Exemple #1
        private static ArgumentAnalysisResult AnalyzeArguments(
            Symbol symbol,
            AnalyzedArguments arguments,
            bool isMethodGroupConversion,
            bool expanded)
            Debug.Assert((object)symbol != null);
            Debug.Assert(arguments != null);

            ImmutableArray <ParameterSymbol> parameters = symbol.GetParameters();
            bool isVararg = symbol.GetIsVararg();

            // The easy out is that we have no named arguments and are in normal form.
            if (!expanded && arguments.Names.Count == 0)
                return(AnalyzeArgumentsForNormalFormNoNamedArguments(parameters, arguments, isMethodGroupConversion, isVararg));

            // We simulate an additional non-optional parameter for a vararg method.

            int argumentCount = arguments.Arguments.Count;

            int[] parametersPositions      = null;
            int?  unmatchedArgumentIndex   = null;
            bool? unmatchedArgumentIsNamed = null;

            // Try to map every argument position to a formal parameter position:

            bool seenNamedParams = false;
            bool seenOutOfPositionNamedArgument = false;
            bool isValidParams = IsValidParams(symbol);

            for (int argumentPosition = 0; argumentPosition < argumentCount; ++argumentPosition)
                // We use -1 as a sentinel to mean that no parameter was found that corresponded to this argument.
                bool isNamedArgument;
                int  parameterPosition = CorrespondsToAnyParameter(parameters, expanded, arguments, argumentPosition,
                                                                   isValidParams, isVararg, out isNamedArgument, ref seenNamedParams, ref seenOutOfPositionNamedArgument) ?? -1;

                if (parameterPosition == -1 && unmatchedArgumentIndex == null)
                    unmatchedArgumentIndex   = argumentPosition;
                    unmatchedArgumentIsNamed = isNamedArgument;

                if (parameterPosition != argumentPosition && parametersPositions == null)
                    parametersPositions = new int[argumentCount];
                    for (int i = 0; i < argumentPosition; ++i)
                        parametersPositions[i] = i;

                if (parametersPositions != null)
                    parametersPositions[argumentPosition] = parameterPosition;

            ParameterMap argsToParameters = new ParameterMap(parametersPositions, argumentCount);

            // We have analyzed every argument and tried to make it correspond to a particular parameter.
            // We must now answer the following questions:
            // (1) Is there any named argument used out-of-position and followed by unnamed arguments?
            // (2) Is there any argument without a corresponding parameter?
            // (3) Was there any named argument that specified a parameter that was already
            //     supplied with a positional parameter?
            // (4) Is there any non-optional parameter without a corresponding argument?
            // (5) Is there any named argument that were specified twice?
            // If the answer to any of these questions is "yes" then the method is not applicable.
            // It is possible that the answer to any number of these questions is "yes", and so
            // we must decide which error condition to prioritize when reporting the error,
            // should we need to report why a given method is not applicable. We prioritize
            // them in the given order.

            // (1) Is there any named argument used out-of-position and followed by unnamed arguments?

            int?badNonTrailingNamedArgument = CheckForBadNonTrailingNamedArgument(arguments, argsToParameters, parameters);

            if (badNonTrailingNamedArgument != null)

            // (2) Is there any argument without a corresponding parameter?

            if (unmatchedArgumentIndex != null)
                if (unmatchedArgumentIsNamed.Value)

            // (3) was there any named argument that specified a parameter that was already
            //     supplied with a positional parameter?

            int?nameUsedForPositional = NameUsedForPositional(arguments, argsToParameters);

            if (nameUsedForPositional != null)

            // (4) Is there any non-optional parameter without a corresponding argument?

            int?requiredParameterMissing = CheckForMissingRequiredParameter(argsToParameters, parameters, isMethodGroupConversion, expanded);

            if (requiredParameterMissing != null)

            // __arglist cannot be used with named arguments (as it doesn't have a name)
            if (arguments.Names.Any() && arguments.Names.Last() != null && isVararg)

            // (5) Is there any named argument that were specified twice?

            int?duplicateNamedArgument = CheckForDuplicateNamedArgument(arguments);

            if (duplicateNamedArgument != null)

            // We're good; this one might be applicable in the given form.

            return(expanded ?
                   ArgumentAnalysisResult.ExpandedForm(argsToParameters.ToImmutableArray()) :
        private static ArgumentAnalysisResult AnalyzeArguments(
            Symbol symbol,
            AnalyzedArguments arguments,
            bool isMethodGroupConversion,
            bool expanded)
            Debug.Assert((object)symbol != null);
            Debug.Assert(arguments != null);

            ImmutableArray<ParameterSymbol> parameters = symbol.GetParameters();

            // The easy out is that we have no named arguments and are in normal form.
            if (!expanded && arguments.Names.Count == 0)
                return AnalyzeArgumentsForNormalFormNoNamedArguments(parameters, arguments, isMethodGroupConversion, symbol.GetIsVararg());

            // We simulate an additional non-optional parameter for a vararg method.

            int argumentCount = arguments.Arguments.Count;

            int[] parametersPositions = null;
            int? unmatchedArgumentIndex = null;
            bool? unmatchedArgumentIsNamed = null;

            // Try to map every argument position to a formal parameter position:

            for (int argumentPosition = 0; argumentPosition < argumentCount; ++argumentPosition)
                // We use -1 as a sentinel to mean that no parameter was found that corresponded to this argument.
                bool isNamedArgument;
                int parameterPosition = CorrespondsToAnyParameter(parameters, expanded, arguments, argumentPosition, out isNamedArgument) ?? -1;
                if (parameterPosition == -1 && unmatchedArgumentIndex == null)
                    unmatchedArgumentIndex = argumentPosition;
                    unmatchedArgumentIsNamed = isNamedArgument;

                if (parameterPosition != argumentPosition && parametersPositions == null)
                    parametersPositions = new int[argumentCount];
                    for (int i = 0; i < argumentPosition; ++i)
                        parametersPositions[i] = i;

                if (parametersPositions != null)
                    parametersPositions[argumentPosition] = parameterPosition;

            ParameterMap argsToParameters = new ParameterMap(parametersPositions, argumentCount);

            // We have analyzed every argument and tried to make it correspond to a particular parameter. 
            // There are now three questions we must answer:
            // (1) Is there any argument without a corresponding parameter?
            // (2) was there any named argument that specified a parameter that was already
            //     supplied with a positional parameter?
            // (3) Is there any non-optional parameter without a corresponding argument?
            // If the answer to any of these questions is "yes" then the method is not applicable.
            // It is possible that the answer to any number of these questions is "yes", and so
            // we must decide which error condition to prioritize when reporting the error, 
            // should we need to report why a given method is not applicable. We prioritize
            // them in the given order.

            // (1) Is there any argument without a corresponding parameter?

            if (unmatchedArgumentIndex != null)
                if (unmatchedArgumentIsNamed.Value)
                    return ArgumentAnalysisResult.NoCorrespondingNamedParameter(unmatchedArgumentIndex.Value);
                    return ArgumentAnalysisResult.NoCorrespondingParameter(unmatchedArgumentIndex.Value);

            // (2) was there any named argument that specified a parameter that was already
            //     supplied with a positional parameter?

            int? nameUsedForPositional = NameUsedForPositional(arguments, argsToParameters);
            if (nameUsedForPositional != null)
                return ArgumentAnalysisResult.NameUsedForPositional(nameUsedForPositional.Value);

            // (3) Is there any non-optional parameter without a corresponding argument?

            int? requiredParameterMissing = CheckForMissingRequiredParameter(argsToParameters, parameters, isMethodGroupConversion, expanded);
            if (requiredParameterMissing != null)
                return ArgumentAnalysisResult.RequiredParameterMissing(requiredParameterMissing.Value);

            // __arglist cannot be used with named arguments (as it doesn't have a name)
            if (arguments.Names.Count != 0 && symbol.GetIsVararg())
                return ArgumentAnalysisResult.RequiredParameterMissing(parameters.Length);

            // We're good; this one might be applicable in the given form.

            return expanded ?
                ArgumentAnalysisResult.ExpandedForm(argsToParameters.ToImmutableArray()) :
        /// <remarks>
        /// Similar to SymbolExtensions.GetParameters, but returns empty for unsupported symbols
        /// and handles delegates.
        /// </remarks>
        private static ImmutableArray<ParameterSymbol> GetParameters(Symbol symbol)
            switch (symbol.Kind)
                case SymbolKind.NamedType:
                    MethodSymbol delegateInvoke = ((NamedTypeSymbol)symbol).DelegateInvokeMethod;
                    if ((object)delegateInvoke != null)
                        return delegateInvoke.Parameters;
                case SymbolKind.Method:
                case SymbolKind.Property:
                case SymbolKind.Event:
                    return symbol.GetParameters();

            return ImmutableArray<ParameterSymbol>.Empty;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Rewrites arguments of an invocation according to the receiving method or indexer.
        /// It is assumed that each argument has already been lowered, but we may need
        /// additional rewriting for the arguments, such as generating a params array, re-ordering
        /// arguments based on <paramref name="argsToParamsOpt"/> map, inserting arguments for optional parameters, etc.
        /// <paramref name="optionalParametersMethod"/> is the method used for values of any optional parameters.
        /// For indexers, this method must be an accessor, and for methods it must be the method
        /// itself. <paramref name="optionalParametersMethod"/> is needed for indexers since getter and setter
        /// may have distinct optional parameter values.
        /// </summary>
        private ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> MakeArguments(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> rewrittenArguments,
            Symbol methodOrIndexer,
            MethodSymbol optionalParametersMethod,
            bool expanded,
            ImmutableArray<int> argsToParamsOpt,
            ref ImmutableArray<RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt,
            out ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol> temps,
            bool invokedAsExtensionMethod = false,
            ThreeState enableCallerInfo = ThreeState.Unknown)
            // Either the methodOrIndexer is a property, in which case the method used
            // for optional parameters is an accessor of that property (or an overridden
            // property), or the methodOrIndexer is used for optional parameters directly.
            Debug.Assert(((methodOrIndexer.Kind == SymbolKind.Property) && optionalParametersMethod.IsAccessor()) ||
                ReferenceEquals(methodOrIndexer, optionalParametersMethod));

            // We need to do a fancy rewrite under the following circumstances:
            // (1) a params array is being used; we need to generate the array.
            // (2) there were named arguments that reordered the arguments; we might
            //     have to generate temporaries to ensure that the arguments are 
            //     evaluated in source code order, not the actual call order.
            // (3) there were optional parameters that had no corresponding arguments.
            // If none of those are the case then we can just take an early out.

            // An applicable "vararg" method could not possibly be applicable in its expanded
            // form, and cannot possibly have named arguments or used optional parameters, 
            // because the __arglist() argument has to be positional and in the last position. 

            if (methodOrIndexer.GetIsVararg())
                Debug.Assert(rewrittenArguments.Length == methodOrIndexer.GetParameterCount() + 1);
                temps = default(ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol>);
                return rewrittenArguments;

            var receiverNamedType = invokedAsExtensionMethod ?
                                    ((MethodSymbol)methodOrIndexer).Parameters[0].Type as NamedTypeSymbol :

            bool isComReceiver = (object)receiverNamedType != null && receiverNamedType.IsComImport;

            if (rewrittenArguments.Length == methodOrIndexer.GetParameterCount() &&
                argsToParamsOpt.IsDefault &&
                !expanded &&
                temps = default(ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol>);
                return rewrittenArguments;

            // We have:
            // * a list of arguments, already converted to their proper types, 
            //   in source code order. Some optional arguments might be missing.
            // * a map showing which parameter each argument corresponds to. If
            //   this is null, then the argument to parameter mapping is one-to-one.
            // * the ref kind of each argument, in source code order. That is, whether
            //   the argument was marked as ref, out, or value (neither).
            // * a method symbol.
            // * whether the call is expanded or normal form.

            // We rewrite the call so that:
            // * if in its expanded form, we create the params array.
            // * if the call requires reordering of arguments because of named arguments, temporaries are generated as needed

            // Doing this transformation can move around refness in interesting ways. For example, consider
            // A().M(y : ref B()[C()], x : out D());
            // This will be created as a call with receiver A(), symbol M, argument list ( B()[C()], D() ),
            // name list ( y, x ) and ref list ( ref, out ).  We can rewrite this into temporaries:
            // A().M( 
            //    seq ( ref int temp_y = ref B()[C()], out D() ),
            //    temp_y );
            // Now we have a call with receiver A(), symbol M, argument list as shown, no name list,
            // and ref list ( out, value ). We do not want to pass a *ref* to temp_y; the temporary
            // storage is not the thing being ref'd! We want to pass the *value* of temp_y, which
            // *contains* a reference.

            // We attempt to minimize the number of temporaries required. Arguments which neither
            // produce nor observe a side effect can be placed into their proper position without
            // recourse to a temporary. For example:
            // Where(predicate: x=>x.Length!=0, sequence: S())
            // can be rewritten without any temporaries because the conversion from lambda to
            // delegate does not produce any side effect that could be observed by S().
            // By contrast:
            // Foo(z: this.p, y: this.Q(), x: (object)10)
            // The boxing of 10 can be reordered, but the fetch of this.p has to happen before the
            // call to this.Q() because the call could change the value of this.p. 
            // We start by binding everything that is not obviously reorderable as a temporary, and
            // then run an optimizer to remove unnecessary temporaries.

            ImmutableArray<ParameterSymbol> parameters = methodOrIndexer.GetParameters();
            BoundExpression[] actualArguments = new BoundExpression[parameters.Length]; // The actual arguments that will be passed; one actual argument per formal parameter.
            ArrayBuilder<BoundAssignmentOperator> storesToTemps = ArrayBuilder<BoundAssignmentOperator>.GetInstance(rewrittenArguments.Length);
            ArrayBuilder<RefKind> refKinds = ArrayBuilder<RefKind>.GetInstance(parameters.Length, RefKind.None);

            // Step one: Store everything that is non-trivial into a temporary; record the
            // stores in storesToTemps and make the actual argument a reference to the temp.
            // Do not yet attempt to deal with params arrays or optional arguments.
            BuildStoresToTemps(expanded, argsToParamsOpt, argumentRefKindsOpt, rewrittenArguments, actualArguments, refKinds, storesToTemps);

            // all the formal arguments, except missing optionals, are now in place. 
            // Optimize away unnecessary temporaries.
            // Necessary temporaries have their store instructions merged into the appropriate 
            // argument expression.
            ArrayBuilder<LocalSymbol> temporariesBuilder = ArrayBuilder<LocalSymbol>.GetInstance();
            OptimizeTemporaries(actualArguments, refKinds, storesToTemps, temporariesBuilder);

            // Step two: If we have a params array, build the array and fill in the argument.
            if (expanded)
                actualArguments[actualArguments.Length - 1] = BuildParamsArray(syntax, methodOrIndexer, argsToParamsOpt, rewrittenArguments, parameters, actualArguments[actualArguments.Length - 1]);

            // Step three: Now fill in the optional arguments.
            InsertMissingOptionalArguments(syntax, optionalParametersMethod.Parameters, actualArguments, enableCallerInfo);

            if (isComReceiver)
                RewriteArgumentsForComCall(parameters, actualArguments, refKinds, temporariesBuilder);

            temps = temporariesBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();

            // * The refkind map is now filled out to match the arguments.
            // * The list of parameter names is now null because the arguments have been reordered.
            // * The args-to-params map is now null because every argument exactly matches its parameter.
            // * The call is no longer in its expanded form.

            argumentRefKindsOpt = GetRefKindsOrNull(refKinds);

            return actualArguments.AsImmutableOrNull();
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Rewrites arguments of an invocation according to the receiving method or indexer.
        /// It is assumed that the each argument has already been lowered, but we may need
        /// additional rewriting for the arguments, such as generating a params array, re-ordering
        /// arguments based on argsToParamsOpt map, inserting arguments for optional parameters, etc.
        /// 'optionalParametersMethod' is the method used for values of any optional parameters.
        /// For indexers, this method must be an accessor, and for methods it must be the method
        /// itself. 'optionalParametersMethod' is needed for indexers since the getter and setter
        /// may have distinct optional parameter values.
        /// </summary>
        private ImmutableArray <BoundExpression> MakeArguments(
            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax,
            ImmutableArray <BoundExpression> rewrittenArguments,
            Symbol methodOrIndexer,
            MethodSymbol optionalParametersMethod,
            bool expanded,
            ImmutableArray <int> argsToParamsOpt,
            ref ImmutableArray <RefKind> argumentRefKindsOpt,
            out ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> temps,
            bool invokedAsExtensionMethod = false)
            // Either the methodOrIndexer is a property, in which case the method used
            // for optional parameters is an accessor of that property (or an overridden
            // property), or the methodOrIndexer is used for optional parameters directly.
            Debug.Assert(((methodOrIndexer.Kind == SymbolKind.Property) && optionalParametersMethod.IsAccessor()) ||
                         ReferenceEquals(methodOrIndexer, optionalParametersMethod));

            // We need to do a fancy rewrite under the following circumstances:
            // (1) a params array is being used; we need to generate the array.
            // (2) there were named arguments that reordered the arguments; we might
            //     have to generate temporaries to ensure that the arguments are
            //     evaluated in source code order, not the actual call order.
            // (3) there were optional parameters that had no corresponding arguments.
            // If none of those are the case then we can just take an early out.

            // An applicable "vararg" method could not possibly be applicable in its expanded
            // form, and cannot possibly have named arguments or used optional parameters,
            // because the __arglist() argument has to be positional and in the last position.

            if (methodOrIndexer.GetIsVararg())
                Debug.Assert(rewrittenArguments.Length == methodOrIndexer.GetParameterCount() + 1);
                temps = default(ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol>);

            var receiverNamedType = invokedAsExtensionMethod ?
                                    ((MethodSymbol)methodOrIndexer).Parameters[0].Type as NamedTypeSymbol :

            bool isComReceiver = (object)receiverNamedType != null && receiverNamedType.IsComImport;

            if (rewrittenArguments.Length == methodOrIndexer.GetParameterCount() &&
                argsToParamsOpt.IsDefault &&
                !expanded &&
                temps = default(ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol>);

            // We have:
            // * a list of arguments, already converted to their proper types,
            //   in source code order. Some optional arguments might be missing.
            // * a map showing which parameter each argument corresponds to. If
            //   this is null, then the argument to parameter mapping is one-to-one.
            // * the ref kind of each argument, in source code order. That is, whether
            //   the argument was marked as ref, out, or value (neither).
            // * a method symbol.
            // * whether the call is expanded or normal form.

            // We rewrite the call so that:
            // * if in its expanded form, we create the params array.
            // * if the call requires reordering of arguments because of named arguments, temporaries are generated as needed

            // Doing this transformation can move around refness in interesting ways. For example, consider
            // A().M(y : ref B()[C()], x : out D());
            // This will be created as a call with receiver A(), symbol M, argument list ( B()[C()], D() ),
            // name list ( y, x ) and ref list ( ref, out ).  We can rewrite this into temporaries:
            // A().M(
            //    seq ( ref int temp_y = ref B()[C()], out D() ),
            //    temp_y );
            // Now we have a call with receiver A(), symbol M, argument list as shown, no name list,
            // and ref list ( out, value ). We do not want to pass a *ref* to temp_y; the temporary
            // storage is not the thing being ref'd! We want to pass the *value* of temp_y, which
            // *contains* a reference.

            // We attempt to minimize the number of temporaries required. Arguments which neither
            // produce nor observe a side effect can be placed into their proper position without
            // recourse to a temporary. For example:
            // Where(predicate: x=>x.Length!=0, sequence: S())
            // can be rewritten without any temporaries because the conversion from lambda to
            // delegate does not produce any side effect that could be observed by S().
            // By contrast:
            // Foo(z: this.p, y: this.Q(), x: (object)10)
            // The boxing of 10 can be reordered, but the fetch of this.p has to happen before the
            // call to this.Q() because the call could change the value of this.p.
            // We start by binding everything that is not obviously reorderable as a temporary, and
            // then run an optimizer to remove unnecessary temporaries.

            ImmutableArray <ParameterSymbol> parameters = methodOrIndexer.GetParameters();

            BoundExpression[] actualArguments = new BoundExpression[parameters.Length]; // The actual arguments that will be passed; one actual argument per formal parameter.
            ArrayBuilder <BoundAssignmentOperator> storesToTemps = ArrayBuilder <BoundAssignmentOperator> .GetInstance(rewrittenArguments.Length);

            ArrayBuilder <RefKind> refKinds = ArrayBuilder <RefKind> .GetInstance(parameters.Length, RefKind.None);

            // Step one: Store everything that is non-trivial into a temporary; record the
            // stores in storesToTemps and make the actual argument a reference to the temp.
            // Do not yet attempt to deal with params arrays or optional arguments.
            BuildStoresToTemps(expanded, argsToParamsOpt, argumentRefKindsOpt, rewrittenArguments, actualArguments, refKinds, storesToTemps);

            // Step two: If we have a params array, build the array and fill in the argument.
            if (expanded)
                actualArguments[actualArguments.Length - 1] = BuildParamsArray(syntax, methodOrIndexer, argsToParamsOpt, rewrittenArguments, parameters, actualArguments[actualArguments.Length - 1]);

            // Step three: Now fill in the optional arguments.
            InsertMissingOptionalArguments(syntax, optionalParametersMethod.Parameters, actualArguments);

            // Step four: all the arguments are now in place. Optimize away unnecessary temporaries.
            // Necessary temporaries have their store instructions merged into the appropriate
            // argument expression.
            ArrayBuilder <LocalSymbol> temporariesBuilder = ArrayBuilder <LocalSymbol> .GetInstance();

            OptimizeTemporaries(actualArguments, refKinds, storesToTemps, temporariesBuilder);

            if (isComReceiver)
                RewriteArgumentsForComCall(parameters, actualArguments, refKinds, temporariesBuilder);

            temps = temporariesBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();

            // * The refkind map is now filled out to match the arguments.
            // * The list of parameter names is now null because the arguments have been reordered.
            // * The args-to-params map is now null because every argument exactly matches its parameter.
            // * The call is no longer in its expanded form.

            argumentRefKindsOpt = GetRefKindsOrNull(refKinds);
