Exemple #1
        public BinBVHAnimation(byte[] animationdata)
            int i = 0;

            if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                unknown0 = Utils.BytesToUInt16(BinBVHUtil.EndianSwap(animationdata, i, 2)); i += 2; // Always 1
                unknown1 = Utils.BytesToUInt16(BinBVHUtil.EndianSwap(animationdata, i, 2)); i += 2; // Always 0
                Priority = Utils.BytesToInt(BinBVHUtil.EndianSwap(animationdata, i, 4)); i += 4;
                Length   = Utils.BytesToFloat(BinBVHUtil.EndianSwap(animationdata, i, 4), 0); i += 4;
                unknown0 = Utils.BytesToUInt16(animationdata, i); i += 2; // Always 1
                unknown1 = Utils.BytesToUInt16(animationdata, i); i += 2; // Always 0
                Priority = Utils.BytesToInt(animationdata, i); i += 4;
                Length   = Utils.BytesToFloat(animationdata, i); i += 4;
            ExpressionName = ReadBytesUntilNull(animationdata, ref i);
            if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                InPoint     = Utils.BytesToFloat(BinBVHUtil.EndianSwap(animationdata, i, 4), 0); i += 4;
                OutPoint    = Utils.BytesToFloat(BinBVHUtil.EndianSwap(animationdata, i, 4), 0); i += 4;
                Loop        = (Utils.BytesToInt(BinBVHUtil.EndianSwap(animationdata, i, 4)) != 0); i += 4;
                EaseInTime  = Utils.BytesToFloat(BinBVHUtil.EndianSwap(animationdata, i, 4), 0); i += 4;
                EaseOutTime = Utils.BytesToFloat(BinBVHUtil.EndianSwap(animationdata, i, 4), 0); i += 4;
                HandPose    = Utils.BytesToUInt(BinBVHUtil.EndianSwap(animationdata, i, 4)); i += 4; // Handpose?

                m_jointCount = Utils.BytesToUInt(animationdata, i); i += 4;                          // Get Joint count
                InPoint     = Utils.BytesToFloat(animationdata, i); i += 4;
                OutPoint    = Utils.BytesToFloat(animationdata, i); i += 4;
                Loop        = (Utils.BytesToInt(animationdata, i) != 0); i += 4;
                EaseInTime  = Utils.BytesToFloat(animationdata, i); i += 4;
                EaseOutTime = Utils.BytesToFloat(animationdata, i); i += 4;
                HandPose    = Utils.BytesToUInt(animationdata, i); i += 4;  // Handpose?

                m_jointCount = Utils.BytesToUInt(animationdata, i); i += 4; // Get Joint count
            Joints = new binBVHJoint[m_jointCount];

            // deserialize the number of joints in the animation.
            // Joints are variable length blocks of binary data consisting of joint data and keyframes
            for (int iter = 0; iter < m_jointCount; iter++)
                binBVHJoint joint = readJoint(animationdata, ref i);
                Joints[iter] = joint;
Exemple #2
        public BinBVHAnimation()
            rotationkeys   = 0;
            positionkeys   = 0;
            unknown0       = 1;
            unknown1       = 0;
            Priority       = 1;
            Length         = 0;
            ExpressionName = string.Empty;
            InPoint        = 0;
            OutPoint       = 0;
            Loop           = false;
            EaseInTime     = 0;
            EaseOutTime    = 0;
            HandPose       = 1;
            m_jointCount   = 0;

            Joints                 = new binBVHJoint[1];
            Joints[0]              = new binBVHJoint();
            Joints[0].Name         = "mPelvis";
            Joints[0].Priority     = 7;
            Joints[0].positionkeys = new binBVHJointKey[1];
            Joints[0].rotationkeys = new binBVHJointKey[1];
            Random rnd = new Random();

            Joints[0].rotationkeys[0]               = new binBVHJointKey();
            Joints[0].rotationkeys[0].time          = (0f);
            Joints[0].rotationkeys[0].key_element.X = ((float)rnd.NextDouble() * 2 - 1);
            Joints[0].rotationkeys[0].key_element.Y = ((float)rnd.NextDouble() * 2 - 1);
            Joints[0].rotationkeys[0].key_element.Z = ((float)rnd.NextDouble() * 2 - 1);

            Joints[0].positionkeys[0]               = new binBVHJointKey();
            Joints[0].positionkeys[0].time          = (0f);
            Joints[0].positionkeys[0].key_element.X = ((float)rnd.NextDouble() * 2 - 1);
            Joints[0].positionkeys[0].key_element.Y = ((float)rnd.NextDouble() * 2 - 1);
            Joints[0].positionkeys[0].key_element.Z = ((float)rnd.NextDouble() * 2 - 1);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Read in a Joint from an animation asset byte array
        /// Variable length Joint fields, yay!
        /// Advances the index
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">animation asset byte array</param>
        /// <param name="i">Byte Offset of the start of the joint</param>
        /// <returns>The Joint data serialized into the binBVHJoint structure</returns>
        private binBVHJoint readJoint(byte[] data, ref int i)
            binBVHJointKey[] positions;
            binBVHJointKey[] rotations;

            binBVHJoint pJoint = new binBVHJoint();

             *  109
             *  84
             *  111
             *  114
             *  114
             *  111
             *  0 <--- Null terminator

            pJoint.Name = ReadBytesUntilNull(data, ref i); // Joint name

             *   2 <- Priority Revisited
             *   0
             *   0
             *   0

             *  5 <-- 5 keyframes
             *  0
             *  0
             *  0
             *  ... 5 Keyframe data blocks

             *  2 <-- 2 keyframes
             *  0
             *  0
             *  0
             *  ..  2 Keyframe data blocks
            if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                pJoint.Priority = Utils.BytesToInt(BinBVHUtil.EndianSwap(data, i, 4)); i += 4; // Joint Priority override?
                rotationkeys    = Utils.BytesToInt(BinBVHUtil.EndianSwap(data, i, 4)); i += 4; // How many rotation keyframes
                pJoint.Priority = Utils.BytesToInt(data, i); i += 4; // Joint Priority override?
                rotationkeys    = Utils.BytesToInt(data, i); i += 4; // How many rotation keyframes

            // argh! floats into two bytes!..   bad bad bad bad
            // After fighting with it for a while..  -1, to 1 seems to give the best results
            rotations = readKeys(data, ref i, rotationkeys, -1f, 1f);
            for (int iter = 0; iter < rotations.Length; iter++)
                rotations[iter].W = 1f -
                                    (rotations[iter].key_element.X + rotations[iter].key_element.Y +

            if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                positionkeys = Utils.BytesToInt(BinBVHUtil.EndianSwap(data, i, 4)); i += 4; // How many position keyframes
                positionkeys = Utils.BytesToInt(data, i); i += 4; // How many position keyframes

            // Read in position keyframes
            // argh! more floats into two bytes!..  *head desk*
            // After fighting with it for a while..  -5, to 5 seems to give the best results
            positions = readKeys(data, ref i, positionkeys, -5f, 5f);

            pJoint.rotationkeys = rotations;
            pJoint.positionkeys = positions;
