Exemple #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(MergeModel model)
            var assignedBy = UserMgr.GetUserId(HttpContext.User);

            Bug bug = model.Bugs;

            bug.BugCreationTimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
            bug.AssignedById         = Convert.ToInt32(assignedBy);

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var user           = UserMgr.Users.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == bug.AssignedToId);
            var userAssignedBy = UserMgr.Users.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == bug.AssignedById);
            var role           = await UserMgr.GetRolesAsync(user);

            var roleAssignedBy = await UserMgr.GetRolesAsync(userAssignedBy);

            //check if the user assigned to the bug is already in the bug history model
            var userAssigned = _context.BugAssignmentHistories.FirstOrDefault(m =>
                                                                              m.AssignedToId == bug.AssignedToId && m.BugId == bug.BugId);

            var notification = new Notification
                NotificationType    = NotificationTypeEnum.BugAssigned,
                NotificationMessage = $"Hey {user.FirstName}, you've" +
                                      " been assigned a new Bug by " +
                                      $"({roleAssignedBy[0]}) {userAssignedBy.UserName}!",
                ReceipientId = bug.AssignedToId,
                SenderId     = bug.AssignedById,
                BugId        = bug.BugId


            var bugHistory = new BugAssignmentHistory
                BugId        = bug.BugId,
                BugStatus    = bug.BugStatus,
                AssignedToId = bug.AssignedToId,
                RoleName     = role[0]

            if (userAssigned == null)

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Bug"));
Exemple #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, Bug bug)
            var userAssignedTo = await UserMgr.FindByIdAsync(bug.AssignedToId.ToString());

            var currentUserId = UserMgr.GetUserId(HttpContext.User);

            var currentUser = await UserMgr.FindByIdAsync(currentUserId);

            var currentUserRole = await UserMgr.GetRolesAsync(currentUser);

            var roleAssignedTo = await UserMgr.GetRolesAsync(userAssignedTo);

            if (id != bug.BugId)
                return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Home"));

             * Depending on who the bug is assigned to, set the current user
             * to be the one assigned by the bug.
            if (await UserMgr.IsInRoleAsync(userAssignedTo, "Tech Lead"))
                bug.AssignedById = Convert.ToInt32(currentUserId);
            else if (await UserMgr.IsInRoleAsync(userAssignedTo, "Developer") &&
                     User.IsInRole("Tech Lead"))
                bug.AssignedById = Convert.ToInt32(currentUserId);
            else if (await UserMgr.IsInRoleAsync(userAssignedTo, "QA") &&
                     User.IsInRole("Tech Lead"))
                bug.AssignedById = Convert.ToInt32(currentUserId);

             * Don't send a notification if the current user is assigned
             * to the bug they are editing.
            if (currentUserId != bug.AssignedToId.ToString())
                var notification = new Notification
                    NotificationType    = NotificationTypeEnum.BugUpdated,
                    NotificationMessage = $"Hey {userAssignedTo.FirstName}, Bug" +
                                          $" #{bug.BugId} was just updated by " +
                                          $"({currentUserRole[0]}) {currentUser.UserName}!",
                    ReceipientId = bug.AssignedToId,
                    SenderId     = currentUser.Id,
                    BugId        = bug.BugId


             * Check if the user has been added to the history table,
             * if not then create a new object. Otherwise just update the status.
            var bugAssignedHistory = _context.BugAssignmentHistories.FirstOrDefault(m =>
                                                                                    m.AssignedToId == bug.AssignedToId && m.BugId == bug.BugId);

            if (bugAssignedHistory == null)
                var bugHistory = new BugAssignmentHistory
                    BugId        = bug.BugId,
                    BugStatus    = bug.BugStatus,
                    AssignedToId = bug.AssignedToId,
                    RoleName     = roleAssignedTo[0]

                bugAssignedHistory.BugStatus = bug.BugStatus;



            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Bug"));