public char SegTriInt(tPointi T, tPointi q, tPointi r, tPointd p)
            char code = '?';

            m = -1;

            code = SegPlaneInt(T, q, r, p, m);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("****M is now after segplaneint: " + m);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SegPlaneInt code= " + code + " , m= " + m + "; p=()" + p.p[Xindex] + " , " + p.p[Yindex] + " , " + p.p[Zindex]);

            if (code == '0')
            else if (code == 'q')
                return(InTri3D(T, m, q));
            else if (code == 'r')
                return(InTri3D(T, m, r));
            else if (code == 'p')
                return(InPlane(T, m, q, r, p));
            else if (code == '1')
                return(SegTriCross(T, q, r));
            else /* Error */
        *  Computes N & D and returns index m of largest component.
        *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        public int PlaneCoeff(tPointi T, tPointd N, double D0)
            int    i;
            double t;             /* Temp storage */
            double biggest = 0.0; /* Largest component of normal vector. */

            m = 0;                /* Index of largest component. */

            NormalVec(Vertices[T.p[0]], Vertices[T.p[1]], Vertices[T.p[2]], N);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PlaneCoeff: N=()" + N.p[Xindex] + " , " + N.p[Yindex] + " , " + N.p[Zindex]);
            D = Dot(Vertices[T.p[0]], N);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("D should be in planecoeff" + D);

            /* Find the largest component of N. */
            for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
                t = (float)(Math.Abs(N.p[i]));
                if (t > biggest)
                    biggest = t;
                    m       = i;
 *  Compute the cross product of (b-a)x(c-a) and place into N.
 *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 public void NormalVec(tPointi a, tPointi b, tPointi c, tPointd N)
     N.p[Xindex] = (c.p[Zindex] - a.p[Zindex]) * (b.p[Yindex] - a.p[Yindex]) -
                   (b.p[Zindex] - a.p[Zindex]) * (c.p[Yindex] - a.p[Yindex]);
     N.p[Yindex] = (b.p[Zindex] - a.p[Zindex]) * (c.p[Xindex] - a.p[Xindex]) -
                   (b.p[Xindex] - a.p[Xindex]) * (c.p[Zindex] - a.p[Zindex]);
     N.p[Zindex] = (b.p[Xindex] - a.p[Xindex]) * (c.p[Yindex] - a.p[Yindex]) -
                   (b.p[Yindex] - a.p[Yindex]) * (c.p[Xindex] - a.p[Xindex]);
        *  Returns the dot product of the two input vectors.
        *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        public double Dot(tPointi a, tPointd b)
            int    i;
            double sum = 0.0;

            for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
                sum += a.p[i] * b.p[i];

 public char InPlane(tPointi T, int m, tPointi q, tPointi r, tPointd p)
        *   'p': The segment lies wholly within the plane.
        *   'q': The q endpoint is on the plane (but not 'p').
        *   'r': The r endpoint is on the plane (but not 'p').
        *   '0': The segment lies strictly to one side or the other of the plane.
        *   '1': The segement intersects the plane, and 'p' does not hold.
        *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        public char SegPlaneInt(tPointi T, tPointi q, tPointi r, tPointd p, int m)
            tPointd N;
            int     D0 = 0;
            tPointi rq;
            double  num, denom, t;
            int     i;

            N  = new tPointd();
            rq = new tPointi();

            m = PlaneCoeff(T, N, D0);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("m= " + m + "; plane=( " + N.p[Xindex] + " , " + N.p[Yindex] + " , " + N.p[Zindex] + " , " + D + " )");
            num = D - Dot(q, N);
            SubVec(r, q, rq);
            denom = Dot(rq, N);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SegPlaneInt: num=" + num + " , denom= " + denom);

            if (denom == 0.0)
            {                   /* Segment is parallel to plane. */
                if (num == 0.0) /* q is on plane. */
                t = num / denom;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SegPlaneInt: t= " + t);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("p in seg plane int is: p=()");
            for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
                p.p[i] = q.p[i] + t * (r.p[i] - q.p[i]);

            if ((0.0 < t) && (t < 1.0))
            else if (num == 0.0)   /* t == 0 */
            else if (num == denom) /* t == 1 */

         * This function returns a char:
         *  'V': the query point a coincides with a Vertex of polyhedron P.
         *  'E': the query point a is in the relative interior of an Edge of polyhedron P.
         *  'F': the query point a is in the relative interior of a Face of polyhedron P.
         *  'i': the query point a is strictly interior to polyhedron P.
         *  'o': the query point a is strictly exterior to( or outside of) polyhedron P.

        char InPolyhedron(int F, tPointi q, tPointi bmin, tPointi bmax, int radius)
            tPointi r;  /* Ray endpoint. */
            tPointd p;  /* Intersection point; not used. */
            int     f, k = 0, crossings = 0;
            char    code = '?';

            r = new tPointi();
            p = new tPointd();

            /* If query point is outside bounding box, finished. */
            if (!InBox(q, bmin, bmax))

            while (k++ < F)
                crossings = 0;

                RandomRay(r, radius);
                AddVec(q, r);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Ray endpoint: (" + r.p[0] + " , " + r.p[1] + " , " + r.p[2] + " )");

                for (f = 0; f < F; f++)
                {  /* Begin check each face */
                    if (BoxTest(f, q, r) == '0')
                        code = '0';
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("BoxTest = 0!");
                        code = SegTriInt(Faces[f], q, r, p);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Face = " + f + ": BoxTest/SegTriInt returns " + code);

                    /* If ray is degenerate, then goto outer while to generate another. */
                    if (code == 'p' || code == 'v' || code == 'e')
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Degenerate ray");

                    /* If ray hits face at interior point, increment crossings. */

                    else if (code == 'f')
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("crossings = " + crossings);

                    /* If query endpoint q sits on a V/E/F, return that code. */
                    else if (code == 'V' || code == 'E' || code == 'F')

                    /* If ray misses triangle, do nothing. */
                    else if (code == '0')

                        return(' ');
                } /* End check each face */

                /* No degeneracies encountered: ray is generic, so finished. */
            } /* End while loop */

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Crossings at the end = " + crossings);
            /* q strictly interior to polyhedron iff an odd number of crossings. */
            if ((crossings % 2) == 1)