Exemple #1
 public static void SetVectorAligned(this byte[] array, Vector16b val, int offset)
     for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
         array [offset + i] = val [i];
Exemple #2
		public static unsafe Vector16b operator + (Vector16b va, Vector16b vb)
			Vector16b res = new Vector16b ();
			byte *a = &va.v0;
			byte *b = &vb.v0;
			byte *c = &res.v0;
			for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
				*c++ = (byte)(*a++ + *b++);
			return res;
Exemple #3
        public static unsafe int ExtractByteMask(Vector16b va)
            int   res = 0;
            byte *a   = (byte *)&va;

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
                res |= (*a++ & 0x80) >> 7 << i;
Exemple #4
        public static unsafe Vector16b Average(Vector16b va, Vector16b vb)
            Vector16b res = new Vector16b();
            byte *    a   = &va.v0;
            byte *    b   = &vb.v0;
            byte *    c   = &res.v0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
                *c++ = (byte)((*a++ + *b++ + 1) >> 1);
Exemple #5
        public static unsafe Vector16b SubWithSaturation(Vector16b va, Vector16b vb)
            Vector16b res = new Vector16b();
            byte *    a   = &va.v0;
            byte *    b   = &vb.v0;
            byte *    c   = &res.v0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
                *c++ = (byte)System.Math.Max(*a++ - *b++, 0);
Exemple #6
        public static unsafe Vector16b AddWithSaturation(this Vector16b va, Vector16b vb)
            Vector16b res = new Vector16b();
            byte *    a   = &va.v0;
            byte *    b   = &vb.v0;
            byte *    c   = &res.v0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
                *c++ = (byte)System.Math.Min(*a++ + *b++, byte.MaxValue);
Exemple #7
        public static unsafe Vector16b Min(Vector16b va, Vector16b vb)
            Vector16b res = new Vector16b();
            byte *    a   = &va.v0;
            byte *    b   = &vb.v0;
            byte *    c   = &res.v0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
                *c++ = (byte)System.Math.Min(*a++, *b++);
Exemple #8
        public static unsafe Vector16b operator ^(Vector16b va, Vector16b vb)
            Vector16b res = new Vector16b();
            uint *    a   = (uint *)&va.v0;
            uint *    b   = (uint *)&vb.v0;
            uint *    c   = (uint *)&res.v0;

            *c++ = *a++ ^ *b++;
            *c++ = *a++ ^ *b++;
            *c++ = *a++ ^ *b++;
            *c   = *a ^ *b;
Exemple #9
        public static unsafe Vector16b CompareEqual(Vector16b va, Vector16b vb)
            Vector16b res = new Vector16b();
            byte *    a   = &va.v0;
            byte *    b   = &vb.v0;
            byte *    c   = &res.v0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
                *c++ = (byte)(*a++ == *b++ ? -1 : 0);
Exemple #10
        public static unsafe Vector16b operator -(Vector16b va, Vector16b vb)
            Vector16b res = new Vector16b();
            byte *    a   = &va.v0;
            byte *    b   = &vb.v0;
            byte *    c   = &res.v0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
                *c++ = (byte)(*a++ - *b++);
Exemple #11
        public static unsafe Vector16b SignedPackWithUnsignedSaturation(Vector8us va, Vector8us vb)
            Vector16b res = new Vector16b();
            short *   a   = (short *)&va;
            short *   b   = (short *)&vb;
            byte *    c   = (byte *)&res;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                *c++ = (byte)System.Math.Max(0, System.Math.Min((int)*a++, byte.MaxValue));
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                *c++ = (byte)System.Math.Max(0, System.Math.Min((int)*b++, byte.MaxValue));
Exemple #12
        public static unsafe Vector8us SumOfAbsoluteDifferences(Vector16b va, Vector16sb vb)
            Vector8us res = new Vector8us();
            byte *    a   = &va.v0;
            sbyte *   b   = (sbyte *)&vb;

            int tmp = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                tmp += System.Math.Abs((int)*a++ - (int)*b++);
            res.V0 = (ushort)tmp;

            tmp = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                tmp += System.Math.Abs((int)*a++ - (int)*b++);
            res.V4 = (ushort)tmp;

Exemple #13
	static int test_0_vector16b_add_ovf () {
		Vector16b a = new Vector16b (200,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15);
		Vector16b b = new Vector16b (200,10,11,12,13,14,15,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8);
		Vector16b c = a + b;

		if (c.V0 != 144)
			return 1;
		if (c.V1 != 11)
			return 2;
		if (c.V15 != 23)
			return 3;
		return 0;
Exemple #14
 public static void StoreAligned(ref Vector16b res, Vector16b val)
     res = val;
Exemple #15
	static unsafe Vector8us bad_method_regression_2 (Vector16b va, Vector16b vb) {
		Vector8us res = new Vector8us ();
		byte *a = (byte*)&va;
		byte *b = (byte*)&vb;

		int tmp = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
			tmp += System.Math.Abs ((int)*a++ - (int)*b++);
		res.V0 = (ushort)tmp;

		tmp = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
			tmp += System.Math.Abs ((int)*a++ - (int)*b++);
		res.V4 = (ushort)tmp;
		return res;
Exemple #16
	public static int test_0_vector16b_extract_mask () {
		Vector16b a = new Vector16b (0xF0,0,0xF0,0,0,0,0xF0,0xAA,0x0F,0,0xFF,0,0,0,0,0);
		int c = a.ExtractByteMask ();

		if (c != 0x4C5)
			return 1;
		return 0;
Exemple #17
	public static int vector16b_cmpeq () {
		Vector16b a = new Vector16b (1,0,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1);
		Vector16b b = new Vector16b (0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
		Vector16b c = a.CompareEqual (b);

		if (c.V0 != 0)
			return 1;
		if (c.V1 != 0)
			return 2;
		if (c.V2 != 0)
			return 3;
		if (c.V3 != 0xff)
			return 4;
		if (c.V4 != 0xff)
			return 5;
		if (c.V5 != 0xff)
			return 6;
		if (c.V6 != 0xff)
			return 7;
		if (c.V7 != 0xff)
			return 8;
		if (c.V8 != 0xff)
			return 9;
		if (c.V9 != 0xff)
			return 10;
		if (c.V10 != 0xff)
			return 11;
		if (c.V11 != 0xff)
			return 12;
		if (c.V12 != 0xff)
			return 13;
		if (c.V13 != 0xff)
			return 14;
		if (c.V14 != 0xff)
			return 15;
		if (c.V15 != 0)
			return 16;
		return 0;
Exemple #18
		public static unsafe Vector16b UnpackHigh (this Vector16b va, Vector16b vb)
			return new Vector16b (va.v8, vb.v8, va.v9, vb.v9, va.v10, vb.v10, va.v11, vb.v11, va.v12, vb.v12, va.v13, vb.v13, va.v14, vb.v14, va.v15, vb.v15);
Exemple #19
		public static unsafe Vector16b CompareEqual (this Vector16b va, Vector16b vb) {
			Vector16b res = new Vector16b ();
			byte *a = &va.v0;
			byte *b = &vb.v0;
			byte *c = &res.v0;
			for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
				*c++ = (byte) (*a++ == *b++ ? -1 : 0);
			return res;
Exemple #20
		public static void PrefetchNonTemporal (ref Vector16b res)
Exemple #21
		public static void PrefetchTemporal2ndLevelCache (ref Vector16b res)
Exemple #22
		public static void PrefetchTemporalAllCacheLevels (ref Vector16b res)
Exemple #23
 public static void PrefetchNonTemporal(ref Vector16b res)
Exemple #24
 public static void PrefetchTemporal2ndLevelCache(ref Vector16b res)
Exemple #25
 public static void PrefetchTemporalAllCacheLevels(ref Vector16b res)
Exemple #26
 public static unsafe void StoreAligned(Vector16b *res, Vector16b val)
     *res = val;
Exemple #27
	public static int test_0_vector16b_operator_eq () {
		Vector16b a = new Vector16b(1,2,3,5,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,5,5,6,7,8);
		Vector16b b = new Vector16b(1,2,3,5,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,5,5,6,7,8);
		if (!(a == b))
			return 1;
		b.V0 = 99;
		if (a == b)
			return 2;
		return 0;
Exemple #28
		public static unsafe void PrefetchTemporalAllCacheLevels (Vector16b *res)
Exemple #29
		public static unsafe void PrefetchTemporal2ndLevelCache (Vector16b *res)
Exemple #30
		public static unsafe Vector16b UnpackLow (this Vector16b va, Vector16b vb)
			return new Vector16b (va.v0, vb.v0, va.v1, vb.v1, va.v2, vb.v2, va.v3, vb.v3, va.v4, vb.v4, va.v5, vb.v5, va.v6, vb.v6, va.v7, vb.v7);
Exemple #31
		public static unsafe void PrefetchNonTemporal (Vector16b *res)
Exemple #32
		public static unsafe Vector16b SignedPackWithUnsignedSaturation (Vector8us va, Vector8us vb) {
			Vector16b res = new Vector16b ();
			short *a = (short*)&va;
			short *b = (short*)&vb;
			byte *c = (byte*)&res;
			for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
				*c++ = (byte)System.Math.Max (0, System.Math.Min ((int)*a++, byte.MaxValue));
			for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
				*c++ = (byte)System.Math.Max (0, System.Math.Min ((int)*b++, byte.MaxValue));
			return res;
Exemple #33
	static unsafe Vector8us bad_method_regression (Vector16b va, Vector16b vb) {
		Vector8us res = new Vector8us ();
		byte *a = (byte*)&va;
		byte *b = (byte*)&vb;
		*((ushort*)&res) = 10;

		int tmp = 0;
		if (*b != 0)

		Vector8us dd = res;
		dd = dd + dd - dd;
		return dd;
Exemple #34
	public static int vector16b_sum_abs_diff () {
		Vector16b a = new Vector16b (100,20,20,20,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0, 0);
		Vector16sb b = new Vector16sb (0,  10,10,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10,10);
		Vector8us c = a.SumOfAbsoluteDifferences (b);

		if (c.V0 != 130)
			return 1;
		if (c.V1 != 0)
			return 2;
		if (c.V2 != 0)
			return 3;
		if (c.V3 != 0)
			return 4;
		if (c.V4 != 20)
			return 5;
		if (c.V5 != 0)
			return 6;
		if (c.V6 != 0)
			return 7;
		if (c.V7 != 0)
			return 8;
		return 0;
Exemple #35
	static int test_0_vector16b_one_element_ctor () {
		Vector16b a = new Vector16b (99);

		if (a.V0 != 99)
			return 1;
		if (a.V1 != 99)
			return 2;
		if (a.V2 != 99)
			return 3;
		if (a.V3 != 99)
			return 4;
		if (a.V4 != 99)
			return 5;
		if (a.V5 != 99)
			return 6;
		if (a.V6 != 99)
			return 7;
		if (a.V7 != 99)
			return 8;
		if (a.V8 != 99)
			return 9;
		if (a.V9 != 99)
			return 10;
		if (a.V10 != 99)
			return 11;
		if (a.V11 != 99)
			return 12;
		if (a.V12 != 99)
			return 13;
		if (a.V13 != 99)
			return 14;
		if (a.V14 != 99)
			return 15;
		if (a.V15 != 99)
			return 16;
		return 0;
Exemple #36
	public static int test_0_vector16b_avg () {
		Vector16b a = new Vector16b (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15);
		Vector16b b = new Vector16b (9,10,11,12,13,14,15,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8);
		Vector16b c = a.Average (b);

		if (c.V0 != 5)
			return 1;
		if (c.V1 != 6)
			return 2;
		if (c.V2 != 7)
			return 3;
		if (c.V3 != 8)
			return 4;
		if (c.V4 != 9)
			return 5;
		if (c.V5 != 10)
			return 6;
		if (c.V6 != 11)
			return 7;
		if (c.V7 != 4)
			return 8;
		if (c.V8 != 5)
			return 9;
		if (c.V9 != 6)
			return 10;
		if (c.V10 != 7)
			return 11;
		if (c.V11 != 8)
			return 12;
		if (c.V12 != 9)
			return 13;
		if (c.V13 != 10)
			return 14;
		if (c.V14 != 11)
			return 15;
		if (c.V15 != 12)
			return 16;
		return 0;
Exemple #37
	static int test_0_vector16b_sub_sat () {
		Vector16b a = new Vector16b (100,10,11,12,13,14,15,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8);
		Vector16b b = new Vector16b (200,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15);
		Vector16b c = a.SubtractWithSaturation (b);

		if (c.V0 != 0)
			return 1;
		if (c.V1 != 9)
			return 2;
		if (c.V15 != 0)
			return 3;
		return 0;
Exemple #38
	/*This bug was caused the simplifier not taking notice of LDADDR on the remaining blocks.*/
	public static int test_2_local_simplifier_regression_other_blocks () {
		Vector16b a = new Vector16b (1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1);
		Vector16b b = new Vector16b (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
		Vector8us res = bad_method_regression_2 (a,b);
		return (int)res.V0 + res.V4;
Exemple #39
 public static Vector16b LoadAligned(ref Vector16b v)
Exemple #40
	/*This bug was caused the simplifier not taking notice of LDADDR on the first block.*/
	public static int test_10_local_simplifier_regression_first_block () {
		Vector16b a = new Vector16b ();
		Vector16b b = new Vector16b ();
		Vector8us res = bad_method_regression (a,b);
		return (int)res.V0;
Exemple #41
 public static unsafe Vector16b UnpackLow(Vector16b va, Vector16b vb)
     return(new Vector16b(va.v0, vb.v0, va.v1, vb.v1, va.v2, vb.v2, va.v3, vb.v3, va.v4, vb.v4, va.v5, vb.v5, va.v6, vb.v6, va.v7, vb.v7));
Exemple #42
	static int test_0_vector16b_unpack_low () {
		Vector16b a = new Vector16b (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15);
		Vector16b b = new Vector16b (9,10,11,12,13,14,15,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8);
		Vector16b c = a.UnpackLow (b);

		if (c.V0 != 0)
			return 1;
		if (c.V1 != 9)
			return 2;
		if (c.V2 != 1)
			return 3;
		if (c.V3 != 10)
			return 4;
		if (c.V4 != 2)
			return 5;
		if (c.V5 != 11)
			return 6;
		if (c.V14 != 7)
			return 7;
		if (c.V15 != 0)
			return 8;
		return 0;
Exemple #43
		public static unsafe Vector16b AddWithSaturation (this Vector16b va, Vector16b vb) {
			Vector16b res = new Vector16b ();
			byte *a = &va.v0;
			byte *b = &vb.v0;
			byte *c = &res.v0;
			for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
				*c++ = (byte) System.Math.Min (*a++ + *b++, byte.MaxValue);
			return res;
Exemple #44
	static int test_0_vector16b_add_sat () {
		Vector16b a = new Vector16b (200,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15);
		Vector16b b = new Vector16b (200,10,11,12,13,14,15,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8);
		Vector16b c = a.AddWithSaturation (b);

		if (c.V0 != 255)
			return 1;
		if (c.V1 != 11)
			return 2;
		if (c.V15 != 23)
			return 3;
		return 0;
Exemple #45
		public static unsafe Vector16b SubtractWithSaturation (this Vector16b va, Vector16b vb) {
			Vector16b res = new Vector16b ();
			byte *a = &va.v0;
			byte *b = &vb.v0;
			byte *c = &res.v0;
			for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
				*c++ = (byte) System.Math.Max (*a++ - *b++, 0);
			return res;
Exemple #46
	static int test_0_vector16b_accessors () {
		Vector16b a = new Vector16b (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15);

		if (a.V0 != 0)
			return 1;
		if (a.V1 != 1)
			return 2;
		if (a.V2 != 2)
			return 3;
		if (a.V3 != 3)
			return 4;
		if (a.V4 != 4)
			return 5;
		if (a.V5 != 5)
			return 6;
		if (a.V6 != 6)
			return 7;
		if (a.V7 != 7)
			return 8;
		if (a.V8 != 8)
			return 9;
		if (a.V9 != 9)
			return 10;
		if (a.V10 != 10)
			return 11;
		if (a.V11 != 11)
			return 12;
		if (a.V12 != 12)
			return 13;
		if (a.V13 != 13)
			return 14;
		if (a.V14 != 14)
			return 15;
		if (a.V15 != 15)
			return 16;

		a.V0 = 10;
		a.V1 = 20;
		a.V2 = 30;
		a.V3 = 40;
		a.V4 = 50;
		a.V5 = 60;
		a.V6 = 70;
		a.V7 = 80;
		a.V8 = 90;
		a.V9 = 100;
		a.V10 = 110;
		a.V11 = 120;
		a.V12 = 130;
		a.V13 = 140;
		a.V14 = 150;
		a.V15 = 160;

		if (a.V0 != 10)
			return 17;
		if (a.V1 != 20)
			return 18;
		if (a.V2 != 30)
			return 19;
		if (a.V3 != 40)
			return 20;
		if (a.V4 != 50)
			return 21;
		if (a.V5 != 60)
			return 22;
		if (a.V6 != 70)
			return 23;
		if (a.V7 != 80)
			return 24;
		if (a.V8 != 90)
			return 25;
		if (a.V9 != 100)
			return 26;
		if (a.V10 != 110)
			return 27;
		if (a.V11 != 120)
			return 28;
		if (a.V12 != 130)
			return 29;
		if (a.V13 != 140)
			return 30;
		if (a.V14 != 150)
			return 31;
		if (a.V15 != 160)
			return 32;
		return 0;
Exemple #47
		public static unsafe Vector16b Average (this Vector16b va, Vector16b vb) {
			Vector16b res = new Vector16b ();
			byte *a = &va.v0;
			byte *b = &vb.v0;
			byte *c = &res.v0;
			for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
				*c++ = (byte) ((*a++ + *b++ + 1) >> 1);
			return res;
Exemple #48
		public static unsafe Vector16b Min (this Vector16b va, Vector16b vb) {
			Vector16b res = new Vector16b ();
			byte *a = &va.v0;
			byte *b = &vb.v0;
			byte *c = &res.v0;
			for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
				*c++ = (byte) System.Math.Min(*a++, *b++);
			return res;
Exemple #49
 public static unsafe Vector16b UnpackHigh(Vector16b va, Vector16b vb)
     return(new Vector16b(va.v8, vb.v8, va.v9, vb.v9, va.v10, vb.v10, va.v11, vb.v11, va.v12, vb.v12, va.v13, vb.v13, va.v14, vb.v14, va.v15, vb.v15));