public static void Run ()
            var scope = new DebugScope ();
            //scope.UpdatePeriod.Value = 1;

            var accel = new Memsic2125 ();
            accel.XPwmInput.ConnectTo (new DigitalInputPin (Pins.GPIO_PIN_D6).Output);
            accel.YPwmInput.ConnectTo (new DigitalInputPin (Pins.GPIO_PIN_D7).Output);
            scope.ConnectTo (accel.XAccelerationOutput);
            scope.ConnectTo (accel.YAccelerationOutput);

            var compass = new Grove3AxisDigitalCompass ();
            scope.ConnectTo (compass.XGaussOutput);
            scope.ConnectTo (compass.YGaussOutput);
            scope.ConnectTo (compass.ZGaussOutput);

            var a0 = new AnalogInputPin (AnalogChannels.ANALOG_PIN_A0);
            scope.ConnectTo (a0.Analog);

            var sharp = new SharpGP2D12 ();
            a0.Analog.ConnectTo (sharp.AnalogInput);
            scope.ConnectTo (sharp.DistanceOutput);

            var therm = new Thermistor ();
            therm.AnalogInput.ConnectTo (a0.Analog);
            scope.ConnectTo (therm.Temperature);

            var b = new CelsiusToFahrenheit ();
            therm.Temperature.ConnectTo (b.Celsius);
            scope.ConnectTo (b.Fahrenheit);

            var bmp = new Bmp085 ();
            scope.ConnectTo (bmp.Temperature);

            var b2 = new CelsiusToFahrenheit ();
            bmp.Temperature.ConnectTo (b2.Celsius);
            scope.ConnectTo (b2.Fahrenheit);

            for (; ; ) {
                Debug.Print ("Tick");
                Thread.Sleep (1000);
Exemple #2
		public static void Main()
			// A debug scope allows us to listen to a block (in this case the 
			// accelerometer), and automatically write its output to the console.
			DebugScope scope = new DebugScope ();
			scope.UpdatePeriod.Value = .5; // update 2x/second

			// create a new instance of the Memsic2125 class
			Memsic2125 accelerometer = new Memsic2125 ();
			// connect the acceleromter outputs to the output through pins 11 and 12
			accelerometer.XPwmInput.ConnectTo (new DigitalInputPin (Pins.GPIO_PIN_D11).Output);
			accelerometer.YPwmInput.ConnectTo (new DigitalInputPin (Pins.GPIO_PIN_D12).Output);
			// connect our scope the acceleromter output
			scope.ConnectTo (accelerometer.XAccelerationOutput);
			scope.ConnectTo (accelerometer.YAccelerationOutput);

			// keep the program alive
			while (true)
				Debug.Print("Waiting a second.");