/// <summary> /// TCP下写入数据组帧 /// </summary> private byte[] CreateWriteMsg_TCP(InputModule cmdMsg) { byte[] byMsg = null; int nWriteDataIndex = 0; if (cmdMsg.byFuntion >= byWRITE_MULTI_COILS) { byMsg = new byte[10 + cmdMsg.byWriteData.Length + 3]; } else { byMsg = new byte[10 + cmdMsg.byWriteData.Length]; } if (m_nTCPCount++ == 65535) { m_nTCPCount = 0; } //事务标识符 byte[] byCount = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((short)m_nTCPCount)); byMsg[0] = byCount[0]; byMsg[1] = byCount[1]; //协议标识符 byMsg[2] = 0; byMsg[3] = 0; //长度 byte[] byLength = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((short)(byMsg.Length - 6))); byMsg[4] = byLength[0]; byMsg[5] = byLength[1]; byMsg[6] = cmdMsg.bySlaveID; byMsg[7] = cmdMsg.byFuntion; byte[] byAddr = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((short)cmdMsg.nStartAddr)); byMsg[8] = byAddr[0]; byMsg[9] = byAddr[1]; nWriteDataIndex = 9 + 1; if (cmdMsg.byFuntion >= byWRITE_MULTI_COILS) { byte[] _cnt = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((short)cmdMsg.nDataLength)); byMsg[10] = _cnt[0]; // Number of bytes byMsg[11] = _cnt[1]; // Number of bytes byMsg[12] = Convert.ToByte(cmdMsg.byWriteData.Length); nWriteDataIndex = 12 + 1; } Array.Copy(cmdMsg.byWriteData, 0, byMsg, nWriteDataIndex, cmdMsg.byWriteData.Length); //定义接收buffer大小 SetRecvBufSize(ref m_byTCPDataRecv, cmdMsg); return(byMsg); }
private void SetRecvBufSize(ref byte[] byArr, InputModule input) { if (byArr != null) { Array.Clear(byArr, 0, byArr.Length); byArr = null; } int nHead = 20, nCRC = 0; switch (m_nRunMode) { case emCommMode.TCP: nHead = 8; break; case emCommMode.RTU: nHead = 2; nCRC = 2; break; case emCommMode.ASCII: break; default: break; } if ((input.byFuntion == byREAD_COIL) || (input.byFuntion == byREAD_DISCRETE_INPUTS)) { int nCount, nTemp = input.nDataLength; nCount = ((nTemp % 8) == 0) ? (nTemp / 8) : ((nTemp - (nTemp % 8)) / 8 + 1); byArr = new byte[nHead + 1 + nCount + nCRC]; } else if ((input.byFuntion == byREAD_HOLDING_REG) || (input.byFuntion == byREAD_INPUT_REG)) { byArr = new byte[nHead + 1 + input.nDataLength * 2 + nCRC]; } else if ((input.byFuntion == byWRITE_SINGLE_COIL) || (input.byFuntion == byWRITE_MULTI_HOLDING_REG) || (input.byFuntion == byWRITE_MULTI_COILS) || (input.byFuntion == byWRITE_SINGLE_HOLDING_REG)) { byArr = new byte[nHead + 4 + nCRC]; } }
/// <summary> /// RTU方式读取数据组帧 /// </summary> private byte[] CreateReadHeader_RTU(InputModule cmdMsg) { byte[] byMsg = new byte[8]; byMsg[0] = cmdMsg.bySlaveID; byMsg[1] = cmdMsg.byFuntion; byte[] byAddr = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((short)cmdMsg.nStartAddr)); byMsg[2] = byAddr[0]; byMsg[3] = byAddr[1]; byte[] byDataLength = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((short)cmdMsg.nDataLength)); byMsg[4] = byDataLength[0]; byMsg[5] = byDataLength[1]; byte[] CRC = CRC16(byMsg); byMsg[byMsg.Length - 2] = CRC[0]; byMsg[byMsg.Length - 1] = CRC[1]; //定义接收buffer大小 SetRecvBufSize(ref m_byRtuDataRecv, cmdMsg); return(byMsg); }
private void Send(InputModule input) { Thread thd = new Thread(new ThreadStart( delegate { m_output.nStartAddr = input.nStartAddr; m_output.byFuntion = input.byFuntion; bool bReadOrWriteReg; string strException; if ((input.byFuntion == byREAD_COIL) || (input.byFuntion == byREAD_DISCRETE_INPUTS) || (input.byFuntion == byREAD_HOLDING_REG) || (input.byFuntion == byREAD_INPUT_REG)) { bReadOrWriteReg = true; } else if ((input.byFuntion == byWRITE_SINGLE_COIL) || (input.byFuntion == byWRITE_MULTI_HOLDING_REG) || (input.byFuntion == byWRITE_MULTI_COILS) || (input.byFuntion == byWRITE_SINGLE_HOLDING_REG)) { bReadOrWriteReg = false; } else { if (event_MessageText != null) { event_MessageText("检测到不支持的功能码!", emMsgType.Error, 0, 0); } return; } try { switch (m_nRunMode) { case emCommMode.RTU: if (bReadOrWriteReg) { if ((strException = SendMessage_SP(CreateReadHeader_RTU(input))) != null) { if (event_MessageText != null) { event_MessageText(strException, emMsgType.Error, 0, 0); } } } else { if ((strException = SendMessage_SP(CreateWritrHeader_RTU(input))) != null) { if (event_MessageText != null) { event_MessageText(strException, emMsgType.Error, 0, 0); } } } break; case emCommMode.TCP: if (bReadOrWriteReg) { if ((strException = SendMessage_TCP_Sync(CreateReadMsg_TCP(input), Convert.ToInt32(input.byFuntion), input.nStartAddr)) != null) { if (event_MessageText != null) { event_MessageText(strException, emMsgType.Error, 0, 0); } } } else { if ((strException = SendMessage_TCP_Sync(CreateWriteMsg_TCP(input), Convert.ToInt32(input.byFuntion), input.nStartAddr)) != null) { if (event_MessageText != null) { event_MessageText(strException, emMsgType.Error, 0, 0); } } } break; default: break; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { if (event_MessageText != null) { event_MessageText(ex.Message, emMsgType.Error, 0, 0); } } } )); thd.IsBackground = true; thd.Start(); }