Represents a station.
Exemple #1
		// ================================

        /// <summary>Call this function to reset the game</summary>
        /// <param name="ResetLogs">Whether the logs should be reset</param>
		internal static void Reset(bool ResetLogs) {
			// track manager
			TrackManager.CurrentTrack = new TrackManager.Track();
			// train manager
			TrainManager.Trains = new TrainManager.Train[] { };
			// game
			CurrentInterface = InterfaceType.Normal;
			RouteComment = "";
			RouteImage = "";
			RouteAccelerationDueToGravity = 9.80665;
			RouteRailGauge = 1.435;
			RouteInitialAirPressure = 101325.0;
			RouteInitialAirTemperature = 293.15;
			RouteInitialElevation = 0.0;
			RouteSeaLevelAirPressure = 101325.0;
			RouteSeaLevelAirTemperature = 293.15;
			Stations = new Station[] { };
			Sections = new Section[] { };
			BufferTrackPositions = new double[] { };
			Messages = new Message[] { };
			MarkerTextures = new Textures.Texture[] { };
			PointsOfInterest = new PointOfInterest[] { };
			PrecedingTrainTimeDeltas = new double[] { };
			PrecedingTrainSpeedLimit = double.PositiveInfinity;
			BogusPretrainInstructions = new BogusPretrainInstruction[] { };
			TrainName = "";
			TrainStart = TrainStartMode.EmergencyBrakesNoAts;
			NoFogStart = (float)Math.Max(1.33333333333333 * Interface.CurrentOptions.ViewingDistance, 800.0);
			NoFogEnd = (float)Math.Max(2.66666666666667 * Interface.CurrentOptions.ViewingDistance, 1600.0);
			PreviousFog = new Fog(NoFogStart, NoFogEnd, new Color24(128, 128, 128), 0.0);
			CurrentFog = new Fog(NoFogStart, NoFogEnd, new Color24(128, 128, 128), 0.5);
			NextFog = new Fog(NoFogStart, NoFogEnd, new Color24(128, 128, 128), 1.0);
			InfoTotalTriangles = 0;
			InfoTotalTriangleStrip = 0;
			InfoTotalQuads = 0;
			InfoTotalQuadStrip = 0;
			InfoTotalPolygon = 0;
			InfoStaticOpaqueFaceCount = 0;
			if (ResetLogs) {
				LogRouteName = "";
				LogTrainName = "";
				LogDateTime = DateTime.Now;
				CurrentScore = new Score();
				ScoreMessages = new ScoreMessage[] { };
				ScoreLogs = new ScoreLog[64];
				ScoreLogCount = 0;
				BlackBoxEntries = new BlackBoxEntry[256];
				BlackBoxEntryCount = 0;
				BlackBoxNextUpdate = 0.0;
			// renderer
Exemple #2
			/// <summary>Called every frame to update the plugin.</summary>
			internal void UpdatePlugin() {
				 * Prepare the vehicle state.
				 * */
				double location = this.Train.Cars[0].FrontAxle.Follower.TrackPosition - this.Train.Cars[0].FrontAxlePosition + 0.5 * this.Train.Cars[0].Length;
			    //Curve Radius, Cant and Pitch Added
                double CurrentRadius = this.Train.Cars[0].FrontAxle.Follower.CurveRadius;
                double CurrentCant = this.Train.Cars[0].FrontAxle.Follower.CurveCant;
			    double CurrentPitch = this.Train.Cars[0].FrontAxle.Follower.Pitch;
                //If the list of stations has not been loaded, do so
			    if (!StationsLoaded)
                    currentRouteStations = new List<Station>();
			        foreach (Game.Station selectedStation in Game.Stations)
				        Station i = new Station
					        Name = selectedStation.Name,
					        ArrivalTime = selectedStation.ArrivalTime,
					        DepartureTime = selectedStation.DepartureTime,
					        StopTime = selectedStation.StopTime,
					        OpenLeftDoors = selectedStation.OpenLeftDoors,
					        OpenRightDoors = selectedStation.OpenRightDoors,
					        ForceStopSignal = selectedStation.ForceStopSignal,
					        DefaultTrackPosition = selectedStation.DefaultTrackPosition
			        StationsLoaded = true;
			    //End of additions
				double speed = this.Train.Cars[this.Train.DriverCar].Specs.CurrentPerceivedSpeed;
				double bcPressure = this.Train.Cars[this.Train.DriverCar].Specs.AirBrake.BrakeCylinderCurrentPressure;
				double mrPressure = this.Train.Cars[this.Train.DriverCar].Specs.AirBrake.MainReservoirCurrentPressure;
				double erPressure = this.Train.Cars[this.Train.DriverCar].Specs.AirBrake.EqualizingReservoirCurrentPressure;
				double bpPressure = this.Train.Cars[this.Train.DriverCar].Specs.AirBrake.BrakePipeCurrentPressure;
				double sapPressure = this.Train.Cars[this.Train.DriverCar].Specs.AirBrake.StraightAirPipeCurrentPressure;
				VehicleState vehicle = new VehicleState(location, new Speed(speed), bcPressure, mrPressure, erPressure, bpPressure, sapPressure, CurrentRadius, CurrentCant, CurrentPitch);
				 * Prepare the preceding vehicle state.
				 * */
				double bestLocation = double.MaxValue;
				double bestSpeed = 0.0;
				for (int i = 0; i < TrainManager.Trains.Length; i++) {
					if (TrainManager.Trains[i] != this.Train & TrainManager.Trains[i].State == TrainManager.TrainState.Available) {
						int c = TrainManager.Trains[i].Cars.Length - 1;
						double z = TrainManager.Trains[i].Cars[c].RearAxle.Follower.TrackPosition - TrainManager.Trains[i].Cars[c].RearAxlePosition - 0.5 * TrainManager.Trains[i].Cars[c].Length;
						if (z >= location & z < bestLocation) {
							bestLocation = z;
							bestSpeed = TrainManager.Trains[i].Specs.CurrentAverageSpeed;
				var precedingVehicle = bestLocation != double.MaxValue ? new PrecedingVehicleState(bestLocation, bestLocation - location, new Speed(bestSpeed)) : null;
				 * Get the driver handles.
				 * */
				Handles handles = GetHandles();
				 * Update the plugin.
				 * */
				double totalTime = Game.SecondsSinceMidnight;
				double elapsedTime = Game.SecondsSinceMidnight - LastTime;
                 * Set the current camera view mode
                 * Could probably do away with the CurrentCameraViewMode and use a direct cast??
			    CurrentCameraViewMode = (OpenBveApi.Runtime.CameraViewMode)World.CameraMode;
				ElapseData data = new ElapseData(vehicle, precedingVehicle, handles, new Time(totalTime), new Time(elapsedTime), currentRouteStations, CurrentCameraViewMode, Interface.CurrentLanguageCode);
				LastTime = Game.SecondsSinceMidnight;
				this.PluginMessage = data.DebugMessage;
			    DisableTimeAcceleration = data.DisableTimeAcceleration;
				 * Set the virtual handles.
				 * */
				this.PluginValid = true;
				SetHandles(data.Handles, true);
 internal void AddRange(Station[] items)
 internal void Add(Station item)
        internal void SetBeacon(BeaconData beacon)
            if (beacon.Type == BeaconID.StationsMemory.StationStopProvider)
                int param_doorside = beacon.Optional / 10000000;
                bool param_tbsStart = Math.Abs(beacon.Optional / 1000000 - param_doorside * 10) == 1 ? true : false;
                int param_trackPos = Math.Abs(beacon.Optional - param_doorside * 10000000 - (param_tbsStart ? 1000000 : 0));

                int idxOfStopAtHere = Stations.IndexOf(param_trackPos);

                if (idxOfStopAtHere > -1) {
                    // stop exists
                    Stations[idxOfStopAtHere] = new Station(param_doorside, param_trackPos, param_tbsStart);
                } else {
                    // stop not exist, add one then
                    Stations.Add(new Station(param_doorside, param_trackPos, param_tbsStart));
