{1}.htm", RootPath(t.Season), t.TeamCode);
      var h = new HtmlFile(FileOut,
              string.Format(" {2} Pass Protection Unit as of {0}  Week {1}",
                             DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yy"), Utility.CurrentWeek(), t.NameOut()));
Exemple #2
        private string PlayerProjectionsHtml(NflTeam nflTeam)
            var html = HtmlLib.H4(nflTeam.NameOut()) + Environment.NewLine;
             html += HtmlLib.TableWithBorderOpen();
             if (nflTeam.PlayerList.Count == 0) nflTeam.LoadPlayerUnits();
             if (PgmDao == null) PgmDao = new DbfPlayerGameMetricsDao();
             if (GameWeek == null) GameWeek = new NFLWeek( Season, Week );
             var scorer = new YahooProjectionScorer();
             var nPlayers = 0;
             var nTotPts = 0.0M;
             var totPgm = new PlayerGameMetrics();
             foreach (NFLPlayer p in nflTeam.PlayerList)
            if (!p.IsFantasyOffence()) continue;

            var pgm = PgmDao.Get(p.PlayerCode, GameKey());
            if (nPlayers == 1) html += pgm.PgmHeaderRow();
            if (!pgm.HasNumbers()) continue;
            SetProjectedStats( p, pgm );
            var fpts = scorer.RatePlayer( p, GameWeek );
            nTotPts += fpts;
            html += HtmlLib.Para(pgm.FormatAsTableRow(p.PlayerName, p.PlayerRole, fpts)) + Environment.NewLine;
            totPgm.ProjYDp += pgm.ProjYDp;
            totPgm.ProjTDp += pgm.ProjTDp;
            totPgm.ProjYDr += pgm.ProjYDr;
            totPgm.ProjTDr += pgm.ProjTDr;
            totPgm.ProjYDc += pgm.ProjYDc;
            totPgm.ProjTDc += pgm.ProjTDc;
            totPgm.ProjFG += pgm.ProjFG;
            totPgm.ProjPat += pgm.ProjPat;
             html += HtmlLib.Para(totPgm.FormatAsTableRow("Totals", "", nTotPts)) + Environment.NewLine;
             html += HtmlLib.TableClose();
             return html;
Exemple #3
        public void TallyStatsFor(NflTeam team)
            #if DEBUG
             Utility.Announce("Tallying Stats for " + team.NameOut());
             var gameYDr = YDr(team.TeamCode);
             var gameYDp = YDp(team.TeamCode);
             var gameTDp = Tdp(team.TeamCode);
             var gameTdr = Tdr(team.TeamCode);
             var gameSacks = Sacks(team.TeamCode);
             var gameSacksAllowed = SacksAllowed(team.TeamCode);
             var gameYDrAllowed = YDrAllowed(team.TeamCode);
             var gameYDpAllowed = YDpAllowed(team.TeamCode);
             var gameTdpAllowed = TdpAllowed(team.TeamCode);
             var gameTdrAllowed = TdrAllowed(team.TeamCode);
             var gameInterceptions = IntsAllowed(team.TeamCode);
             var gameInterceptionsThrown = Interceptions(team.TeamCode);
             var gameFg = Fg(team.TeamCode);

             team.TotYdr += gameYDr;
             team.TotYdp += gameYDp;
             team.TotSacksAllowed += gameSacksAllowed;
             team.TotSacks += gameSacks;
             team.TotYdrAllowed += gameYDrAllowed;
             team.TotTDpAllowed += gameTdpAllowed;
             team.TotIntercepts += gameInterceptions;

             //  NflStats are defined here
             if (StatList == null) StatList = new List<NflStat>();
             StatList.Add(new NflStat(Season, Week, team.TeamCode, "YDr", gameYDr, Opponent(team.TeamCode)));
             StatList.Add(new NflStat(Season, Week, team.TeamCode, "YDp", gameYDp, Opponent(team.TeamCode)));
             StatList.Add(new NflStat(Season, Week, team.TeamCode, "TDp", gameTDp, Opponent(team.TeamCode)));
             StatList.Add(new NflStat(Season, Week, team.TeamCode, "TDr", gameTdr, Opponent(team.TeamCode)));
             StatList.Add(new NflStat(Season, Week, team.TeamCode, "TDrAllowed", gameTdrAllowed, Opponent(team.TeamCode)));
             StatList.Add(new NflStat(Season, Week, team.TeamCode, "Sacks", gameSacks, Opponent(team.TeamCode)));
             StatList.Add(new NflStat(Season, Week, team.TeamCode, "SacksAllowed", gameSacksAllowed, Opponent(team.TeamCode)));
             StatList.Add(new NflStat(Season, Week, team.TeamCode, "YDrAllowed", gameYDrAllowed, Opponent(team.TeamCode)));
             StatList.Add(new NflStat(Season, Week, team.TeamCode, "YDpAllowed", gameYDpAllowed, Opponent(team.TeamCode)));
             StatList.Add(new NflStat(Season, Week, team.TeamCode, "TDpAllowed", gameTdpAllowed, Opponent(team.TeamCode)));
             StatList.Add(new NflStat(Season, Week, team.TeamCode, "INTs", gameInterceptions, Opponent(team.TeamCode)));
             StatList.Add(new NflStat(Season, Week, team.TeamCode, "INTsThrown", gameInterceptionsThrown, Opponent(team.TeamCode)));
             StatList.Add(new NflStat(Season, Week, team.TeamCode, "FG", gameFg, Opponent(team.TeamCode)));
        public void RdSnippet(NflTeam t)
            FileOut = string.Format("{0}\\RunDef\\RD-{1}.htm", RootPath(t.Season), t.TeamCode);
             var h = new HtmlFile(FileOut,
                                   string.Format(" {2} Run Defense Unit as of {0}  Week {1}",
                                                 DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yy"), Utility.CurrentWeek(), t.NameOut()));

 private static string HeaderRo(NflTeam t)
     return HtmlLib.H2(string.Format("Rushing Unit for {0}", t.NameOut()));
 private static string HeaderPr(NflTeam t)
     return HtmlLib.H2(string.Format("Pass Rush Unit for {0}", t.NameOut()));
 private static string HeaderPp(NflTeam t)
     return HtmlLib.H2(string.Format("Pass Protection Unit for {0}", t.NameOut()));
 private static string Header(NflTeam t)
     return HtmlLib.H2(string.Format("Unit Reports for {0} as of {1}",
     t.NameOut(), DateTime.Now.ToString( "ddd dd MMM yy hh:mm" ) )
 private static string Header(NflTeam t)
     return HtmlLib.H2(string.Format("Free Agents for {0}", t.NameOut()));