Exemple #1
        private void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
            if (this.NetworkStream != null)
                try {
                    int iBytesRead = this.NetworkStream.EndRead(ar);

                    if (iBytesRead > 0)
                        // Create or resize our packet stream to hold the new data.
                        if (this.PacketStream == null)
                            this.PacketStream = new byte[iBytesRead];
                            Array.Resize(ref this.PacketStream, this.PacketStream.Length + iBytesRead);

                        Array.Copy(this.ReceivedBuffer, 0, this.PacketStream, this.PacketStream.Length - iBytesRead, iBytesRead);

                        UInt32 ui32PacketSize = Packet.DecodePacketSize(this.PacketStream);

                        while (this.PacketStream != null && this.PacketStream.Length >= ui32PacketSize && this.PacketStream.Length > Packet.PacketHeaderSize)
                            // Copy the complete packet from the beginning of the stream.
                            byte[] completePacket = new byte[ui32PacketSize];
                            Array.Copy(this.PacketStream, completePacket, ui32PacketSize);

                            Packet packet = new Packet(completePacket);
                            //cbfConnection.m_ui32SequenceNumber = Math.Max(cbfConnection.m_ui32SequenceNumber, cpCompletePacket.SequenceNumber) + 1;

                            // Dispatch the completed packet.
                            try {
                                bool isProcessed = false;

                                if (this.BeforePacketDispatch != null)
                                    this.BeforePacketDispatch(this, packet, out isProcessed);

                                if (this.PacketReceived != null)
                                    this.LastPacketReceived = packet;

                                    FrostbiteConnection.RaiseEvent(this.PacketReceived.GetInvocationList(), this, isProcessed, packet);

                                if (packet.OriginatedFromServer == true && packet.IsResponse == false)
                                    this.SendAsync(new Packet(true, true, packet.SequenceNumber, "OK"));

                                Packet cpNextPacket = null;
                                if (this.QueueUnqueuePacket(false, packet, out cpNextPacket) == true)

                                // Shutdown if we're just waiting for a response to an old packet.
                            catch (Exception e) {
                                Packet cpRequest = this.GetRequestPacket(packet);

                                if (cpRequest != null)
                                    LogError(packet.ToDebugString(), cpRequest.ToDebugString(), e);
                                    LogError(packet.ToDebugString(), String.Empty, e);

                                // Now try to recover..
                                Packet cpNextPacket = null;
                                if (this.QueueUnqueuePacket(false, packet, out cpNextPacket) == true)

                                // Shutdown if we're just waiting for a response to an old packet.

                            // Now remove the completed packet from the beginning of the stream
                            if (this.PacketStream != null)
                                byte[] updatedSteam = new byte[this.PacketStream.Length - ui32PacketSize];
                                Array.Copy(this.PacketStream, ui32PacketSize, updatedSteam, 0, this.PacketStream.Length - ui32PacketSize);
                                this.PacketStream = updatedSteam;

                                ui32PacketSize = Packet.DecodePacketSize(this.PacketStream);

                        // If we've recieved the maxmimum garbage, scrap it all and shutdown the connection.
                        // We went really wrong somewhere =)
                        if (this.ReceivedBuffer.Length >= FrostbiteConnection.MaxGarbageBytes)
                            this.ReceivedBuffer = null; // GC.collect()
                            this.Shutdown(new Exception("Exceeded maximum garbage packet"));

                        if (this.NetworkStream != null)
                            this.NetworkStream.BeginRead(this.ReceivedBuffer, 0, this.ReceivedBuffer.Length, this.ReceiveCallback, this);
                    else if (iBytesRead == 0)
                catch (SocketException se) {
                catch (Exception e) {
Exemple #2
        private void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
            try {
                int iBytesRead = this.m_nwsStream.EndRead(ar);

                if (iBytesRead > 0)
                    // Create or resize our packet stream to hold the new data.
                    if (this.a_bPacketStream == null)
                        this.a_bPacketStream = new byte[iBytesRead];
                        Array.Resize(ref this.a_bPacketStream, this.a_bPacketStream.Length + iBytesRead);

                    Array.Copy(this.a_bReceivedBuffer, 0, this.a_bPacketStream, this.a_bPacketStream.Length - iBytesRead, iBytesRead);

                    UInt32 ui32PacketSize = Packet.DecodePacketSize(this.a_bPacketStream);

                    while (this.a_bPacketStream.Length >= ui32PacketSize &&
                           this.a_bPacketStream.Length > Packet.INT_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE)
                        // Copy the complete packet from the beginning of the stream.
                        byte[] a_bCompletePacket = new byte[ui32PacketSize];
                        Array.Copy(this.a_bPacketStream, a_bCompletePacket, ui32PacketSize);

                        Packet cpCompletePacket = new Packet(a_bCompletePacket);
                        //cbfConnection.m_ui32SequenceNumber = Math.Max(cbfConnection.m_ui32SequenceNumber, cpCompletePacket.SequenceNumber) + 1;

                        // Dispatch the completed packet.
                        try {
                            bool isProcessed = false;

                            if (this.BeforePacketDispatch != null)
                                this.BeforePacketDispatch(this, cpCompletePacket, out isProcessed);

                            if (this.PacketReceived != null)
                                FrostbiteConnection.RaiseEvent(this.PacketReceived.GetInvocationList(), this, isProcessed, cpCompletePacket);

                            if (cpCompletePacket.OriginatedFromServer == true && cpCompletePacket.IsResponse == false)
                                this.SendAsync(new Packet(true, true, cpCompletePacket.SequenceNumber, "OK"));

                            Packet cpNextPacket = null;
                            if (this.QueueUnqueuePacket(false, cpCompletePacket, out cpNextPacket) == true)
                        catch (Exception e) {
                            Packet cpRequest = this.GetRequestPacket(cpCompletePacket);

                            if (cpRequest != null)
                                LogError(cpCompletePacket.ToDebugString(), cpRequest.ToDebugString(), e);
                                LogError(cpCompletePacket.ToDebugString(), String.Empty, e);

                            // Now try to recover..
                            Packet cpNextPacket = null;
                            if (this.QueueUnqueuePacket(false, cpCompletePacket, out cpNextPacket) == true)

                        // Now remove the completed packet from the beginning of the stream
                        byte[] a_bUpdatedSteam = new byte[this.a_bPacketStream.Length - ui32PacketSize];
                        Array.Copy(this.a_bPacketStream, ui32PacketSize, a_bUpdatedSteam, 0, this.a_bPacketStream.Length - ui32PacketSize);
                        this.a_bPacketStream = a_bUpdatedSteam;

                        ui32PacketSize = Packet.DecodePacketSize(this.a_bPacketStream);

                    // If we've recieved the maxmimum garbage, scrap it all and shutdown the connection.
                    // We went really wrong somewhere =)
                    if (this.a_bReceivedBuffer.Length >= FrostbiteConnection.MAX_GARBAGE_BYTES)
                        this.a_bReceivedBuffer = null; // GC.collect()
                        this.Shutdown(new Exception("Exceeded maximum garbage packet"));

                if (iBytesRead == 0)

                if (this.m_nwsStream != null)
                    IAsyncResult result = this.m_nwsStream.BeginRead(this.a_bReceivedBuffer, 0, this.a_bReceivedBuffer.Length, this.ReceiveCallback, this);

                    if (result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(180000, false) == false)
                        //if (this.ConnectionFailure != null) {
                        //    FrostbiteConnection.RaiseEvent(this.ConnectionFailure.GetInvocationList(), this, new Exception("Events connection has timed out after two minutes without data."));

                        this.Shutdown(new Exception("Events connection has timed out after two minutes without data."));
            catch (SocketException se) {
            catch (Exception e) {
        private void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult ar) {
            try {
                int iBytesRead = this.m_nwsStream.EndRead(ar);

                if (iBytesRead > 0) {

                    // Create or resize our packet stream to hold the new data.
                    if (this.a_bPacketStream == null) {
                        this.a_bPacketStream = new byte[iBytesRead];
                    else {
                        Array.Resize(ref this.a_bPacketStream, this.a_bPacketStream.Length + iBytesRead);

                    Array.Copy(this.a_bReceivedBuffer, 0, this.a_bPacketStream, this.a_bPacketStream.Length - iBytesRead, iBytesRead);

                    UInt32 ui32PacketSize = Packet.DecodePacketSize(this.a_bPacketStream);

                    while (this.a_bPacketStream.Length >= ui32PacketSize
                        && this.a_bPacketStream.Length > Packet.INT_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE) {

                        // Copy the complete packet from the beginning of the stream.
                        byte[] a_bCompletePacket = new byte[ui32PacketSize];
                        Array.Copy(this.a_bPacketStream, a_bCompletePacket, ui32PacketSize);

                        Packet cpCompletePacket = new Packet(a_bCompletePacket);
                        //cbfConnection.m_ui32SequenceNumber = Math.Max(cbfConnection.m_ui32SequenceNumber, cpCompletePacket.SequenceNumber) + 1;

                        // Dispatch the completed packet.
                        try {
                            bool isProcessed = false;

                            if (this.BeforePacketDispatch != null) {
                                this.BeforePacketDispatch(this, cpCompletePacket, out isProcessed);

                            if (this.PacketReceived != null) {
                                FrostbiteConnection.RaiseEvent(this.PacketReceived.GetInvocationList(), this, isProcessed, cpCompletePacket);

                            if (cpCompletePacket.OriginatedFromServer == true && cpCompletePacket.IsResponse == false) {
                                this.SendAsync(new Packet(true, true, cpCompletePacket.SequenceNumber, "OK"));

                            Packet cpNextPacket = null;
                            if (this.QueueUnqueuePacket(false, cpCompletePacket, out cpNextPacket) == true) {
                        catch (Exception e) {

                            Packet cpRequest = this.GetRequestPacket(cpCompletePacket);

                            if (cpRequest != null) {
                                LogError(cpCompletePacket.ToDebugString(), cpRequest.ToDebugString(), e);
                            else {
                                LogError(cpCompletePacket.ToDebugString(), String.Empty, e);

                            // Now try to recover..
                            Packet cpNextPacket = null;
                            if (this.QueueUnqueuePacket(false, cpCompletePacket, out cpNextPacket) == true) {
                        // Now remove the completed packet from the beginning of the stream
                        byte[] a_bUpdatedSteam = new byte[this.a_bPacketStream.Length - ui32PacketSize];
                        Array.Copy(this.a_bPacketStream, ui32PacketSize, a_bUpdatedSteam, 0, this.a_bPacketStream.Length - ui32PacketSize);
                        this.a_bPacketStream = a_bUpdatedSteam;

                        ui32PacketSize = Packet.DecodePacketSize(this.a_bPacketStream);

                    // If we've recieved the maxmimum garbage, scrap it all and shutdown the connection.
                    // We went really wrong somewhere =)
                    if (this.a_bReceivedBuffer.Length >= FrostbiteConnection.MAX_GARBAGE_BYTES) {
                        this.a_bReceivedBuffer = null; // GC.collect()
                        this.Shutdown(new Exception("Exceeded maximum garbage packet"));

                if (iBytesRead == 0) {

                if (this.m_nwsStream != null) {

                    IAsyncResult result = this.m_nwsStream.BeginRead(this.a_bReceivedBuffer, 0, this.a_bReceivedBuffer.Length, this.ReceiveCallback, this);

                    if (result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(180000, false) == false) {
                        //if (this.ConnectionFailure != null) {
                        //    FrostbiteConnection.RaiseEvent(this.ConnectionFailure.GetInvocationList(), this, new Exception("Events connection has timed out after two minutes without data."));

                        this.Shutdown(new Exception("Events connection has timed out after two minutes without data."));
            catch (SocketException se) {
            catch (Exception e) {
        private void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult ar) {
            if (this.NetworkStream != null) {
                try {
                    int iBytesRead = this.NetworkStream.EndRead(ar);

                    if (iBytesRead > 0) {

                        // Create or resize our packet stream to hold the new data.
                        if (this.PacketStream == null) {
                            this.PacketStream = new byte[iBytesRead];
                        else {
                            Array.Resize(ref this.PacketStream, this.PacketStream.Length + iBytesRead);

                        Array.Copy(this.ReceivedBuffer, 0, this.PacketStream, this.PacketStream.Length - iBytesRead, iBytesRead);

                        UInt32 ui32PacketSize = Packet.DecodePacketSize(this.PacketStream);

                        while (this.PacketStream != null && this.PacketStream.Length >= ui32PacketSize && this.PacketStream.Length > Packet.PacketHeaderSize) {

                            // Copy the complete packet from the beginning of the stream.
                            byte[] completePacket = new byte[ui32PacketSize];
                            Array.Copy(this.PacketStream, completePacket, ui32PacketSize);

                            Packet packet = new Packet(completePacket);
                            //cbfConnection.m_ui32SequenceNumber = Math.Max(cbfConnection.m_ui32SequenceNumber, cpCompletePacket.SequenceNumber) + 1;

                            // Dispatch the completed packet.
                            try {
                                bool isProcessed = false;

                                if (this.BeforePacketDispatch != null) {
                                    this.BeforePacketDispatch(this, packet, out isProcessed);

                                if (this.PacketReceived != null) {
                                    this.LastPacketReceived = packet;


                                    this.PacketReceived(this, isProcessed, packet);

                                if (packet.OriginatedFromServer == true && packet.IsResponse == false) {
                                    this.SendAsync(new Packet(true, true, packet.SequenceNumber, "OK"));

                                Packet cpNextPacket = null;
                                if (this.QueueUnqueuePacket(false, packet, out cpNextPacket) == true) {

                                // Shutdown if we're just waiting for a response to an old packet.
                            catch (Exception e) {

                                Packet cpRequest = this.GetRequestPacket(packet);

                                if (cpRequest != null) {
                                    LogError(packet.ToDebugString(), cpRequest.ToDebugString(), e);
                                else {
                                    LogError(packet.ToDebugString(), String.Empty, e);

                                // Now try to recover..
                                Packet cpNextPacket = null;
                                if (this.QueueUnqueuePacket(false, packet, out cpNextPacket) == true) {

                                // Shutdown if we're just waiting for a response to an old packet.

                            // Now remove the completed packet from the beginning of the stream
                            if (this.PacketStream != null) {
                                byte[] updatedSteam = new byte[this.PacketStream.Length - ui32PacketSize];
                                Array.Copy(this.PacketStream, ui32PacketSize, updatedSteam, 0, this.PacketStream.Length - ui32PacketSize);
                                this.PacketStream = updatedSteam;

                                ui32PacketSize = Packet.DecodePacketSize(this.PacketStream);

                        // If we've recieved the maxmimum garbage, scrap it all and shutdown the connection.
                        // We went really wrong somewhere =)
                        if (this.ReceivedBuffer.Length >= FrostbiteConnection.MaxGarbageBytes) {
                            this.ReceivedBuffer = null; // GC.collect()
                            this.Shutdown(new Exception("Exceeded maximum garbage packet"));

                        if (this.NetworkStream != null) {
                            this.NetworkStream.BeginRead(this.ReceivedBuffer, 0, this.ReceivedBuffer.Length, this.ReceiveCallback, this);
                    else if (iBytesRead == 0) {
                catch (SocketException se) {
                catch (Exception e) {
        protected static string GetDebugPacket(string connectionPrefix, string packetColour, Packet packet, Packet requestPacket) {
            string debugString = String.Empty;

            try {
                debugString = string.Format("{0,10}: {1,-12} S: {2,-6} {3}{4}", connectionPrefix, GetRequestResponseColour(packet), packet.SequenceNumber, packetColour, packet.ToDebugString().Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", ""));

                if (requestPacket != null) {
                    debugString = String.Format("{0} ^0(RE: ^2{1}^0)", debugString, requestPacket.ToDebugString().TrimEnd('\r', '\n'));

                debugString = debugString.Replace("{", "{{").Replace("}", "}}");
            catch (Exception e) {
                FrostbiteConnection.LogError(String.Join(", ", new[] { connectionPrefix, packetColour, packet.ToString(), requestPacket != null ? requestPacket.ToString() : "" }), "", e);
                debugString = "";

            return debugString;
Exemple #6
        protected static string GetDebugPacket(string connectionPrefix, string packetColour, Packet packet, Packet requestPacket) {
            string debugString = String.Empty;

            debugString = string.Format("{0,10}: {1,-12} S: {2,-6} {3}{4}", connectionPrefix, GetRequestResponseColour(packet), packet.SequenceNumber, packetColour, packet.ToDebugString().Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", ""));

            if (requestPacket != null) {
                debugString = String.Format("{0} ^0(RE: ^2{1}^0)", debugString, requestPacket.ToDebugString().TrimEnd('\r', '\n'));

            debugString = debugString.Replace("{", "{{").Replace("}", "}}");

            return debugString;