public bool GetPortal(NavMeshNode other, List <Int3> left, List <Int3> right) { int first = -1; int acount = 3; int bcount = 3; // find the shared edge for (int a = 0; a < acount; a++) { var va = GetVertex(a); var va2 = GetVertex((a + 1) % acount); for (int b = 0; b < bcount; b++) { if (va == other.GetVertex((b + 1) % bcount) && va2 == other.GetVertex(b)) { first = a; a = acount; // to stop the outer loop break; } } } if (first != -1) { //All triangles should be clockwise so second is the rightmost vertex (seen from this node) left.Add(GetVertex(first)); right.Add(GetVertex((first + 1) % acount)); return(true); } return(false); }
protected override int CalCostH(ProcessingNode node, AStarContext context) { float heuristicScale = 1.0f; NavMeshNode calNode = node.astarNode as NavMeshNode; NavMeshNode targetNode = context.GetTargetNode().astarNode as NavMeshNode; int dist = (calNode.position - targetNode.position).costMagnitude; return(UnityEngine.Mathf.RoundToInt(dist * heuristicScale)); }
static bool NodeIntersectsCircle(NavMeshNode node, Int3 p, int radius) { if (float.IsPositiveInfinity(radius)) { return(true); } /** \bug Is not correct on the Y axis */ return((p - node.ClosestPointOnNode(p)).sqrMagnitude < radius * radius); }
int GetBox(NavMeshNode node, IntRect bounds) { if (count >= arr.Length) { EnsureCapacity(count + 1); } arr[count] = new BBTreeBox(node, bounds); count++; return(count - 1); }
public override void Init(INavData data) { navData = data as NavMeshData; for (int i = 0; i < navData.nodes.Length; i++) { NavMeshNode node = navData.nodes[i] as NavMeshNode; AddNode(node); } bbTree.RebuildFrom(navData.nodes); }
public static void Optimize(ref List <AStarNode> path, ref List <Int3> vectorPath) { if (path == null || path.Count == 0 || vectorPath == null || vectorPath.Count != path.Count) { return; } funnelPath.Clear(); left.Clear(); right.Clear(); // Add start point left.Add(vectorPath[0]); right.Add(vectorPath[0]); for (int i = 0; i < path.Count - 1; i++) { NavMeshNode node0 = path[i] as NavMeshNode; NavMeshNode node1 = path[i + 1] as NavMeshNode; // Get the portal between path[i] and path[i+1] and add it to the left and right lists bool portalWasAdded = node0.GetPortal(node1, left, right); if (!portalWasAdded) { // Fallback, just use the positions of the nodes left.Add(node0.position); right.Add(node0.position); left.Add(node1.position); right.Add(node1.position); } } // Add end point left.Add(vectorPath[vectorPath.Count - 1]); right.Add(vectorPath[vectorPath.Count - 1]); if (!RunFunnel(left, right, funnelPath)) { // If funnel algorithm failed, degrade to simple line funnelPath.Add(vectorPath[0]); funnelPath.Add(vectorPath[vectorPath.Count - 1]); } vectorPath.Clear(); vectorPath.AddRange(funnelPath); left.Clear(); right.Clear(); }
private void FindPath(ProcessingNode start, ProcessingNode end, AStarContext context) { ProcessingNode endNode = DoAStar(context); context.rawPathNodeCache.Clear(); context.rawPathPoints.Clear(); ProcessingNode pathNode = endNode; while (pathNode != null) { NavMeshNode navNode = pathNode.astarNode as NavMeshNode; context.rawPathNodeCache.Add(navNode); context.rawPathPoints.Add(navNode.position); pathNode = pathNode.prev; } }
/// <summary> /// calculate tactical G /// </summary> private int TacticalCost(NavMeshNode prevNode, NavMeshNode currentNode, AStarContext context) { int distCost = prevNode.GetConnectionCost(; int tacCost = 0; PathFindingRequest request = context.Request as PathFindingRequest; // doer's team TwGame.Team team = (TwGame.Team)request.extend1; switch (team) { case TwGame.Team.Neutral: tacCost = 0; break; case TwGame.Team.Team_1: case TwGame.Team.Team_2: { int MaxInfluence = TwGame.ComInfluenceMap.MaxTeamStrengthValue; int cur = TwGame.AIUtil.GetTeamStrength(currentNode.position, team); int pre = TwGame.AIUtil.GetTeamStrength(prevNode.position, team); // avarage influence between current node's position and previous node's position. int infl = (cur + pre) >> 1; if (infl > 0) { tacCost = System.Math.Max(-distCost + 1, -distCost * infl / MaxInfluence); } else if (infl < 0) { tacCost = -distCost * infl / MaxInfluence * 2; } } break; } return(distCost + tacCost); }
public NavMeshNode GetNeighborByEdge(int edge, out int otherEdge) { otherEdge = -1; if (((edge < 0) || (edge > 2)) || (this.connections == null)) { return(null); } Int3 vertex0 = this.GetVertex(edge % 3); Int3 vertex1 = this.GetVertex((edge + 1) % 3); for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { NavMeshNode node2 = graph.GetNode(connections[i]) as NavMeshNode; if (node2 != null) { if ((node2.v1 == vertex0) && (node2.v0 == vertex1)) { otherEdge = 0; } else if ((node2.v2 == vertex0) && (node2.v1 == vertex1)) { otherEdge = 1; } else if ((node2.v0 == vertex0) && (node2.v2 == vertex1)) { otherEdge = 2; } if (otherEdge != -1) { return(node2); } } } return(null); }
public BBTreeBox(NavMeshNode node, IntRect rect) { this.node = node; this.rect = rect; left = right = -1; }
public BBTreeBox(IntRect rect) { node = null; this.rect = rect; left = right = -1; }
public override void OnDrawGizmosSelected(Transform transform) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (navmeshMaterial == null) { navmeshMaterial = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(editorAssets + "/Materials/Navmesh.mat"); if (navmeshMaterial == null) { editorAssets = "Assets/Scripts/PathFinding/Editor/EditorAssets"; navmeshMaterial = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(editorAssets + "/Materials/Navmesh.mat"); } if (navmeshMaterial == null) { editorAssets = "Assets/Editor/PathFinding/EditorAssets"; navmeshMaterial = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(editorAssets + "/Materials/Navmesh.mat"); } //navmeshOutlineMaterial = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Material>(editorAssets + "/Materials/NavmeshOutline.mat"); } #endif Matrix4x4 defaultMatrix = Gizmos.matrix; Gizmos.matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix; Color defaultColor = Gizmos.color; // begin draw if (ShowOutline) { NavMeshNode[] nodes = this.nodes; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { NavMeshNode node = nodes[i] as NavMeshNode; float a1 = VectorMath.SignedTriangleAreaTimes2XZ((Vector3)node.v0, (Vector3)node.v1, (Vector3)node.v2); long a2 = VectorMath.SignedTriangleAreaTimes2XZ(node.v0, node.v1, node.v2); if (a1 * a2 < 0) { Debug.LogError(a1 + " " + a2); } Vector3 up = Vector3.up * 0.01f; if (VectorMath.IsClockwiseXZ(node.v0, node.v1, node.v2)) { Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)node.v0, up + (Vector3)node.v1, lineColor); Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)node.v1, up + (Vector3)node.v2, lineColor); Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)node.v2, up + (Vector3)node.v0, lineColor); } else { Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)node.v0, up + (Vector3)node.v1,; Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)node.v1, up + (Vector3)node.v2,; Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)node.v2, up + (Vector3)node.v0,; } } } UpdateGizmoMeshes(); if (ShowMesh) { for (int pass = 0; pass <= 2; pass++) { if (navmeshMaterial != null) { navmeshMaterial.SetPass(pass); } for (int i = 0; i < gizmoMeshes.Count; i++) { Graphics.DrawMeshNow(gizmoMeshes[i].surfaceMesh, Matrix4x4.identity); } } } /*for (int i = 0; i < insertPoints.Count; i+=3) * { * Debug.DrawLine(Vector3.up + (Vector3)insertPoints[i], Vector3.up + (Vector3)insertPoints[i + 1],; * Debug.DrawLine(Vector3.up + (Vector3)insertPoints[i + 1], Vector3.up + (Vector3)insertPoints[i + 2],; * Debug.DrawLine(Vector3.up + (Vector3)insertPoints[i + 2], Vector3.up + (Vector3)insertPoints[i],; * }*/ // end draw Gizmos.color = defaultColor; Gizmos.matrix = defaultMatrix; }
void GenerateNodes(int[] triangles, Int3[] vertices) { UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("Constructing Nodes"); nodes = new NavMeshNode[triangles.Length / 3]; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { nodes[i] = new NavMeshNode(i); NavMeshNode node = nodes[i]; node.Penalty = initialPenalty; node.Walkable = true; node.v0 = vertices[triangles[i * 3]]; node.v1 = vertices[triangles[i * 3 + 1]]; node.v2 = vertices[triangles[i * 3 + 2]]; if (!VectorMath.IsClockwiseXZ(node.v0, node.v1, node.v2)) { Int3 tmp = node.v0; node.v0 = node.v2; node.v2 = tmp; } if (VectorMath.IsColinearXZ(node.v0, node.v1, node.v2)) { Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)node.v0, (Vector3)node.v1,; Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)node.v1, (Vector3)node.v2,; Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)node.v2, (Vector3)node.v0,; } // Make sure position is correctly set node.UpdatePositionFromVertices(); } UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample(); var sides = new Dictionary <Int2, NavMeshNode>(); for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < triangles.Length; j += 1, i += 3) { sides[new Int2(triangles[i + 0], triangles[i + 1])] = nodes[j]; sides[new Int2(triangles[i + 1], triangles[i + 2])] = nodes[j]; sides[new Int2(triangles[i + 2], triangles[i + 0])] = nodes[j]; } UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("Connecting Nodes"); var connections = new List <int>(); var connectionCosts = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < triangles.Length; j += 1, i += 3) { connections.Clear(); connectionCosts.Clear(); NavMeshNode node = nodes[j]; for (int q = 0; q < 3; q++) { NavMeshNode other; if (sides.TryGetValue(new Int2(triangles[i + ((q + 1) % 3)], triangles[i + q]), out other)) { connections.Add(; connectionCosts.Add((node.position - other.position).costMagnitude); } } node.connections = connections.ToArray(); node.connectionCosts = connectionCosts.ToArray(); } UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample(); UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("Rebuilding BBTree"); //RebuildBBTree(this); UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample(); //Debug.Log("Node Count " + nodes.Length); }
static Int3 ClosestPointOnNode(NavMeshNode node, Int3 pos) { return(Polygon.ClosestPointOnTriangle(node.v0, node.v1, node.v2, pos)); }
public override bool LineCastForMoving(ref HitInfo hit, MoveType mov) { Int3 from = hit.from; Int3 to =; hit.hitPosition = from; if (trace != null) { trace.Clear(); } Int3 end = to; Int3 origin = from; if (origin == end) { hit.hitPosition = from; return(false); } NavMeshNode node = GetNearest(from, NNConstraint.None).node; if (node == null) { Debug.LogError("Could not find a valid node to start from"); hit.hitPosition = from; return(true); } origin = node.ClosestPointOnNode(origin); List <Int3> left = Util.ListPool <Int3> .Claim(); List <Int3> right = Util.ListPool <Int3> .Claim(); int counter = 0; while (true) { counter++; if (counter > 2000) { Debug.LogError("Linecast was stuck in infinite loop. Breaking."); Util.ListPool <Int3> .Release(left); Util.ListPool <Int3> .Release(right); return(true); } NavMeshNode newNode = null; if (trace != null) { trace.Add(node); } if (node.ContainsPoint(end)) { hit.hitPosition = to; Util.ListPool <Int3> .Release(left); Util.ListPool <Int3> .Release(right); return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < node.connections.Length; i++) { left.Clear(); right.Clear(); NavMeshNode other = GetNode(node.connections[i]) as NavMeshNode; if (!node.GetPortal(other, left, right)) { continue; } Int3 a = left[0]; Int3 b = right[0]; //i.e Left or colinear if (!VectorMath.RightXZ(a, b, origin)) { if (VectorMath.RightXZ(a, b, end)) { //Since polygons are laid out in clockwise order, the ray would intersect (if intersecting) this edge going in to the node, not going out from it continue; } } float factor1, factor2; if (VectorMath.LineIntersectionFactorXZ(a, b, origin, end, out factor1, out factor2)) { //Intersection behind the start if (factor2 < 0) { continue; } if (factor1 >= 0 && factor1 <= 1) { newNode = other; break; } } } if (newNode == null) { //Possible edge hit int vs = node.GetVertexCount(); for (int i = 0; i < vs; i++) { var a = node.GetVertex(i); var b = node.GetVertex((i + 1) % vs); //i.e left or colinear if (!VectorMath.RightXZ(a, b, origin)) { //Since polygons are laid out in clockwise order, the ray would intersect (if intersecting) this edge going in to the node, not going out from it if (VectorMath.RightXZ(a, b, end)) { //Since polygons are laid out in clockwise order, the ray would intersect (if intersecting) this edge going in to the node, not going out from it continue; } } float factor1, factor2; if (VectorMath.LineIntersectionFactorXZ(a, b, origin, end, out factor1, out factor2)) { if (factor2 < 0) { continue; } if (factor1 >= 0 && factor1 <= 1) { Vector3 intersectionPoint = (Vector3)a + (Vector3)(b - a) * factor1; hit.hitPosition = new Int3(intersectionPoint); Util.ListPool <Int3> .Release(left); Util.ListPool <Int3> .Release(right); return(true); } } } //Ok, this is wrong... Debug.LogWarning("Linecast failing because point not inside node, and line does not hit any edges of it"); Util.ListPool <Int3> .Release(left); Util.ListPool <Int3> .Release(right); return(false); } node = newNode; } }