Exemple #1
 //inserts the mark info into the table
 public static void SaveMark(Info.MarkInfo info)
     using (IDbConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(connection()))
         //inserts into table
         cnn.Execute("insert into Marks (Test,ActualAnswer,TheirAnswer,Question,StudentId) values (@Test,@ActualAnswer,@TheirAnswer,@Question,@StudentId)", info);
Exemple #2
        protected void BtSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //filling list
            test = SqlMethods.fillTest();
            //assigning variable
            string questionselected = LBQuestions.SelectedItem.ToString();

            //checking what they answered
            if ((bool)RbA.Checked == true)
                answer = 'A';
            if ((bool)RbB.Checked == true)
                answer = 'B';
            if ((bool)RbC.Checked == true)
                answer = 'C';
            if ((bool)RbD.Checked == true)
                answer = 'D';
            //looping through list
            foreach (Info.TestInfo b in test)
                //checking if the questions are the same
                if (questionselected == ("Questions" + b.id.ToString()))
                    //chekcing is the answer they answered was right or wrong
                    if (answer == b.ActualAnswer.ToCharArray()[0])
                        //adding data to variables
                        Test         = b.Test.ToString();
                        ActualAnswer = b.ActualAnswer.ToString();
                        TheirAnswer  = answer.ToString();
                        id           = b.id.ToString();
                        //printing that they where right if that questioin had not been doen before
                        if (isthere == true)
                        //adding data to variables
                        Test         = b.Test.ToString();
                        ActualAnswer = b.ActualAnswer.ToString();
                        TheirAnswer  = answer.ToString();
                        id           = b.id.ToString();
                        //printing that they where wrong if that questioin had not been doen before
                        if (isthere == true)
            //adding answers and other info to objects
            Info.MarkInfo m = new Info.MarkInfo();
            m.Test         = Test;
            m.ActualAnswer = ActualAnswer;
            m.TheirAnswer  = TheirAnswer;
            m.Question     = "Question" + id;

            //filling list
            marks = SqlMethods.fillMarks();
            //looping through list
            foreach (Info.MarkInfo h in marks)
                //checking is the person has answered this question before
                if (h.StudentId == Session["id"])
                { //checking iff match
                    if (h.Question == "Question" + id)
                        isthere = true;
            if (isthere == true)
                //saying that they have answered that question before
                LBQuestions.SelectedIndex = LBQuestions.SelectedIndex + 1;
                //print out

                isthere = false;
                //saves info to DB