Exemple #1
        public bool Configure(IntPtr panelHandle)
            // save any persistent settings in a sub-folder of this path
            string dataPath = mbApiInterface.Setting_GetPersistentStoragePath();

            // panelHandle will only be set if you set about.ConfigurationPanelHeight to a non-zero value
            // keep in mind the panel width is scaled according to the font the user has selected
            // if about.ConfigurationPanelHeight is set to 0, you can display your own popup window
            if (panelHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                newConfig = (Configuration)config.Clone();

                Panel configPanel = (Panel)Panel.FromHandle(panelHandle);

                CheckBox showYear = new CheckBox();
                showYear.Name            = "ShowYear";
                showYear.Text            = "Show year next to album";
                showYear.Height          = 16;
                showYear.ForeColor       = Color.FromArgb(mbApiInterface.Setting_GetSkinElementColour(SkinElement.SkinInputPanelLabel, ElementState.ElementStateDefault, ElementComponent.ComponentForeground));
                showYear.Checked         = newConfig.showYear;
                showYear.CheckedChanged += ShowYearValueChanged;

                configPanel.Controls.AddRange(new Control[] { showYear });
Exemple #2
        private void LoadConfig(string dataPath)
            DataContractSerializer dataContractSerializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(Plugin.Configuration));
            FileStream             fileStream             = new FileStream(Path.Combine(dataPath, "mb_DiscordRichPresence.xml"), FileMode.Open);

            config = (Plugin.Configuration)dataContractSerializer.ReadObject(fileStream);
Exemple #3
        // called by MusicBee when the user clicks Apply or Save in the MusicBee Preferences screen.
        // its up to you to figure out whether anything has changed and needs updating
        public void SaveSettings()
            // save any persistent settings in a sub-folder of this path
            string dataPath = mbApiInterface.Setting_GetPersistentStoragePath();

            config = newConfig;