public void BasicExamples() { var schtick = new Schtick(); Exception taskEx = null; schtick.OnTaskException += (task, exception) => taskEx = exception; var allRecords = new List<RunRecord>(); var all = schtick.AddTask("all", "sec(*)", (task, run) => { allRecords.Add(new RunRecord(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, run)); }); var evenRecords = new List<RunRecord>(); var even = schtick.AddTask("even", "sec(*%2)", (task, run) => { evenRecords.Add(new RunRecord(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, run)); }); // give them a chance to run Thread.Sleep(4000); // look at the results all.StopSchedule(); even.StopSchedule(); Assert.IsNull(taskEx); Assert.GreaterOrEqual(allRecords.Count, 3); Assert.LessOrEqual(allRecords.Count, 5); Assert.GreaterOrEqual(evenRecords.Count, 1); Assert.LessOrEqual(evenRecords.Count, 3); // make sure all of the events are within 100 milliseconds of the intended time foreach (var r in allRecords.Concat(evenRecords)) { Assert.LessOrEqual(r.MillisecondsDifference, 100); } }
public void AddMany_CollectionIsNotEmptyItemsToAddIsNotEmpty_AddsItemsToAdd() { var originalCollectionContent = new List<object> { new object() }; var collection = new List<object>(originalCollectionContent); var itemsToAdd = new[] { new object() }; collection.AddMany(itemsToAdd); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(originalCollectionContent.Concat(itemsToAdd), collection); }
public void ConcatQueryReuse() { List<int> first = new List<int> { 1, 2 }; List<int> second = new List<int> { 4, 5 }; IEnumerable<int> enumerable = first.Concat(second); enumerable.AssertEqual(1, 2, 4, 5); first.Add(3); second.Add(6); enumerable.AssertEqual(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); }
public void recover_from_dropped_subscription_state_using_last_known_position() { const string stream = "read_all_events_forward_should_recover_from_dropped_subscription_state_using_last_known_position"; using (var store = EventStoreConnection.Create()) { store.Connect(Node.TcpEndPoint); var catched = new List<RecordedEvent>(); Position lastKnonwPosition = null; var dropped = new AutoResetEvent(false); var create = store.CreateStreamAsync(stream, false, new byte[0]); Assert.DoesNotThrow(create.Wait); store.SubscribeAsync(stream, (@event, position) => { catched.Add(@event); lastKnonwPosition = position; }, () => dropped.Set()); var testEvents = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(x => new TestEvent(x.ToString())).ToArray(); var write = store.AppendToStreamAsync(stream, ExpectedVersion.EmptyStream, testEvents); Assert.That(write.Wait(Timeout)); store.UnsubscribeAsync(stream); Assert.That(dropped.WaitOne(Timeout)); var write2 = store.AppendToStreamAsync(stream, testEvents.Length, testEvents); Assert.That(write2.Wait(Timeout)); var missed = store.ReadAllEventsForwardAsync(lastKnonwPosition, int.MaxValue); Assert.That(missed.Wait(Timeout)); var expected = testEvents.Concat(testEvents).ToArray(); var actual = catched.Concat(missed.Result.Events.Skip(1)).ToArray();//skip 1 because readallforward is inclusive Assert.That(TestEventsComparer.Equal(expected, actual)); } }
public void should_flush_collection_with_multiple_writers() { var collection = new FlushableBlockingCollection<int>(); var consumedItems = new List<int>(); var consume = Task.Run(() => { var index = 0; foreach (var item in collection.GetConsumingEnumerable()) { consumedItems.Add(item); // simulate consumption lag if (index % 10000 == 0) Thread.Sleep(20); ++index; } Console.WriteLine("Consumer done"); }); const int writerItemCount = 300000; var t1 = Task.Run(() => { foreach (var item in Enumerable.Range(0, writerItemCount).Select(x => 3 * x)) { collection.Add(item); if ((item - 0) % 1000 == 0) Thread.Sleep(10); else Thread.Yield(); } Console.WriteLine("T1 done"); }); var t2 = Task.Run(() => { foreach (var item in Enumerable.Range(0, writerItemCount).Select(x => 3 * x + 1)) { collection.Add(item); if ((item - 1) % 1000 == 0) Thread.Sleep(10); else Thread.Yield(); } Console.WriteLine("T2 done"); }); var t3 = Task.Run(() => { foreach (var item in Enumerable.Range(0, writerItemCount).Select(x => 3 * x + 2)) { collection.Add(item); if ((item - 2) % 1000 == 0) Thread.Sleep(10); else Thread.Yield(); } Console.WriteLine("T3 done"); }); Thread.Sleep(50); Console.WriteLine("Flush #1"); var flushedItems1 = collection.Flush(true); Console.WriteLine("{0} flushed items", flushedItems1.Count); Thread.Sleep(50); Console.WriteLine("Flush #2"); var flushedItems2 = collection.Flush(true); Console.WriteLine("{0} flushed items", flushedItems2.Count); Task.WaitAll(t1, t2, t3); collection.CompleteAdding(); consume.Wait(); var exectedItems = Enumerable.Range(0, writerItemCount * 3).ToHashSet(); var items = consumedItems.Concat(flushedItems1).Concat(flushedItems2).ToList(); items.Count.ShouldEqual(exectedItems.Count); foreach (var item in items) { exectedItems.Contains(item).ShouldBeTrue(); } }
public void should_flush_collection_with_single_writer() { var collection = new FlushableBlockingCollection<int>(); var consumedItems = new List<int>(); var consume = Task.Run(() => { foreach (var item in collection.GetConsumingEnumerable()) { consumedItems.Add(item); // simulate very slow consumer Thread.Sleep(10); } Console.WriteLine("Consumer done"); }); const int batchSize = 500000; foreach (var item in Enumerable.Range(0 * batchSize, batchSize)) { collection.Add(item); } Thread.Sleep(100); Console.WriteLine("Flush #1"); var flushedItems1 = collection.Flush(true); Console.WriteLine("{0} flushed items", flushedItems1.Count); foreach (var item in Enumerable.Range(1 * batchSize, batchSize)) { collection.Add(item); } Thread.Sleep(100); Console.WriteLine("Flush #2"); var flushedItems2 = collection.Flush(true); Console.WriteLine("{0} flushed items", flushedItems2.Count); foreach (var item in Enumerable.Range(2 * batchSize, batchSize)) { collection.Add(item); } Thread.Sleep(100); Console.WriteLine("Flush #3"); var flushedItems3 = collection.Flush(true); Console.WriteLine("{0} flushed items", flushedItems3.Count); collection.CompleteAdding(); consume.Wait(); var exectedItems = Enumerable.Range(0, 1500000).ToHashSet(); var items = consumedItems.Concat(flushedItems1).Concat(flushedItems2).Concat(flushedItems3).ToList(); items.Count.ShouldEqual(exectedItems.Count); foreach (var item in items) { exectedItems.Contains(item).ShouldBeTrue(); } }
public void ShouldTruncateResponseAtEpochBoundary() { var c = new Controller(); var e = new Epoch(UNUSED_PROTOCOL); var dev1 = new UnitConvertingExternalDevice("dev2", "co", c, new Measurement(0, "V")); var sampleRate = new Measurement(1, "Hz"); var samples = new List<IMeasurement> { new Measurement(1, "V"), new Measurement(2, "V"), new Measurement(3, "V") }; var data = new OutputData(samples, sampleRate, true); e.Stimuli[dev1] = new RenderedStimulus((string) "ID1", (IDictionary<string, object>) new Dictionary<string, object>(), (IOutputData) data); e.Responses[dev1] = new Response(); c.EnqueueEpoch(e); c.NextEpoch(); c.PushInputData(dev1, new InputData(samples.Concat(samples).ToList(), sampleRate, DateTimeOffset.Now) .DataWithStreamConfiguration(streamFake, new Dictionary<string, object>()) .DataWithExternalDeviceConfiguration(devFake, new Dictionary<string, object>())); Assert.That(((TimeSpan)e.Responses[dev1].Duration), Is.EqualTo((TimeSpan)e.Duration)); }
public void SetUp() { IPRangeRepositoryMock = new Mock<IRepository<IPRange>>(); ProfileRepositoryMock = new Mock<IRepository<AwsProfile>>(); ClientFactoryMock = new Mock<IAwsClientFactory>(); Command = new RefreshIpRanges(ProfileRepositoryMock.Object, IPRangeRepositoryMock.Object, ClientFactoryMock.Object); _profileId = Guid.NewGuid(); var profile = new AwsProfile { Id = _profileId }; ProfileRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.Find(_profileId)).Returns(profile); AwsClientMock = new Mock<IAwsClient>(); NetworkServiceMock = new Mock<INetworkService>(); AwsClientMock.Setup(x => x.NetworkService).Returns(NetworkServiceMock.Object); ClientFactoryMock.Setup(x => x.GetClient(profile)).Returns(AwsClientMock.Object); _ipsInRange = Enumerable.Range(8, 4) .Select(x => string.Format("255.255.255.{0}", x)).ToList(); var allocatedIps = _ipsInRange.Concat(new List<string> { "" }); NetworkServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetAllocatedIpAddresses()).Returns(allocatedIps); }
private static void GetFourth(List<int> elements, List<List<int>> combinations, List<int> current, int ctr) { var n = elements.Count; var j = current[current.Count - 1]; for (int k = j + 1; k < n; k++) { var c = current.Concat(new List<int> { k }).ToList(); GetFifth(elements, combinations, c, ctr); } }
public IList<Point> GetRect(int[,] input) { // var leftEdgeOnes = new List<Point>(); // var rightEdgeOnes = new List<Point>(); // var topEdgeOnes = new List<Point>(); // var bottomEdgeOnes = new List<Point>(); // var maxI = input.GetLength(0); // var maxJ = input.GetLength(1); // for (int i = 0; i < maxI; i++) // { // for (int j = 0; j < maxJ; j++) // { // if (input[i, j] == 1) // { // if (i == 0 || input[i - 1, j] == 0) // { // leftEdgeOnes.Add(new Point(i, j)); // } // if (i == maxI - 1 || input[i + 1, j] == 0) // { // rightEdgeOnes.Add(new Point(i,j)); // } // if (j == 0 || input[i,j - 1] == 0) // { // topEdgeOnes.Add(new Point(i,j)); // } // if (j == maxJ -1 || input[i,j + 1] == 0) // { // bottomEdgeOnes.Add(new Point(i,j)); // } // } // } // } // // var allOnes = topEdgeOnes.Concat(bottomEdgeOnes).Concat(leftEdgeOnes).Concat(rightEdgeOnes).Distinct().ToList(); var across = new List<List<Point>>{new List<Point>()}; for (int i = 0; i < input.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < input.GetLength(1); j++) { if (input[i, j] == 1) { var list = across.Last(); list.Add(new Point(i, j)); } else { across.Add(new List<Point>()); } } across.Add(new List<Point>()); } var down = new List<List<Point>> { new List<Point>() }; for (int j = 0; j < input.GetLength(1); j++) { for (int i = 0; i < input.GetLength(0); i++) { if (input[i, j] == 1) { var list = down.Last(); list.Add(new Point(i, j)); } else { down.Add(new List<Point>()); } } down.Add(new List<Point>()); } var longest = down.Concat(across).OrderByDescending(x => x.Count).First(); if (longest.Count == 1) { longest.Add(longest[0]); } if (longest.Count > 2) { longest = new List<Point> { longest.First(), longest.Last() }; } return longest; }
public void Concat_Linq () { // Concat all elements var groupOne = new List<int> (){ 1,2,3,4,5}; var groupTwo = new List<int> (){4,5,6,7}; var groupBoth = groupOne.Concat(groupTwo); var groupBothOrdered = from g in groupBoth orderby g select g; Assert.AreEqual (9, groupBothOrdered.Count ()); Assert.AreEqual (1, groupBothOrdered.First ()); Assert.AreEqual (7, groupBothOrdered.Last ()); }
public void Concat_LinqExt () { // Concat all elements var groupOne = new List<int> (){ 1,2,3,4,5}; var groupTwo = new List<int> (){4,5,6,7}; var groupExcept = groupOne.Concat (groupTwo).OrderBy( x=> x); Assert.AreEqual (9, groupExcept.Count ()); Assert.AreEqual (1, groupExcept.First ()); Assert.AreEqual (7, groupExcept.Last ()); }
public void CacheLookup_MultipleUrisOneInCache_ReturnsVersion() { // Arrange var servers1 = new List<Uri> { Uri1 }; var servers2 = new List<Uri> { Uri2 }; var provider = new DefaultVersionProvider(); provider.CacheStore(servers2, Version45); // Act var result = provider.CacheLookup(servers1.Concat(servers2)); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(Version45, result); }
public void recover_from_dropped_subscription_state_using_last_known_position() { Assert.Inconclusive("This tests has race condition in subscribe/first write sequence. And it is not clear what it tests..."); const string stream = "read_all_events_forward_should_recover_from_dropped_subscription_state_using_last_known_position"; using (var store = EventStoreConnection.Create()) { store.Connect(_node.TcpEndPoint); store.CreateStream(stream, Guid.NewGuid(), false, new byte[0]); var catched = new List<RecordedEvent>(); Position? lastKnownPosition = null; var dropped = new AutoResetEvent(false); var subscribed = new ManualResetEventSlim(); bool wasSubscribed = false; using (var subscription = store.SubscribeToStream(stream, false, @event => { catched.Add(@event.Event); lastKnownPosition = @event.OriginalPosition; wasSubscribed = true; subscribed.Set(); }, () => { wasSubscribed = false; subscribed.Set(); dropped.Set(); }).Result) { var testEvents = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(x => TestEvent.NewTestEvent(x.ToString())).ToArray(); var write = store.AppendToStreamAsync(stream, ExpectedVersion.EmptyStream, testEvents); Assert.That(write.Wait(Timeout)); Assert.IsTrue(subscribed.Wait(5000), "Subscription haven't happened in time."); Assert.IsTrue(wasSubscribed, "Subscription failed."); Assert.IsTrue(lastKnownPosition.HasValue, "Last know position should not be null."); subscription.Unsubscribe(); Assert.That(dropped.WaitOne(Timeout), "Couldn't unsubscribe in time."); var write2 = store.AppendToStreamAsync(stream, testEvents.Length, testEvents); Assert.That(write2.Wait(Timeout)); var missed = store.ReadAllEventsForwardAsync(lastKnownPosition.Value, int.MaxValue, false); Assert.That(missed.Wait(Timeout)); var expected = testEvents.Concat(testEvents).ToArray(); var actual = catched.Concat(missed.Result.Events.Skip(1).Select(x => x.Event)).ToArray();//skip 1 because readallforward is inclusive Assert.That(EventDataComparer.Equal(expected, actual)); } } }
public void GenerateOpCodeClasses() { var globalKb = ILOpsKb.Content; // todo list for the generator // 1) introduce caching for property getters: // * NB! GENERATE IT rather than wrap around in e.g. ILOpBase // 2) same for prefix getters // 3) implement the "no." prefix 0xfe19 (CIL spec mentions it, but OpCodes do not) // 4) support "readonly." prefix for opcodes it's applicable to // first generate enumerations var enumTypes = new[] {typeof(OperatorType), typeof(PredicateType)}; foreach (var t_enum in enumTypes) { // so far we need only enums t_enum.IsEnum.AssertTrue(); Helpers.GenerateIntoClass( @"..\..\..\Truesight\Parser\Api\Ops\" + t_enum.Name + ".cs", "Truesight.Parser.Api.Ops", "public enum " + t_enum.Name, buffer => { var values = Enum.GetValues(t_enum).Cast<Object>(); var s_values = values.Select(v => v.ToInvariantString().Indent().Indent()); buffer.Append(s_values.StringJoin("," + Environment.NewLine)); }); } // second, set up redirections from enums to generated enums var typeRedirections = enumTypes.ToDictionary( t => t.GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), t => "Truesight.Parser.Api.Ops." + t.Name); // third, generate the IILOpType enumeration Helpers.GenerateIntoClass( @"..\..\..\Truesight\Parser\Api\IILOpType.cs", "Truesight.Parser.Api", "public enum IILOpType", buffer => buffer.Append(globalKb.Select(fkb => " " + fkb.Name.Capitalize()).StringJoin("," + Environment.NewLine))); // now generate opcode classes foreach (var fkb in globalKb) { var isIgnored = fkb.SubSpecs.Values.Any(kb => kb.Tags.Contains("Ignore")); (isIgnored && fkb.SubSpecs.Count > 1).AssertFalse(); var isPrefix = fkb.SubSpecs.Values.Any(kb => kb.Tags.Contains("Prefix")); (isPrefix && fkb.SubSpecs.Count > 1).AssertFalse(); var className = fkb.Name.Capitalize(); fkb.OpCodes.AssertNotEmpty(); var opCodesComment = "// " + fkb.OpCodes.Select(opcode => opcode.Name).StringJoin(); var opcodesAttribute = String.Format("[{0}({1})]", typeof(OpCodesAttribute).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), fkb.OpCodes.Select(opcode => opcode.GetCSharpByteSequence()).StringJoin()); var debuggerNonUserCodeAttribute = String.Format("[{0}]", typeof(DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen)); var classDeclaration = opCodesComment + Environment.NewLine + " " + opcodesAttribute + Environment.NewLine + " " + debuggerNonUserCodeAttribute + Environment.NewLine + " " + (isIgnored ? "internal" : "public") + " sealed class " + className + " : " + typeof(ILOp).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen); Helpers.GenerateIntoClass( @"..\..\..\Truesight\Parser\Api\Ops\" + className + ".cs", "Truesight.Parser.Api.Ops", classDeclaration, buffer => { var fields = fkb.SubSpecs.Values .SelectMany(spec => spec.Fields.Values.Select(f => f.Name)).Distinct().Order() .Select(fname => UniteSubSpecsForField(fkb, fname)).ToArray(); if (fkb.Name == "branch") fields = fields.Reverse().ToArray(); var props = fkb.SubSpecs.Values .SelectMany(spec => spec.Props.Values.Select(p => p.Name)).Distinct().Order() .Select(pname => UniteSubSpecsForProp(fkb, pname)).ToArray(); var prefixes = fkb.SubSpecs.Values .SelectMany(spec => spec.Prefixes.Values.Select(p => p.Name)).Distinct().Order() .Select(pname => { var sample = fkb.SubSpecs.Values.First().Prefixes[pname]; fkb.SubSpecs.Values.AssertAll(kb => { var prefix = kb.Prefixes[pname]; (prefix.Name == sample.Name).AssertTrue(); (prefix.Type == sample.Type).AssertTrue(); (prefix.PrefixName == sample.PrefixName).AssertTrue(); (prefix.Getter == sample.Getter).AssertTrue(); (prefix.Setter == sample.Setter).AssertTrue(); // setters ain't supported since they weren't necessary prefix.Setter.AssertNullOrEmpty(); return true; }); return sample; }).ToArray(); // 0. Generate OpCodeType buffer.AppendFormat("public override {0} OpType {{ get {{ return {0}.{1}; }} }}".Indent().Indent(), typeof(IILOpType).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), className).AppendLine().AppendLine(); // 1. Field declarations foreach (var field in fields) { field.IsUnsafe.AssertFalse(); buffer.AppendLine(String.Format("private readonly {0} {1};", field.Type.GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), field.Name).Indent().Indent()); } if (fields.Any()) buffer.AppendLine(); // 2. Constructor (parsing and field init) var auxCtorHeadline = String.Format("internal {0}({1} source, {2} reader)", className, typeof(MethodBody).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), typeof(BinaryReader).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen)); buffer.AppendLine(auxCtorHeadline.Indent().Indent()); var emptyPrefixes = String.Format("{0}.ToReadOnly({1}.Empty<{2}>())", typeof(EnumerableExtensions).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), typeof(Enumerable).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), typeof(ILOp).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen)); buffer.AppendLine((": this(source, reader, " + emptyPrefixes + ")").Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("{".Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("}".Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine(); var mainCtorHeadline = String.Format("{0}, {1} prefixes)", auxCtorHeadline.Slice(0, -1), typeof(ReadOnlyCollection<ILOp>).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen)); buffer.AppendLine(mainCtorHeadline.Indent().Indent()); buffer.Append(": base(source, AssertSupportedOpCode(reader), ".Indent().Indent().Indent()); // note. be wary of offset magic here! buffer.AppendFormat( "({0})reader.BaseStream.Position - " + "{1}.Sum({1}.Select(prefixes ?? {2}, prefix => prefix.Size))", typeof(Int32).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), typeof(Enumerable).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), emptyPrefixes); buffer.AppendLine(", prefixes ?? " + emptyPrefixes + ")"); buffer.AppendLine("{".Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("// this is necessary for further verification".Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("var origPos = reader.BaseStream.Position;".Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine(); fields.ForEach(field => { buffer.AppendLine(("// initializing " + field.Name).Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine(field.Initializer.Indent().Indent().Indent()); }); buffer.AppendLine("// verify that we've read exactly the amount of bytes we should".Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("var bytesRead = reader.BaseStream.Position - origPos;".Indent().Indent().Indent()); // this validation is partially redundant for switch, tho I'm cba to invent something better now buffer.AppendLine(String.Format("{0}.AssertTrue(bytesRead == SizeOfOperand);", typeof(AssertionHelper).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen)).Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine(); buffer.AppendLine("// now when the initialization is completed verify that we've got only prefixes we support".Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine(String.Format("{0}.AssertAll(Prefixes, prefix => ".Indent().Indent().Indent(), typeof(AssertionHelper).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen))); buffer.AppendLine("{".Indent().Indent().Indent()); var cond_vars = new List<String>(); foreach (var prefix in prefixes) { var var_name = prefix.PrefixName + "_ok"; cond_vars.Add(var_name); buffer.AppendLine(String.Format("var {0} = prefix is {1}{2};".Indent().Indent().Indent().Indent(), var_name, prefix.PrefixName.Capitalize(), prefix.Filter.IsNullOrEmpty() ? "" : " && " + prefix.Filter)); } buffer.AppendLine(String.Format("return {0};".Indent().Indent().Indent().Indent(), cond_vars.Concat("false").StringJoin(" || "))); buffer.AppendLine("});".Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("}".Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine(); // 3. OpCode inference buffer.AppendLine(String.Format("private static {0} AssertSupportedOpCode({1} reader)", typeof(OpCode).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), typeof(BinaryReader).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen)).Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("{".Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine(String.Format( "var opcode = {0}.ReadOpCode(reader);", typeof(OpCodeReader).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen)).Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine(String.Format( "{0}.AssertNotNull(opcode);", typeof(AssertionHelper).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen)).Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine(opCodesComment.Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine(String.Format( "{0}.AssertTrue({1}.Contains(new {2}[]{{{3}}}, ({4})opcode.Value.Value));", typeof(AssertionHelper).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), typeof(Enumerable).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), typeof(UInt16).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), fkb.OpCodes.Select(opcode => opcode.GetCSharpByteSequence()).StringJoin(), typeof(UInt16).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen)) .Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine(); buffer.AppendLine("return opcode.Value;".Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("}".Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine(); // 4. SizeOfOperands override (special case for Switch) if (fkb.OpCodes.SingleOrDefault2() == OpCodes.Switch) { buffer.AppendLine(); buffer.AppendLine(String.Format("public override {0} SizeOfOperand", typeof(Int32).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen)).Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("{".Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("get".Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("{".Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine(String.Format("return sizeof({0}) + _targetOffsets.Count * sizeof({0});", typeof(Int32).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen)).Indent().Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("}".Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("}".Indent().Indent()); } // 5. Property declarations if (props.IsNotEmpty()) buffer.AppendLine(); foreach (var prop in props) { buffer.AppendLine(String.Format("{0}public {1} {2}", prop.IsUnsafe ? "unsafe " : "", prop.Type.GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), prop.Name).Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("{".Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("get".Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("{".Indent().Indent().Indent()); var getter = prop.Getter.TrimEnd(); buffer.AppendLine(getter.Indent().Indent().Indent().Indent()); prop.Setter.AssertNullOrEmpty(); buffer.AppendLine("}".Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("}".Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine(); } // 6. Prefix declarations if (props.IsEmpty() && prefixes.IsNotEmpty()) buffer.AppendLine(); foreach (var prefix in prefixes) { buffer.AppendLine(String.Format("{0}public {1} {2}", prefix.IsUnsafe ? "unsafe " : "", prefix.Type.GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), prefix.Name).Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("{".Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("get".Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("{".Indent().Indent().Indent()); prefix.Setter.AssertNullOrEmpty(); if (prefix.Getter == null) { var getter = String.Format( "return {0}.Any({0}.OfType<{1}>(Prefixes));", typeof(Enumerable).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), prefix.PrefixName.Capitalize()); buffer.AppendLine(getter.Indent().Indent().Indent().Indent()); } else { var getter = String.Format( "return {0}.Single({0}.OfType<{1}>(Prefixes)).{2};", typeof(Enumerable).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), prefix.PrefixName.Capitalize(), prefix.Getter); buffer.AppendLine(getter.Indent().Indent().Indent().Indent()); } buffer.AppendLine("}".Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("}".Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine(); } // 7. Generate the stringify routine if (props.IsEmpty()) buffer.AppendLine(); buffer.AppendLine(String.Format("public override {0} ToString()", typeof(String).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen)).Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("{".Indent().Indent()); // Part 1. Offset (for non-prefix only) buffer.Append("var offset = ".Indent().Indent().Indent()); if (isPrefix) buffer.AppendLine("\"\"; // prefixes never get printed in standalone mode so nothing here"); if (!isPrefix) buffer.AppendLine("OffsetToString(Offset) + \":\";"); // Part 2. Prefixes (wrapped in brackets if any) buffer.Append("var prefixSpec = ".Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.Append("Prefixes.Count == 0 ? \"\" : (\"[\" + "); buffer.Append(String.Format("{0}.StringJoin(Prefixes)", typeof(EnumerableExtensions).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen))); buffer.AppendLine(" + \"]\");"); // Part 3. Name (as simple as that lol) var tos_name = fkb.Name == "operator" ? "OperatorTypeToString(OperatorType)" : ("\"" + fkb.Name + "\""); buffer.AppendLine(("var name = " + tos_name + ";").Indent().Indent().Indent()); var mods = new List<String>(); String operand = null; // Time for some inference before we continue // note. this stuff is hardcoded (see Visualizer.PrintOutILOpsWithProps for more info) if (fkb.Name == "ldc") { mods.Add("Type == null || OpSpec.OpCode.Value == 0xd0 /*ldtoken*/ ? null : TypeToString(Type)"); operand = "ObjectToCSharpLiteral(Value)"; } else if (fkb.Name == "cast") { mods.Add("ExpectsUn ? \"un\" : \"\""); mods.Add("FailsOnOverflow ? \"ovf\" : \"\""); mods.Add(String.Format("{0}.Format(\"{{0}}->{{1}}\", " + "ExpectsRefOrVal ? \"refval\" : (ExpectsRef ? \"ref\" : (ExpectsVal ? \"val\" : \"???\")), " + "YieldsRefOrVal ? \"refval\" : (YieldsRef ? \"ref\" : (YieldsVal ? \"val\" : \"???\"))" + ")", typeof(String).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen))); operand = "(Type != null ? TypeToString(Type) : null)"; } else if (fkb.Name == "call") { mods.Add("IsVirtual ? \"virt\" : \"\""); operand = "(Method != null ? MethodBaseToString(Method) : null)"; } else if (fkb.Name == "operator") { mods.Add("ExpectsUn ? \"un\" : \"\""); mods.Add("FailsOnOverflow ? \"ovf\" : \"\""); } else if (fkb.Name == "branch") { mods.Add("ExpectsUn ? \"un\" : \"\""); mods.Add("PredicateTypeToString(PredicateType)"); operand = "OffsetToString(_absoluteTargetOffset)"; } else if (fkb.Name == "new") { operand = "(Ctor != null ? ConstructorInfoToString(Ctor) : (Type != null ? TypeToString(Type) : null))"; } else if (fkb.Name == "ldftn") { mods.Add("IsVirtual ? \"virt\" : \"\""); operand = "(Method != null ? MethodBaseToString(Method) : null)"; } else if (fkb.Name == "compare") { mods.Add("ExpectsUn ? \"un\" : \"\""); mods.Add("PredicateTypeToString(PredicateType)"); } else if (fkb.Name == "switch") { operand = "OffsetsToString(AbsoluteTargetOffsets)"; } else if (fkb.Name == "calli") { operand = "Sig != null ? ByteArrayToString(Sig) : null"; } else if (fkb.Name == "ldarg" || fkb.Name == "ldarga" || fkb.Name == "starg" || fkb.Name == "ldloc" || fkb.Name == "ldloca" || fkb.Name == "stloc") { props.AssertCount(2); var index = props.Single(p => p.Name == "Index"); var other = props.Except(index).Single(); operand = String.Format("{2} != null ? "+ "{1}ToString({2}) : " + "{0}.ToString()", index.Name, other.Type.Name, other.Name); } else if (props.Any(p => p.Name.Contains("Token"))) { PropertySpec token, resolved; if (props.Count() == 2) { token = props.Single(p => p.Name.Contains("Token")); resolved = props.Except(token).SingleOrDefault2(); } else { if (fkb.Name == "ldind" || fkb.Name == "stind") { token = props.Single(p => p.Name == "TypeToken"); resolved = props.Single(p => p.Name == "Type"); } else if (fkb.Name == "ldfld" || fkb.Name == "stfld" || fkb.Name == "ldflda") { token = props.Single(p => p.Name == "FieldToken"); resolved = props.Single(p => p.Name == "Field"); } else { throw AssertionHelper.Fail(); } } operand = String.Format("{0}ToString({1})", resolved.Type.Name, resolved.Name); if (!resolved.Type.IsValueType) { operand = String.Format("({1} != null ? {0} : null)", operand, resolved.Name); } } else if (fkb.Name == "initblk" || fkb.Name == "cpblk") { // do nothing } else if (props.IsNotEmpty()) { props.AssertCount(1); operand = String.Format("{0}ToString({1})", props.Single().Type.Name, props.Single().Name); if (!props.Single().Type.IsValueType) { operand = String.Format("({1} != null ? {0} : null)", operand, props.Single().Name); } } // this hack is necessary for token-related ops // not to crash when the module is left unspecified if (props.Any(p => p.Name.Contains("Token"))) { String tokenExpr; if (fkb.Name == "new") { var rawTokenExpr = "(_ctorToken ?? _typeToken).Value"; rawTokenExpr = String.Format("(\"0x\" + {0}.ToString(\"x8\"))", rawTokenExpr); tokenExpr = "(OpSpec.OpCode.Value == 0x8d /*newarr*/ ? \"arr of \" : \"\") + "; tokenExpr = "(" + tokenExpr + rawTokenExpr + ")"; } else if (fkb.Name == "cast") { var token = props.Single(p => p.Name.Contains("Token")); var rawTokenExpr = String.Format("(\"0x\" + {0}.ToString(\"x8\"))", token.Name); tokenExpr = String.Format("(_typeToken == 0 ? {0} : {1})", operand, rawTokenExpr); } else if (fkb.Name == "call") { var calliExpr = "(Signature != null ? ByteArrayToString(Signature) : (\"0x\" + _signatureToken.ToString(\"x8\")))"; var callExpr = "(\"0x\" + _methodToken.ToString(\"x8\"))"; tokenExpr = String.Format("(OpSpec.OpCode.Value == 0x29 /*calli*/ ? {0} : {1})", calliExpr, callExpr); } else { var token = props.Single(p => p.Name.Contains("Token")); tokenExpr = String.Format("(\"0x\" + {0}.ToString(\"x8\"))", token.Name); } operand = String.Format("({0} ?? ({1}))", operand, tokenExpr); } // Part 4. Mods (e.g. Un, Ovf and likes) buffer.AppendLine(String.Format("var mods = new {0}();", typeof(List<String>).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen)).Indent().Indent().Indent()); mods.ForEach(mod => buffer.AppendLine(String.Format( "mods.Add({0});", mod).Indent().Indent().Indent())); buffer.AppendLine(String.Format("var modSpec = {0}.StringJoin({1}.Where(mods, mod => {2}.IsNeitherNullNorEmpty(mod)), \", \");", typeof(EnumerableExtensions).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), typeof(Enumerable).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), typeof(EnumerableExtensions).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen)).Indent().Indent().Indent()); // Part 5. Operand (something to be displayed near the opcode) buffer.AppendLine(String.Format("var operand = {0};", operand.IsNullOrEmpty() ? "\"\"" : operand).Indent().Indent().Indent()); // Now assemble the stringified view buffer.AppendLine(); buffer.AppendLine("var parts = new []{offset, prefixSpec, name, modSpec, operand};".Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine(String.Format( "var result = {0}.StringJoin({1}.Where(parts, p => {2}.IsNeitherNullNorEmpty(p)), \" \");", typeof(EnumerableExtensions).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), typeof(Enumerable).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen), typeof(EnumerableExtensions).GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.ForCodegen)).Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine(); buffer.AppendLine("return result;".Indent().Indent().Indent()); buffer.AppendLine("}".Indent().Indent()); // Fixup the last eoln in the class (added by the TextGeneratedIntoClass.template) var eolnLen = Environment.NewLine.Length; if (buffer.ToString(buffer.Length - eolnLen, eolnLen) == Environment.NewLine) buffer.Remove(buffer.Length - eolnLen, eolnLen); // Finally, don't forget to redirect from local enums to generated classes typeRedirections.ForEach(redir => buffer.Replace(redir.Key, redir.Value)); }); } }
public void It_Should_Handle_Multiple_Transforms_With_Same_ReturnType_From_Different_StepSets() { var transformDefinitions1 = new List<TransformDefinition> { transformDefinition1 }; var transformDefinitions2 = new List<TransformDefinition> { transformDefinition2 }; var mockStepSet1 = new Mock<IStepSet>(); mockStepSet1.Setup(ss => ss.StepDefinitions).Returns(new List<StepDefinition>()); mockStepSet1.Setup(ss => ss.TransformDefinitions).Returns(new Dictionary<Type, IList<TransformDefinition>> { { typeof(int), transformDefinitions1 } }); var mockStepSet2 = new Mock<IStepSet>(); mockStepSet2.Setup(ss => ss.StepDefinitions).Returns(new List<StepDefinition>()); mockStepSet2.Setup(ss => ss.TransformDefinitions).Returns(new Dictionary<Type, IList<TransformDefinition>> { { typeof(int), transformDefinitions2 } }); stepMother.StepSets = new List<IStepSet> { mockStepSet1.Object, mockStepSet2.Object }; var definitions = stepMother.TransformDefinitions.Values.SelectMany(x => x); definitions.Should().Have.SameSequenceAs(transformDefinitions1.Concat(transformDefinitions2)); }
public void ShouldTruncateResponseAtEpochBoundary() { Converters.Register("V", "V", (IMeasurement m) => m); var daq = new SimpleDAQController(); var c = new NonValidatingController { DAQController = daq }; var dev = new UnitConvertingExternalDevice("dev", UNUSED_DEVICE_MANUFACTURER, c, UNUSED_BACKGROUND); var outStream = new DAQOutputStream("out"); var inStream = new DAQInputStream("in"); dev.BindStream(outStream).BindStream(inStream); var sampleRate = new Measurement(1, "Hz"); var samples = new List<IMeasurement> { new Measurement(1, "V"), new Measurement(2, "V"), new Measurement(3, "V") }; var data = new OutputData(samples, sampleRate, true); var e = new Epoch(UNUSED_PROTOCOL); e.Stimuli[dev] = new RenderedStimulus((string) "ID1", (IDictionary<string, object>) new Dictionary<string, object>(), (IOutputData) data); e.Responses[dev] = new Response(); bool pushed = false; daq.Started += (evt, args) => { c.PullOutputData(dev, data.Duration); c.PushInputData(dev, new InputData(samples.Concat(samples).ToList(), sampleRate, DateTimeOffset.Now) .DataWithStreamConfiguration(streamFake, new Dictionary<string, object>()) .DataWithExternalDeviceConfiguration(devFake, new Dictionary<string, object>())); pushed = true; c.RequestStop(); }; c.EnqueueEpoch(e); c.StartAsync(null); while (!pushed) { Thread.Sleep(1); } Assert.That(((TimeSpan)e.Responses[dev].Duration), Is.EqualTo((TimeSpan)e.Duration)); }
private static void GetThird(List<int> elements, List<List<int>> combinations, List<int> current, int ctr) { var n = elements.Count; var j = current[current.Count - 1]; for (int k = j + 1; k < n; k++) { var c = current.Concat(new List<int> { k }).ToList(); if (ctr == c.Count) { var r = c.Select(i => elements[i]).ToList(); combinations.Add(r); } else { GetFourth(elements, combinations, c, ctr); } } }
public void TestGetDonationYearsForAuthenticatedUser() { var donations = new List<Donation> { new Donation { donationDate = DateTime.Parse("1999-12-31 23:59:59"), }, new Donation { donationDate = DateTime.Parse("2000-01-01 00:00:01"), }, new Donation { donationDate = DateTime.Parse("1999-11-30 23:59:59"), }, new Donation { donationDate = DateTime.Parse("1998-10-30 23:59:59"), } }; var softCreditDonations = new List<Donation> { new Donation { donationDate = DateTime.Parse("1997-12-31 23:59:59"), }, new Donation { donationDate = DateTime.Parse("2001-01-01 00:00:01"), }, new Donation { donationDate = DateTime.Parse("1999-11-30 23:59:59"), }, new Donation { donationDate = DateTime.Parse("1997-11-30 23:59:59"), }, new Donation { donationDate = DateTime.Parse("1996-10-30 23:59:59"), } }; var expectedYears = new List<string> { "2001", "2000", "1999", "1998", "1997", "1996" }; _mpDonorService.Setup(mocked => mocked.GetDonationsForAuthenticatedUser("auth token", null, null)).Returns(donations.Concat(softCreditDonations).ToList()); var response = _fixture.GetDonationYearsForAuthenticatedUser("auth token"); _mpDonorService.VerifyAll(); Assert.IsNotNull(response); Assert.IsNotNull(response.AvailableDonationYears); Assert.AreEqual(expectedYears.Count, response.AvailableDonationYears.Count); }