public static void OpenWindow(AIScenarioAgent agent) { GoapAIDebuggerWindow window = ( GoapAIDebuggerWindow )EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(GoapAIDebuggerWindow), false, "AI Debugger"); window.autoRepaintOnSceneChange = true; window.SetupAgent(agent); }
private void DescribeCurrentWorldState(AIScenarioAgent agent, ref List <string> aResult) { bool value; foreach (var kv in agent.GetConditions()) { if (kv.Value == null) { continue; } value = kv.Value.OnCheck(); aResult.Add(string.Format(" '<color={2}>{0}</color>' = <color={2}>{1}</color>", kv.Key, value, (value) ? _trueColor : _falseColor)); } }
/// <summary> /// Обновляет информацию уже существующей ноды описывающей состояние мира (условий ИИ). /// </summary> private void UpdateWorldStateNode(AIScenarioAgent agent, GoapAIDebuggerNode aNode) { List <string> desc = new List <string> (); desc.Add(string.Format("<b><color={0}>WORLD STATE</color></b>", _titleColor)); desc.Add(" <b>Current Conditions</b>"); DescribeCurrentWorldState(agent, ref desc); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0, n = desc.Count; i < n; i++) { text.AppendLine(desc[i]); } aNode.title = text.ToString(); aNode.rect.height = CalcHeight(desc.Count); }
private void SetupAgent(AIScenarioAgent agent) { if (agent == null) { _nodes.Clear(); _genericNodes.Clear(); _goalNodes.Clear(); _titles.Clear(); if (_agent != null) { _agent._planner.PlanUpdated -= OnPlanUpdated; _agent = null; } } else if (!System.Object.ReferenceEquals(agent, _agent)) { _agent = agent; _nodes.Clear(); _goalNodes.Clear(); _titles.Clear(); CreateTitle(0.0f, 0.0f, string.Format("{0}: Actions and Goals",; float actionsHeight = 0.0f; RebuildActionNodes(new Vector2(_totalDrag.x, _totalDrag.y + 35.0f), out actionsHeight); actionsHeight += 35.0f; float goalsHeight = 0.0f; RebuildGoalNodes(new Vector2(_totalDrag.x, _totalDrag.y + actionsHeight), out goalsHeight); CreateTitle(0.0f, actionsHeight + goalsHeight + 15.0f, string.Format("{0}: Current Plan",; _planNodesPosition = new Vector2(0.0f, actionsHeight + goalsHeight + 45.0f); RebuildBlackboardNode(_totalDrag + _planNodesPosition); _agent._planner.PlanUpdated += OnPlanUpdated; } }
/// <summary> /// Создает новую ноду описывающуюу текущее состояние мира (условия ИИ). /// </summary> private GoapAIDebuggerNode CreateWorldStateNode(AIScenarioAgent agent, ref Vector2 aNodePosition) { List <string> desc = new List <string> (); desc.Add(string.Format("<b><color={0}>WORLD STATE</color></b>", _titleColor)); desc.Add(" <b>Current Conditions</b>"); DescribeCurrentWorldState(agent, ref desc); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0, n = desc.Count; i < n; i++) { text.AppendLine(desc[i]); } var node = AddNode(text.ToString(), 220.0f, CalcHeight(desc.Count), _nodeStyle, _nodeStyle, ref aNodePosition, false); node.SetOutput(node.rect.width - 10.0f, node.rect.height * 0.5f); node.SetInput(10.0f, node.rect.height * 0.5f); _genericNodes.Add(node); return(node); }
private void Awake() { agent = new AIScenarioAgent(); }
/// <summary> /// Описывает конкретное действие из плана ИИ. /// </summary> private string DescribePlanAction(AIScenarioAgent agent, Action action, out int aNumLines) { var lines = new List <string> (); lines.Add(string.Format("<b><color={1}>ACTION</color> '<color={2}>{0}</color>'</b>",, _titleColor, _nameColor)); lines.Add(" <b>Post Conditions</b>"); bool value; foreach (var kv in agent.GetConditions()) { if (kv.Value == null) { continue; } value = kv.Value.OnCheck(); bool diff = false; foreach (var set in action._preConditions) { if (set.Item1 == kv.Key && set.Item2 != value) { diff = true; value = set.Item2; break; } } foreach (var set in action._postConditions) { if (set.Item1 == kv.Key && set.Item2 != value) { diff = true; value = set.Item2; break; } } if (diff) { lines.Add(string.Format( " <color=#a873dd><b>></b></color> <i>'<color={2}>{0}</color>' = <color={2}>{1}</color></i>", kv.Key, value, value ? _trueColor : _falseColor)); } else { lines.Add(string.Format(" '<color={2}>{0}</color>' = <color={2}>{1}</color>", kv.Key, value, value ? _trueColor : _falseColor)); } } StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0, n = lines.Count; i < n; i++) { text.AppendLine(lines[i]); } aNumLines = lines.Count; return(text.ToString()); }
private void OnGUI() { if (Selection.activeGameObject != null) { var p = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent <AIScenarioAgentComponent> (); if (p == null) { _nodes.Clear(); _genericNodes.Clear(); _goalNodes.Clear(); _titles.Clear(); if (_agent != null) { _agent._planner.PlanUpdated -= OnPlanUpdated; _agent = null; } } else if (!System.Object.ReferenceEquals(p.agent, _agent)) { _agent = p.agent; _nodes.Clear(); _goalNodes.Clear(); _titles.Clear(); CreateTitle(0.0f, 0.0f, string.Format("{0}: Actions and Goals",; float actionsHeight = 0.0f; RebuildActionNodes(new Vector2(_totalDrag.x, _totalDrag.y + 35.0f), out actionsHeight); actionsHeight += 35.0f; float goalsHeight = 0.0f; RebuildGoalNodes(new Vector2(_totalDrag.x, _totalDrag.y + actionsHeight), out goalsHeight); CreateTitle(0.0f, actionsHeight + goalsHeight + 15.0f, string.Format("{0}: Current Plan",; _planNodesPosition = new Vector2(0.0f, actionsHeight + goalsHeight + 45.0f); RebuildBlackboardNode(_totalDrag + _planNodesPosition); _agent._planner.PlanUpdated += OnPlanUpdated; } } if (_agent != null) { DrawGrid(20, Color.gray, 0.05f); DrawGrid(100, Color.gray, 0.05f); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { DrawTitles(_titles); DrawLinks(_nodes, true); DrawLinks(_genericNodes, false); DrawCurrentStateLink(); DrawNodes(_nodes); DrawNodes(_genericNodes); Repaint(); } ProcessEvents(Event.current); } else { if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { GUI.Label(new Rect(10.0f, 10.0f, 200.0f, 50.0f), "Object with AI Not Selected.", _titleStyle); } } }
public override void Awake() { _agent = agent as AIScenarioAgent; }