public void ImplicitlyTypedLocalVariablesAndArraysTest()
            var i = 5;
            Assert.AreEqual("System.Int32", i.GetType().FullName, "int로 컴파일");

            var s = "ohyecloudy";
            Assert.AreEqual("System.String", s.GetType().FullName, "string으로 컴파일");

            var ia = new[] { 0, 1, 2 };
            Assert.AreEqual("System.Int32[]", ia.GetType().FullName, "int array로 컴파일");

            var istr = new[] { "ohyecloudy", "hello" };
            Assert.AreEqual("System.String[]", istr.GetType().FullName, "string array로 컴파일");

            var expr =
                from c in (new List<Customer>())
                where c.City == "London"
                select c;
            Assert.AreEqual("WhereListIterator`1", expr.GetType().Name);

            var list = new List<int>();
            Assert.AreEqual("List`1", list.GetType().Name);

            // null 초기화 X
            // var mem = null;

            // 초기화 표현에 사용 X
            // var i = (i = 20); X
            // int i = (i = 20); O

            // multiple declarator 사용 X
            // var i, j, k; X
 public void TypeConverter_CanConvertCommentList_IsTrue()
     var converter = new TypeConverter<IEnumerable<Comment>>();
     var list = new List<Comment> {new Comment(), new Comment()};
     var canConvert = converter.CanConvert(list.GetType());
 public void TypeConverter_CanConvertImageList_IsTrue()
     var converter = new TypeConverter<IEnumerable<Image>>();
     var list = new List<Image> {new Image(), new Image()};
     var canConvert = converter.CanConvert(list.GetType());
Exemple #4
 public void Ad()
     var s = new string[] { "a", "b" };
     var s1 = new List<string>()
     var a = s.GetType();
     var b = s1.GetType();
        public void GetGenericArgumentCount_WhenGivenTypeWithOneGenericArgument_ReturnsOne()
            // ARRANGE
            var item = new List<string>();
            var type = item.GetType();

            // ACT
            var actual = type.GetGeneGetGenricArgumentCount();

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(1, actual);
        public void EmptyCollectionTest()
            List<int> list = new List<int>();

            catch (ArgumentException e)
                Assert.AreEqual(e.Message, string.Format("{0} is empty", list.GetType()));
        public void GetTypeFromTypeName()
            var ps = new List<Persion>();
            var t = ps.GetType();


            var t2 = Type.GetType(t.FullName);
            Assert.AreEqual(t, t2);

            Console.WriteLine(typeof(Dictionary<string, Persion>).FullName);
            var pa1 = new Persion[0];
            var pa2 = new Persion[10];

            var t3 = Type.GetType(pa1.GetType().FullName);
            var t4 = Type.GetType(pa2.GetType().FullName);
        public void RegisterSingleByInstanceNonGeneric_InstanceOfSameTypeAsService_Succeeds()
            // Arrange
            var container = ContainerFactory.New();

            object impl = new List<int>();

            // Act
            container.RegisterSingleton(impl.GetType(), impl);
Exemple #9
            public void ReturnsTrueForDerivingClass()
                var genericType = typeof (List<>);
                var toCheck = new List<string>();

                Assert.IsTrue(TypeHelper.IsSubclassOfRawGeneric(genericType, toCheck.GetType()));
Exemple #10
            public void ReturnsFalseForNonDerivingClass()
                var genericType = typeof (SavableModelBase<>);
                var toCheck = new List<string>();

                Assert.IsFalse(TypeHelper.IsSubclassOfRawGeneric(genericType, toCheck.GetType()));
        public void GetAllSubCommoditiesTest()
            //Commodity target = new Commodity(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            List<Commodity> expected = new List<Commodity>
                    new Commodity { CommodityID = 5, Name = "Yellow Wheat",LongName = "",CommodityTypeID = 1, ParentID = 1 },
                    new Commodity { CommodityID = 6, Name = "Green Wheat",LongName = "",CommodityTypeID = 1, ParentID = 1 },
                    new Commodity { CommodityID = 8, Name = "Beans",LongName = "",CommodityTypeID = 1, ParentID = 3 },

            List<Commodity> actual = this.MockCommodityRepository.GetAllSubCommodities();

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual, expected.GetType()); // Test type
            Assert.AreEqual(actual.Count, expected.Count);
            //are all elemetnts found
            foreach (var commodityExp in expected)
                Assert.IsTrue(actual.Contains(actual.Find(c => c.CommodityID == commodityExp.CommodityID)));

            //Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void TestWriteListInt32()
            List<int> value = new List<int>() { 3155, 3155 };
            var name = "test";
            var attribute = XFireAttributeFactory.Instance.GetAttribute(value.GetType());

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(ms))
                    attribute.WriteAll(writer, name, value);

                var expected = new byte[] { 0x04, 0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x04, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00,
                                            0x53, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x53, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00 };
        public void GetListType()
            var li = new List<int>();

            var ls = new List<string>();

            var aString = "";
        public void IsTypeListOfT()
            var o = 1;

            var li = new List<int>();

            var ld = new List<double>();
        public void IsDictionaryOfKV()
            var o = 1;

            var li = new List<int>();

            var dsi = new Dictionary<string, int>();
        public void CanSerializeILInstructions()
            List<OpCode> codes = new List<OpCode>();
            //mono cecil does all the work of getting out the IL codes from the raw binary data
            //reading bit by bit
            foreach (var il in _method.Body.Instructions)
                object operand = null;
                var operandAsString = il.Operand as string;
                var operandAsInstruction = il.Operand as Mono.Cecil.Cil.Instruction;
                var operandAsMethodReference = il.Operand as Mono.Cecil.MethodReference;
                var operandAsParameterDef = il.Operand as Mono.Cecil.ParameterDefinition;

                // stand alone commmand that doesn't need a paramters
                if (il.Operand == null)
                    operand = null;
                else if (operandAsInstruction != null)
                    operand = new OpCode()
                        Name = operandAsInstruction.OpCode.Name,
                        Operand = operandAsInstruction.Operand
                //load a string
                else if (operandAsString != null)
                    operand = operandAsString;
                //load a constant number
                else if (il.Operand is int)
                    operand = il.Operand;
                //something like a call virtual, for a  method on a type
                else if (operandAsMethodReference != null)
                    operand = new Compile.Types.MethodReference() {FullName = operandAsMethodReference.FullName };
                else if (operandAsParameterDef != null)
                    //operand = new Compile.Types.ParameterDefinition() { FullName = operandAsParameterDef.Method.;
                    int xxx = 3;


                var newCode = new OpCode() {
                    Name = il.OpCode.Name,
                    Operand = operand
            //dammit i hate serialization. this isn't working but just do whatever is needed to serialize this information
            SerializeObject(codes.GetType(), codes);
        public void IsGenericTypeWithFirstDynamicTypeArgument_WhenGivenGenericTypeWithNonDynamicType_ReturnsFalse()
            // ARRANGE
            var item = new List<string>();
            var type = item.GetType();

            // ACT
            var actual = type.IsGenericTypeWithFirstDynamicTypeArgument();

            // ASSERT
        public void IsGenericType_WhenGivenGenericType_ReturnsTrue()
            // ARRANGE
            var item = new List<string>();
            var type = item.GetType();

            // ACT
            var actual = type.IsGenericType();

            // ASSERT
 public void Run()
     var list = new List<int>();
     var type = list.GetType();
        public void IsGenericTypeWithFirstDynamicTypeArgument_WhenGivenGenericTypeWithDynamicType_ReturnsTrue()
            // ARRANGE
            var item = new List<ExpandoObject>();
            var type = item.GetType();

            // ACT
            var actual = type.IsGenericTypeWithFirstDynamicTypeArgument();

            // ASSERT
 public void TypeConverter_CanConvertInt_IsFalse()
     var converter = new TypeConverter<Image>();
     var list = new List<int> {1, 2, 3};