public void Draw(Graphics g) { Camera.cameraMatrix.Transform(arrayNet); Camera.cameraMatrix.Transform(array); Camera.cameraMatrix.Transform(arrayOutline); Camera.cameraMatrix.Transform(arrayLine); Point[] netArray = Camera.Transform(arrayNet); Point[] canvasArray = Camera.Transform(array); Point[] canvasOutline = Camera.Transform(arrayOutline); Point[] lineArray = Camera.Transform(arrayLine); if (childBall.zIndex == 0) //if behind enemy paddle { childBall.Draw(g); } //draw enemy paddle opponentPaddle.Draw(g); if (childBall.zIndex == 1) //if between table and enemy paddle { childBall.Draw(g); } //draw table g.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, canvasOutline); g.FillPolygon(Brushes.Blue, canvasArray); g.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, lineArray); if (childBall.zIndex == 2) //if after net { childBall.Draw(g); } //draw net g.FillPolygon(new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.SmallGrid, Color.White, Color.Blue), netArray); g.DrawPolygon(new Pen(Color.White, 2), netArray); if (childBall.zIndex == 3) // if before net { childBall.Draw(g); } // draw paddle ourPaddle.Draw(g); if (childBall.zIndex == 4) //if before paddle { childBall.Draw(g); } fillArrays(); //reset the transformed arrays }
public static void Run() { //on startup SetWindowSize(); SetColor(); Showbanner(); Player.SetInitialPositon(player1); Player.SetInitialPositon(player2); Ball.SetInitialPoisition(ball); bool end = false; while (end == false) { //game Player.Move(player1, ball); Player.Move(player2, ball); Ball.Move(ball, player1, player2); Console.Clear(); Player.DrawPosition1(player1); Player.DrawPosition2(player2); Ball.Draw(ball); Player.PrintScore(player1, player2); SlowDown(); end = Outcome.Determine(player1, player2); } }
protected override void Draw() { _player1.Draw(); _player2.Draw(); _ball.Draw(); base.Draw(); _gameField.PrintScore(String.Format("Player1 {0} : {1} Player2", _score1, _score2)); }
private void timer2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { leftPad.Draw(); rightPad.Draw(); ball.ClearDraw(); ball.Move(leftPad, rightPad); ball.Draw(); }
private void Form1_Paint(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e) { Graphics g = e.Graphics; g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 0, 0, this.ClientRectangle.Width, this.ClientRectangle.Height); TheScore.Draw(g); TheScore2.Draw(g); ThePaddle.Draw(g); ThePaddle2.Draw(g); TheBall.Draw(g); if (Brick1.Visible == true) { Brick1.Draw(g); } if (Brick2.Visible == true) { Brick2.Draw(g); } if (Brick3.Visible == true) { Brick3.Draw(g); } if (Brick4.Visible == true) { Brick4.Draw(g); } if (Brick5.Visible == true) { Brick5.Draw(g); } if (Brick6.Visible == true) { Brick6.Draw(g); } if (Brick7.Visible == true) { Brick7.Draw(g); } if (Brick8.Visible == true) { Brick8.Draw(g); } if (Brick9.Visible == true) { Brick9.Draw(g); } if (Brick10.Visible == true) { Brick10.Draw(g); } }
public void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { gfx.Clear(Color.LightBlue); paddle1.draw(gfx); paddle2.draw(gfx); ball.Draw(gfx); if ( { ball.Move(ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height, paddle1, paddle2); } if (paddle1.drawHitBox == true && paddle2.drawHitBox == true) { //paddle1 hitbox gfx.DrawRectangle(bluePen, paddle1.hitbox.X, paddle1.hitbox.Y, paddle1.hitbox.Width, paddle1.hitbox.Height); //paddle2 hitbox right gfx.DrawRectangle(bluePen, paddle2.hitbox.X, paddle2.hitbox.Y, paddle2.hitbox.Width, paddle2.hitbox.Height); } if (bot) { if (ball.y < ClientSize.Height - 100 && ball.y > 5) { paddle2.y = ball.hitbox.Y; paddle2.hitbox.Y = paddle2.y; } } greenPen.DashPattern = new float[] { 4.0F, 2.0F, 1.0F, 3.0F }; // Draw a line. gfx.DrawLine(greenPen, ball.left, 0, paddle1.x - 40, ClientSize.Height); gfx.DrawLine(greenPen, ball.right, 0, ball.right, ClientSize.Height); // Change the SmoothingMode to none. gfx.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.None; drawText(gfx, "Rally: " + ball.rally, 48, 296, 9); drawText(gfx, "Paddle 1: " + ball.score1, 20, 23, 37); drawText(gfx, "Paddle 2: " + ball.score2, 20, 707, 37); if (ball.x <= ball.left) { //if ball is on left wall, point to right player ball.rally = 0; Console.Beep(300, 500); = false; ball.score2++; paddle1.y = ClientSize.Height / 2; paddle2.y = ClientSize.Height / 2; ball.x = ClientSize.Width / 2; ball.y = ClientSize.Height / 2; if (ball.score2 == 3) { MessageBox.Show("Player 2 Won!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Player 2 Won 1 Point"); } paddle1.hitbox.Y = paddle1.y; paddle2.hitbox.Y = paddle2.y; = true; } if (ball.x >= ball.right) { //if ball is on right wall, point is to left player ball.rally = 0; Console.Beep(300, 500); = false; ball.score1++; paddle1.y = ClientSize.Height / 2; paddle2.y = ClientSize.Height / 2; ball.x = ClientSize.Width / 2; ball.y = ClientSize.Height / 2; if (ball.score1 == 3) { timer1.Enabled = false; MessageBox.Show("Player 1 Won!"); ball.x = ClientSize.Width / 2; ball.y = ClientSize.Height / 2; paddle1.y = ClientSize.Height / 2; paddle2.y = ClientSize.Height / 2; ball.score1 = 0; ball.score2 = 0; ball.rally = 0; timer1.Enabled = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("Player 1 Won 1 Point"); } paddle1.hitbox.Y = paddle1.y; paddle2.hitbox.Y = paddle2.y; = true; } if (ball.score2 == 3) { timer1.Enabled = false; MessageBox.Show("Player 2 Won!"); ball.x = ClientSize.Width / 2; ball.y = ClientSize.Height / 2; paddle1.y = ClientSize.Height / 2; paddle2.y = ClientSize.Height / 2; ball.score1 = 0; ball.score2 = 0; ball.rally = 0; timer1.Enabled = true; } }