public void testToString() {
		List<Percept> ps = new List<Percept>();
		ps.Add(new DynamicPercept("key1", "value1"));

		Assert.Equals("[Percept[key1==value1]]", ps.ToString());

		ps.Add(new DynamicPercept("key1", "value1", "key2", "value2"));

				"[Percept[key1==value1], Percept[key1==value1, key2==value2]]",
        public void LoadingWordsFromTest()
            List<string> expected = new List<string> { "computer", "programmer", "software", "debugger", "compiler", "developer" };

            SecretWordManager actual = new SecretWordManager();
            actual.LoadAllSecretWords(@"../../Test Resources/SecretWordLibraryTest.txt");

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.ToString(), actual.GetAllSecretWords().ToString());
        public void LoadingWordsFromNonOrderedFileWithWordsTest()
            List<string> expected = new List<string> { "computer", "debugger", "silence" };

            SecretWordManager actual = new SecretWordManager();
            actual.LoadAllSecretWords(@"../../Test Resources/nonOrderedWords.txt");

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.ToString(), actual.GetAllSecretWords().ToString());
        public void LoadingWordsFromEmptyFileTest()
            List<string> expected = new List<string>();

            SecretWordManager actual = new SecretWordManager();
            actual.LoadAllSecretWords(@"../../Test Resources/emptyfile.txt");

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.ToString(), actual.GetAllSecretWords().ToString());
 public void TestListToString()
     TestClass testclass = new TestClass() { ID = 5, Decimal = 3.3M, Float = 3.23423F, String = "blah, \"asdff\"" };
     testclass.Class = new TestClass() { ID = 5, Decimal = 3.3M, Float = 3.23423F, String = "blah, \"asdff\"" };
     List<TestClass> lst = new List<TestClass>();
     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
     string actual = lst.ToString(',');
     Assert.AreEqual("5,\"blah, \"\"asdff\"\"\",3.3,3.23423,\"5,\"blah, \"\"asdff\"\"\",3.3,3.23423\"\r\n5,\"blah, \"\"asdff\"\"\",3.3,3.23423,\"5,\"blah, \"\"asdff\"\"\",3.3,3.23423\"\r\n", actual);
        public void NavBar_Return_SameModel()
            var navbar = new NavbarController();
            var navbars = new List<Navbar>();
            navbars.Add(new Navbar { Id = 2, nameOption = "Charts", controller = "Home", action = "Charts", imageClass = "fa fa-fw fa-bar-chart-o", estatus = true });
            navbars.Add(new Navbar { Id = 3, nameOption = "Tables", controller = "Home", action = "Tables", imageClass = "fa fa-fw fa-table", estatus = true });

            string controller = "Home";
            string act = "Index";

            var viewResult = navbar.Navbar(controller, act) as PartialViewResult;
            var viewModel = viewResult.Model;
            Assert.AreSame(viewResult.Model.ToString(), navbars.ToString());

 public void StepTwoTest()
     Board board = Board.createInstance(25); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     int gameSize = 5; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     ComputerMoveHandler Step2Target = new ComputerMoveHandler(board, gameSize); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     Step2Target.MakeMove(new Point(5, 5), Symbol.Cross);
     Step2Target.MakeMove(new Point(5, 6), Symbol.Cross);
     Step2Target.MakeMove(new Point(5, 7), Symbol.Cross);
     Step2Target.MakeMove(new Point(6, 7), Symbol.Oval);
     List<Point> pos = new List<Point>() {new Point(5,8),new Point(5,4)}; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     Symbol coin = Symbol.Cross; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     List<Point> expected = new List<Point>(){new Point(5,8)}; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     List<Point> actual;
     actual = Step2Target.StepTwo(pos, coin);
     Assert.AreEqual(expected.ToString(), actual.ToString());
     Step2Target = null;
     board = null;
 public void StepThreeTest()
     Board board = Board.createInstance(25); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     int gameSize = 5; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     ComputerMoveHandler Step3Target = new ComputerMoveHandler(board, gameSize); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     List<Point> pos = new List<Point>(){new Point(0,0),new Point(0,1)}; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     Symbol coin = Symbol.Cross; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     List<Point> expected = new List<Point>(){new Point(0,1)} ; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     List<Point> actual;
     actual = Step3Target.StepThree(pos, coin);
     Assert.AreEqual(expected.ToString(), actual.ToString());
     Step3Target = null;
     board = null;
        public void StepOneTest()
            Board board = Board.createInstance(25); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            int gameSize = 5; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            ComputerMoveHandler target = new ComputerMoveHandler(board, gameSize); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            target.MakeMove(new Point(5, 5), Symbol.Cross);
            target.MakeMove(new Point(5, 6), Symbol.Cross);
            target.MakeMove(new Point(5, 7), Symbol.Cross);
            Symbol coin = Symbol.Cross; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            List<Point> expected = new List<Point>(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            expected.Add(new Point(5, 4));
            expected.Add(new Point(5, 8));
            List<Point> actual1;
            actual1 = target.StepOne(coin);
            List<Point> Actual = new List<Point>();
            foreach (Point ptr in actual1)

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.ToString(), Actual.ToString());

            target = null;
            board = null;
        public void CreatePointTest()
            //  PrivateObject param0 = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
               // Board_Accessor target = new Board_Accessor(param0); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            int size = 2;
            Board target = Board.createInstance(size);

            List<Point> expected = new List<Point>();
            Point Epoint= new Point(0,0);
            for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++)
                    expected.Add(new Point(x, y));
            IEnumerable<Point> act;
            List<Point> actual = new List<Point>();
            act = target.CreatePoint();
            foreach (Point position in act)
                actual.Add(new Point(position.X, position.Y));
               Assert.AreEqual(expected.ToString(), actual.ToString());
        public void TestCourseStudentLeaving()
            Student studentToRemove = new Student("Pesho", 34342);

            IList<Student> students = new List<Student>()
                new Student("Pesho", 10002),
                new Student("Gosho", 20003),
                new Student("Mariq", 30004),
                new Student("Pettq", 10042),

            Course course = new Course(students);


            bool studentHasLeft = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < course.Students.Count; i++)
                if (course.Students[i].Name == studentToRemove.Name && course.Students[i].Number == studentToRemove.Number)
                    studentHasLeft = false;

            Assert.AreEqual(4, students.Count, "Expected to count 4 students after removing one from the course.");
            Assert.IsFalse(students.ToString().Contains(studentToRemove.Number.ToString()), "Expected to remove the student from the course but found his unique number.");
            Assert.IsTrue(studentHasLeft, "Expected to not find a student with the same name and number");
        //private IList<string> GetAppTable(IWebElement element)
        //    IWebElement rowElement;
        //    IList<IWebElement> columnElements;
        //    IList<IWebElement> rowElements;
        //    List<string> htmlTable = new List<string>();
        //    rowElements = element.FindElements(By.TagName("tr"));
        //    int rowNum = rowElements.Count;
        //    if (rowNum > 0)
        //    {
        //        string value = "";
        //        for (int i = 0; i < rowNum; i++)
        //        {
        //            rowElement = rowElements[i];
        //            columnElements = rowElement.FindElements(By.TagName("td"));
        //            if (columnElements == null)
        //            {
        //                columnElements = rowElement.FindElements(By.TagName("th"));
        //            }
        //            int colNum = columnElements.Count;
        //            for (int j = 0; j < colNum; j++)
        //            {
        //                value = columnElements[j].Text;
        //                if (value != null)
        //                {
        //                    htmlTable.Add(value);
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    htmlTable.Add("");
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        throw new Exception();
        //    }
        //    return htmlTable;
        private void CompareTableData(UITestControl element, string tableName, string expectedValue, bool stopOnFailure, Object customErrorMessage = null)
            IList<string> htmlTable;
            IList<string> inputTable;
            string paradigm = element.TechnologyName;
                //htmlTable = GetAppTable(element);
                if (paradigm.Equals("Web", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    HtmlTable actTable = (HtmlTable)element;
                    htmlTable = actTable.GetContent();
                    WinTable actTable = (WinTable)element;
                    htmlTable = actTable.GetContent();

                inputTable = new List<string>(expectedValue.Split(',').ToList<string>());

                List<string> tempInputTable = new List<string>();

                foreach (string inputVal in inputTable)
                    string formattedValue = inputVal.Replace("\\\\", ",");

                inputTable = tempInputTable;

                string inputTableStr = string.Join("|", inputTable);
                string actualTableStr = string.Join("|", htmlTable);

                if (actualTableStr.Contains(inputTableStr))

                    reportResults("Check Table: Table Data",
                            "Check Table: Table Data command passed. Table : " + tableName,

                    string inputTableString = inputTable.ToString();
                    string htmlTableString = htmlTable.ToString();

                           "Check Table: Table Data",
                           "Check Table: Table Data command failed. Table : " + tableName + ", table data is not as expected. Expected : "
                           + string.Join(",", inputTableString) + ", Actual : " + string.Join(",", htmlTableString),

            catch (AssertFailedException e)
                throw e;
            catch (Exception e)
                          "Check Table: Table Data",
                          "Check Table: Table Data command failed. Actual Error : " + e.Message,
Exemple #13
        private void CheckEdgeGraph(HalfEdgeStructure edgeGraph)
            var checkoff = new List<HalfEdge>(edgeGraph.Edges);
              //faces should all have closed graphs
              foreach (var f in edgeGraph.Faces)
            CheckOffEdges(checkoff, f.OuterEdge);

              //now we just have 1 poly for the outer bounds facing in.
              CheckOffEdges(checkoff, checkoff[0]);

              Assert.AreEqual(0, checkoff.Count, "Dangling edges: " + checkoff.ToString());
Exemple #14
        public void IdentityPathTest()
            SimpleIdentity id = new SimpleIdentity();
            IdentityPath pathSimple = new IdentityPath(id);
            Assert.AreEqual(IdentityPath.ROOT, pathSimple.Parent);
            Assert.AreEqual(IdentityPath.ROOT, pathSimple.GetPathTo(-1));
            Assert.AreEqual(id, pathSimple.Child);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, pathSimple.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, pathSimple.Depth);
            AssertEx.ThrowsException<IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => pathSimple.GetPathTo(-2));
            AssertEx.ThrowsException<IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => pathSimple.GetPathTo(1));

            IdentityPath pathRoot = new IdentityPath(new Identity[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(IdentityPath.ROOT, pathRoot);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, pathRoot.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, pathRoot.Depth);
            AssertEx.ThrowsException<IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => pathRoot.Child);
            AssertEx.ThrowsException<IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => pathRoot.Parent);

            const int count = 5;

            List<Identity> listId1 = new List<Identity>();
            List<Identity> listId2 = new List<Identity>();
            HashSet<IdentityPath> setPaths = new HashSet<IdentityPath>();

            IdentityPath last = IdentityPath.ROOT;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                listId1.Add(new NumericIdentity(i));
                listId2.Add(new NumericIdentity(i));

                IdentityPath path = new IdentityPath(listId1);
                Assert.AreEqual(path, new IdentityPath(listId1));
                Assert.AreNotEqual(path, new IdentityPath(listId2));
                Assert.AreEqual(last, path.Parent);
                Assert.AreSame(listId1[i], path.Child);
                Assert.AreEqual(path, new IdentityPath(path.Parent, path.Child));
                Assert.AreEqual(i, path.Depth);
                Assert.AreEqual(listId1.Count, path.Length);
                Assert.AreSame(path.Child, path.GetIdentity(path.Depth));
                Assert.AreEqual(path.Parent, path.GetPathTo(path.Depth - 1));
                Assert.AreEqual("/" + listId1.ToString("/"), path.ToString());
                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                last = path;