/// <summary>
        /// Discovers accessible Bluetooth devices and returns their names and addresses.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An array of BluetoothDeviceInfo objects describing the devices discovered.</returns>
        public BluetoothDeviceInfo[] DiscoverDevices()
            ArrayList al = new ArrayList();

            try {
                int    handle   = 0;
                byte[] queryset = new byte[1024];
                BitConverter.GetBytes((int)60).CopyTo(queryset, 0);
                BitConverter.GetBytes((int)16).CopyTo(queryset, 20);

                int bufferlen = 1024;

                int lookupresult = 0;

                //start looking for Bluetooth devices
                lookupresult = BthNsLookupServiceBegin(queryset, LookupFlags.Containers, ref handle);

                while (lookupresult != -1)
                    lookupresult = BthNsLookupServiceNext(handle, LookupFlags.ReturnAddr | LookupFlags.ReturnName, ref bufferlen, queryset);
                    if (lookupresult != -1)
                        //pointer to outputbuffer
                        int bufferptr = BitConverter.ToInt32(queryset, 48);
                        //remote socket address
                        int sockaddrptr = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)bufferptr, 8);
                        //remote socket len
                        int sockaddrlen = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)bufferptr, 12);

                        BluetoothSocketAddress btsa = new BluetoothSocketAddress();

                        Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)sockaddrptr, btsa.ToByteArray(), 0, BluetoothSocketAddress.Length);

                        //new deviceinfo
                        BluetoothDeviceInfo newdevice = new BluetoothDeviceInfo(btsa.Address, Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr)BitConverter.ToInt32(queryset, 4)));

                        //add to discovered list

                //stop looking
                lookupresult = BthNsLookupServiceEnd(handle);

                //return results
            catch (Exception ex) {
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exception in DiscoverDevices(): " + ex.Message);
                PriceMarkdown.Helpers.logError("Exception in DiscoverDevices(): " + ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Discovers accessible Bluetooth devices and returns their names and addresses.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An array of BluetoothDeviceInfo objects describing the devices discovered.</returns>
        public BluetoothDeviceInfo[] DiscoverDevices()
            ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
            try {
                int handle = 0;
                byte[] queryset = new byte[1024];
                BitConverter.GetBytes((int)60).CopyTo(queryset, 0);
                BitConverter.GetBytes((int)16).CopyTo(queryset, 20);

                int bufferlen = 1024;

                int lookupresult = 0;

                //start looking for Bluetooth devices
                lookupresult = BthNsLookupServiceBegin(queryset, LookupFlags.Containers, ref handle);

                while (lookupresult != -1) {

                    lookupresult = BthNsLookupServiceNext(handle, LookupFlags.ReturnAddr | LookupFlags.ReturnName, ref bufferlen, queryset);
                    if (lookupresult != -1) {
                        //pointer to outputbuffer
                        int bufferptr = BitConverter.ToInt32(queryset, 48);
                        //remote socket address
                        int sockaddrptr = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)bufferptr, 8);
                        //remote socket len
                        int sockaddrlen = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)bufferptr, 12);

                        BluetoothSocketAddress btsa = new BluetoothSocketAddress();

                        Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)sockaddrptr, btsa.ToByteArray(), 0, BluetoothSocketAddress.Length);

                        //new deviceinfo
                        BluetoothDeviceInfo newdevice = new BluetoothDeviceInfo(btsa.Address, Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr)BitConverter.ToInt32(queryset, 4)));

                        //add to discovered list


                //stop looking
                lookupresult = BthNsLookupServiceEnd(handle);

                //return results

            catch (Exception ex) {
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exception in DiscoverDevices(): " + ex.Message);
                PriceMarkdown.Helpers.logError("Exception in DiscoverDevices(): " + ex.Message);
            return (BluetoothDeviceInfo[])al.ToArray(typeof(BluetoothDeviceInfo));