public void TestInit() { #region User members _members = new List<User> { new User { UserId = 1, UserName = "******" }, new User { UserId = 2, UserName = "******" }, new User { UserId = 3, UserName = "******" } }; #endregion #region Communities _communities = new List<Community> { new Community { Id = 1, LeaderUserId = 1, Leader = _members.FirstOrDefault(a => a.UserId == 1), Members = _members.ToList() }, new Community { Id = 2, LeaderUserId = 2, Leader = _members.FirstOrDefault(a => a.UserId == 2), Members = _members.ToList() }, new Community { Id = 3, LeaderUserId = 3, Leader = _members.FirstOrDefault(a => a.UserId == 3), Members = _members.ToList() }, }; #endregion }
public void TryValidateObjectRecursive_returns_errors_when_grandchild_class_has_invalid_properties() { var parent = new Parent { PropertyA = 1, PropertyB = 1 }; parent.Child = new Child { PropertyA = 1, PropertyB = 1 }; parent.Child.GrandChildren = new [] {new GrandChild{PropertyA = 11, PropertyB = 11}}; var validationResults = new List<ValidationResult>(); var result = _validator.TryValidateObjectRecursive(parent, validationResults); Assert.IsFalse(result); Assert.AreEqual(2, validationResults.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, validationResults.ToList().Count(x => x.ErrorMessage == "GrandChild PropertyA not within range")); Assert.AreEqual(1, validationResults.ToList().Count(x => x.ErrorMessage == "GrandChild PropertyB not within range")); }
public void ToListReturnsNewInstance() { List<int> integers = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 }; List<int> result = integers.ToList(); Assert.That(result, Is.Not.SameAs(integers)); }
public static void PrintSingleTest() { var directories = GetBuildDirectories(); var tests = new List<TestResult>(); foreach (var dir in directories) { var files = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "junitResult.xml"); if (files.Any()) { var fileName = files[0]; var iterator = GetTestCasesWithErrors("UserAcceptanceTests.Features.ProductFeature","RefreshOnProductAfterAddingCommentShouldNOTResultInErrorBugFix",fileName); while (iterator.MoveNext()) { var failingTest = GetFailingTestName(iterator); var testResult = new TestResult {BuildName = GetBuildName(dir),TestName = failingTest}; tests.Add(testResult); } } } foreach (var failingTest in tests.ToList().OrderBy(x=>x.BuildName).Reverse()) { Console.WriteLine(failingTest); } }
public void ResultIsIndependentOfSource() { List<string> source = new List<string> { "xyz", "abc" }; List<string> result = source.ToList(); result.AssertSequenceEqual("xyz", "abc"); Assert.AreNotSame(source, result); source.Add("extra element"); // The extra element hasn't been added to the result Assert.AreNotEqual(source.Count, result.Count); }
public void Setup() { var reviews = new List<Review>(); var review = new Review(); review.Id = 1; review.Title = "Testing"; review.Content = "Testng Reviews"; review.UserId = "d9274a62-8a8c-46bf-aedc-d1cb3e8626c0"; review.Username = "******"; reviews.Add(review); this.Reviews = reviews.ToList(); }
public void CombinesDataBlocks( [Values(100, 500, 1000, 5000)] double blockMilliseconds, [Values(5000, 10000)] double sampleRateHz, [Values(1, 4)] int numStim ) { var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>(); var sampleRate = new Measurement((decimal)sampleRateHz, "Hz"); var data = new List<IOutputData>(); var stimuli = new List<IStimulus>(); for (int i = 0; i < numStim; i++) { IOutputData d = new OutputData(Enumerable.Range(0, (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3).Samples(new Measurement((decimal)sampleRateHz, "Hz"))) .Select(j => new Measurement(j, "units")).ToList(), sampleRate, false); data.Add(d); stimuli.Add(new RenderedStimulus((string)"RenderedStimulus" + i, (IDictionary<string, object>)parameters, d)); } var combined = new CombinedStimulus("CombinedStimulus", new Dictionary<string, object>(), stimuli, CombinedStimulus.Add); var blockSpan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(blockMilliseconds); IEnumerator<IOutputData> iter = combined.DataBlocks(blockSpan).GetEnumerator(); while (iter.MoveNext()) { IOutputData expectedData = null; foreach (var d in data.ToList()) { var cons = d.SplitData(blockSpan); data[data.IndexOf(d)] = cons.Rest; expectedData = expectedData == null ? cons.Head : expectedData.Zip(cons.Head, (m1, m2) => new Measurement(m1.QuantityInBaseUnits + m2.QuantityInBaseUnits, 0, m1.BaseUnits)); } Assert.That(iter.Current.Duration, Is.EqualTo(expectedData.Duration)); Assert.That(iter.Current.Data, Is.EqualTo(expectedData.Data)); } }
public void DeterminePlaceholderIndicesNormalTets() { //(?,?2,?,?2,?1) var placeholders = new List<AstPlaceholder> { _createPlaceholder(), _createPlaceholder(1), _createPlaceholder(), _createPlaceholder(1), _createPlaceholder(0) }; var copy = placeholders.ToList(); Assert.AreNotSame(copy, placeholders); AstPlaceholder.DeterminePlaceholderIndices(placeholders); //First assert that the list itself has not been altered Assert.AreEqual(placeholders.Count, copy.Count); for (var i = 0; i < placeholders.Count; i++) Assert.AreSame(copy[i], placeholders[i], "List itself must not be altered."); //Expexted mapping (0-based): // ?2, ?1, ?3, ?1, ?0 foreach (var placeholder in placeholders) Assert.IsTrue(placeholder.Index.HasValue, "All placeholders should be assigned afterwards."); // ReSharper disable PossibleInvalidOperationException Assert.AreEqual(2, placeholders[0].Index.Value, "Placeholder at source position 0 is not mapped correctly"); Assert.AreEqual(1, placeholders[1].Index.Value, "Placeholder at source position 1 is not mapped correctly"); Assert.AreEqual(3, placeholders[2].Index.Value, "Placeholder at source position 2 is not mapped correctly"); Assert.AreEqual(1, placeholders[3].Index.Value, "Placeholder at source position 3 is not mapped correctly"); Assert.AreEqual(0, placeholders[4].Index.Value, "Placeholder at source position 4 is not mapped correctly"); // ReSharper restore PossibleInvalidOperationException }
public async void Index_Returns_Category_List() { // Arrange IEnumerable<Category> fakeCategories = new List<Category> { new Category {Id = 1, Name = "Test1", Description = "Test1Desc"}, new Category {Id = 2, Name = "Test2", Description = "Test2Desc"}, new Category {Id = 3, Name = "Test3", Description = "Test3Desc"} }.AsEnumerable(); _firstDbContextUoW.Setup(x => x.CategoryRepository.GetAllAsync()).ReturnsAsync(fakeCategories.ToList()); var controller = new CategoryController(_categoryService); // Act Mapper.CreateMap<Category, CategoryModel>(); var result = (ViewResult) await controller.Index(); // Assert Assert.IsNotNull(result, "View Result is null"); Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(IEnumerable<CategoryModel>), result.ViewData.Model, "Wrong View Model"); var categories = result.ViewData.Model as IEnumerable<CategoryModel>; if (categories != null) Assert.AreEqual(3, categories.Count(), "Got wrong number of Categories"); }
public async void Index_Returns_Department_List() { // Arrange IEnumerable<Department> fakeDepartments = new List<Department> { new Department {Id = 1, Name = "Test1"}, new Department {Id = 2, Name = "Test2"}, new Department {Id = 3, Name = "Test3"} }.AsEnumerable(); _secondDbContextUoW.Setup(x => x.DepartmentRepository.GetAllAsync()).ReturnsAsync(fakeDepartments.ToList()); var controller = new DepartmentController(_departmentService); // Act Mapper.CreateMap<Department, DepartmentModel>(); var result = (ViewResult) await controller.Index(); // Assert Assert.IsNotNull(result, "View Result is null"); Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(IEnumerable<DepartmentModel>), result.ViewData.Model, "Wrong View Model"); var departments = result.ViewData.Model as IEnumerable<DepartmentModel>; if (departments != null) Assert.AreEqual(3, departments.Count(), "Got wrong number of Departments"); }
public void FillInGuestPhonesCallsDaoOnce() { var guestPhoneDao = new Mock<IGuestPhoneDao>(); BookingDao bookingDao = new BookingDao { GuestPhoneDao = guestPhoneDao.Object }; IEnumerable<Booking> bookings = new List<Booking>() { new Booking { GuestId = 1, Guest = new Guest() { GuestId = 1 } }, new Booking { GuestId = 2, Guest = new Guest() { GuestId = 1 } } }; guestPhoneDao.Setup(gp => gp.GetAllByGuestIdList(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<int>>())) .Returns(new List<GuestPhone>() { new GuestPhone {GuestId = 1}, new GuestPhone {GuestId = 2} }); bookingDao.FillInGuestPhones(bookings); Assert.IsTrue(bookings.ToList().TrueForAll(b => b.Guest.GuestPhones != null), "Not all booking got phone numbers correctly"); guestPhoneDao.Verify(gp => gp.GetAllByGuestIdList(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<int>>()), Times.Once); }
public void Given_a_FRA_when_copy_then_attached_documents_are_cloned() { var currentUser = new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; IEnumerable<RiskAssessmentDocument> documents = new List<RiskAssessmentDocument>() { new RiskAssessmentDocument() { Id = 1, CreatedBy = new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1234),Description = "doc description",DocumentLibraryId = 123 }, new RiskAssessmentDocument() { Id = 2, CreatedBy = new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1234) } , new RiskAssessmentDocument() { Id = 3, CreatedBy = new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1234) } }; var fraToCopy = FireRiskAssessment.Create("this is the title", "the ref", 1312, null, new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }); fraToCopy.Documents = documents.ToList(); //when var copiedFra = fraToCopy.Copy(currentUser); //then Assert.AreEqual(fraToCopy.Documents.Count(), copiedFra.Documents.Count); Assert.IsTrue(copiedFra.Documents.All(x => x.Id == 0)); Assert.IsTrue(copiedFra.Documents.All(x => x.CreatedBy.Id == currentUser.Id)); //ensure that all cloned are new entities Assert.IsTrue(copiedFra.Documents.All(x => x.CreatedOn.Value.Date == DateTime.Now.Date)); //ensure that all cloned are new entities Assert.IsTrue(copiedFra.Documents.Any(x => x.Description == documents.First().Description)); Assert.AreEqual(fraToCopy, copiedFra.Documents.First().RiskAssessment); }
public string Print(List<Token> tokens) { IntrospectedTokens = tokens.ToList(); return "The result of this outputter is found in the field 'IntrospectedTokens'"; }
public void testBuildPatientObject() { DemographicSet patientDemogs = new DemographicSet(); Address addr = new Address() { City = "Hooville", State = "MI", County = "Eggs and Ham", Street1 = "123 Elm St.", Street2 = "Apt 4", Zipcode = "90210" }; PhoneNum phone = new PhoneNum() { Description = "Cell phone", AreaCode = "555", Exchange = "867", Number = "5309" }; EmailAddress email = new EmailAddress() { Address = "*****@*****.**" }; IList<Address> addresses = new List<Address>() { addr }; IList<PhoneNum> telephones = new List<PhoneNum>() { phone }; IList<EmailAddress> emails = new List<EmailAddress>() { email }; patientDemogs.EmailAddresses = emails.ToList<EmailAddress>(); patientDemogs.PhoneNumbers = telephones.ToList<PhoneNum>(); patientDemogs.StreetAddresses = addresses.ToList<Address>(); CCRHelper helper = new CCRHelper(); ActorType patient = helper.buildPatientObject("1234567890", "987654321", "USER", "ONE", "O", "0000/12/25", "2011", "M", patientDemogs); Assert.IsNotNull(patient); Assert.IsTrue(patient.Item is ActorTypePerson); Assert.AreEqual(patient.Address.Count, 1); Assert.AreEqual(patient.EMail.Count, 1); Assert.AreEqual(patient.Telephone.Count, 1); Assert.AreEqual(patient.IDs.Count, 2); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(patient.IDs[0].ID, "1234567890")); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(patient.IDs[0].Type.Text, "ID")); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(patient.IDs[1].ID, "987654321")); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(patient.IDs[1].Type.Text, "SSN")); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(patient.Address[0].City, "Hooville")); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(patient.Address[0].County, "Eggs and Ham")); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(patient.Address[0].Line1, "123 Elm St.")); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(patient.Address[0].Line2, "Apt 4")); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(patient.Address[0].PostalCode, "90210")); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(patient.Address[0].State, "MI")); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(patient.EMail[0].Value, "*****@*****.**")); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(patient.Telephone[0].Value, "5558675309")); ActorTypePerson person = (ActorTypePerson)patient.Item; Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(person.DateOfBirth.ExactDateTime, "0000/12/25")); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(person.DateOfBirth.Age.Value, "2011")); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(person.Gender.Text, "M")); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(person.Name.CurrentName.Family.First(), "ONE")); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(person.Name.CurrentName.Given.First(), "USER")); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(person.Name.CurrentName.Middle.First(), "O")); }
public void Should_clear_all_cache_strategies() { var controllerName = NameHelper.Controller<AdminController>(); var policyContainers = new List<PolicyContainer> { TestDataFactory.CreateValidPolicyContainer(controllerName, "Index"), TestDataFactory.CreateValidPolicyContainer(controllerName, "ListPosts"), TestDataFactory.CreateValidPolicyContainer(controllerName, "AddPost") }; var conventionPolicyContainer = new ConventionPolicyContainer(policyContainers.Cast<IPolicyContainerConfiguration>().ToList()); conventionPolicyContainer.Cache<RequireAnyRolePolicy>(Cache.PerHttpRequest); // Act conventionPolicyContainer.ClearCacheStrategies(); // Assert var containers = policyContainers.ToList(); Assert.That(containers[0].CacheStrategies.Any(), Is.False); Assert.That(containers[1].CacheStrategies.Any(), Is.False); Assert.That(containers[2].CacheStrategies.Any(), Is.False); }
public void GetTeacherCourses_ReturnCourses() { // Arrange int userId = 8; Course expected = new Course { OwnerId = userId, WordSuites = new List<WordSuite>() { new WordSuite { PrototypeId = null } }, Language = new Language(), }; IQueryable<Course> courses = new List<Course> { expected }.AsQueryable<Course>(); Mock<IRepository<WorldOfWords.Domain.Models.Course>> repo = new Mock<IRepository<Course>>(); _uow.Setup(x => x.CourseRepository).Returns(repo.Object); repo.Setup(x => x.GetAll()).Returns(courses); //Act var actual = _service.GetTeacherCourses(userId); //Assert _uow.Verify(x => x.CourseRepository, Times.Once); _factory.Verify(x => x.GetUnitOfWork(), Times.Once); repo.Verify(x => x.GetAll(), Times.Once); Assert.AreEqual(courses.ToList<Course>(), actual); }
public IEnumerable<Input> Parse(string value) { bool isEscape; ParseState state = ParseState.None; var buffer = new StringBuilder(); string currentName = string.Empty; List<string> currentValues = new List<string>(); List<Input> inputs = new List<Input>(); char currentQuote = '\0'; Action commitName = () => { currentName = buffer.ToString(); buffer = new StringBuilder(); state = ParseState.BeforeValue; }; Action commitValue = () => { if (buffer.Length > 0) currentValues.Add(buffer.ToString()); buffer = new StringBuilder(); state = ParseState.AfterValue; }; Action commitInput = () => { if ((currentValues.Count == 0 && currentName == string.Empty) == false) { if (currentValues.Count == 0) inputs.Add(new SingleValueInput { Name = currentName, Value = string.Empty }); else if (currentValues.Count == 1) inputs.Add(new SingleValueInput { Name = currentName, Value = currentValues[0] }); else inputs.Add(new MultiValueInput { Name = currentName, Values = currentValues.ToList() }); } currentName = string.Empty; state = ParseState.None; currentValues.Clear(); }; Action<char> appendCharacter = character => { if (state == ParseState.BeforeValue || state == ParseState.None) state = ParseState.Value; if (state == ParseState.AfterValue) { commitValue(); commitInput(); state = ParseState.Value; } buffer.Append(character); }; for (var position = 0; position < value.Length; position++) { var current = value[position]; if (current == DBL_QUOTE || current == SINGLE_QUOTE) { if (state == ParseState.BeforeValue || state == ParseState.None) { currentQuote = current; state = ParseState.QuotedValue; continue; } if (state == ParseState.QuotedValue && current == currentQuote) { currentQuote = '\0'; commitValue(); continue; } } if (current == '`') { if (value.Length - (position + 1) == 0) throw new InputParserException("Incomplete command. The escape character '`' is at the end of the line."); var c = value[++position]; appendCharacter(ConvertToSpecialCharacter(c)); continue; } if (current == '-' && state == ParseState.None) { state = ParseState.Name; continue; } if (current == '-' && (state == ParseState.AfterValue || state ==ParseState.BeforeValue)) { commitInput(); state = ParseState.Name; continue; } if (current == ',' && (state == ParseState.Value || state == ParseState.AfterValue)) { commitValue(); state = ParseState.BeforeValue; continue; } if (char.IsWhiteSpace(current)) { if (state == ParseState.Name) { commitName(); state = ParseState.BeforeValue; } else if (state == ParseState.Value) { state = ParseState.AfterValue; commitValue(); } else if (state == ParseState.QuotedValue) buffer.Append(current); continue; } if (state == ParseState.Name) { if (IsNameCharacter(current)) { buffer.Append(current); continue; } } appendCharacter(current); } if (buffer.Length > 0 && (state == ParseState.Value || state == ParseState.None || state == ParseState.AfterValue)) { commitValue(); } else if (buffer.Length > 0 && state == ParseState.Name) commitName(); commitInput(); return inputs; }
public void TryValidateObject_when_missing_required_properties_returns_errors() { var parent = new Parent { PropertyA = null, PropertyB = null }; var validationResults = new List<ValidationResult>(); var result = _validator.TryValidateObject(parent, validationResults); Assert.IsFalse(result); Assert.AreEqual(2, validationResults.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, validationResults.ToList().Count(x => x.ErrorMessage == "Parent PropertyA is required")); Assert.AreEqual(1, validationResults.ToList().Count(x => x.ErrorMessage == "Parent PropertyB is required")); }
public void ToList_ReturnsNewInstance() { // Assemble List<int> original = new List<int>(); // Act var actual = original.ToList(); // Assert actual.Should().NotBeSameAs(original); }
public void TryValidateObject_includes_errors_from_all_objects() { var parent = new Parent { PropertyA = 5, PropertyB = 6 }; parent.Child = new Child { PropertyA = 5, PropertyB = 6 }; parent.Child.GrandChildren = new[] { new GrandChild { PropertyA = 5, PropertyB = 6 } }; var validationResults = new List<ValidationResult>(); var result = _validator.TryValidateObjectRecursive(parent, validationResults); Assert.IsFalse(result); Assert.AreEqual(3, validationResults.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, validationResults.ToList().Count(x => x.ErrorMessage == "Parent PropertyA and PropertyB cannot add up to more than 10")); Assert.AreEqual(1, validationResults.ToList().Count(x => x.ErrorMessage == "Child PropertyA and PropertyB cannot add up to more than 10")); Assert.AreEqual(1, validationResults.ToList().Count(x => x.ErrorMessage == "GrandChild PropertyA and PropertyB cannot add up to more than 10")); }
public void TryValidateObject_calls_grandchild_IValidatableObject_method() { var parent = new Parent { PropertyA = 1, PropertyB = 1 }; parent.Child = new Child { PropertyA = 1, PropertyB = 1 }; parent.Child.GrandChildren = new[] { new GrandChild { PropertyA = 5, PropertyB = 6 } }; var validationResults = new List<ValidationResult>(); var result = _validator.TryValidateObjectRecursive(parent, validationResults); Assert.IsFalse(result); Assert.AreEqual(1, validationResults.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, validationResults.ToList().Count(x => x.ErrorMessage == "GrandChild PropertyA and PropertyB cannot add up to more than 10")); }
[Test] //work + //старт інтервал має починатись з 0, як і елементи колекції public void GetUsersFromIntervalByRoleId_IsRoleZero_Test() { //Arrange Role admin = new Role(); admin.Id = 0; IQueryable<Role> rol = new List<Role>() { admin }.AsQueryable<Role>(); IQueryable<User> listOfUsers = new List<User> { new User{Id = 5, Name = "Andrew", Roles = new List<Role>(){admin}}, new User{Id = 3, Name = "Fred", Roles = new List<Role>(){admin}}, new User{Id = 1, Name = "Sasha", Roles = new List<Role>(){admin}} }.AsQueryable<User>(); worldOfWordsUow.Setup(t => t.UserRepository).Returns(userReposit.Object); userReposit.Setup(t => t.GetAll()).Returns(listOfUsers); //Act var result = usServ.GetUsersFromIntervalByRoleId(0, 3); //Assert uowFactory.Verify(f => f.GetUnitOfWork(), Times.Once); worldOfWordsUow.Verify(t => t.UserRepository, Times.Exactly(3)); userReposit.Verify(t => t.GetAll(), Times.Exactly(3)); Assert.AreEqual(result, listOfUsers.ToList<User>()); }
public void Should_add_policyresult_cache_strategy_to_policycontainers() { // Arrange var controllerName = NameHelper.Controller<AdminController>(); var policyContainers = new List<PolicyContainer> { TestDataFactory.CreateValidPolicyContainer(controllerName, "Index"), TestDataFactory.CreateValidPolicyContainer(controllerName, "ListPosts"), TestDataFactory.CreateValidPolicyContainer(controllerName, "AddPost") }; var conventionPolicyContainer = new ConventionPolicyContainer(policyContainers.Cast<IPolicyContainerConfiguration>().ToList(), By.Controller); const Cache expectedLifecycle = Cache.PerHttpRequest; var expectedType = typeof(DenyAnonymousAccessPolicy); // Act conventionPolicyContainer.Cache<DenyAnonymousAccessPolicy>(expectedLifecycle); // Assert var containers = policyContainers.ToList(); Assert.That(containers[0].CacheStrategies.Single().PolicyType, Is.EqualTo(expectedType)); Assert.That(containers[0].CacheStrategies.Single().CacheLifecycle, Is.EqualTo(expectedLifecycle)); Assert.That(containers[0].CacheStrategies.Single().CacheLevel, Is.EqualTo(By.Controller)); Assert.That(containers[1].CacheStrategies.Single().PolicyType, Is.EqualTo(expectedType)); Assert.That(containers[1].CacheStrategies.Single().CacheLifecycle, Is.EqualTo(expectedLifecycle)); Assert.That(containers[1].CacheStrategies.Single().CacheLevel, Is.EqualTo(By.Controller)); Assert.That(containers[2].CacheStrategies.Single().PolicyType, Is.EqualTo(expectedType)); Assert.That(containers[2].CacheStrategies.Single().CacheLifecycle, Is.EqualTo(expectedLifecycle)); Assert.That(containers[2].CacheStrategies.Single().CacheLevel, Is.EqualTo(By.Controller)); }
public void RemoveRedundant1() { const string file = "THE_FILE"; const int line = 666; const int col = 555; //test case from MissingMapped var subject = new AstNull(file, line, col); var argv = new List<AstExpr> { subject, _createPlaceholder(1), _createPlaceholder(2) }; var originalArgv = argv.ToList(); _placeholderArgvProcessing(argv); Assert.AreEqual(3, argv.Count, "argc changed"); for (var i = 0; i < argv.Count; i++) Assert.AreSame(originalArgv[i], argv[i]); }
/// <summary> /// Parsers the ClustalW file for different test cases based /// on Additional parameter /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeName">Xml Node name</param> /// <param name="addParam">Additional parameter</param> private void ParserGeneralTestCases(string nodeName, AdditionalParameters addParam) { // Gets the Filename string filePath = utilityObj.xmlUtil.GetTextValue(nodeName, Constants.FilePathNode); Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)); ApplicationLog.WriteLine(string.Format("ClustalW Parser BVT: Reading the File from location '{0}'", filePath)); // Get the range list after parsing. var parserObj = new ClustalWParser(); IEnumerable<ISequenceAlignment> sequenceAlignmentList = null; ISequenceAlignment sequenceAlignment = null; // Gets the SequenceAlignment list based on the parameters. switch (addParam) { case AdditionalParameters.Parse: sequenceAlignmentList = parserObj.Parse(filePath).ToList(); break; case AdditionalParameters.ParseOne: sequenceAlignment = parserObj.ParseOne(filePath); break; case AdditionalParameters.ParseTextReader: using (var strRdrObj = File.OpenRead(filePath)) { sequenceAlignmentList = parserObj.Parse(strRdrObj).ToList(); } break; case AdditionalParameters.ParseOneTextReader: using (var strRdrObj = File.OpenRead(filePath)) { sequenceAlignment = parserObj.ParseOne(strRdrObj); } break; default: break; } // Gets all the expected values from xml. XElement expectedAlignmentNodes = utilityObj.xmlUtil.GetNode(nodeName, Constants.ExpectedAlignmentNode); IList<XNode> nodes = expectedAlignmentNodes.Nodes().ToList(); //Get all the values from the elements in the node. var expectedAlignmentObj = new Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (XElement node in nodes) { expectedAlignmentObj[node.Name.ToString()] = node.Value; } //Create a ISequenceAlignment List switch (addParam) { case AdditionalParameters.ParseOne: case AdditionalParameters.ParseOneTextReader: sequenceAlignmentList = new List<ISequenceAlignment>() { sequenceAlignment }; break; default: break; } var expectedAlignmentList = new List<Dictionary<string, string>> { expectedAlignmentObj }; Assert.IsTrue(CompareOutput(sequenceAlignmentList.ToList(), expectedAlignmentList)); ApplicationLog.WriteLine("ClustalW Parser BVT: Successfully validated all the Alignment Sequences"); }
public void Given_a_FRA_when_copy_then_fire_safety_control_measures_are_cloned() { //given var currentUser = new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; var fraToCopy = FireRiskAssessment.Create("this is the title", "the ref", 1312, null, new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }); IEnumerable<FireRiskAssessmentControlMeasure> fireSafetyControlMeasures = new List<FireRiskAssessmentControlMeasure>() { new FireRiskAssessmentControlMeasure { FireSafetyControlMeasure = new FireSafetyControlMeasure() { Id = 1, CreatedBy = new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1234),Name = "toxic air events" }, RiskAssessment = fraToCopy }, new FireRiskAssessmentControlMeasure { FireSafetyControlMeasure = new FireSafetyControlMeasure() { Id = 2, CreatedBy = new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1234) }, RiskAssessment = fraToCopy }, new FireRiskAssessmentControlMeasure { FireSafetyControlMeasure = new FireSafetyControlMeasure() { Id = 3, CreatedBy = new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1234) }, RiskAssessment = fraToCopy }, }; fraToCopy.FireSafetyControlMeasures = fireSafetyControlMeasures.ToList(); //when var copiedFra = fraToCopy.Copy(currentUser); //then Assert.AreEqual(fraToCopy.FireSafetyControlMeasures.Count(), copiedFra.FireSafetyControlMeasures.Count); }
public void Given_a_FRA_when_copy_then_people_at_risk_are_cloned() { //given var currentUser = new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; IEnumerable<RiskAssessmentPeopleAtRisk> peopleAtRisk = new List<RiskAssessmentPeopleAtRisk>() { new RiskAssessmentPeopleAtRisk { PeopleAtRisk = new PeopleAtRisk() { Id = 1, CreatedBy = new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1234) } }, new RiskAssessmentPeopleAtRisk { PeopleAtRisk = new PeopleAtRisk() { Id = 2, CreatedBy = new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1234) } }, new RiskAssessmentPeopleAtRisk { PeopleAtRisk = new PeopleAtRisk() { Id = 3, CreatedBy = new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1234) } } }; var fraToCopy = FireRiskAssessment.Create("this is the title", "the ref", 1312, null, new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }); fraToCopy.PeopleAtRisk = peopleAtRisk.ToList(); // .AttachPeopleAtRiskToRiskAssessment(peopleAtRisk,currentUser); //when var copiedFra = fraToCopy.Copy(currentUser); //then Assert.IsTrue(copiedFra.PeopleAtRisk.Count == fraToCopy.PeopleAtRisk.Count()); }
public void WithAttribute_EmptyList_ReturnsEmptyList() { var list = new List<Type>().WithAttribute<CustomTestAttribute>(); Assert.That(() => list.ToList(), Has.Count.EqualTo(0)); }
public void ToList_AddingToList_DoesNotUpdateOriginalList() { // Assemble List<int> numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 4 }; List<int> expected = new List<int> { 1, 2, 4 }; // Act numbers.ToList().Add(5); // Assert CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expected, numbers); }
public void Given_a_FRA_when_copy_then_sources_of_fuel_are_cloned() { //given var currentUser = new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; var fraToCopy = FireRiskAssessment.Create("this is the title", "the ref", 1312, null, new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }); IEnumerable<FireRiskAssessmentSourceOfFuel> sourcesOfFuel = new List<FireRiskAssessmentSourceOfFuel>() { new FireRiskAssessmentSourceOfFuel { SourceOfFuel = new SourceOfFuel { Id = 1, CreatedBy = new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid . NewGuid () }, CreatedOn = DateTime .Now. AddDays (-1234), Name = "toxic air events" }, FireRiskAssessment = fraToCopy }, new FireRiskAssessmentSourceOfFuel { SourceOfFuel = new SourceOfFuel() { Id = 2, CreatedBy = new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid . NewGuid () }, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now. AddDays(-1234) }, FireRiskAssessment = fraToCopy }, new FireRiskAssessmentSourceOfFuel { SourceOfFuel = new SourceOfFuel() { Id = 3, CreatedBy = new UserForAuditing { Id = Guid . NewGuid () }, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now. AddDays(-1234) }, FireRiskAssessment = fraToCopy } }; fraToCopy.FireRiskAssessmentSourcesOfFuel = sourcesOfFuel.ToList(); //when var copiedFra = fraToCopy.Copy(currentUser); //then Assert.AreEqual(fraToCopy.FireRiskAssessmentSourcesOfFuel.Count(), copiedFra.FireRiskAssessmentSourcesOfFuel.Count); }